The Practices and Challenges of Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development in Government Secondary Schools of Kirkos Sub City in Addis Ababa City Administration

Zeyneba, Ahmed Mohammed (2014) The Practices and Challenges of Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development in Government Secondary Schools of Kirkos Sub City in Addis Ababa City Administration. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

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The purpose of this study was to assess the practices and challenges of CPD program implementation in government secondary schools of Kirkos sub city in Addis Ababa City Administration. To realize this purpose ,four basic questions related to teachers practice of CPD activities in the schools, effects of school based CPD program, supports in place to implement CPD and factors influencing school based CPD program implementation in secondary schools were raised. To this effect, descriptive survey design that involved the use of both quantitative and qualitative approaches in data gathering and analysis was employed. Data was gathered from both primary and secondary sources. Primary sources were 114 teachers, 10 educational experts and 12 school principals. Simple random sampling technique was employed to proportionally select teachers from 4 schools namely Yetebaberut Memhran, Shimelis Habte, Misrak Goh and Temenja Yazh secondary schools. while purposive sampling was employed to select school principals and education experts at sub-city and woreda levels. To collect primary data, questionnaire with closed and open-ended questions, interviews and observation were employed. Interview and observation were conducted to triangulate the information obtained through questionnaire. The quantitative data were first edited, organized, tabulated, and then analyzed using frequency, percentage and mean while qualitative data from interview was narrated and analyzed to support the qualitative analysis. The results of the data analysis and interpretation indicated that CPD had positive impacts in improving classroom activities, improving teachers’ knowledge, skill and attitude. The findings also show that CPD program implementation in secondary schools was largely based on experience sharing in schools among colleagues while there were very much limited trainings for teachers from external bodies. The supports, including incentives, provided to teachers were not also sufficient to implement the program effectively. Hence, it was concluded that though there were positive impacts of the CPD program in Kirkos sub city governmental secondary schools, the support for the CPD program was not as needed to enhance its implementation at the grass root level. A number of factors challenged the program. Unless acted on by concerned bodies, these challenges will further impede the professional development of teachers. Based on the major findings of the study and its conclusion, some recommendations were forwarded in the area of supports and incentives for the smooth running of the program.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools
Divisions: Africana
Depositing User: Vincent Mpoza
Date Deposited: 28 Nov 2018 11:10
Last Modified: 28 Nov 2018 11:10

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