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Number of items: 52.


Anyanzu, Francis (2016) Livelihood and Informality: The Case of Urban Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in Kampala. MPhil thesis, University of Sussex.


Chagumaira, Christopher (2015) Perceived Local Evidence of Climate Change and Variability Impacts on Natural Resources in Smallholder Communities of Eastern Zimbabwe. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Charlesworth, Matthew (2009) Is Pleasure a Genuine Element of the Human Good? A New Natural Law Perspective Comparing the Authors John Finnis and Timothy Chappell. MPhil thesis, Heythrop College.

Chipurura, Batsirai (2010) Nutritional Content, Phenolic Compounds Composition and Antioxidant Activities of Selected Indigenous Vegetables of Zimbabwe. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Chirisa, Elaine (2014) Screening for the Effects of Selected Zimbabwean Plant Extracts on Enzymes and Processes Involved in Pain and Inflammation. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Chitemerere, Tariro Alison (2014) In vitro Antibacterial Activity of Selected Plant Extracts from Zimbabwe. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.


Dhoro, Gilbert Kudakwashe (2012) A Study of the Theme of Persecution and the Relationships between Victims and Aggressors in Four Tragedies by Jean Racine: Andromaque, Britannicus Bajazet and Phedre. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Dhoro, Milcah (2010) Identification and Differentiation of Fusarium Species using Selected Molecular Methods. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.


Ekeno, Augostine Edan (2012) The International Criminal Court and African Conflicts: Transitional Justice in Kenya after the Post-Election Violence. MPhil thesis, University of Dublin (Trinity College).


Gadaga, Louis L. (2012) Investigation of the Toxicological and Pharmacological Activity of a Hydroethanolic Extract of Boophone Disticha Bulb. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Gara, Tawanda Winmore (2012) Modelling Spatial Variations in Wood Volume and Forest Carbon Stocks in Dry Forests of Southern Africa Using Remotely Sensed Data. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Gatitu, Kiguru (2014) A Critical Discourse Analysis of Language used in Selected Courts of Law in Kenya. MPhil thesis, Kenyatta University.

Gomo, Calvin (2010) A Survey of Tuberculosis and Brucellosis in Wildlife and Cattle in the South-East Lowveld of Zimbabwe. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Gowo, Gladys Claris (2014) Towards An Educational Charter for Little Children of Our Blessed Lady Religious Congregation (LCBL). MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.


Jiri, Obert (2003) Mineral Nutrition and Integration of Forage Legumes into Smallholder Farming Systems, with Emphasis on Velvet Bean [Mucuna pruriens (L) DC var. utilis]. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.


Kagorora, Kansiime Monica (2014) Determinants of Crop and Land Management Practices and Effects on Production Risks under Variable Climatic Conditions in Eastern Uganda. MPhil thesis, Kenyatta University.

Kalenzi, Paul (2010) Non-Sensory Perception in Christian Mystical Experience. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe (Arrupe College).

Kamunda, Caspah (2007) Design and Construction of Microcontroller-Based Multi-Parameter Monitoring System. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Kangira, Jairos (2001) Transitivity in Kalanga. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Kanonge, Grace (2014) A Fertilizer Management Strategy for Sequential Production of Maize and Legumes in Smallholder Farming Systems of Zimbabwe. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Kokera, Richman (2013) Factors Affecting the Emergency Management and Treatment of Aggressive and Violent Behaviour in a Mental Health Institution, Zimbabwe. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Kwangwari, Christine (2009) Formal Politics at the District and Sub District Levels: The Case of Goromonzi. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.


Mahenga, Gaudencia Tichaidza (2008) A Study of the Effects of Pruning and Deheading on the Flowering Behaviour of Leucospermum CV. Scarlet Ribbon and Leucospermum Saxosum. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Maibvise, Charles (2007) Investigation into the Pharmacodynamics of Ethanol as a Nerve Blocking Agent. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Makeredza, Brian (2008) The Role of Seed-Borne Inoculum Levels in the Development of Common Bean Blight Disease (Xanhomonas axonopodis Pv. phaseoli) on Bean in Zimbabwe under Smallholder Farming Systems and Evaluation of Alternative Control Methods Based on Botanical Extracts. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Manasa, Justen (2009) Setting Up of HIV-1 Antiretroviral Resistance Testing Methods and their Clinical Applications. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Mantsebo, Colleta Chipo (2014) The Effects of Irrigation Methods, Calcium Levels and other Nutrients on Soft Rot (Pectobacterium carotovora subspecies brasiliensis) Infection of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Manzeke, Muneta Grace (2013) Exploring the Effectiveness of Different Fertilizer Formulations in Alleviating Zinc Deficiency in Smallholder Maize Production Systems in Zimbabwe. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Maponga, Carol Batsirai (2008) Thermal Regulatory Problems Associated with Playing Soccer. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Mashavave, Tinashe, Charles (2014) Understanding Farmer Co-Learning Processes under the Learning Centre Approach to Promote Uptake of Soil Fertility Management Technologies in Zimbabwe. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Masiwa, Thomas (2008) Some Aspects of Products of Totally Permutable Groups. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Mbereko, Alexio (2008) Understanding Socio-Economic Outcomes of Technological Innovations over Access, Use and Management of Natural Resources in Zimbabwe: A Case Study of Zungwi Vlei (Zvishavane District). MPhil thesis, Univerisity of Zimbabwe.

Mruma, Rosemary Oswald (2005) Implementation of the National Environment Policy: A Case of the Local Government Authorities in Dar es Salaam City Tanzania. MPhil thesis, University of Bergen.

Mudyiwa, Misheck (2016) An Investigation into the Impact of Super Roma’s Healing Ministry on the Roman Catholic Church in Zimbabwe: A Case Study of Gweru and Masvingo Dioceses. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Murimba, Idzai (2009) HIV and AIDS: An Analysis of Community Coping Strategies with Special Reference to Mutambi Ward Community of Zvishavane, Zimbabwe. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Musamba, Shingai Liberty (2011) Effect of Reduced Feeding Allowances on the Nitrogen Retention and Growth of Indigenous Pigs. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Mutowo, Godfrey (2010) Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Modelling of Tree Species Diversity in the Woodlands of Zimbabwe. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.


Ndaimani, Henry (2012) Modelling of the Response of Sable Antelope (Hippotragus Niger Niger) to Trophy Hunting: A GIS and Remote Sensing Approach. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Nyamwanza, Owen Tonderayi (2014) Institutional Dynamics of Innovation Platforms: A Case Study of Conservation Agriculture in Gwanda District, Zimbabwe. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.


Owen, Sibanda (2005) An Assessment of the Contribution of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) to the Manufacturing Sector in Small Urban Centres of Zimbabwe: A Case Study of SMEs in Bindura Town. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.


Pachavo, Godfrey (2013) Remote Sensing Patterns of Net Primary Productivity in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area (GLTFCA) in Relation to Land Use and Land Tenure. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Padiet, James Solomon (2004) John Locke's Liberal Democracy: A Possible Basis for a Stable Government in the Sudan. MPhil thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Paradza, Vongai M. (2015) Identification of soft Rot Species Found in the Harare Area of Zimbabwe and an Evaluation of the Susceptibility of Selected Potato Cultivars to the Pathogens. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.


Simbarashe, Peter Zvada (2012) Predicting Potential Cyp450 Enzyme Inhibition Based Drug-Drug Interaction during Drugs Prescription using a Computer Aid. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.


Tafadzwa, Munodawafa (2015) Screening of some Traditional Medicinal Plants from Zimbabwe for Biological and Anti-microbial Activity. MPhil thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Tambara, Edwin Munyaradzi (2012) Impact of Agricultural Intensification on Biodiversity and Secondary Succession in the Mid-Zambezi Valley, Northern Zimbabwe. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Tangonyire, Raymond Chegedua (2014) Exploring Perceptions of “critical friendship” in Relation to the Environment for Learning in Two Senior High Schools in Ghana. MPhil thesis, University of Cambridge.

Tawodzera, Godfrey (2005) The Socio-Economic Impact of HIV/AIDS on Communal Agriculture in Kandeya and Chundu Wards of Mt. Darwin and Hurungwe Districts. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Tumbure, Akinson (2015) Evaluation of Soil Fertility Benefits of Hairy Vetch (Vicia Villosa Roth) in Smallholder Maize Based Cropping Systems of Central Zimbabwe. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.


Viol, Deniz Iklim (2009) Screening of Traditional Medicinal Plants from Zimbabwe for Photochemistry, Antioxidant, Antimicrobial, Antiviral and Toxicological Activities. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.


Wanzala, Pius Nambiza (2007) Whose Development Counts? Political Ecology of Displacement of Bulyanhulu Mining Community in Tanzania. MPhil thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway.


Zvada, Simbarashe Peter (2012) Predicting Potential Cyp450 Enzyme Inhibition Based Drug-Drug Interaction During Drugs Prescription Using a Computer Aid. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

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