Number of items at this level: 8235.
Ababa, Abebech Haile
Challenges and Opportunities for Health Professionals in Using ICT for Health Care: The Case of Government Owned Health
Centres in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ababu, Eden
H.Pylori Infection and its Association with CD4 T Cell Count among HIV Infected Individuals who Attended the Art Service in Kotebe Health Center, Yeka Subcity, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ababu, Teshome
Design of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) and It’s Implementation in Xilinx Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ababulgu, Fuad Abafita
Studies on the Diversity of Insect Pests in Wild and Cultivated Coffee Plantations in and around Jimma, Southwest Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abade, Shirley
Challenges Facing Supply Chain Management Practices in Retail Outlets: A Case Study of Nakumatt Lifestyle.
Other thesis, University of Nairobi.
Abadi, Genet Hailu
Effect of Performance Appraisal on Employees’ Job Satisfaction: The Case of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abadi, Hana
The Right to Access Health Care for Elderly People: The Case of Addis Ababa, Gulele Sub-City.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abadi, Hana
The Right to Access Health Care for Elderly People: The Case of Addis Ababa, Gulele Sub-City.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abadi, Hana
The Right to Access Health Care for Elderly People:The Case of Addis Ababa, Gulele Sub-City.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abadi, Tekle
Design of Effective Railway Timetable Generation in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abafogi, Abdo
An Assessment of Alternative Strategies for the Basic Education of Women in Rural Bale and Borena.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abagissa, Jemal
The Financial Management of Jimma Town.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abagojam, Mohammed
An Assessment of the Current Decentralized Regional and Local Development
Experience in Oromia Region (1992-1996/97): Challenges and Prospects.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abalang, James Alex
Experiences of Menopause on Sexual Intimacy and Coping Strategies Used among Karen Married Women.
Masters thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Abass, Jabir S
A Survey of Implementation of Information Security Awareness Programs by Financial Institutions in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Abate, Abebe Alewond
Assesment of Child Labour and its Impact on the Right to Primary Education: The Case of Bahir Dar Town, Gishabay and Hidar 11 Kebeles.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abate, Abebe Alewond
Assessment of Child Labour and its Impact on the Right to Primary Education: The Case
of Bahir Dar Town, Gishabay and Hidar 11 Kebeles.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abate, Alemwork
Electrocatalytic Reduction of Oxygen at Poly(o-phenylenediamine) and
Poly(3,4- ethylenedioxythiophene) at a Carbon Nanotube Modified Glassy
Carbon Electrodes.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abate, Alyu
The Regulation and Supervision of Interest-Free Banking in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abate, Amare
Problems and Constraints of Urban Green Area Management in Addis Ababa: The Case of Kolfe- Keranio Sub-City.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abate, Asrat
An Assessment of the Practice of Youth Football Projects of Addis Ababa City Administration.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abate, Dureti
Ensuring Good Corporate Governance through Auditors: Appraisal of the Ethiopian Legal Regime Governing their Roles and Responsibilities.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abate, Martha
Challengs of Skills Trained Women in Income Generating
Activities in Selected Subcities of Addis Ababa City
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abate, Roza
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice and
Barriers on Evidence Based Medicine among Physicians
Practicing in Tikur Anbessa Hospital,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abate, Simeneh
Analysis and Parametric Study of Piled Raft Foundation Using Finite Element Based Software.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abate, Yoseph
Digital Image Watermarking.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abatte, Yonas
Community Values and Natural Resource Management: the Case of Indigenous and Settler Communities in Kafa, with Particular Reference to Forest Resources.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abawari, Yasin Abafita
Investigating Factors that Affect the Development of Football in South Nation Nationalites and Peoples Region: With Particular Refernce to Kaffa Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abay, Mebrahtu
Assessment of Effect of Access to Free Health Care on Early Childhood
Mortality, Controlled Quasi Experimental Study of Butajira Birth Cohorts from
2002-2008, South Central Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abay, Tsehainesh
Assessment of Utilization of Skilled Birth Attendant
at Delivery in Mekelle Town, Northern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abayneh, Abraham
Utilization of ICT in Microfinance Institutions in
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abayneh, Asamnew
Assessment of HIV/AIDS and Related Risk Behavior of Commercial Sex Workers in
Licensed Non-Brothels Establishments of Awassa Town, Southern Nation Nationality
People’s Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abayneh, Asres
Determinants of Practice and Intention of Having VCT Voluntary Counselling and Testing among Women of Reproductive Age Group of Amhara Region: The Case of Mecha Woreda, West Gojjam.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abayneh, Elias
The Effect of Psidium Guava Leaf Extract on Blood Pressure in Guinea Pigs, and Weight, Lipid Profiles and Serum Liver Enzymes in Fructose Fed Swiss Albino Mice.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abayneh, Tunasha Banata
Evaluation of Biological Control Agents against Bacterial Wilt
Pathogen (Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum) of Ensete
(Ensete ventricosum).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abayneh, Unasho
Investigation of Antimicrobial Activities of Albizia Gummifera and Ferula Communis on Streptococcus Pneumoniae and Streptococcus Pyogenes Causing Upper
Respiratory Tract Infections in Children.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdalla, Ibrahim Ali
Effect of Fertilizer and Pesticide on the Biocontrol of Cereal Stemborer's and the Awareness of the Introduced Parasitoid in Zanzibar.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Abdalla, Rasha Adam Omer
Agrobacterium Tumefaciens-Mediated Transformation of Sudanese Maize Genotypes Using NPK1 Gene for Enhancing Drought Stress Tolerance.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Abdalla, Rasha Adam Omer
Cloning Abiotic Stress Associated Genes and Agrobacterium Tumefaciens Mediated Transformation of Selected Tropical Maize.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Abdallah, Amina Nassor
Effect of Supplier Relationship Management on Humanitarian Supply Chain Performance at the World Food Programme in Somalia.
Masters thesis, University Of Nairobi.
Abdela, Jemal
In Vivo Antimalarial Activity of Solvent Fractions of the Leaf of
Justicia Schimperiana Hochst. Ex Nees (Acanthaceae) against
Plasmodium Berghei in Mice.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdela, Nejbel Mohaamed
A Study on Planning and Scheduling in Federal Road Projects of Ethiopia : Causes of Non-Excusable Delay in Selected Projects.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdella, Abdulhayi
Media with Negative Refractive Index and their Electromagnetic Properties.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdella, Ahmed
Statistical Analysis of Correlates of Number of Fatalities Per Traffic Accident in Addis Ababa Using Count Data Models.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdella, Ibrahim
Characterization of Bacterial Wilt Pathogen (Ralstonia solanacearum L.) of Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) and its Controls Using Trichoderma and Pseudomonas Isolates.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdella, Kemal Mohammed
Speaker Dependent Speech Recognition for
Sidaama Language.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdeta, Debela
In Vitro and in Vivo Antitrypanosomal Effects of Hydromethanolic Extracts of Solanum Anguivi Fruits and Echinops Kebericho Roots.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdi, Abdikadir Ahmed
The Impact of Conflicts in the Horn of Africa: A Case Study of Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Abdi, Abdinassir Ali
Effect of Corporate Governance on Organizational Performance of State Corporations in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Abdi, Chali
An Integration of Prediction Model with Knowledge Base System for Motor
Insurance Fraud Detection: The Case of Awash Insurance Company S.C.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdi, Daud Mohamed
The Effect of Member Demographics on the Savings and Investment of Individuals in Savings and Credit Co-Operatives Registered by Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Abdi, Kayse Aydid
Ethiopian Field Epidemiology Training Program (EFETP): Complied Body of Work in Field Epidemiology.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdi, Mulatu
E-complaint Management System and GIS Mapping for Addis
Ababa City Administration.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdi, Reshid
The Role of Women in Agro-Pastoral Household Food Security: The Case of Erer Woreda, Shinile Zone, Somali National Regional States.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdi, Sani Genemo
Afaan Oromo Named Entity Recognition Using
Hybrid Approach.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdi, Shentema
Ecological Study of Shrubland Vegetation along the Escarpments between
Addis Alem and Wolenkomi, West Shewa, Oromoia National Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdi, Yusuf
The Use of Mobile Phone for HIV/AIDS Patients Clinical Attendance and Follow-Up in Art Providing Hospitals in
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdi, Zeila Dubow
Mapping and Managing the Spread of Prosopis
Juliflora in Garissa County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Abdikarim, Mohamed Sadiq
Factors Affecting the Performance of Water and Sanitation
Projects in Garissa County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Abdinoor, Abdi D
Federalism as an Instrument for Peace and Reconstruction: The Case of Somalia.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Abdisa, Bedasa
Electrosynthesis and Characterizations of some
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdisa, Bedasa
Stability Study and Photovoltaic Application of Quinoxaline Based Polymers and Effect of Low Boiling Point Solvent Additives on Photovoltaic Performance of Bulk Heterojunction Polymer Solar Cells.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdisa, Kawo Koji
Gravity and Electrical Methods for Groundwater Resoures Potential Assesement and Mapping of Aqufiers, Wobok-Dilo Area, Borena, South Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdishekur, Dursit
Vulnerability of Married Women to HIV Infection and Factors Contributing to Vulnerability in Nazareth, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdissa, Alemseged
Characterization of Group a Streptococci Isolated from Throat of Healthy School Children in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdissa, Bayisa
Assessment of Pre-Marital Sexual Practice and its Concequences among Female Students in Ambo University.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdissa, Feyera
Urban Expansion and the Livelihood of the Peri-Urban Agricultural Community: The Case of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdissa, Hailu
Evaluation of Anti-inflammatory and Wound
Healing Activities of the 80% Methanol Fruit
Extracts of Dovyalis Abyssinica A. Rich. in Mice.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdissa, Shiferraw
Generalized Solutions of Boundary Value Problems with Jump Discontinuity.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdissa, Sileshi
Prevalence of Endometrial Tuberculosis among Patients Undergoing Endometrial Biopsy at Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdo, Hayatu Muze
The Effect of Model Household Training on HIV/AIDS Risk Behaviors in Cheha Woreda-Guraghe Zone, SNNPR: A Community Based Comparative Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdu, Abdella
Sustainable Groundwater Development and Management for Irrigation in Raya and Kobo Valleys, Northern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdu, Ali
Neutron Physics.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdu, Jemal
Household Food Insecurity, Underweight Status and Associated
Characteristics among Women of Reproductive Age Group in Aysaita
District, Affar Regional State, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdu, Mohammed
The Causes and Consequences of Migration in Tigray Region: The Case of Hintalo-Wejerat Wereda.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdu, Mohammedmensur
Arginase Activity in the Blood of Patients with HIV, TB and
HIV/TB Co-infections, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdu, Seid Ahmed
Adoption of Telecenters with Especial Emphasis on Internet
Services: A Case of South Wollo Zone of Amhara Regional
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abduku, Mohammedawel
Barriers to Institutional Delivery among Pregnant Women
Attending Antenatal Care in Robe Hospital and Baha Biftu Health
Center, Bale Zone,Oromia Region, South East Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdul, Isaack Mohamed
The Relationship between Islamic Financial Practices and Performance of Cooperatives in Mandera County.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Abdula, Mama
Assessment of Effectiveness of Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of Human
Immunodeficiency Virus in Asella Teaching and Referral Hospital, College Of Health Sciences,
Aris University: Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdulaziz, Mohammed
An Assessment of Possible Health Risks of Using DDT and
Farmers’ Perception Towards Toxicity of Pesticides Used on
Khat (Catha Edulis): In Haromaya Woreda, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdulhakim, Seid
Effects of Radius of Curved Rail on Rail Wear.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdulkadir, Mohammed
Assessment of Earthquake Analysis Methods of Intake Towers.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdulkadir, Taye
Internet Self-Similarity, Modelling and Performance Evaluation.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdulkarim, Birra
Assessment of Nutritional Status of Adolescents Living with Hivenrolled at Public Hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdulkerim, Mohammed
Towards Integrating Data Mining with Knowledge
Based System: The Case of Network Intrusion Detection.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdullahi, Rashid A.
Urban Planning and Airports: Land Use Compatibility for Optimal Development of Malindi Airport.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Abdulshikur, Mohammed
Environmental Analysis of a Hydrologic System: The Case of Tinishu Akaki River, Western Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdurahman, Ahmed
Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in Structured Metamaterials and System of Two-Level Atoms.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdurahman, Jundi Sheko
Observability of Linear Time Invariant Dynamical System.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdurahman, Mohammed Jemal
Long Term Demand-Forecasting and Generation Expansion Planning of the Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdurehman, Dawud Moh
A Top-Down Chart Parser for Amharic Sentences.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abeba, Ibrahim
A Hybrid Approach to Amharic Base Phrase Chunking and Parsing.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebaw, Abun
Investigation of Variation of Normalized V-Parameter with Wave Length in an Optical Fiber.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebaw, Alem
Application of Case-Based Reasoning in Legal Case Management: An Experiment with Ethiopian Labor Law Cases.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebaw, Desalegn
Prevalence and Associated Factors of Low Birth Weight
among Newborn Babies in Dessie Town Health
Institutions Amhara Region, Ethiopia, 2017.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebaw, Lijalem
Challenges and Opportunities of Irrigated Agriculture: The Case of Gedeb River Catchment of Machakel Woreda, East Gojjam Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebaw, Misganaw
Design and Static Analysis of Carbon/Epoxy Composite Mono Leaf Spring for Light Vehicle Using FEM.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebaw, Wondie Taye
Temporal Dynamics of Phytoplankton Biomass and Primary
Production in Relation to Some Physico-Chemical Variables
in Lake Hora-Arsedi, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebaye, Assefa
Project on a Generalization of Boolean Rings.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebayehu, Samuel
Amharic-English Script Identification in
Real-Life Document Images.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Abel
Evaluation of Recharge and Shallow Groundwater Dynamics in the Upper Awash Basin, Central Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Abeshu Diro
Automatic Morphological Synthesizer for Afaan Oromoo.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Abiy
Perception of High School Students towards Voluntary HIV Counseling and Testing,
Using Health Belief Model in Butajira, SNNPR.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Abnet
Performance Evaluation of Malaria Microscopists Working at Malaria
External Quality Assessment Rechecking Laboratories in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Abrham
Removal Efficiency of Black Cotton Soil in Attenuation of
Pollutants from Wastewater for Reusing Wastewaters for
Aquifer Recharge: Case Study of Kality Treatment Plant Water and Textile Treatment Plant Water, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Adane
Studies on the Levels of Essential and Non-Essential Metals in the Raw and Processed Food (Kolo and Bread) of Maize/Corn (Zea mays L.) Cultivated in Selected Areas of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Ambaye
Assessment of Urban Expansion in the Case of Dukem Town Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Ananiya
Investigating Mathematics Learning and Achievement of Students with Hearing Impairment: The Case of Menelik II Preparatory School.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Argaw
Determinants of Time-to-Under-Five Mortality in Ethiopia: A Comparison of Various Parametric Shared Frailty Models.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Asmamaw
Assessment of Knowledge Attitude and Practice of Residents about Pre Hospital Care in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Asmamaw
Assessment of Knowledge Attitude and Practice of Residents about Pre Hospital Care in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Asratie Nigussie
Metal Complexes of a Pentadentate Ligand Structural Investigation.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Ayelign Beyene
Aflatoxin and Microbial Contamination of Complementary Foods and Exposure Assessment among Young Children Using Urinary Aflatoxin Biomarkers in Ethiopia.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Basazinew Bekele
The Status and the Way Forward of ICT Curriculum in Ethiopian Secondary Schools.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Belay Adege
Designing a Stemmer for Ge’ez Text Using Rule Based Approach.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Belay Gemta
Spectrophotometric Investigation of Major Bioactive Compounds of Coffee Beans.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Belay Gemta
Standard Procedure to Determine the Percentage of Caffeine in Coffee Seeds by UV/VIS Spectrophotometer.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Demisew
Inclusive Education Practices of some Primary Schools in Yeka Sub City.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Endegena
The Need to Re-visit Ethiopia's Bilateral Investment Treaties with Particular Emphasis on Investment Dispute Settlement.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Ermias
Determination of Fat and Protein Content of Milk Using He-Ne Laser Light Scattering.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Ermias Ashagrie
An Analysis of the Impact of Land Registration and Certification on the Sustainable Use of Farmlands in Northwestern Ethiopia.
PhD thesis, University of South Africa.
Abebe, Ermias Atnafu
Size Dependent Band Gap Properties of Silicon
Nanocluster with Hydrogen and Oxygen Passivated
at the Surface.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Eshetu Mekonnen
Solution of the Dirac Equation in Curved Space Time in the Presence of a Strong Back Ground Magnetic Field.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Eskedar
Ethnobotanical Study on Medicinal Plants Used by Local Communities in Debark Wereda, North Gondar Zone, Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Fentie Abitew
Quasiparticles in the Superconducting State of Metals.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Feyissa Chibssa
Flood Hazard Assessment Using GIS in Bacho Plain, Upper Awash Valley, Southwest of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Fikrtemariam
Knowledge and Associated Factors of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus among Care Givers of Children Attending Diabetic Clinic in Public Hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, From August 2015 to June 2016.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Firew
Students’ Attitude Towards Mathematics, their Achievement and Factors Affecting their Learning in Government General Secondary Schools of Adama City.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Gashaw Dagne
Assessment of Knowledge and Utilization of
Insecticide Treated Nets among Freely Supplied
Households in Wonago Woreda, SNNPR.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Genene
Instructors’ Patterns of ICT Use and the Associated Factors at a Public University in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Getachew
Anxiety, Attitude towards Mathematics and Mathematics Achievement
of Tenth Grade Students at Government and Private Schools
in Kolfe Keranio Sub City of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Getachew
Ethiopian Field Epidemiology Training Program (EFETP)
Compiled Body of Works in Field Epidemiology.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Getachew
Molecular Characterization of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase
Deficiency Specific Variants among Selected Populations in Malaria
Endemic Areas of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Getachew
Stopping Power and Range of Protons of Various Energies in Different Materials.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Gucho
Radiative Decay Constant of Pion in Bethe-Salpeter Framework.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Hiwot
Indoor Air Bacterial Load and Contributing Factors in
Government and Private Hospitals in Harar, Harar Town, Eastern
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Kelemework
Factors Affecting Female Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health among in School Adolescents in Woreta Town, South Gonder.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Kokiso
Common Mole_Rat, Tachyoryctes splendens (Ruppell, 1836) Distribution and its Impacts in Agricultural Fields in Angecha, Centeral Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Marie
The Contribution of Adult Literacy Program to
Women Awareness of Family Planning Practice.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Melkamu Sintayehu
Addressing the Moyale Conflicts in Southern Ethiopia: Challenges and Prospects.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Mengesha
Pathogenicity and Cross Protection Studies of Local Rabies Virus Isolates with Cell Culture Anti-Rabies Vaccine Produced in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Meseret
Seroprevalence and Risk Factors of
Hepatitis E Virus Infection among Pregnant
Women in Selected Health Facilities of
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Muna
Evaluation Ofalternative Track Alignments on Whole Life Cost of Lot 11 Section of the Awash Weldiya Railway Line.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Nigatu Tarekegn
Ethiopia Field Epidemiology Training Program
Compiled Body of Works in Field Epidemiology.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Rediet
Vitamin A Status and Associated Factors among Preschool Children Aged
3 to 5 Years in Offa District, Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Regassa Dimmo
Designing Paediatricians Communities of Practice: The Case of Government Hospitals in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Samuel Teshome
Isolated Word-Level Ethiopian Sign Language Recognition.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Sertse
Bilingual Script Identification for Optical Character Recognition of Amharic and English Printed Document.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Setargie
Convex Quadratic Programming.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Shewangizaw
Teachers' and Students' Attitude and Practice Towards Multicultural Education: The Case of some Selected Private Higher Education Institutes in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Shimelis
Laser and Nonlinear Optics: An Overview.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Sisay
Evaluation of Compost Stability and Maturity of Floriculture
Solid Waste in a Windrow System.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Tadesse
Aquaponics Productivity Response for Niger Seed Cake (Guizotia
abyssinica) Inclusion and Increased Level of Mineral Supplementation in Fish Diet.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Tadesse
Investigation into some of the Engineering Properties of Soil in Woldiya Town.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Tamrat
Immunopathogensis of Experimental
Leishmaniasis, Based On Infections by Local
Strains of Leishmania in Grivet Monkeys
(Cercopithecus Aethiops), Syrian Hamsters
(Mesocricetus Auratus) and Balb/C Mice.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Tariku
The Status of Teachers’ Involvement in Educational Research: The Case of Bonga College of Teacher Education (BCTE).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Taye
Constraint Qualification in Vector Optimization.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Tedla
Synthesis of Quinoxaline- and Benzimidazolebased Monomers.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Tewodros
Dimension and Radio Planning of WiMAX Network for Advanced Real-Time Two-Way Communication Services: Case of Addis Ababa-to-Djibouti.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Tiruneh
Impact of Microfinance on Poverty Reduction in Ethiopia: The Cases of Three Branches of Specialized Financial and Promotional Institution (SFPI).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Worku
Fine Root Biomass of Erica trimera (Engl.) Along an Altitudinal Gradient on Bale Mountains, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Zeleke
Tannery Wastewater Management Problems in Ethiopia
the Case of Batu Tannery.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abegaz, Gedewon Teka
Efficiency of Maerua subcordata in Removing Turbidity and Bacteriological Contamination from Potable River Water.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abegaz, Seifu
Effect of Speed and Skewing Angle in Controlling Axial Thrust of Rotary Kiln.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abegaz, Teferi
Assessment of Knowledge and Hygienic Practices
towards Bacteriological Quality of Drinking
Water at Dobe Toga Kebele, Shebedino Woreda,
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abeje, Aychiluhem Menkir
First Principle Determination of Electronic Structure and Magnetic Properties of CaMnO3.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abeje, Sandra
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Adult Women
towards Breast Cancerscreening in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; 2015.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abeku, Abeya Bidika
Braille Skill Competence of Students with Visual Impairment at Sebeta Boarding School for the Blind.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abel, Markos
Web GIS for Tourism Development of Bahir Dar town and its Surroundings, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abel, Tembo
A Preliminary Investigation of the Prevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Its Symptoms in Selected Schools in Lusaka Urban.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Abenezer, Kefeni
Hydrogeochemical Evolution in the Ambowoliso Area.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Abebaw
Implementation of Online Handwriting Recognition System for Ethiopic Character Set.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Abeyot
Human Resource Planning Practices and Challenges in Ethio Telecom.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Adane
The Nature of Educational Environment for Medical Students in Tikur Anbessa Medical School.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Asalfew
Demographic and Socio-Economic Determinants of Youth Unemployment in Debere Birhan Town, North Showa Administrative Zone, Amhara National Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Balcha
Studies on Propagation Biology of Four and Phenology of One Medicinal Plants.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Berhan
Socio-economic and Demographic Determinants of Unemployment in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Daniel
Geospatial Modeling for Assessing Ground Water Quality in
Southern Nation, Nationality and People’s Region (SNNPR),
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Debebe
Simulation of the Effect of Random Geopotential Height Disturbance on Air Flow on a Barotropic Atmosphere Using Coarse Resolution Grid.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Demeke
Simultaneous Determination of Dopamine and Pyridine-2-
Aldoxime Methochloride at Poly (3, 4-Ethylenedioxythiophene)
Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Dereje
Measuring Concentration of Ice Nucleating Particles in the Atmosphere, Particulate Matters and Gaseous Pollutants in Museums: Insight from Models and Elemental Analysis.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Dessie
Association of Intestinal Helminthic Infection, Atopy and Allergic Disorder in the Setting of Mass Deworming among Selected Government Primary School Children in Sululta Woreda, Oromia, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Diriba Gemechu
Automatic Classification of AFAAN Oromo News Text: The Case of Radio Fana.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Endashaw
Requirement Analysis and Design of Web Based Drug Information System in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Fantaye Weldemariam
Mapping Hydrothermally Altered Rocks and Lineament Analysis through Digital Enhancement of Aster Data Case Study: Kemashi Area, Western Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Getaneh
The Role and Commitment of the High School Management to Improve Girls’ Achivement in Education:The Case in Selected Addis Ababa High Schools.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa.
Abera, Kebad Mengesha
The Study of Coexistence of Superconductivity and Ferromagnetism in Urhge and Ucoge.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Kebebush
Magnitude, Associated Factors and Maternal Outcome of
Postpartum Hemorrhage at Black Lion Specialised Hospital from
Jan.1, 2009 to Dec.30, 2013 G.C.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Ketema
Assessment of Voluntary HIV Counselling and Testing (VCT)
Service Utilization among Married Couples in Gondar City,
North West Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Kisanet
Application of Integrated Geophysical Techniques
for Landslide Investigation along Arbaminchgidole Road in Derashe Woreda, SNNP, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Kotu
The Effect of Geometer’s Sketchpad on Students Geometry Learning Motivation and Problem Solving Ability.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Regassa
A Study of Some Selected Factors Affecting Academic Performance of Students at Kotebe College of Teacher Education.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Shiferaw
Generation and Collimation Mechanisms of Relativistic Jets in AGN.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Solen
The Assessment of Determinants of Family Planning Use and Unmet Need
among Women of Reproductive Age Group with Disabilities in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Solomon
Dynamic Simulation of Sloshing Effect on Fluid Transporting Freight-Wagon.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Solomon
Status and Determinants to Reading Skill Development: Grade Four.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Tadele
Frequency Assignment Problem Optimization of GSM Network in the Case of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Taye
Hydrogeological and Hydrogeochemical Assessment in Adama (Nazareth) - Dera Area, Central Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Wosene
Practices and Challenges of Mentoring in Government Secondary Schools of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abere, Atilabachew
The Prospects and Challenges of Youth Soccer Development in the Case of some Selected Clubs in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abere, Dejenie
Impact of Resettlement on Woody Plant Species and Local
Livelihood: The Case of Guraferda Woreda in Bench Maji
Zone, South Western, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aberi, Mobert M.
The Relationship between Organizational Culture and the Performance of Secondary Schools in Gucha District.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Aberra, Aderie
The Impact of the 1996 Amhara Region Land Redistribution on Productivity and Household
Food Security, a Comparison between the Losers and the Beneficiary Households: The Case of
Enebsie Sar- Midir Woreda, East Gojjam Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aberra, Aseffa Mirkena
Microbiological Safety of Pasteurized and Raw Milk from Milk Processing Plants in and around Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aberra, Mariamawit
School Bullying:The Case of Selected Schools in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aberu, Abebe
Factors Affecting Public Procurement Performance in Ethiopia:
The Case of Public Procurement and Property Disposal Services.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abetwe, Dejen Alemu
Application of Knowledge Based System for Woody Plant Species Identification.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abeway, Shiferaw
Prevalence of Stunting and Associated Factors
among Children Aged 6-59 Months in Merhabete
Woreda North Showa, 2017.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abeya, Temesgen
Biometrical Analysis for Gene Action, Heterosis and Combining Ability of Yield and other Agronomic Traits in Common Bean
(Phaseolus vulgaris L.).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abicho, Tesfaye
Magnitude, Pattern and Differentials of Internal Migration in Meskan and Mareko Woreda Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abidan, Chansa
Clinical Presentation and Histopathological Description of the Spectrum of Renal Diseases in HIV Infected Adults Presenting with Renal Insufficiency at the University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Abinet, Haile
Phytochemical Investigation on the Leaves of Laggera tomentosa (Ethanol Extract).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abinet, Kefeni
Dyck Path Combinatorics.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abinet, Tadesse Yennore
The Impact of Area Enclosure on Soil Quality and Farmers’ Perception: The Case of Tachignaw Gimbichu Enclosure in Shashogo Woreda, Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abinet, Yeshiwas
Dynamics of Coherently Driven Nondegenerate Three-Level Atom in Open Cavity.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abinew, Ali Ayele
Acceptance and Use Of E-Library Services in Ethiopian Universities: The Case of Addis Ababa and Adama Universities.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abiot, Simeon
An Assesement of Knowledge and Perceived Barriers to Undergo Voluntary HIV Counseling and Testing: The Case of Young Adults in Hossana Town.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abiti, Beyene
Superposed Degenerate Three-Level Lasers.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abiy, Aklilu
Evaluation of SO-DMT Assay in Sputum Specimens from Hawassa
Town, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abiy, Dejenee
Three-Person Cooperative Game and its Application in Decision Making Process of Hierarchical Organizations.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abiy, Getachew Mamo
Integration of Remote Sensing and Gis for Groundwater Resources Assessment in Moyale-Teltele Sub Basin,
South Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abiy, Kebede
Soil Degradation Assessment Along the Slope Gradient of the Cultivated Fields in Adulala Mariyam-Wakemia Catchment, Adama Woreda, East Shoa Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abiy, Tewelde
Evaluation and Optimization of Agro-industrial Wastes for
Conidial Production of Metarhizium and Beauveria Isolates
under Solid State Fermentation.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abiy, Tsetargachew Legesse
Area Closure as a Strategy for Land Management: A Case Study at Kelala Dalacha
Enclosure in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abiye, Daniel
African Literary Texts and Language Based Approaches in Elt: A Study of Motivation.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abiye, Kifle
Effect of processing on Nutritional and Anti nutritional Compositions, and
Functional Properties of Selected Sorghum Varieties Grown in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abiye, Yibeltal
Energy Audit of Sebeta Alcohol and Liquor Factory.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abiyo, Abera
Major Challenges to the National Extension Intervention Program (NEIP) in Addressing the Food Security Problem in The SNNPRS.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abiyot, Berhanu Wassie
Vegetation Ecology and Conservation Status of Evergreen Afromontane Forest Patches in Awi Zone of Amhara Region, Northwestern Ethiopia.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abiyot, Gizaw Taddese
Gravity Studies to Structural Characterization and Moho Depth Determination of South-Eastern Afar , Djibouti.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abiyu, Belew
Developing Computer Programs in Refraction Seismology (SEISREF).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abiyu, Kebede
Groundwater Flow System and Hydrochemistry of Ziway-Koka Corridor in the Main Ethiopian Rift.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abiyu, Zerfu
Filtering Chirp Waveforms without Producing Unwanted Sidelobes.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abnet, Shimeles
Online Handwriting Recognition for Ethiopic Characters.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aboi, Dinet
The Jurisdiction of The African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights to Ensure Compliance
Against Violation by Member States.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aboka, Esther Anyango
Effects of Orientation Programs on Employee Performance: A Case of Kenol/Kobil Petrol Stations in Nairobi.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Abol, Samuel Magero
Cultural Perspective of Acquisitions between Microsoft and Nokia in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Abol, Thomas Odhiambo
The Relationship between Product Attributes
and Demand: The Case of Newspapers in Kisumu.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Aboma, Bulcha
Ethnobotany of Shade Trees in Coffee Plantation System in Anfillo District, Kelem Wollega Zone, Western Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abong’o, Donna M. A.
Effect of Mobile Phone Banking on Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, KCA University.
Abong’o, Philip Gesami
Influence of Settlement Scheme Programmes on the Socio-Economic Livelihoods of Lake Kenyatta I Settlement Scheme Settlers, Lamu County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Abonyo, Esther Adhiambo
Effects of Metarhizium Anisopliae Application on the
Diversity of Plants, Ants, Cockroaches and Mantids
Associated with Odontotermestermite Mounds at Mpala
Research Centre - Laikipia District (Central Kenya).
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Abosse, Abdi
Effects of Gamma Irradiation on Microbial Composition of Some Selected Ethiopian Cereals (Maize and Sorghum).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abraha, Atakelti
Assessment of Community and Organizational
Response against the Impact of HIV/AIDS in
Tigray Region, North Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abraha, Birenesh Abay
Assessment of Downstream pollution Profiles of Awassa Textile Factory
Effluent along Tikur Wuha River using Physico-chemical and Macroinvertebrate Indicators.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abraha, Gebregiorgis
Total Electron Content (Tec) Variability of
Low Latitude Ionosphere and Role of
Dynamical Coupling: Quiet and Storm-Time
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abraha, Mehari
Institutional Arrangement of the FDRE Ministry of National Defense in the Realization of Modern Education and Training: The Case of Training Main Department.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abraham, Aynekugnem
Chromium Removal from Chromium Rich Tannery Wastewater using
Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. Bark Powder as an Adsorbent, the
Case of Modjo Tannery, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abraham, Dawit
Assessment of Quality of Voluntary HIV Counseling and Testing Services in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abrar, Mohammed Mehdi
Blood and Tissue Enzyme Activities of GDH, LDH, Index of
Glutathione and Oxidative Stress among Breast Cancer
Patients Attending Referal Hospitals of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: A
Comparative Cross Sectional Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abrha, Nigus
The Histological Effect of Alcohol on the Liver and Kidney of Animals.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abrham, Dejen
Socio-Demographic Variables and Acculturation Experience as Correlates of Social Adjustment among Ethiopian Migrant Returnees from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: The Case of Returnees in Kobo Woreda, North East Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abrhame, Tesfaye
Assessment of Sensitivity and Specificity of Mid-upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) in Detecting Under-Nutrition of Adult People with HIV that have ART Follow Up in Selected Health Facilities of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abseno, Mohammed
The Prevalence of Tuberculosis among Addis
Ababa City Bus Drivers and Cash Collectors.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abseno, Mohammed
The Prevalence of Tuberculosis among Addis
Ababa City Bus Drivers and Cash Collectors.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abu, Wube
Mineralization and Associated Structures of Okote Prospect
(Southern Ethiopia).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abubakar, Aminu Yakubu
Effects of 2008 Global Financial Crisis on the Performance of Banks Shares Traded in Stock Exchange Market in Nigeria.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Abubeker, Ahmed
Youth Reproductive Health Problems and Service
Preferences, Assebe Teferi West Hararghe.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abubeker, Samrawit
Sliding Wear and Corrosion Resistance of Train Overhead Line Contact Wire.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abuga, Geoffrey
Effects of Occupational Safety and Health Programs
on Employee Performance: A Case of Pyrethrum Board
of Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Abuga, Vincent Onyancha
Geophysical Investigation of Mbeu Iron Ore Deposit in Meru County Using Gravity Method.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Abuhay, Mulunesh
Assessment of Factors Influencing Utilization
of Postnatal Care in Gondar Town North West
of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abuka, Nelson Mandela
The Effects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Export Earnings of Coffee Industry in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Abuli, Sianje Jackson
Effects of Phosphorus Sources and Starter Nitrogen on Soybean Yield and Selected Soil Properties in Tharaka Nithi and Meru Counties of Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Abuna, Tafa Etisa
Diversity of Vascular Epiphytes along Disturbance Gradient in Yayu Forest, Southwest Oromia, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abunie, Amanuel Ayanaw
Woody Species Diversity, Structure and Regeneration Status of
Yemrehane Kirstos Church Forest of Lasta Woreda, North Wollo
Zone, Amhara region, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abusha, Nuradin
Assessment of Male Partners’ Involvement in
Promoting Skilled Delivery Attendance of
Spouses and Associated Factors in Lemo Woreda,
Hadiya Zone, Southern Nation Nationality People
Region, Ethiopia, 2014.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abuto, Chakiso
Pattern Avoiding Permutations.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abuto, Jared Odhiambo
Business Process Re-Engineering as an Approach to Strategic Change at Kenya Revenue Authority.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Abwajo, Josphat Twelo
A Serological Survey of the Prevalence of Antibodies to Toxoplasma Gondii in Animals and in Man in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Abwao, Edward
Spatial Distribution of Malaria Cases in the Former Kilifi District 2005 to 2007.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Abwori, Johnson Akong’o
The Effect of Performance Contracting on Internal Revenue Collection at Nairobi City County Government.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Abyiot, Teklu
Determinants of Adherence to Antiretroviral Treatment in Shashemene General Hospital.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Achamyelesh, G/Tsadik
Infant and Young Child Feeding Practice in Predominantly Food Insecure Communitites of Hawassa Zuria Woreda in Sidama Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Achar, Peter Nyajure
Impact of Gross Domestic Product Growth Rate and Interest Rate Variations on the Nairobi Securities Exchange Performance.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Achieng, Stella Anne
The Role of Women in Conflict Management: An Assessment of Naboisho Conservancy in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Achieno, Jenta
Effect of Auditing in the Management of Free Primary Education in Samia Sub-County.
Masters thesis, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology.
Achillah, Rosemary A.
Matumizi ya Mbinu ya Kimuktadha Katika Ufundishaji wa Msamiati wa Kiswahili Katika Shule za Upili za Wilaya ya Kakamega.
Masters thesis, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology.
Achira, Kerubo Elizabeth
The Relationship between Managerial Composition and Firm Performance: A Quantitative Study on Kenyan Listed Companies.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Achira, Nelly Nyang’anyi
The Portrayal of Women in the Kenyan Magazines Advertisements.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Achoki, Isaac Matoke
Determinants of High Profitability to Commercial Banks in Kenya under Turbulent Economic Environment: A Survey of Banks in Nyeri County.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Achungo, Florence Akinyi
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices on Luo Male Child Circumcision among Parents/Guardians in Bondo District.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Achungo, Tobias Otieno
Influence of Plantation Establishment and Livelihood Improvement Scheme on Forest Cover: A Case of Uasin Gishu County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University Of Nairobi.
Ackim, Mutawa
Development of a Suitable Mine Backfill Material Using Mine Waste for Safe and Economic Ore Production at Konkola Mine (Zambia).
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Acosta, Arlene Suson
Constructivist Teaching Models at Strathmore University Nairobi, Kenya.
PhD thesis, University of Baguio.
Adam, K. Kevin
Factors Associated with the Uptake of Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission Services Among Women Attending Antenatal Clinic at Coast General Provincial Hospital.
Masters thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology.
Adam Engida, Mekonnen
“Levels of trace metals in cigarettes commonly sold in
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adan, Hussein Osman
The Participatory Principle in Development: A Case Study of the Constituency Development Fund Wajir District.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Adane, Birhanu Gedif
Delineation of Food Insecure Areas Using Remote Sensing and GIS (Food Availability Analysis): The case of South Gondar Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adane, Girmay
Assessment of Clients Satisfaction with Outpatient Services inTigray Zonall Hospitals.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adane, Nuruye
Comparison of Analysis Models of Highway and Railway Bridges-Loads and Load Combinations.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adane, Solomon
Histological and Biochemical Efects of Achyranthes Aspera Leaf Extract on the Ovary and Uterus of Mice.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adane, Solomon
Histological and Biochemical Effects of Achyranthes aspera Leaf Extract on the Ovary and Uterus of Mice.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adane, Wuletaw
Appropriate Solution for Impevious Core of Embankment Dams to Be Constructed Using Highly Plastic Soils.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adane, Yalew
Integrated Watershed Development from Sustainable Livelihood Perspective: The Case of Terri Watershed in Delanta Woreda, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adanech, Jarso Mojo
Morphological Diversity and Ethnobotanical Study of
ENSET (Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman) Landraces in
Kebena, Cheha and Ezha Woredas, Gurage Zone, SPNNRS,
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adangba, Victor Boudjou
An Ethics of Hospitality in the Context of Immigration: The Case of Burkinabe Immigrants in Ivory Coast from 1990 to 2002.
PhD thesis, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.
Adaro, Tewodros
Spectroscopic pH Measurement Using Phenol Red Dye.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adato, Ayele
Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Virus among Volunteer Blood Donors in Arbaminch Blood Bank.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adawe, Abdolahi Mohamed
Quality Assessment of Some Selected Water Boreholes in Mogadishu, Somalia.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Addis, Abay
The Right to Secession: The Possibility of its Application with Regard to the Current Fiscal Set up in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Addis, Agerie
Reconstruction of Environmental and Vegetation Changes
on the Sanetti Plateau Since the Last Deglaciation Based on
Biogeochemical Analyses of Sediments.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Addis, Ermias Abebe
The Accession of Ethiopia to the WTO in the Context of its Policy on “Developmental State”.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Addissie, Adamu
Malaria and HIV Co-Infection in Hadya Zone, Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Addisu, Abiot
A Comparative Study on the Performance of Rural Water Supply Schemes:
The Case of Debatie Woreda, Benishangul Gumuz.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Addisu, Alebie
Comparative Study of Aflatoxins Level Between Traditional and Industrial Barley Malt in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Addisu, Andarge
Public Transport Route Planner for Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Addisu, Biniyam
The Major Factors Affecting Women Football Participation; The Case of Some Clubs in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Addisu, Deressa Geleta
Hydrogeochemical and Isotope Hydrology in Investigating Groundwater Recharge and Flow Processes, South Afar Eastern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Addisu, Girma
Hydrogeological and Hydrogeochemical Characteriation of Beles River Basin, Northwestern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Addisu, Haile Tedla
Integrated Geophysical Investigations for Mapping Possible Inflow of Water from Merti-Fentale Irrigation Canal into Lake Beseka, Metahara Area, Eastern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Addisu, Jember
Construction of Partial Triallel Cross Designs and their Analysis.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Addisu, Kassa Setegn
Comparison of GFR Estimating Equations with Creatinine
Clearance among Patients who Visit Renal Unit of Tikur Anbessa
Specialized Hospital.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Addisu, Mergia
Abundance and Diversity of Top Soil Earthworms in Relation to Chemical Use in Golden Rose Agrofarm, Tefki Area, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Addisu, Solomon
Assessment of the Impact of Road Construction on Physical Land Degradation in Central Highlands of Ethiopia: The Case of Two Selected Projects.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Addisu, Tadesse Adera
Mobile Tour Guide System for Ethiopia’s Historic and Attraction Sites: For Northern Part of the Country.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Addisu, Woldesenebet
Nutritional Composition, Phytochemical Screening, Processing Methods And
Sensory Attributes of a Brew Made from Infusions of Matured Leaves of
Arabica Coffee Tree Consumed in Sidama, Kambata and Harar Communities, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Addmore, Chikobvu
The Effects of Unethical Financial Decisions to Parasternal Performance: A Case of the Agricultural and Rural Development Authority (ARDA).
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Addo, Ermias Mekuria
Antiproliferative Constituents of Roots of
Podocarpus Falcatus (Thunb.) R.Br. ex Mirb.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adeba, Emiru
Assessment of Acceptability of Provider Initiated
HIV Counseling and Testing Among Tuberculosis
and non -Tuberculosis Patients in Shashemene Town,
West Arsi Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adebo, Mulatu Bufebo
Urban Water Supply Performance Assessement - The Case of Hossana Town in Hadiya Zone, SNNP Regional State of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adefris, Addisu
Boundary Value Problems and Cauchy Problems for the Second-Order
Euler Operator Differential Equation.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adekanmbi, Motunrayo Helen
Knowledge of Tuberculosis Patients about their Disease in Tshwane, South Africa.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Adel, Ephraim Odek
Assessment of Eosi Ophiluria using Eosinophil Cationic Protein: Comparative Study in Single and Mixed Schistosoma Infections in Kenyan School Children.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Adela, Firesenbet
Classifying Insider Threat from Electronic Mail Communication.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adem, Dawit
Attitudes of Teachers and Students towards
Integration of Visually Impaired Students.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adem, Ibrahim
Ethiopian Field Epidemiology Training
Program (EFETP)
Compiled Body of Works in Field Epidemiology.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aden, Ali Mohammed
GIS and Remote Sensing Based Suitable Site Selection for
Solid Waste Disposal: A Case Study of Asaita Town, Afar
Regional State, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aden, Hussein Muhumed
International Migration: The Impact of Somali Migrants on Kenya’s Economy, 1991 -2010.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Adendorff, Michael Joseph
An Analysis of Certain Aspects of the Value Added Tax Treatment of the Short Term Insurance Industry.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Aderaw, Semma
Defending the Virtual Infrastructure of Cloud Computing
from Denial of Service Attack.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aderie, Aberra
The Impact of the 1996 Amhara Region Land Redistribution on Productivity and Household
Food Security, a Comparison between the Losers and the Beneficiary Households: The Case of Enebsie Sar- Midir Woreda, East Gojjam Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adero, Bernard Otieno
Investigations into the Permeability and Tectonic Lineaments of Homa Hills Geothermal Prospect, using Ground Magnetic Method.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Adey, Elfinesh
Assessment of Birth Prepardness and Complication
Readiness for Safe Delivery Service Utilization among
Women of Child Bearing Age in Boloso Sore Woreda, Wolaita
Zone, Snnpr, Ethiopia.
Other thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adhana, Hayget
Influence of Job Satisfaction on Organizational Commitment of Employees at Ethiopian Management Institute.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adhiambo, Alice Ouma
Influence of Information Communication and Technology Tools on the Performance of Relief Aid Projects in Kenya: The Case of Red Cross Organization in Nairobi County.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Adika, Churchill Ochieng
The Effect of Intangible Assets Intensity on Volatility of Stock Prices for Firms Listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Adila, Wamisho
Detection of Space Debris by Means of Atmospheric Radar.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adinew, Alemayehu
Awareness and Utilization of Emergency Contraceptive among Second Cycle Primary Female Evening Students in Hawassa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adinew, Tibebe
Performance Evaluation of Cell-Dyn 1800 and Sysmex KX-21
Hematology Analyzers at St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical
College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adinoyi, Julius Adavize
Participatory Forest Management and Disaster Risk Reduction: The Case of Arabuko-Sakoke Forest in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Adise, Mekonnen
Geology and Geochemistry of Guna Volcanic Massif Northwestern Ethiopian Plateau.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adisu, Melko
Compound Nucleus Decay of some
Α+Rubidium Systems at Various
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adisu, Nadew
Low Complexity MIMO-OFDM Receivers for Achieving Near Optimal Performance.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adjei, Alexander
A Spatial Analysis of Development Projects in Venda: A Case Study of the Tshivhase Tea Estate.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Adlo, Abebe Megerso
Comparison of Antiretroviral Treatment Outcomes for a General Hospital Versus that of Health Centers: A Retrospective Cohort Study in Southern – Central Oromia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Admas, Dessalegn
The Practice and Challenges of Continuous Practical Physical Education Assessment at Awi Zone Preparatory Schools.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Admasie, Adimew
Assessing Integration Indigenous Practices with Modern Technologies for Sustainable Land Management; the Case of Soil Conservation and Fertility Improvement in Debremitimak Kebele, East Gojjam.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Admasie, Amha
Effect of Intestinal Parasitic Infection and Nutritional Statas
on Academic Performance of School Children in Arb-Gebeya
Town, T/Gayint Woreda, S/Gondar, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Admass, Fekadu
Measuring Impulse Response of the Pulsation Magnetometer at Ethio-Finno Observatory (EFO).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Admassie, Shimelis Zewdie
Principal Leadership Practices, Teacher Motivation, and Student Achievement in Secondary Schools of Addis Ababa City Government.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Admassu, Alemayehu
Magnitude of and Factors Associated with Male Condom Use and Failure Rate among Commercial Sex Workers of Bahir Dar Town Licensed Non–Brothel Establishments,
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Admassu, Mahlet
Prevalence of Behavioral Problems among Epileptic Children on Follow up at Tikur
Anbessa Specialized Teaching Hospital, Addis Ababa,
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Admassu, Mengesha
Factors Related to Sustainability of Water and
Sanitation Projects in the Rural Setting of North
Gondar, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Admassu, Serkadis
Awareness on Sexual and Reproductive Health
among in School Early Adolescents.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Admassu, Shimelis
Assessment of Laboratory Inventory Management Practice at
Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Laboratory and Medical
Store, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Admassu, Tinbit
Threats and Trusted Countermeasures, Usinga Security Protocol, in the Agent Space.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa.
Admasu, Adamu
Adsorptive Removal of Reactive Azo Dyes Using Industrial Residue.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Admasu, Asrat
The Role of Strategic Sourcing in Operational Performance of the Organization: The Case of Ethiopian Airlines.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adoli, Hebron Litsulitsa
Factors Affecting Performance of Licensed Retail Liquor Enterprises at Different Phases of Development: A Case of Mumias Division, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Adongo, Wycliffe
Challenges to Strategy Implementation in Health Focused NGOs in Nairobi.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Adoyo, Felix Otieno
Pavement Evaluation of Mbagathi Road, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Adrienn, Dominique
Educational Psychological Guidelines in the Handling of Street Children.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Aduda, Dickens S. Omondi
Epidemiology of Hearing Impairment and Impact on Socio-Cognitive Performance of School-Going Children in Kisumu District, Kenya: Implications for Public Health Action.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Adugna, Berhanu
The Effect of Rural Land Certification on Land Tenure Security: A Case Study in Libo-Kemkem Woreda, Amhara Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adugna, Edossa
Factors Influencing Tetanus Toxoid Immunization
and Protection at Birth Coverage among Child
Breang age Women of Ambo Town and its
Surrounding Area, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adugna, Fanna
Factors Influencing Utilization of PMTCT Service and Referral Linkage among HIV Positive Pregnant Women before Delivery in Hawassa Public Health Facilities.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adugna, Fasil
Studies on the Insect Fauna Diversity Atgullele Botanical Garden in Wet, Intermediate and Dry Seasons.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adugna, Geta Achenef
Challenges in the Implementation of Outcome Based Instruction in Cooperatives the Case of Ardaita Agricultural Technical Vocational Education and Training College.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adugna, Haweni
Assessment on the Determinants of Induced Abortion among
Childbearing Age Women in Non-Profittable Private Health
Institutions, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adugna, Shimeles
Comparison of Diagnostic Performance of Miniparasep® SF Faecal
Parasite Concentrator, Kato-Katz Thick Smear and McMaster
Techniques for the Diagnosis of Intestinal Parasitic Infections
among Wosha Soyama Primary School Children, Wondo Genet,
Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aduke, Ngira Rhoda
Greenhouse Solar Drying and Thin Layer Drying of Fresh Kapenta (Stolothrissa tanganicae).
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Aduna, Taye
Impact of Land Use/Land Cover Change on Catchment Hydrology and Water Quality of Legedadi-Dire Catchments, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adungo, Fedinard Onyakasit
Genotyping of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type-1 in Relation to Antiretroviral Drug Resistance in Western Province, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Aduwa, Tom Mboya
Effects of Refugees’ Encampment Policy on Livelihoods of Refugee Youths in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Aebissa, Berhanu
Developing a Knowledge Based System for Coffee Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aemero, Abebayehu
Women's Participation in Educational Administration in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aferu, Behailu
Assesment of Knowledge and Practice of Nurses Working in the
ICU Towards Prevention of Ventilator Associated Pnumonia at
Selected Governmental Hospitals Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 2015/16.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Afework, Amene
Urban Informal Sector as a Livelihood Strategy of Women: The Case of ‘Tella’ and ‘Katicala’ Producers and Sellers in Dejen Town, East Gojjam Zone, Amhara Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Afework, Ejigayehu
Agreement Between Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay with Rapid Plasma Reagin and Treponemapallidumhaem Agglutination Assay for Screening and Diagnosis of Syphilis at National Blood Bank Service in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Afework, Gashu
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Hepatitis B Virus and Its Vaccination Among Health Care Professionals in Selected Public Hospitals of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Afulo, Joseph Oduor
Effective Transition from High School to University in Kenya from the Students’ Perspective.
PhD thesis, Marquette University.
Aga, Firdissa Jebessa
Implementation Practices of non-Formal Basic Primary Education Programs in Selected Centers of Addis Ababa, Oromia and SNNPR.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aga, Jalene
Prevalence of Suicidal Ideation and Attempt and Associate Factors
among People with Schizophrenia at Amanuel Mental Specialized
Hospital Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Agaje, Muluneh Zegeye
Development Journalism in Ethiopia: Examining the Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation’s Watchdogging Role of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Agaje, Solomon Worku
Socio Economic Determinants of Growth of Small Manufacturing Enterprises in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Agan, Godfrey
Innovation and Performance of the Small and Medium Enterprises in Machakos Township, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Agan, Paul Okelo
Mechanical, Thermal, Diffusion and Degradation Properties of High Density Polyethylene ‘and’ Cellulose Blends.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Agazi, Alem
Assessment of Sexual and
Reproductive Health Problems among
Prisoners Aged 15-29 years
in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Agbo, Chikere A.
Human Rights at a Crossroads in Africa Critical Appraisal of Rights Discourse for an Authentically African and Christian Ethics of Human Flourishing and Reconciliation.
Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.
Agegnehu, Alene
An Impact Assessment of Decentralization on Health Care Service Delivery:
The Case of Gozamin Woreda - Amhara National Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Agegnehu, Demeke Alemayehu
Factors Affecting Teachers‟ Work Motivation
in Kirkos Sub-City Governmental Primary
Schools in Addis Ababa City Government.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Agegnehu, Talaksew Misganaw
Design and Development of Advanced External Fixator for Treatment of Femoral Bone Fracture.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ager, Consolata Atieno
Analysis of Chemical Composition of Cowpea Floral Volatiles and Nectar.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Ageru, Asfaw Adugna
Population Genetics and Ecological Studies in Wild Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] in Ethiopia: Implications for Germplasm Conservation.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ageze, Philipos
Business Development Services (BDS) for Micro and Small
Enterprises (MSEs): Performance and Sustainability of Selected Programs in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Agina, Clement Kwach
Regulation and Supervision of Micro-finance Institutions in Kenya: A Case of Mombasa Municipality.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Agitew, Genanew
Livelihood of Rural Households in Resettlement Areas: The Case Study from Quara Woreda of North Gondar Zone, Amhara Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Agmas, Adem
Knowledge Sharing among Health Professionals: The Case of Felege Hiwot Referal Hospital.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Agola, Tonney
Credit Policy and Financial Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Agolli, Elsona
Effect of Women Economic Empowerment on Gender Based Violence in Somalia.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Agonafer, Daniel Gochel
An Integrated Approach to Automatic Complex Sentence Parsing for Amharic Text.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Agonga, Aquinata Nanyonjo
The Role of Culture in the Implementation of Government Policy on HIV and AIDS Education in Kenya Case Study of Iteso Busia County.
Masters thesis, Hekima College Institute of Peace Studies and International Relations.
Agora, Jared Omari
Assessment of Natural Radioactivity Levels and Radiation
Risk Due to the Different Rock Types in the Kerio Valley
Region of Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Agufana, Alfayo Alfonze
Influence of Youth Empowerment Programs on National Development: A Case of Uwezo Youthfund in Vihiga County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Agumas, Birhanu
Soil Acidity Problems and Comparison of Lime Requirement Determination Methods in Different Land Uses Systems:
The Case of Fagetalekoma Woreda, Awi Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Agumba, O. John
Design and Fabrication of a Simple Four Point Probe System for Electrical Characterization of Thin Films.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Agumba, Winfrida Milly A.
The Effects of Alcohol and Drug Abuse on Work Performance of Employees in Selected Star Rated Hotels at the Kenyan Coast.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Agutu, Leonora H
Factors Influencing Resistance to Performance Contracting among Public Secondary Schools’ Principals in Rarieda District, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Agwata, Julius Rogena
Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice of Traditional Bone Setting in Iftin Division, Garissa.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Agweyu, Ambrose
Mortality among Children with Pneumonia at Seven Kenyan Hospitals.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Agyapong, Nana Kofi
African Spirituality for Ecological Conversion: The Case of Mining in the Western Region of Ghana.
Other thesis, Santa Clara University.
Ahmad, Osman
The Afar Customary Criminal Justice System: Towards its Better Accommodation.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ahmat, Filbert Leone
Use of Minjingu Phosphate Rock with Tithonia Diversifolia in Maize-Bean Inter Crop for Improved Maize Yields in Two Soil Types in Kenya.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Ahmed, Abdella
Major Psychosocial Factors to Female Students Grade Repetition as Perceived by Students, Teachers and Parents: The Case of Second Cycle Primary Schools in Jimma Town.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ahmed, Abdikadir Abdi
Diversity and Distribution of the Afroalpine Flora of Eastern Africa with Special Reference to the Taxonomy of the Genus Pentaschistis (Poaceae).
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Ahmed, Abdulkadir
Ego Identity Construction among Youth in Arbaminch Town.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ahmed, Abdurahman Said
A Comparative Study of Drug Resistance in Smear Positive New and Re-Treatment Cases of Tuberculosis in the Somali Region, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ahmed, Aliy Endriss
Ethiopian Field Epidemiology Training
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ahmed, Arwa Abubakar
Effect of Corporate Governance on Financial Performance of
Print Media Houses in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Ahmed, Awel
Parliamentary Oversight and its Role in Ensuring Constitutionalism and Accountability under the FDRE Constitution.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ahmed, Binnyam
WTO Accesion and Required Product Standards: The Case of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ahmed, Juma Khamis
Assessment of Energy Alternatives for Rural Microenterprise Development and Environmental Protection in the Agro-Ecological Zones of Kilifi
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Ahmed, Lamantha Corriette
The Relationship between Leadership Behavior of Sales Managers and the Motivation of Sales Teams during the Implementation of Strategic Alliances.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Ahmed, Muluken
Managment Outcome of Severe Acute Malnutrition from 6
Months to 5 Years of Age Children Admitted to Yekatit 12 Hospital.
Other thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ahmed, Sindew Mahmud
Assessment of Knowledge, Self-Care Practice and
Associated Factors towards Hypertension among
Hypertensive Patients in Public in Hospit Addis Ababa City
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ahmed, Tamrayehu Kurema
Safety at Platform-Train Interface (PTI) and Pedestrian-Rail Crossings of the Addis Ababa Light Rail Transit (AALRT).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Airgecho, Tekle
Epidemiology and Drug Resistance Pattern of
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in North West Ethiopia: Resource
Limited Settings.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Airo, Agnes Atieno
Influence of Social Protection Systems on Promotion of Orphaned and Vulnerable Children Wellbeing in Dagoretti District, Nairobi County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Ajema, Dessalegn
Assessment of the Magnitude of Double Burden of Malnutrition and its Associated Factors among Selected in-School Adolescents in Arba Minch Town, Southern Ethiopia: School Based Cross Sectional Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ajeme, Tigest
Unhealthy Weight Control Practice and Related Factors
among Female High School Adolescents in
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Akaketwa, Foster
A Study of the Business Models Adopted by Medical Aid Societies in Order to Survive in a Turbulent Operating Environment (2005-2013).
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Akalu, Alemtsehay
Assessment of Reproductive Health Service Utilization and Associated Factors among Women Beggars of Reproductive Age Group in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Akalu, Gizachew Taddesse
Determination of the Magnitude of Hepatitis B Viral
Infection in Healthcare Workers in St Paul Hospital
Millennium Medical College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Akana, Ethiopia Tadesse
Application of Case-based Reasoning for Amharic Legal Precedent Retrieval: A
Case Study with the Ethiopian Labor Law.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Akani, Maria Anna
The Influence of Culture on Neuropsychological Testing in Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Akil, Jacobs
Increasing Rural Electrification through the Devergy Solar PV Nano Grid System in Tanzania.
Masters thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU).
Akinyi, Grace Leah
Application of the Balanced Scorecard Framework in Performance Measurement of E-Government Services: Case of Kenya Revenue Authority.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Akinyi, Lucia
Identification and Characterization of Variant Surface Glycoprotein (VSG) Genes with Diagnostic Potential for Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Akinyi, Mercy Yvonne
Grooming and its Effect on the Prevalence of Tick Borne Diseases: A Case Study of Wild Yellow Baboons (Papio cynocephalus cynocephalus).
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Akinyi, Syprine
Studies on Pheromones and Other Semiochemicals of the African Brown Ear Tick, Rhipicephalus Appendiculatus Neumann.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Aklilu, Addis
Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens from External Ocular Infection at St. Paul Hospital
Millennium Medical College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aklilu, Andualem
Modeling Soil Nitrogen Balance Using Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing: The Case of Lower Bilate River Basin, Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aklilu, Anteneh
Need Assessment Framework for Electronic Health Record Management System in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aklilu, Essayas
Species Composition, Seasonal Variation and Roles of Anopheles
Mosquitoes in the Transmission of Malaria in Koka villages, Central
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aklilu, Gebregziabher Tekleab
Integrated Geophysical and Geotechnical Investigations for Future Site of Pediatric Hospital Building Complex Near Bisrate Gabriel Church,
Southeast of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aklog, Abraham
Determination of Optical Constants of a Thin Film Using Rotating Analyzer Ellipsometry of Multiple Angle of Incidence.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Akolo, Joshua Tom
Effect of Agency Banking on Performance of Selected Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Akong’a, Cynthia Jeniffer
The Effect of Financial Risk Management on the Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Akoth, Anot Benter
Kaizen Sustainability and Operational Performance: A Case of Manufacturing Firms in Mombasa County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Akumu, Elisha Ochieng’
Influence of Code Switching on Students’ Oral and Written Discourse in English in Selected Schools in Nyatike District, Migori County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Akunga, Daniel Nyagetiria
Estimating Burden of Diarrhoea Associated with Water, Sanitation and Hygiene among the Under Fives in Residential Environs of Nairobi, Kenya.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Akwabi, Linda Ayoti
Free Newspaper and Reading Culture: A Case Study of the People Daily.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Alali, Silas Imende
Factors Affecting Strategy Implementation at St. Monica Hospital, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Alamirew, Dejene
Assessing Corporate Governance of Ethiopian Private Limited Companies: With Particular Emphasis on Making Board of Directors Compulsory to Such Companies.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alamrew, Amare Mezgebu
Stressor Based Water Quality Assessment Using Benthic Macroinvertebrates as Bioindicators in Streams and Rivers Around Sebeta, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alamrew, Tewodros
IHL and War on Terrorism: The Case of Al-Shabbaab.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alano, Abraham
Identifying Factors Associated with the Difference between Sidama Development Program and Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia Supported CBD Programs in Contraceptive Prevalence Rate, Sidama
Zone, SNNPR.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alaro, Meskerem
Factors That Influence Female Teachers Involvement in Action Research: the Case of Lafto Government Primary School in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alebachew, Abay
An Assessment of Job Satisfaction of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Trainers: The Case of South Gondar Administrative Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alebachew, Abel
A Study of the Organizational Performance of Selam Technical Vocational Education and Training Institution.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alebachew, Teguadda
When Constitution Lacks Legitimacy in the Making: The Case of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alebie, Amarech
Evaluation of Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) Microphysics in Capturing Short Rain Over Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aleke, Margaret P. W.
Nutrient Adequacy of Porridges used for Complementary Feeding in Kangemi, Nairobi.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Alelign, Amlak
Assessment of Face-Cleanliness and Environmental Control Components of Safe Strategy among Model and Non-Model Households: A Comparative Cross-Sectional Study in Selected Woreda of Lideta Sub-City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alem, Addisu
Synthesis of Carbohydrate Esters from Vernonia Galamensis Seed Oil.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alem, G/Selassie
A Case Study of Orphaned Children Under the Care of Elderly Guardians in Gulelle Sub City of Addis Ababa: Psychosocial Problems and Aggravating Factors.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alem, Genet
Effect of Trigonella Foenum Graecum L. on Blood Glucose Level
and Lipid Profile in Newly Diagonised Type II Diadetic Mellitus Patients.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemayehu, Addisu
Phytochemical Investigation on Aerial Parts of Verbena Officinalis (Atuch).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemayehu, Afework
Assessment of the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Universal Precaution among Emergency Medicine Professionals in Emergency Room Tikure Anbessa Specialized Hospital, AAU, Ethiopia, 2013 G.C.
Undergraduate thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemayehu, Akalewold
Predictors of Late HIV Diagnosis among People Living with HIV in Adare and Yirgalem General Hospitals, SNNPR, Ethiopia: A Case Control Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemayehu, Ayele
Integrated Geophysical and Geotechnical Investigations for the Building Site Characterization of Wolkite University, Gubre, Wolkite, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemayehu, Bethelihem
The Magnitude and Associated Factors of Repeat Induced Abortion among Women of Reproductive Age Group who Seek Abortion Care Services at Marie Stopes International Ethiopia Clinics in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. April, 2015.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemayehu, Easaw
Instructional Supervision in the Private Schools of Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia: Awareness and Practices.
International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Scientific Research, 5 (5).
pp. 25-60.
ISSN 2581-4281
Alemayehu, Esayas
Some Aspects of the Biology of Garra dembecha [Pisces: Cyprinidae] and
Clarias gariepinus [Pisces: Clariidae] in Lake Hayq, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemayehu, Eyasu
The Potential for a Micro-Regional Integration Arrangement within the Context of COMESA: The Case of the North Gondar Zone, Ethiopia, and the Gedaref State, Sudan.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemayehu, Fikir
Impact of Land Use Change on Shoreline Erosion and Mangrove Dynamics in Watamu Mida Creek,.
PhD thesis, University of Nairobi.
Alemayehu, Florida
The Practice of Opting for Open Source Solutions in Higher Education Institutions of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemayehu, Kiros Embaye
Investigation on Effects of Roasting Temperature and Roasting Time on Caffeine Content in Coffee Using Optical Method.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemayehu, Legese
Assessment of Factors Affecting Willingness to HIV Counselling
and Testing among Patients Presenting with the Conventional
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemayehu, Lemessa
GIS and Remote Sensing Based Malaria Risk Mapping in Fentale
Woreda, East Shoa Zone, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemayehu, Mihret
Assessment of Vitamin A, Vitamin B 12 and Iron Levels among Tuberculosis
Patients and Co-Infected with HIV Before and After TB Treatment. Longitudinal
Cohort Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemayehu, Mulugeta
Assessment of the Prevalence of Premarital Sex and
Unprotected Sexual Practice among Gedeo Zone High
School Students, SNNPR, Ethiopia, 2006.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemayehu, Mulunesh
Assessment of Utilization and Factors of Skilled Birth
Attendance among Women of Childbearing Age in Ankasha
Guagusa Woreda, Awi Zone, Amhara Regional State, Northwest
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemayehu, Mulunesh
Assessment of Utilization and Factors of Skilled Birth
Attendance among Women of Childbearing Age in Ankasha
Guagusa Woreda, Awi Zone, Amhara Regional State, Northwest
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemayehu, Negassa Emana
Spatial and Temporal Trends in the Water Quality of Huluka River, Ethiopia: An Assessment Using Selected Physicochemical and Biological Methods.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemayehu, Shihunegn
Testing Regression Models to Estimate Costs of Road Construction Projects.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemayehu, Tabor Feyissa
Bayesian Approach for Analysis of Road Traffic
Accident (The Case of Addis Ababa).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemayehu, Taye
An Assessment of the Practices of the Implementation of Active Learning in Combined Arms Academy.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemayehu, Toma /B. Pharm
Evaluation of Antidiabetic, Antihyperlipidemic and Antiglycation Effect of Moringa Stenopetala (Baker f) Cufodontis Leaves.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemayehu, Tsion
Supply Chain Integration to Enhance the Performance of Ethiopian Footwear Industry.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa.
Alemayehu, Woldesenbet
Assessing the Implementation of Group Interaction in Teaching and Learning
of Mathematics in Cheha District Secondary Schools.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemayehu, Workalemahu
Symbiotic and Phenotypic Characterization of Common
Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) Nodulating Rhizobia from some Areas of Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemayehu, Yibrah
Improving the Compliance of Ethiopian Hospital Reform
Implementation Guideline, Infection Prevention Standards in
Suhul Hospital.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemayehu, Zewdie
Modeling of Flood Hazard Management for Forecasting and Emergency Response of ‘Koka’ Area within Awash River Basin Using Remote Sensing and GIS Method.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemitu, Mequanint
Context Aware Pervasive Healthcare System for HIV/AIDS Patients
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemitu, Toma
Iodine Status and its Determinants among School Age Children in
Kindo Didaye District of Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemkere, Getachew
Antibiotic Use Practice and Predictors of Hospital Outcome among Patients
with Systemic Bacterial Infection at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital:
Identifying Targets for Antibiotic and Health Care Resource Stewardship.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemneh, Adugna Abebe
Effects of Supplier Relationship Management on Timely Delivery and Quality of Products in Commercial Banks in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemnesh, Assefa
Nutritional Status of School Children in Addis Ababa Involved
in School Feeding Program: A Comparative Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemnew, Berhanu Kassegne
Template Synthesis and Characterization of Ni(II) and Zn(II) Complexes Derived from Ninhydrin and Ethylenediamine.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemnew, Geto
Determination of Total Polyphenols in Ethiopian Red Wines by Reaction With 4-Aminoantipyrine and Photometric Flow Injection Analysis.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemnew, Workneh
Form of Contracts Relating to Immovables in Ethiopia: Analysis of the Position of the Federal Supreme Court Cassation Division.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Abebe
Assessment of Timing of First Antenatal Care Booking and Associated Factors among Pregnant Women who Attend Antenatal Care at Health Facilities in Dilla Town, Gedeo Zone, Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region, Ethiopia, 2014.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Abreham Chebte
Diversity of Onion Basal Rot (Fusarium isolates) and their Management Using
Bacillus isolates under Laboratory and Glasshouse Conditions.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Adane
Measuring Supply Chain Performance in Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Industry Using BSC Model: The Case of Addis Pharmaceutical Factory.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Adanech
Levels of Essential and Toxic Metals in Commercial Powdered Infant
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Addisu
Cash Saving and Livelihood Diversification Practice among Better Off Rural Households in Case of Shashemene District of Oromiya Regional State, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Ambachew Abeje
Spectroscopic Measurements of Tropospheric HCN and C2H6 Over Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Azene
Chromosome Studies of Fish Species from Lake Tana, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Bamlaku Alamirew
Microfinance and Improvement in Living Standards: A Pathway Out of Poverty: The Case of Enemay Woreda, Eastern Gojjam, Amhara Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Bamlaku Alamirew
Microfinance and Improvement in Living Standards: A Pathway out of Poverty (The Case of Enemay Woreda, Eastern Gojjam, Amhara Regional State).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Baye
Ideals of Lattice Ordered Monoid.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Bejiga Melka
Treatability and Biogas Production Potential of Chrome Line
Tannery Effluent before and after Chrome Recovery in Anaerobic
Sequential Batch Reactor.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Besufikad
A Named Entity Recognition for Amharic.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Beyene
GIS and Remote Sensing Based Assessment of Causes and Risk Analysis of
Flood Hazard in Iresha Watershed, Meskan Wereda, SNNPR, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Birhanu
Awareness of HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis among Health Care Personnel in Asella Teaching Hospital, Asella town, South-east Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Dribssa
Groundwater–Surface Water Interaction and Analysis of Recent Changes in Hydrologic Environment of Lake Ziway Catchment.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Ewenet
Prevalence of Molecular Markers Associated with Chloroquine Resistance in P. falciparum after Withdrawal of the Drug in Harbu, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Eyasu Leta
Application of Integrated Geophysical Techniques to Map Deep Groundwater Potential Zones and Geological Structures at South-West Akaki, South-East of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Eyob Nigussie
Afaan Oromo – Amharic Cross Lingual Information Retrieval: A corpus Based Approach.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Fekadu
Antagonistic Activities of Pseudomonas fluorescens Isolates, as a
Bicontrol of Botrytis fabae (Chocolate Spot Disease), Plant Growth
Promoter and Inducer of Physiological Activities of Faba Bean (Vicia
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Genanaw
Forest Cover Change Detection and Fire Risk Susceptibility Mapping Using GIS and Remote Sensing: Case of Goba Woreda.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Getachew
Prevalence of Malaria and its Influencing Factors in Awassa District,
Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Getachew
A Study of the Content and Utilization of Instructional
Television (ITV) Programs in Teaching English to
Grade 9 Students.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Hibret
Factors Predisposing Out of School Youth to High Risk
Sexual Practice with Respect to HIV Infection in Bahir
Dar Town, Northwest Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Jemal
Hematological Profile of HIV Infected Adult Individuals after Receiving Highly
Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) at Black Lion Specialized Hospital,
Addis Ababa Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Jorgi Muhammed
A Case-Based Approach for Designing Knowledge-Based System for
AIDS Resource Center (ARC): The Case of Warmline Clinician
Consultation Service.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Kassahun
Assessment of Byssinosis and other Respiratory Symptoms among Production Workers in Akaki Textile Factory, Akakikality Subcity, Addis Ababa, 2006/ 2007.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Kumilachew Tegegnie
Hierarchical Amharic News Text Classification.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Mesele
Groundwater Dynamics and Aquifer Characterization of
the Shallow Aquifers of Becho and Koka Area.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Molla Assefa
Partial Substitution of Malted Barley by Raw Barley in Brewing Technology.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Muluken
Ower Distribution Network Reconfiguration Using a Heirustic Method (Case Study: Addis Ababa City Distribution Network).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Natnael
Designing Web Based Social Health Insurance Information System for
Ethiopian Health Insurance Agency.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Negash
Analysis of Stresses in Helical Gears by Finite Element Method.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Rahel
Comparative Cross-sectional Study on Prevalence and Associated Factors of
Anemia in HAART Naïve and HAART Experienced Adult HIV Patients at
Zewditu Memorial Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Rebuma Tefera
A Critical Assessment of Prisoners’ Right in the Oromia National Regional State: The Case of Burayu Prison Administration.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Sewnet
Influence of Gear Materials on Surface Fatigue Failure of Spur
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Tadesse
Assessment of Current Sexual Activity and Risky Sexual
Behavior for HIV/AIDS Infection among Butajira High
School Students, Gurage Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Tesfu
Assessment of Relationship between Infant Death
and High Risk Fertility Behavior among Married
Women of Afar. Zone Four.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Teshager
Assessment of Fiscal Capacity of Urban Local Government on Municipal Revenue in Oromia Regional State: The Case of Sebeta City.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Tewabech
Assessment of Modern Contraceptive Utilization and
Associated Factors among Female Anti-Retroviral
Therapy Attendants in Arada Sub City, Addis Ababa,
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Tewodros
Measurement of Labour Productivity in Construction Projects.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Tigist
Assessment of Sexual and Reproductive
Health Status and Related Problems of Young
People with Disabilities in Selected
Associations of People with Disability, Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alene, Eshetu
The Protection of Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Higher
Educational Institutions of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alene, Seyoum
Optimization of Design of Tuned Mass Damper for Vibration Control of Frame Structures Under Seismic Excitation.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alewi, Abdulaziz
Age, Gender and Self-Esteem as Determining Factors for Pro-Social Behavior: The Case of the Ministry of Urban Development, Housing and Construction.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alexopoulou, Kleoniki
Informal Economy and Development the Case of the dairy sector in Mwanza, Tanzania: Present status and possible Pro-poor Interventions.
Masters thesis, Utrecht University.
Alganesh, G/yohanns
Intestinal Parasites and Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAPS) among Individuals who have River Water Contact with Special Emphasis on Schistosoma Mansoni in Addiremets Town, Western Tigray, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alho, Chantelle Manuela
The Social Effects of the Exposure to Domestic Violence during Childhood: A Socio-Educational Perspective.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Ali, Abdi Mohamed
Study of the Factors Perpetuating Infibulation among Somali-Muslims in Mandera District, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Ali, Abdullahi Issack
The Variability of Returns Caused by the Level of Debt in Capital Structure (Leverage) in Public Companies in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Ali, Abdurrahman
Incidence of Surgical Site Infection, Predisposing Factors and Associated Costs at Dessie Referral Hospital, Dessie, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ali, Aminah Wanjiru
The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Financial Performance of Socially Screened Out Companies Listed at Nairobi Securities Exchange.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Ali, Ebrahim
Evaluation of Economic and Technical Feasibility of
Biogas Production from Poultry Manure in Elfora
Agro Industry Debre Zeit.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ali, Gebeyehu
Assessment of Land Use Land Cover Dynamics and Soil
Erosion Susceptible Modeling in Amhara Regional State:
Case Study at Dessie Zuria Woreda Using Remote Sensing and GIS.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ali, Mariam .A.
Logistic Regression to Determine the Relationship between HIV Testing, HIV Knowledge and Attitude among Adults in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Ali, Muhdin
Standard Precautions Practice among Health Care Workers in Police
Health Facilities, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Institutional Based CrossSectional Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ali, Muluberhan
Assessment of Medical Laboratory Request Form Completeness and Non-communicated Result to Clinicians in the Two Public Hospitals Found in
Hawassa City, Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ali, Munira Yassin
Private Security Company in Ethiopia: In the Case of Addis Ababa Activities, Challenges and Opportunities.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ali, Neja
Analytic Network Process Based Evaluation and Analysis of Railway Station Site Selection in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ali, Seid
The Impact of Asymmetrical Representation of Federated Units in the Ethiopian Federation on Decision Making Process: Case Study of House of Federation.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ali, Seid Yassin
Small-Scale Irrigation and Household Food Security: A Case Study of Three Irrigation Schemes in Gubalafto Woreda of North Wollo Zone, Amhara Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aliy, Jemal
Assessment of Equity in Provision and Utilization of Maternal and Child Health Programs in Butajira, Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aliye, Abubeker Mohammed
Effects of Khat Extract and Cathinone on Reproductive Parameters of Male Rats.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aliyie, Hasen Adem
Effect of Planned Teaching on Essential Newborn Care
Practice and Identification of Neonatal Danger Signs
among Mothers in Chewaka Resettlement Area.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alkasim, Muhammed
Assessment and Evaluation of Surface Water Potential and Demands in Baro-Akobo River Basin, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Allene, Girmaw
Assessment of Teachers' Performance in Teaching Using AWNGI as a Medium of Instruction in the First Cycle of Primary School in AWI Administrative Zone Glrmaw Allene.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alo, Adem
A Study of Gender-Related Traditional Practices Harmful to Women and Girls (The Case of Dodola District in Bale Zone).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alogo, Wilfred
Strategies Adopted by Private Security Firms to Deal with Crime in Nairobi, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Altamo, Biniyam
Perceived Knowledge Gap of Public Health
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Altaye, Samuel
Assessment of Socio-Cultural Determinants for the Spread
and Prevention of HIV/AIDS in Hamer Woreda, SNNPR.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aluda, Kenneth Musungu
Supply Chain Risk Management Practices among Telecommunications Equipment Vendors in Kenya: A Case Study of Nokia Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Aluka, Pauline
Genetic and Phenotypic Diversity of Cultivated Robusta Coffee
(Coffea Canephora Pierre) in Uganda and Effect of
Environmental Factors on Quality.
PhD thesis, University of Nairobi.
Alusa, Doreen K.
The Effect of Chief Executive Officer Turnover on Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Aluvaala, Beatrice Asabo
The Diagnosis and Risk Factors for Intestinal Helminths among Children attending a Nairobi Dispensary.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Alvera, Patience
The Role of Indigenous Knowledge Systems in Coping with Food Security and Climate Challenges in Mbire District, Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Amache, Afework Alaro
An Assessment of the Implementation of Continuous Professional Development Program in Selected Secondary and Preparatory Schools of Dawuro Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amadi, Jacinter Aluoch
Effects of Weir Installation on Water Quality and Macroinvertebrate Community Structure of Two Rivers in Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Amado, Bruk Bedore
Floristic Composition and Vegetation Structure of Gera Moist Afromontane Forest,
Jimma Zone of Oromia Regional State, Southwest Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amaha, Gebremedhin Kihishen
Urbanization, Urban Sprawl Pattern Recognition and Modeling of Awasa Ashashemene.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aman, Hoboro
Estimation of Carbon Stock in Dry Evergreen Montane Forest and its Role in Climate Change Mitigation: The Case of Bale Mountains National Park.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aman, Hussien
Water Loss Management in Adama Town.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aman, Salwa
Breast Self-Examination Practice and Associated Factors among
Women Seeking Care in Public Health Centers of Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia, 2016.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amanu, Mitiku
Process Optimization of Milk Coagulant Extraction from Latex of Carica Papaya for Production of Pre ripened Cheese.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amanuel, Ayde Ergado
Developing an Expert System for Computer and Network Troubleshooting.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amanuel, Hirpa Madessa
Probabilistic Information Retrieval System for Amharic Language.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amare, Abebe
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude & Practice towards HIV /AIDS among Commerclal Sex Workers of Alamata Woreda, 2014.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amare, Aregahegn
Determination of Essential, Non-Essential and Toxic Metals in Croton Macrostachyus Leaves and its Infusion (A Traditional Medicinal Plant in Ethiopia).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amare, Firehiwot
Blood Pressure control and Associated Factors among Hypertensive Patients
Attending Health Centers of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amare, Girmay
Chronic Effects of the Aqueous Leaf Extract of Syzygium guineense on Some Blood Parameters and Histopathology of Liver and Kidney of Mice.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amare, Kassayenew
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice towards Post Exposure Prophylaxis to HIV Infection among Medical Laboratory Professionals in a Selected Health Facilities under Addis Ababa City Administration Health Bureau, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amare, Muluken
Assessement of Prevalence of Prelactal Feeding and Associated
Factors among Mothers of Children Less Than One Year of Age in
Mizan-Aman Town Benchmaji Zone, South West Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amare, Wubishet
The Macroeconomic Determinants of Volatility in Precious
Metals Prices in Ethiopia Using GARCH and RiskMetrics
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amare, Yohannes
A Comparative Study and Computer Coding of Limit-Equilibrium-Based Slope Stability Analysis Techniques.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amateshe, Maurice
Rap Music in the Hip-Hop Culture among the Youth in Nairobi.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Amateshe, S. Margaret
Speech Development and Intervention Techniques in Children with Down Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy: A Case of Maria Magdalena School, Thika.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Amaya, Teresa Amakobe
Influence of Lapse in Partner Funding on Project Sustainability at the International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Ambachew, Biruk
Knowledge Based System for Oilseed Crop Disease Diagnosis and Treatment.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ambagwa, Phineas Amiani
Knowledge of the Relationship between Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV Transmission among Secondary School Students in Kabartonjo Division, Baringo District.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Ambala, Peris Auma
Dengue 2 Infection in Wild Caught Papio Anubis (Olive Baboons) and Chlorocebus Aethiops (African Green Monkey) from Selected Regions of Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Ambawu, Solomon
Women’s Decision-Making Rights in the Household: A Case Study on Awra Amba Community in Fogera Woreda.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ambaye, Mesfin Sileshi
Effectiveness of Content-Based Image Clustering
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ambelu, Gebeyaw
Practices, Challenges and Opportunities of Community Based Ecotourism Development in Meket Woreda, North Wollo Zone, Amhara Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amberbir, Tegegn
Issues and Challenges to Universal Access Program (UAP) Implementation in SNNPR: With Particular Reference to Mirab Abaya Woreda.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ambiyo, Eunice Catherine
Strategy Implementation, Strategic Alignment and Performance of Catholic Relief Services in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Ambula, Rose
Learning Organization, Knowledge Management, Employee Outcomes and Performance of Large Manufacturing Firms in Kenya.
PhD thesis, University of Nairobi.
Ambuso, Timon Onyango
Human Resource Audit and Organizational Performance
in the County Government of Kisumu, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology.
Amdebrhan, Eden
Department of Curriculum and Teachers Professional
Development Studies
(Adult and Lifelong Learning).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amdemariam, Henok
Challenges in Organizing Football Clubs: The Case of Kirkos Sub City Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amdetion, Eyerusalem
Attitude of School Community towards Female Students
During Practical Class: The Case of Selected
Preparatory Schools in Bole Sub-City of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amdie, Gulelat
Gender Based Violence and Risk of HIV Infection among Women Attending VCT Services in Addis Ababa City.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amdihun, Ahmed
GIS and Remote Sensing Integrated Environmental Impact Assessment of Irrigation Project in Finchaa Valley Area.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amegovu, Andrew Kiri
Efficacy of Sorghum Peanut Blend in the Treatment of Moderate Acute Malnutrition in Children Aged 6 - 59 Months in Karamoja Sub-Region, Uganda.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Amente, Adugna
The Practice and Challenges of School Leadership in Secondary Schools of ILU Aba Bor Zone of Oromia Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amente, Bamlaku
Environmental Impacts of Urban Land-Use Changes
in Kolfe Keranyio Sub-City, Kebele 04 Selti Area, Addis Ababa
Using Remote Sensing and Gis Techniques.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amente, Obsa
Exploration Study and Design of a Technology Platform for Knowledge Sharing among
Health Professionals to Improve Maternal and Child Healthcare.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amentie, Siyane Aniley
The Contribution of Parental Education for Girls Academic Achievement the Case of Selected Regions in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amenu, Abdi Gurmessa
Criminal Jurisdiction of State Courts under the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amenu, Dawit Bulcha
Salient-Object-Based Image Query by Visual Content.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amenu, Endalew
Use and Management of Medicinal Plants by Indigenous People of Ejaji Area (Chelya Woreda) West Shoa, Ethiopia: An Ethnobotanical Approach.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amenu, Mulugeta
Prevalence of Respiratory Diseases among Automobile Spray Painters in Selected Auto Body Shops in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amenu, Takele
The State of Continuous Assessment Practices in Secondary Schools of Oromia Special Zone: Challenges and Prospects.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amenya, Jared
The Relationship between Capital Structure and Financial Performance of Firms Listed at Nairobi Securities Exchange.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Amera, Tadesse
The Role of Voluntary Youth in HIV/AIDS
Prevention, Care and Support in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ami, Bonso
Design of a Patient Record System for Shashemene Referral Hospital.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amimo, Benard Mukhwana
Challenges Facing Implementation of Telehealth Projects in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Amimo, C.M
Impact of Agricultural Finance in Kenya: Case of Agricultural Finance Corporation.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Amimo, Fred Anangwe
Evaluation of the Distribution of Plant Taxa in Relation to Phlebotomine Sandflies and their Breeding Sites in Marigat, Baringo District, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Amin, Fatuma Mohamed
The Impact of Participatory Capacity and Vulnerability Assessment ( PCVA) in Improving Livelihood: A Comparison Participating and Non-Partcipating Communities in Wajir County.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Aminu, Mohammed
Design and Implementation of SMS Based Public Opinion Polling System.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amogne, Fetene Kasahun
Assessment of Breast Cancer Knowledge and Practice of Breast Self - Examination among Female Students in Madawalabu University, Bale, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amoll, Dan Otieno
Effect of Board of Directors Composition on Financial Performance of Companies Listed in Nairobi Securities Exchange.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Amondi, Toluwalase
Kenya’s Trade Diversification Policy with the East African Community and its Impact on Economic Growth.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Amondo, Emily Injete
Benefits of Spring Protection and Willingness to Pay
for Improved Water Supply in Emuhaya District.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Amsalu, Firehiwot
Policy Borrowing Practices and Challenges
in Ethiopian Higher Education Institutions:
A Case of Quality Assurance.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amsalu, Firehiwot
Policy Borrowing Practices and Challenges in Ethiopian Higher Education Institutions: A Case of Quality Assurance.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amsalu, Gashaw
Epidemiology of Intestinal Schistosomiassis in Hayk Town, Northeast Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amsalu, Melkam
Survival Status among People Living with HIV/AIDS on Highly
Active Anti Retroviral Therapy at Federal Police Referral Hospital,
Ethiopia, Retrospective Cohort Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amsalu, Meron
Cross-Sectional Study on the Assessment of Dyslipidaemia Using
Classical Lipid Profile and Apolipoprotein in Type 2 Diabetic Patients at the Diabetic Clinic of Tikur Anbessa Specialized Teaching Hospital.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amsalu, Ondwosen Dejenne
Flood Modelling Using 2d Hydrodynamic Model in the Fogera Flood Plain.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amuke, Joseph Ikoboi
An Investigation of the Corporate Social Responsibility of the Paint Manufacturing Sector towards HIV/AIDS Pandemic: A Case of Crown Berger Kenya Limited.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Amukhoye, Kennedy
Levels of Selected Nutrients in Varieties of Ipomoea Batatas Grown in Vihiga County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Amunga, Prisca Ingrid
Factors Affecting Performance of Mutual Funds in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Amunga, William E.O.
A Study of the Housing Policy in Kibera with Specific Reference to Low-income Communities.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Amwata, Akinyi Dorothy
Effects of Communal and Individual Land Tenure Systems on Land Use and Food Security in Kajiado District, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Anagaw, Addisu
The Effect of Bank Regulation on Profitability of Private Commercial Banks in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Anagaw, Berhanu
Survival Analysis of Time to Treatment Resumption for Chronic HIV-1 Patients Interrupting Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ananda, Omutokoh Kube
Quantile Autoregression and its Application to Financial Risk Management and Portfolio Optimization.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Anangwe, Duncan
Morphometry and Connective Tissue Composition of the Sigmoid Colon in Adult Kenyans.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Anania, Oryang
Customary Law of Marriage in Uganda: A Study in Search of Adaptation.
Masters thesis, Pontificia Universitas Lateranensis.
Ananura, Eunice Kateshumbwa
Trends towards Gender Equity in Selected Competitive Sports in Uganda.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Anayo, Igwe Angela
Strategies Adopted by Teachers to Manage Discipline in
Secondary Schools at Langata District, Nairobi County,
Masters thesis, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Anayo, Igwe Angela
Strategies Adopted by Teachers to Manage Discipline in Secondary Schools at Langata District, Nairobi County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Anberbir, Sara
Hematological Profile of Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Care at
Dilla University Referral Hospital, Dilla, Ethiopia: Comparative Cross
Sectional Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Anbesu, Bogale
Electrochemical Synthesis and Characterization of a Schiff Base Ligand and Schiff Base-Nickel Complex.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Andago, Angela Adhiambo
Improving the Iron Status of Children in Kisumu County Kenya Using Porridge Flour Enriched with Bovine Blood.
PhD thesis, University of Nairobi.
Andang'o, Elizabeth J.A.
Voice Tuition: A Study of Music Students' Learning Experiences, Expectations and Performance at Kenyatta University.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Andanje, Mwisukha
Evaluation of the Professional Preparation and Certification of Athletics Coaches in Kenya.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Andarge, Abebaw
Determinants of Voluntary HIV Counseling and Testing among Addis Ababa University Undergraduate Final Year Students.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Andarge, Adam Assefa
Assessment of Teachers Turnover and its Impact on the Teaching-Learning Process in Private Primary Schools of Bole Sub-City, Addis Ababa City Government.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Andarge, Engedasew
Human ‐ Wildlife Conflict Involving Ethiopian Wolf (Canis simensis) and Gelada Baboon (Theropithicus gelada) in and around Guassa Community Conservation Area, North Shoa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Andarge, Feleckech
Assessment of the Status of Post-Abortal Family
Planning Acceptance and its Associated Factors in
Burayu Town, Oromia Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Andargie, Destaw
The Role of Anti·Corruption Initiatives to The Realization of The Right to Development: With
Particular Reference to Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Andargie, Gashaw
Assessment of Utilization of Health Information System at
District Level with Particular Emphasis to HIV/AIDS Program in
North Gondar Zone Amhara National Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Andebirhan, Asmeret
Screening for Antenatal Depression: A Formative
Study for Development of a Perinatal Mental
Health Liaison Service in Zewditu Hospital.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Andima, George Morara
Aetiology of Instructional Practices for Reading in English in Rural Primary Schools in Kisii Central District, Kisii County Kenya.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Anditi, Otieno Gregory
Determinants of the Adoption of Bank Assurance Business Models by Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Andoh, Jacob Yankson
Quantitative Determinants of Need and Demand for Primary Care on the District of Columbia.
PhD thesis, University of South Africa.
Andrews, Leelia Rosamond
A Survey of Animal-Bite Injuries in Humans and the Economic Burden of Rabies in Machakos County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Andrianaivosoa, Herizafiniaina
Toward a Malagasy Christian Response to the Ecological Crisis in Midwest Madagascar.
Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.
Andualem, Mekonnen Hiruy
Developing a Laboratory Scale Sequencing Batch Reactor and Evaluating its Performance for the Treatment of Tannery Wastewater.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Anduvare, Everlyn Mmbone
Developing a Knowledge Management Strategy for the Marist International University College, Nairobi - Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Angesom, Teklit
Prevalence and Associated Factors of Diarrhea among
Under-Five Children in Laelay-Maychew District, Tigray
Region, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Angessa, Reta
Predictors of Mortality and Health Related Quality of Life in Patients
Receiving ART, Adama Hospital, Oromia Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Angima, Samson Danford
Potential Use of Contour Calliandra calothyrsus Hedges with Napier Grass (Pennisetum purpureum) for Soil Erosion Control in a High Potential Area of Embu, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Ango, Tola Gemechu
Prospects of Sustainable Natural Resource Management and Livelihood Development in Wondo Genet Area, Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ango, Tola Gemechu
Regional and Local Development Studies Prospects of Sustainable Natural Resource Management and Livelihood Development in Wondo Genet Area, Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Angwenyi, Irene Bwari
Determination of the Effectiveness of Strategies Used by Health Non-Governmental Organizations to Provide Quality Services in Nairobi City County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Anikwata, Theresa Nneka
Managing Adult Education Program in a Semi Arid Environment in Turkana County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Aniobi, Henrietta Ufuoma
Change on Knowledge Attitude and Practice of HIV/AIDS among High
School Students.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Anjejo, Mark Odawo
Uhamishaji wa Maana Katika Sajili ya Mchezo wa Kandanda.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Anjili, Anjichi Davis
Effects of Asset and Liability Management on the Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University Of Nairobi.
Annah, Kerandi Lmoraa
Investigation of Mutagenicity of Solar Disinfected (Sodis) Water Stored In Plastic Bottles.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Annan, C.Y.
An Exploration of Management Styles and Communication Practices of Hotels in Gauteng Province.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Anno, Anno Kare
Efficiency of Gas Filled Detector for Beta and Gamma Radiations.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Anteneh, Awoke
The Roles of Narrators in Girz Narratives and Early Aiiharic Didatic Prose Fiction.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Anteneh, Hailemariam Abayneh
Assessment of Balanced Score Card Implementation
in the Case of Gulele Sub-City Education Offices.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Anteneh, Mulugeta
Vibration Analysis and Design of Block-Type Machine Foundations Interacting with Soil.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Anthony, Jasmin Sophia Rani
Exploring Factors Related to Learner Performance in Natural Science: A Case of a School in the Gauteng Province.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Antipa, Rose Sirali
Biodiversity Status and Indigenous Knowledge Systems in Conserving Boni Forest, Garissa County, North Eastern Kenya.
PhD thesis, University of Nairobi.
Anudo, Cellyne N. A.
Sexual Dysphemisms and Euphemisms in South Nyanza Dholuo: A Cognitive Linguistic Approach.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Anusa, Annah
Study of Ephemeral Rock Pools on Domboshawa Mountain, Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Anwar, Mohamed
Factors Influencing Profitability of Islamic Banking in Kenya; Case of Gulf African Bank.
Masters thesis, Kabarak University.
Anyanga, Awino Mary
A Survey of Corporate Governance Practices by Savings and Credit Co-Operative Societies in Kakamega Municipality.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Anyanzu, Francis
Household Determinants of Quality of Life of Orphans in Uganda: A Case Study of Moyo District.
Masters thesis, Makerere University.
Anyanzu, Francis
Livelihood and Informality: The Case of Urban Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in Kampala.
MPhil thesis, University of Sussex.
Anyanzwa, Gamaliel Hassan Alukwe
Analysis of Factors Influencing Efficient Value Chain Management Strategies in the Dealership Telecommunications Industry: A Case of Selected Firms in Nairobi.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Anyona, Chitai Mary
An Assessment of the Patients’ Perception of Colorectal Cancer Management Cancer at Kenyatta National Hospital.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Anyona, George Oduol
An Investigation into Some Water Quality Problems of Lake Kanyaboli in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Anyona, Samuel Bonuke
Pitting of Malaria Parasites with Formation of Spherocytes and Alpha Thalassemia in Children Living in Malaria Holoendemic Lake Victoria Basin.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Anyota, Kwamboka Rebecca
The Relationship between Enterprise Resource Planning and Financial Performance of Commercial State Corporations in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Anyuki, Beatrice Kinanu
Measuring Levels of Financial Distress Using Altman's Z-Score.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Aoko, Mary Joseph
Determinants of Performance of Teacher Trainees in Early Childhood Development and Education in Kisumu Central Sub-County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Aori, Otsieno Julita
Influence of Total Quality Management Principles on Organizations’ Competitiveness: A Case of Selected Construction Firms in Mombasa County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Apiyo, Anne Josephine
Administrative Competencies of Secondary School Headteachers in Nandi District.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Apoko, Zephaniah
Determinants of Successful Implementation of National Safety Net Programmes in Kwale County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Apunda, Edwinah Amondi
Psychological and Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Clothing Consumption by Employed Women in a Liberalised Market: A Case of Nairobi City, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Aragaw, Ahmed
Amharic-English, English-Amharic Multimedia Dictionary.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aragaw, Mohammed
Anemia among Pregnant Women in Kelela Health Center, South Wollo, Northeast
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Arap Chepkwony, Wesley Lelei
Influence of Public Participation on Public Primary Schools Development Projects in Sigowet Soin Constituency Kericho County – Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Ararso, Desalegn
Quality Assessment of Tuberculosis Laboratory Diagnosis in
Selected Health Facilities of Public & Private Laboratories in
Oromia Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Araya, Alem
Determinants of Food Security in the Vulnerable Areas of Ethiopia: The Case of Ahferom Wereda in Region Tigray.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Araya, Daniel Hagos
Groundwater Evaluation of the Wukro-Genfel Sub-Basin Tigray, Northern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Araya, Hagos
The practice and Challenges of practicum Implementation program a Teacher Education College, Tigray Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa.
Araya, Hirut
Impact of Family Planning Education and Contraceptives Behavioral Use of Rural Women:-The Case of Alaje Woreda.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Araya, Moges Alene
Determinants of Food Security under Subsistence Agriculture in Ethiopia: The Case of Hintalo Wajirat Wereda, Tigray Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Araya, Tekebash
HIV/AIDS-Related Mortality in Addis Ababa City Administration.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Areda, Birhanu
Ethiopian Field Epidemiology Training Program (EFETP).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Arefaine, Solomon Alemayehu
The Interpersonal Relationships of Coaches and Players as a Factor for Performance: The Case of Mekelle Kenema Football Club.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Arega, Abunu
The Management of Provision and Utilization of Student Services in Jimma University.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Arega, Ali Mohammed
How High could Buildings Made of Ribbed or Flat Slab Construction with Out Shear Walls be Built? (Case Study).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Arega, Asefa Demelie
The Application of Waiting Lines System in Improving Customer Satisfaction: A Case of Kifiya Financial Tech Plc - Lehulu.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Arega, Degife Gurmu
Vulnerability Analysis and Malaria Risk Mapping in Awassa and Wondogenet Woredas.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Arega, Mikyas
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices
Regarding Maternal Nutrition among Pregnant
Women Attending Antenatal Care Clinics in Public
Hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2015.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Arega, Tegene
HIV and Unintended Pregnancy Risk Perception and Contraceptive
Use among Youth in Debre Birhan District, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aregawi, Atakalti Belay
Temperature Dependence Viscosity of the Neutron Star Matter.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aregawi, Samson Walelign
Assessment of the Effectiveness of Different Curing Practices in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aregawi, Tesfay
The Impact of Microfinance on Poor Women: A Case Study of Dedebit Credit and Saving Institution (DECSI) in the Eastern Zone of Tigray.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aregawi, Weldegiorgis Akale
Proving some Geometric Theorems Using Groebner Bases.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aregay, Kidanemariam
The Practices of School Supervision in Selected Secondary Schools of Arada Sub City in Addis Ababa City Administration.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Arends, Jillian
A Formative Evaluation of the Team Effectiveness Programme on Individual and Team Level within a Development Finance Institution.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Arero, Godana
Assessment of Knowledge, Perception and Risk Determinants of the HIV/AIDS among a Pastoralist Community in Borena Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Arficho, Daniel Fitamo
Status, Distribution, and Phytoavailability of Heavy Metals and
Metalloids in Soils Irrigated with Wastewater from Akaki River,
Ethiopia: Implications for Environmental Management of Heavy
Metal/Metalloid Affected Soils.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Argata, Ashenafi
Ethiopia Field Epidemiology Training
Program (EFETP).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Argaw, Abate
Assessment of the Magnitude and Factors Affecting Safe Delivery and Postpartum Services Utilization among Women of Reproductive age Group Living in Ambo Town & its Surroundings area, West Shewa Zone, Oromia Regional State, Centeral Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Argaw, Anteneh
Symbiotic and Phenotypic Characterization of Rhizobia Nodulating Common Bean
(Phaseolus vulgaris L.) from Eastern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Argaw, Atelach Alemu
Automatic Sentence Parsing for Amharic Text an Experiment Using Probabilistic Context Free Grammars.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Argaw, Chala Yadeta
Diversity and Relative Abundance of Birds in Berek Forest, Oromia Special
Zone, Berek Woreda,Central Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Argaw, Daniel
Sustainability and Factors Affecting the Success of Community-Based Reproductive Health Programs
in Rural North West Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Argaw, Natnael
Distributed Score Based Job Scheduling Algorithm
for Cloud Computing Environment.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Argeta, Teshome
Factors Affecting Managerial Effectiveness of
Cooperatives as Local Development Actors:
The Case of BechoWeliso Farmers’ Cooperative Union.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Argo, Abera
The Role of NGOs in Human Capital Development: The Case of Beso II Project in Promoting Primary Education in Sidama Zone, SNNPRS.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Arimi, Kinanu Caroline
A Comparative Study of Nutritional Status of Orphans Participating and Not Participating in School Feeding Programmes in Kariobangi, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Arithi, Javanson Kithinji
Clandestine Diplomacy and Kenya’s Foreign Policy.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Arizhibowa, Fannuel
A Human Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metal Bioaccumulation in Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus from Lake Chivero, Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Arnold, Josephine
Women and the Right to Property on Divorce: A Critical Analysis of the Division of Matrimonial Property Rights upon Divorce: A Case Study of Ilala District Court in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Arodi, Washingtone Ouma
Production and Characterisation of Specific Antibodies to Bovine Interleukin 5 and 6 and Their Use in the Development of Sensitive Elisa for their Measurement.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Aroko, Erick Onyango
Comparative and Functional Analysis of Tsetse Fly Aquaporins.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Arudo, Tobias Opiyo Okeyo
The Influence of Christianity on Fertility Regulation in Migori Division of Migori District.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Asale, Afework
Team Cohesion and its Contribution in Enhancing Team Performance: The Case of Wolita Dicha Men Football Club.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asamene, Kelelom
An Efficient Hybrid Intrusion Detection System Combines Signature-Based and Anomaly-Based Techniques.
Masters thesis, Mekelle University.
Asaminew, Belay Abebe
The Effect of Non-Financial Rewards on Employee’s Performance: The Case of Selected Branches in Awash Insurance Company S.C.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asaye, Nigussie Gebretsadik
Analysis of Land and Vegetation Cover Dynamics
Using Remote Sensing & GIS Techiniques: A Case
Study of Nechisar National Park.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aschalew, Assefa
Climate Change Detection and Attribution in Tropical Africa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aschenaki, Alemneh
Assessment of Sexual Behavior Related to
HIV/AIDS in A Community Practicing Widow
Inheritance in Digalu Tijo, Arsi Zone, Oromia
Regional State, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asefa, Adane
Psychological Problems and Adherence Prevalence on Medication, Dietary, and Physical Activity Among Type Two Diabetes Patients: The Case of Ras Desta Damtew Memorial Hospital.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asefa, Eshetu Negussie
The Implementation and Challenge of Continuous Assessment in
Teaching and Learning Mathematics in some Selected General Secondary School of Oromia: The Case of Special Zone Oromia Surrounding Finfine.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asefa, Taye Habte
The Dynamics of Land use Land cover change on the Stream Flow in Fincha Amerti -Neshe Sub-basin: Abay basin, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aseffa, Awet Ataklti
Reducing Patient’s Medical Record Chart Loss in Ayder Referral Hospital
Mekelle, Tigray Regional State,.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asegid, W/Tsadik
Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy in Currently Changed Treatment Guideline on People Living With HIV/AIDS at Bishofitu Hospital, East Shoa, 2011. Ethiopa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asegidew, Wondwosen
Utilization of Long Acting and Permanent Family Planning Methods
among Women of Reproductive Age Group in Debre Birhan Town, North Shewa Ethiopia 2014.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aseratie, Mulugeta
Assessment on Factors Affecting Implementation of
Nursing Process among Nurses in Selected Governmental Hospitals, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aseto, Caroline Lucy Atieno
The Role of the Manager in Prevention of Work Related Stress: A Case of Insurance Companies in Nairobi.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Asfaw, Abebech
The Relationship between Test-Anxiety, Perceived General Academic Self-concept and Achievement among Sixth Grade Primary Government Schools' Children in the SubCity of Gulelf/Addis Ababa!
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asfaw, Abraha
The Predictive Validity of the Ma Entrance Criteria Used by AAU: A Case Study at Selected Departments of Educational Sciences, College of Education.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asfaw, Abraha
A Study of Students' and Societal Needs Regarding an Approach to the First Cycle Primary School Curriculum Integration in Tigrai.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asfaw, Adugna
Parental Perceptions of Family - Centered Care /Intervention for Children with Disabilities.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asfaw, Alemseged Ayele
Appropriateness of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Drug Therapy: A Case of Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Diabetes Clinic.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asfaw, Amlakie
Prevalence of Diarrheal Disease among HIV-Patients from
Debre Markos Referal Hospital, Debre Markos.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asfaw, Amsalu
Ramsey Theory.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asfaw, Aymeku
Hydrogeology of the Alaydegea Plain and its Environs ( Middle Awash Valley, Afar Region ).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asfaw, Biniyam
Anomaly Detection Modeling in Medical Pervasive Systems.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asfaw, Fanaye
External Quality Assessment of AFB Smear Microscopy in Tuberculosis.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asfaw, Feyera
Modeling on Akaki Rivers Liquid Waste Disposal and Base Flow Separation.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asfaw, G/Hiwot
Assessment of Blood Requisition, Transfusion Practices and
Factors Associated with Transfusion in Elective Surgical
Procedures at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, from
February 1, 2016 to March 31, 2016 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asfaw, Henok Asresahegn
Assessment of Overweight, Obesity and Hypertension among
Shift and Day Time Factory Workers in Wonji Shoa Sugar
Factory, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asfaw, Mariamawit
Severe Preeclampsia: Effect of Timing of
Termination of Pregnancy on Maternal and
Perinatal Outcome.
Other thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asfaw, Mariamawit
Severe Preeclampsia: Effect of Timing of
Termination of Pregnancy on Maternal and
Perinatal Outcome.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asfaw, Sahle
Determinants of Chronic Respiratory Symptoms among
Pharmaceutical Factory Workers in Addis Ababa Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asfaw, Yohannes
Structural Design and Analysis of an Existing Aerodynamically Optimised Mortar Shell.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asferi, Bethlehem
Exploring Pest Management Practices and
Development of Knowledge Base System for
Pepper Disease Diagnosis.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asgedom, Mesghane Ghirmai
The Experience of Eritrean Immigrants Regarding Utilization of
Healthcare Services in Indianapolis Indiana USA.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Ashagre, Abebe
Opportunities and Challenges of Female Children with
Polio to Primary Education: The Case of Addis Ababa
Association of the Physically Handicapped.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ashagre, Rahel
The Implementation of School Improvement Program in Kokebe Tsibah and Wondyrad Preparatory Schools.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ashagre, Solomon
Survival and Its Predictors among Children on ART in Hawassa Referral Hospital, Adare Hospital and Bushulo Health Centre, South Ethiopia: Retrospective Cohort Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ashagrie, Abebe
A Study on Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Teachers about First Aid Service Provison in Governmental Preparatory and High School, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia. 2017.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ashagrie, Belaynew
Corporate Governance in Branches of Foreign Companies in Ethiopia: Any Different from Local Ethiopian Companies?
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asheber, Tsedey
Social Capital as a Survival Mechanism: The Case of Some Street Children and Youth in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ashenafi, Admasu
A 2D Monte Carlo Investigation of Static and Dynamic Properties of
Ring Polymer.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ashenafi, Kassahun
Computational Effort Reduction of Fault Tolerance in Scalable Agent Support Systems.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ashenafi, Tigist
The Legality of E-commerce and E- signature Under Ethiopian Law.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ashene, Negussu
Assessment of Quality of Expanded Program on
Immunization in Oromia Zone of Amhara Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ashenif, Melese Abraham
Remote Sensing and GIS Based Drought Vulnerability Assessment: A Case of Afar Regional State, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ashetu, Debelo
Species Composition, Habitat Association and Distribution of Rodents and
Shrews in Chato Protected Area (CPA), Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ashine, Kidus Meskele
Legal and Policy Framework for the Realization of the Right to Health in
Ethiopia: The Case of Persons Living with Podoconiosis, Wolayta Zone
Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ashun, Ebenezer
Assessment and Mapping of Groundwater Quality in the Thiririka Sub Catchment Kiambu County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Ashuro, Tesfahun
Performance of Unconventional Soil Stabilizers in Stabilization of Substandard Materials for Road Subgrade & Subbase.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asiabugwa, Mary Ayuma
E-Commerce Strategy and Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Asin, Caroline Achieng
Risk Factors, Management and Outcomes of Drug Induced Hepatic Injury among Adult Patients with Liver Disease at Kenyatta National Hospital.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Askham, Therese
Water Sustainability: Measurement, Management, Engagement, and Disclosure of Selected Water-Intensive Companies on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Asmamaw, Daniel Arega
Face Recognition Using Eigenfaces Method.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asmare, Biru
Applicability of Data Mining Techniques to Support Voluntary
Counseling and Testing (VCT) for HIV: The Case of Center for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asmare, Eninges
Pair Production with Neutrinos and High-Intensity Laser Field.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asmelash, Abebe
Assessment of HIV/AIDS-Related Mortality among Primary and Secondary School Teachers in Addis Ababa (1998-2003) Using Verbal Autopsy.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asmelash, Gebremedihn
Tomographic Imaging of Ionospheric Electron Density over Eastern Africa Using Multi-Platform Instrumentations and Model Ionospheric Total Electron Content.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asmelash, Yeibeyo
The Implementation of Teachers Continuous Professional Development of in Gullele Sub- City Government Preparatory Schools of Addis Abeba.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asmerom, Tilahun Araya
Assessing Surface Water Potential and Water Demand in Genale Dawa River Basin.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asnake, Biniam
Retrieval from Real-Life Amharic Document Images.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asnake, Endalew
Magnitude of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C infection and Their Associated Risk Factors Among Psychiatric Patients at Amanuel Mental Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asnake, Misgana Teshome
Assessment of the Implementation of Higher Education Quality Assurance Guidelines in Public Universities in Ethiopia.
PhD thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Asnake, Misgana Teshome
Assessment of the Implementation of Higher Education Quality Assurance Guidelines in Public Universities in Ethiopia.
PhD thesis, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Asnake, Mugzer
Ethiopia Field Epidemiology Training Program
(EFETP): Compiled Body of Work in Field Epidemiology.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asnake, Nardos
Incrementally Autonomous Light Weight Agent Architectures for Optimization Task.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asnake, Tamrat
Potential of Floriculture Residue for Biogas Production.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asnakech, Deneke
Intestinal Parasitic Infections among Patients Visiting Gorebella
Health Center, North-Central Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asnakech, Endale
Women Football Premier League in Ethiopia and its Contribution to the National Team.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asra, Mitiku Tadele
Optimization and Characterization of Synthesis Conditions of Adsorbent from Bone for Removal of Fluoride.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asrat, Biniyam
The Utilization of Active Learning: The Case of Nifas Silk Lafto Sub-City Governmental Upper Primary School.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asrat, Birhan Atnafu
A Web-Based National Data Center Framework to Integrate Health Related Publications in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asrat, Fikru
Physico-chemical and Microbiological Assessment of the Quality of Drinking
Water Supply in Chancho Town, North Shoa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asrat, Habtamu
Performance Evaluation of TB Smear Microscopists at External Quality
Assessment Rechecking Laboratories in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asrat, Solomon
Solid Waste Management: A Case Study of Household Solid Waste Management in Arada Sub-City, Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asrat, Solomon
Solid Waste Management: A Case Study of Household Solid Waste Management in Arada Sub-City, Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asrat, Sophonyas
Simplified Analysis and Design Considerations of Precast Joist in One Way Ribbed Slab.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asrat, Tsion Hailemariam
The Role of African Governance Architecture (AGA) in Preventing Structural Conflict in Africa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asrat, Yoseph
Descriptive Analysis of Road Traffic Crashes in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asres, Abyot
Assessment of Factors Associated with Safe Delivery Service Utilization among Women of Childbearing Age in Sheka Zone, SNNPR, South West Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asres, Animut Belay
A Semi- Supervised Approach for Amharic News Classification.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asres, Endalew Mehari
Practices and Problems of Material Resource Management in Government Secondary Schools of Gullele Sub – City, Addis Ababa City Administration.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asres, Nitsuhbirhan
Assessment of Family Satisfaction in Care of Critically
Ill Patient and Associated Factor in Intensive Care Unit
of Governmental Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,2015.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asress, Mulugeta Biadgo
Computer-Aided Aerodynamic and Stractural Design of Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbine Blades.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asridew, Sefrash
Assessment of Magnitude and Factors Associated With
Unintended Pregnancy among Women Attending Antenatal
Care at Ghandi Memorial Hospital.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assabu, Getinet
A Study on the Assessment of Pattern and Predisposing
Conditions of Child Sexual Abuse among Female Children
Seen in Gandhi Memorial Hospital Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 2017.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assava, Solomon Musiega
The Effects of Reward System on Employee Performance in National Water Conservation & Pipeline Corporation, Nairobi.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Assayehegn, Elias
Synthesis and Structural Studies on Metal Complex Based on Multidentate Ligand Derived from Salicylaldehyde and Resdiacetophenone-Dihydrazone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Abadi
The Role of Principals in Managing Quality of Education in
Government Secondary Schools of Gullel Sub-City in Addis Ababa City Adminisration.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Adamu
Students' Attitude Towards Mother Tongue Instruction as a Correlate of Academic Achievement: The Case of Sidama.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Adane
Biological Consequences of Pleistocene Glaciations in
East African Afro-Alpine Environment as inferred from
Molecular Data of Some Key Plant Species.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Andnet Deresse
Local institutions and their Influence on Forest
Resource Management in Southwest of Ethiopia:
The Case of Yayu Forest.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Anteneh
Assessment of Overall Quality of Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV Service in Adama Town, Oromia Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Berhane
Assessment of Factors Affecting Utilization of PMTCT Services among Pregnant Women in Sebeta and Alemgena Health Centers, Fin Fine Zurya Special Zone of Oromia, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Beteal
Studies on Benthic Macroinvertebrates of Lake Hayq, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Dagnachew
Detecting Fraudulent Bank Cheque Customers Using Data Mining Technology; The Case of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Daniel
Amharic Speech Training for the Deaf.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Dawit
Photonic Crystal: Principles and Applications in Nanophotonics.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Dessalegn
Practices and Problems of School Leadership in Secondary Schools of Addis Ababa, City Administration.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Dilbetigle
A Study of Gamma Ray Total Attenuation and Photo Absorption Coefficient in Different Elements.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Emnet
Tiling of the Plane.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Ermias
The Impact of School Feeding Programme on Students Academic Performance: The Case of Selected Elementary Schools in Debre Libanos Wereda, Oromia Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Esete
Sero-Burden of Rubella Virus and Associated Risk Factors among Pregnant Women Attending ANC at Selected Hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Eshete
Biomass and Production of the Major Zooplankton in Lake Kuriftu, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Fisseha Mulatu
Assessment of Knowledge and Health Care Seeking Behavior about
Neonatal Danger Signs among Mothers Visiting Immunization Unit in
Selected Governmental Health Centers , Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Fisseha Mulatu
Assessment of Knowledge and Health Care Seeking Behavior about
Neonatal Danger Signs among Mothers Visiting Immunization Unit in
Selected Governmental Health Centers , Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Freshet
Antidiabetic Activity of Ajuga Remota Benth (Harmegusa) Leaves
in Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Rats.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Gedion
Page Segmentation in Amharic
Document Image Collections.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Haymanot
In-Vitro Comparative Evaluation of
Different Co-Trimoxazole Tablet
Products Obtained from Drug Retail
Outlets in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Lulseged
Sero-Prevalence of Selected Transfusion-Transmitted Pathogen
and Associated Risk Factors among Blood Donors at the National
Blood Bank Service in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Meaza
The Glycemic Index of some Traditional Ethiopian Foods in Mice.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Melese
Magnitude of Missed Opportunities on Infants under One
Year Routine Immunization Services and Associated
Factors in Wolikte Healthcenter, Gurage Zone,
Southern Regional State, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Mulubirhan
Assessment of Factors Influencing
Hygiene Behaviour among School
Children in Mereb-Leke District, Tigray
Region, Ethiopia 2013.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Nigussie
Sexual Behavior and Determinants of Condom Use among
HIV/AIDS Patients Who Are on Art in North Shewa Health
Facility, 2010/2011.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Rahel
Girl’s Preference for Human Papilloma Virus Vaccination in
Secondary Schools in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2017: Discrete
Choice Experiment.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Robel
Schedule Delay Identification and Assessment on Addis Ababa’s Light Rail Transit Construction Project.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Shimelis
Modeling and Analyzing the Deformation of Ballast Structures Due to Repetition of Loads.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Solomon
Prevalence of Group B Streptococci Colonization and
Susceptibility Pattern among Pregnant Women Attending
Antenatal Care Clinics of Health Institutions, Addis Ababa,
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Tagel
Geophysical Investigations for Groundwater Potential Assessment
and Mapping Structures for Possible Connections between Lakes
Langano and Shala, Main Ethiopian Rift.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Tamirat
Prevalnce of Work Related Lower Back Pain and
Assocaiated Factors among Welders in Selected Metal and
Engineering Industries in Addis Ababa and Surrounding
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Terefe
Finfine/Addis Ababa As the Capital City of Oromiya National Regional State: The Rights, Practices, Challenges and Prospects.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Tesfaye
Factors Affecting Implementation of Nursing
Process among Nurses in Bale Zone Hospitals, South East Ethiopia,
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Tewedaje
A Study on an Assessment of Teachers’ Turnover in
Government General Secondary Schools of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Yonas
Evaluation of Processing Factors in Screw Expeller and Comparison with Other Extraction Methods of Ethiopian Shea (Vitlleria Paradoxa) Butter.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asseffa, Workie
Assessment of an Implementation and Managing Arrangement of the Current Status of Women Foot Ball Project Team in Awi Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assegid, Meselech
Assessement of Intention and Practice of VCT
and Infant Feeding in the Context of HIV/AIDS
among Lactating Mothers in Harar Town.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assegid, Sahilu
Household Illness Prevalence and its Determinants among Under Five Children in Gambella Special Wereda, South West Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assen, Mohammed Dejen
Contested Secularism in Ethiopia: The Contention between Muslims and the Government.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assen, Worku Hassen
Secondary School Physical Education Curriculum Implementation and its Challenges: A Focus on Debremarkos City Administration.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assfaw, Assefa Mulugeta
Development and Competency of Forensic Examination in the Protection of the Rights of the Accused in the Criminal Justice of Ethiopia: Prospects and Challenges: The Case of Homicide in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assres, Gebremariam Mesfin
A Framework for Enhanced Usability of Web
Services on Smartphones.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asuma, Caroline Moraa
The Influence of Brand Equity on the Choice of Marketing Strategies by Manufacturers of Carbonated Drinks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Atala, Mary Mugeha
The Effect of Muslim Holidays on Stock Returns of Listed Companies at the Nairobi Securities Exchange.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Atalay, Luel
A Probabilistic Information Retrieval System for Tigrinya.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Atandi, Fred Gichana
Effect of Credit Available to Micro and Small Enterprises on Business Performance: The Case of Kitale Town.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Atara, Adane
Assessment of the Role of Microfinance in Rural Household’s Food Security: The Case of OMO Microfinance in Dale Woreda.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ataro, Demelash
Pattern of Congestive Heart Failure at Adult Emergency Medicine Department, Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital,Aau, Aa, Ethiopia.
Other thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Atem, Martha Nyaliet Chol
Factors Affecting Non-Performing Loans: A Case Study of KCB Bank Kenya Limited Nairobi Region.
Masters thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Atemba, Isaac Nyasani
An Investigation of Training Methods and Effectiveness in Kenyan SACCOs: A Study of Wakenya Pamoja SACCO - Kisii Central District.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Atetegeb, Meazah
Polydentate 1,10-Phenanthroline-5,6-Dione Derivatives and its Metal Complexes-Synthesis and Characterization.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Atetwe, Julius Angoli
Analysis of the Influence of Mother Tongue on Students’ Performance in English in KCSE in Public Day Secondary Schools in Gatundu District, Kiambu County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Atetwe, Julius Angoli
Analysis of the Influence of Mother Tongue on Students’ Performance in English in KCSE in Public Day Secondary Schools in Gatundu District, Kiambu County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Atewu, Abayneh
Improving the Use of ICT Based Blood Tests of Pre and Post Analytical
Medical Laboratory Practices to Enhance Patient Satisfaction in St. Paul’s
Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Atey, G/Medhi
Local Use of Spices, Condiments and Non-Edible Oil Crops in some Selected
Woredas in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Atieno, Maureen Eva
Effect of Strategic Change Management on the Performance of Airtel Kenya Limited.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Atieno, Winnie Peggy
Influence of Financial Accountability on Operational Efficiency
of County Funded Road Projects in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Atika, Abdurahman
Prevalence of Constipation among Children Referred to Gastroenterology Clinic with Chronic Abdominal Pain at Kenyatta National Hospital.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Atika, Benjamin Momanyi
Solar Water Heating in Urban Housing: A Study of Factors Affecting Adoption among Households in Nairobi.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Atile, Shimelis
Traction Power Consumption Analysis to Investigate Freight Train
Operational Speed.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Atintie, Getachew
Implementation of ISO 14001-Based EMS in Brewing Industry in Ethiopia: The Case of MAB.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Atkilt, Daniel
Farmer Herder Conflict Over Natural Resources in Northeast Ethiopia: The Case of Quowet Wereda in North Shewa Zone of the Amhara National State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Atkilt, Daniel
Farmer Herder Conflict over Natural Resources in Northeast
Ethiopia: The Case of Quowet Wereda in North Shewa Zone of the Amhara National State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Atkilt, Helen
Magnitude and Associated Risk Factors of Diabetic
Ketoacidosis in Newlydiagnosed Diabettis Melittus Children in
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Atkilt, Michael
Design and Development of a Web-Based Liaison Services System
for Yekatit 12 Hospital Medical College.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Atlabachew, Ayele
Does Community Based Reproductive Health Program (CBRHP) Improve Women Status? A Comparative Study between CBRHP and Noncbrhp
Areas, in Bassonaworana District North Shoa Administrative Zone, Amhara Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Atnafe, Henock
Under-Five Street Children Diarrheal Home Treatment: The
Case of Mothers Residing on Streets of Selected Sub-Cities in
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 2016.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Atnafseged, Bethel
Association between Comprehensive Sexuality Education and Adolescent Risky Sexual Behavior, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Atnafu, Natnael
Youth Friendly Service Utilization and Associated
Factors among Preparatory School Students in Sodo
Town, Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples
Region, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Atnafua, Bekele
Studies on Molecular Genetic Diversity and Useful Genomic Traits of Yam (Dioscorea Spp) Germplasm Collections from Ethiopia.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Atsbeha, Genet
Floristic Composition of Herbaceous Flowering Plant Species with Emphasis to Ethnobotanical
Importance of Wild Grasses in Laelay and Tahtay Michew Districts, Central Zone of Tigray,
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Atsbeha, Haile Belay
Practices and Problems in Community Participation in Secondary Schools of Central Zone of Tigray.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Atsbeha, Hannibal
Seroepidemiologic Survey of Viral STDs in Rural
A Population Based Comparative Study on the
Prevalence of HIV-1,
HSV-2 and HBV in Gundo Meskel and Shebe
Towns, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Atsbeha, Hannibal
Seroepidemiologic Survey of Viral STDs in Rural Ethiopia:
A Population Based Comparative Study on the Prevalence of HIV-1,
HSV-2 and HBV in Gundo Meskel and Shebe Towns, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Atsede, Muleta
Isolation and Screening of Antibiotic Producing Actinomycetes from Soil.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Atsedeweyn, Asrat
A Comparison of Alternative Estimators of Macroeconomic Model in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Attibu, Philip Kwabla
Assessment of Salinity and Sodicity of Water Used for Irrigation in Three Sub-Catchments in the Upper Athi River Basin, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Auma, Emma Claire
Effect of Elements of Organizational Culture on Employee Performance: A Case of Moran E.A Publishers.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Aura, Michelle
Factors Influencing the Application of Corporate Communication among Public Relation Firms in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Avortri, Gertrude Sika
Development of Guidelines to Improve Client-Centred Childbirth Services in Ghana.
PhD thesis, University of South Africa.
Awas, Mulugeta
Prevalence of Mental Disorders
in Meskan and Mareko District
Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aweke, Arega
Assessment of Health Care Seeking Behavior at Household Level
in Sodo Zuria Wereda, SNNPR, Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aweke, Arega
Assessment of Health Care Seeking Behavior at Household Level in Sodo Zuria Wereda, SNNPR, Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Awel, Abdela Husen
Neutrons and Production of Neutrons of Various Energy.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Awel, Abdulhayi
Integration of Cultural Elements in Selected Textbooks of Addis Ababa Primary School Curriculum.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Awel, Emamu Abdela
Mining Emergency Medical Data: The Case of Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Awel, Miftah
Antiretroviral Treatment Adherence and Its Determinants among
People Living With HIV/AIDS on Highly Active Antiretroviral
Therapy at Two Hospitals in Oromiya Regional State, Ethiopia, 2006.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Awero, Rose Gweyani
Strategic Response to Competitive Environment in Kenya By Kenya Post Office Saving Bank.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Awet, Fesseha
Web Usage: Exploring Navigational Behavior of Users the Case of the Official Web Site of Addis Ababa University.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Awie, Belay Ejeta
Men’s Knowledge and Attitude towards Vasectomy in East Wollega Zone of Oromia Region, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Awinja, Priscah
Service Delivery Channels and Operations Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Awiti, Caroll Atieno
Determinants of Sustainability of Greenhouse Farming Technology among Farmers in Kakamega County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Awoke, Sisay
Ethiopian Field Epidemiology Training Program (EFETP)
Compiled Body of Works in Field Epidemiology.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Awoke, Yohannes
The Challenges of Multiparty Democracy in Ethiopia: With Particular Emphasis on Electoral Administration.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Awol, Assefa Toib
Agro-Morphological, Physiological and Yield Related Performances of
Finger Millet [Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.] (Poaceae) Accessions
Evaluated for Drought Resistance under Field Condition.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Awol, Faris
Network Traffic Analysis for Optimizing the Performance
of Critical Applications: The Case of AAU Network.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Awuor, Fred
Effects of Selected Bank Specific Factors on None Performing Loans amongst Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Awuor, Imaculate Leah
The Influence of Strategies Adopted by Destination Marketing Organizations on International Tourists Arrivals in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Awuor, Miseda Elsa
Influence of Holistic Child Development Programmes on Children’s Livelihood in Siaya County, A Case of Compassion International.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Awuor, Victor Apollo
Age Migration Schedules in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Ayalew, Abate
A Floristic Composition and Structural Analysis of Denkoro Forest, South Wello.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayalew, Abrham
Technology Transfer Laws on University – Industry Linkage in Ethiopia: The Case of Ethiopian Leather Industry.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayalew, Adane
The Effect of Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation on Internal Supply Chain Performance: The Case of Ethio Telecom.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayalew, Belay Habtie
Cellular Network Based Real-Time Road Traffic State
Estimation Framework for Urban Road Networks.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayalew, Berhanu
Prospects and Challenges of Solid Waste Management in Addis Ababa:
The Case of Bole Sub-City.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayalew, Berhanu Adem
Ecological Studies of the African Civet (Civettictis civetta) in Hawassa and Wondo Genet Areas, Southern Ethiopia.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayalew, Eliase
Spatial and Temporal Variability of Precipitable Water Vapor from Era-Interim Over Ethiopia During 2006-2012.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayalew, Emiru
Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction and Intention to Leave the Job among Nurses in Governmental Health Facilities in Bahir Dar North West Ethiopia ,2016.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayalew, Ermias
The Prevalence of Stunting and Associated Factors among Children Age 6-59 Months at Mizan-Aman Town, Bench Maji Zone, SNNPR Region, Ethiopia, 2015.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayalew, Fassikawit
The Role of NGOs in the Prevention and Control of the Spread of HIV/AIDS: The Case of Selected Organizations in the Addis Ababa City Administration.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayalew, Fassikawit
The Role of NGOs in the Prevention and Control of the Spread of HIV/AIDS: The Case of Selected Organizations in the Addis Ababa City Administration.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayalew, Freshwork
Performance Evaluation of Laboratory Professionals on Malaria
Smear Microscopy in Hawassa City, Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayalew, Haregewoin
Prevalence and Factors Contributing to Late Diagnosis of
Breast Cancer among Women Attending Tikur Anbessa
Specialized Hospital, Oncology Unit, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayalew, Hussen
9,9-Disubstituted Fluorene-Based Polymers: Preparation and Characterization.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayalew, Misganaw
Ethiopia Field Epidemiology Training Program (EFETP)
Compiled Body of Works in Field Epidemiology.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayalew, Sosina
Bacterial Profile and Drug Resistance Pattern of
Pathogens Isolated from Wound Infection at Armed Force
Referral and Teaching Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayalew, Tadesse
Causes and Effects of Variations in Ethiopian Federal Road Projects.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayalew, Tadesse
Oviposition, Ovicidal and Feeding Responses of Potato Tuber Moth, Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) to Birbira, Millettia ferruginea (Hochst) Baker (Legumionosae: Papilionideae) Seed Powder Extracts.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayalew, Tilkisew
Prevalence of Timely Initiation of Breastfeeding and Associated
Factors in First Time Mothers in Bahirdar, Amhara Regional State ,
North West,Ethiopia, 2016.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayalew, Tirualem
The Classroom Practices of Learner-Centred Approach in Second Cycle Primary Schools of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayalew, Yohannes Eneyew
Umbrella Clause in Ethiopia’s Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITS) in Light of State Responsibility: Ethiopia’s Bits With Germany, France and Turkey.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayana, Abebe
Impact of Shortage of Materials and Facilities in Teaching Learning Football in some Governmental Secondary Schools of West Wollega Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayana, Abraham Gizaw
Improving Brill’s Tagger Lexical and Transformation Rule for Afaan Oromo Language.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayana, Daniel Bekele
Afaan Oromo-English Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval (CLIR): A Corpus Based Approach.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayana, Fikiru
Ethnobotany of Traditional Medicinal Plants in Hawa Gelan District, Kelem Wollega Zone of Oromia Region, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayana, Ifa kenea
The International and National Legal Framework on the Human Right
to Water.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayana, Wondimu Bekele
Emergency Contraceptive: Post- Secondary School Female Students’ and Service Providers’ Perspective: The Case of Awassa Town.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayanie, Ayele Kefale
Bioethanol Production and Optimization Test from Agricultural Waste: The Case of Wet Coffee Processing Waste (Pulp).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayanu, Abraham Firew
NGO’s Experience with the Practice of Participatory Development the Case of CARE - Ethiopia Borana
Pastoral Water Development Initiatives.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayao, Evans Onsindu
Factors Contributing To Indebtedness among Local Authority Councils in Kenya A Case Study of Ogembo Town Council.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Aydiko, Esayas
Pre-Lacteal Feeding Practice and its Determinants among Mothers of Children Aged Less Than 24 Months Old in Soddo Zuria District, Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia, 2017.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayele, Anteneh Melesse
Reproductive Health Risk and Sexual Behavior among School Adolescents in Mojo Preparatory and High School, in Mojo Town, East Shewa, Oromia Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayele, Anteneh Melesse
Reproductive Health Risk and Sexual Behavior among School Adolescents in Mojo Preparatory and High School, in Mojo Town, East Shewa, Oromia Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayele, Binyam
What Factors Determine Delivery Practices of Pregnant Women? Compartive Analysis of Findings from Behavioral Modeling and Follow up of Actual Practices.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayele, Chirotaw
In Vivo and in Vitro Antifertility Properties of Vernonia Amygdalina Del.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayele, Demelash
Healthfaciltities Based Cross Sectionalstudyon Prevalence and Associted Factors of Diarrheal Morbidity among Under-Five Childern in Armed Forces Teaching and Referral Hospital ,Signal and Gofa Health Centersaddis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayele, Edget
Coronation and Traditional Administrative System of the Donga People.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayele, Fantaye
Characterization and Pathogenicity of Blast Pathogen (Pyricularia
grisea) of Wild Finger Millet (Eleusine africana) and its Control Using Biological
Antagonists and Fungicides.”.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayele, Lidetu Yimer
Definition and Rights of Indigenous Peoples: The Case of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayele, Mengistu
Evaluation of Acute and Sub-Chronic Toxicity of Aqueous Leaves Extracts of
Maytenus Gracilipes Celastraciae (Kombolcha) on Some Blood Parameters and
Histopathology of Liver and Kidney in Swiss Albino Mice.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayele, Segedu
Level of Disrespect and Abuse in Maternity Care among Facility Based
Maternity Care Users, Debre Markose, East Gojjam, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayele, Tadele Basazenew
Identification of High-Risk Hardware Path-Delay Fault Locations
and Evaluation of Their Impact.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayele, Tigist
Social Skills Training for Children and Youth with Autism in Nia Foundation Joy Center.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayele, Tsegahun
The Prevalence and Socio- Economic Condition of Persons with Disabilities in Hosanna Town.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayenew, Bewket
The Problem and Prospects of Tirunesh Dibaba Athletics Center in Developing Young Athletes for National Team.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayenew, Eyob
Conflict Resolution Styles in Couples’ Relationships: Examining Adult Attachment, Perceptions of Early Parent Attachment Experiences and Relationship Satisfactions in Addis Ababa.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayenew, Gezie
Species Composition, Relative Abundance, Distribution and Habitat Association of Rodents in Meklite Forest and Associated Areas, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayenew, Yifru Argaw
Context-Aware Mobile Phone Based City Guide.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayeru, Amsalu
Multi- Objective Quadratic Programming Problem: A Priority Based Fuzzy Goal Programming.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayeta, Mesfin
An Investigation of Livelihood Security of Weaver Migrants in the Informal Sector of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayichew, Zelalem
Review of Histologic Results of Vaginal Hysterectomy Specimens Done for Pelvic Organ Prolapse: 4 Year Retrospective Cross Sectional Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayinkamiye, Rose
The Strategies used by State and Non State Actors in Empowering the Refugees in Kenya: A Case Study of Tushirikiane Afrika (TUSA).
Masters thesis, University Of Nairobi.
Ayisi, Robert Kangwana
The Effect of Sodium Supplementation on Sodium Homeostasis in very low Birth Weight Infants Fed on own Mothers' Milk.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Aynalem, Tesfatsion
Teachers’ Involvement in Managerial Decision-Making in the Secondary Schools of Nifas Silk Lafto Sub City.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayodo, Theodore Mordecai Osano
The Vocational Rehabilitation Programme in Kenya: An Examination of its Effectiveness as an Agency Providing Training and Employment for Disabled Persons.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Ayoma, Ernest Otieno
Influence of Interpersonal Conflicts on the Students’ Academic Performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education in Public Secondary Schools: A Case of Homa Bay County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Ayonga, Darlene Nyaboke
Efficacy of Schitozim: A Herbal Medicine in the Treatment of Schistosoma Mansoni Infections in Experimentally Infected Balb/C Mice.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Aysheshim, Melese Wubshet
Application of GIS for Urban Planning in Ethiopia with Particular Reference to Abattoir Site Suitability Analysis for Kulito Town: An Exploration.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ayuko, Siloya Dorcas
The Effects of Herding on Stock Returns at the Nairobi Securities Exchange.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Aywaya, Felix
Assessing the Appropriateness of Classification of Listed Companies by Financial Ratios in Nairobi Securities Exchange.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Azage, Muluken
Assessment of Healthcare Waste Generation Rate and Its
Management System in Health Centers of West Gojjam
Zone, Amhara Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Azaria, Markos Girma
Recognition of Government in the Regional Organizations: The Case of African Union.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Azeb, Bahre
Design of TB Patient Adherence to Treatment Follow Up System
For Woreda Nine Health Center in Nifas Silk Lafto Sub-City.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Azene, Addisu Asfaw
Synthesis of some Novel 2-Pyrazolyl-4(3h)-Quinazolinone Derivatives with Potential Antimalarial and Antileishmanial Activities.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Azied, Osman
Species Composition, Abundance and Diet of Rodents in Chilelo Irrigated Field, Legedaddi Area, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Azilke, Tamire
Exploring Selected Maternity Service Utilization among Homeless Mothers in
Addis Ketema Sub-City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Descriptive Phenomenological
Qualitative Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Azimitachew, Ayele
Chromosome Study of Local Farmers’ Varieties of Opuntia ficus-indica (L.)
Mill. (Cactaceae) from Tigray, Northern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
The Relationship between Cognitive Tests and the Academic Performance of Students on an Mba Programme.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Baba, Fanta Regassa
Assessment of Soil Quality in Fantale District, East Shewa, as Influenced by Land Use.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Baba, Tigist
Perceived Leadership Effectiveness of Principal in
International and Private Schools, in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Babi, Bombay
Setting Frequency Relays and Voltage Relays to Protect Synchronous Distributed Generators against Islanding and Abnormal Frequencies and Voltages.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Babisso, Alemu Abera
Attitude towards Females with Disabilities: The Case of Wolayitta Ethnic Group.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Babulo, Tanga
The Practices and Challenge of Pre-Schooling in Dawuro Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bacha, Aberra
Effect of Ketofol Versus Propofol as an Induction Agent on Ease of Laryngeal Mask Airway Insertion Conditions and Hemodynamic Stability in Children: A Prospective Cohort Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bacha, Girma
Prevalence of Suboptimal Child Spacing Practice and Its Associated
Factors among Women of Child Bearing Age in Serbo Town,Jimma
Zone Southwest Ethiopia, 2017.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bagaja, Yussuf R.
Determinants of Clients' Exit from Microfinance Organizations in Kenya: A Survey of Kenya Women Finance Trust in Nakuru County.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Bahar, Abdi
The Emerging International Law on Indigenous Peoples’ Rights: A Look at the Ethiopian Perspective.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bahiru, Demessie Dubie
Syllable-Based Amharic Speech Synthesis (TTS) Using HMM.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bahiru, Engdawork Admassu
Structural Study and its Effect on Thermal Activities of Tulu Moye-Gedemsa Area.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bahiru, Tekle Robi
The Contribution of Community Development Interventions Towards Food Security: The Case of Adami Tulu-Jido District of East Shewa Zone, Oromia Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bahita, Gebremedhin
Assessment of Reward and Compensation Management
Practices at Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation Training
Institution and Head Quarter.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bahru, Zinaye
Geological and Geomorphological Characterization of the Dendi Caldera, West Central Ethiopia: Implications for Paleo-Environmental Reconstruction Using Lake Sediment Cores.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bahufite, Eric
Application of the Constructivist Methods of Teaching-Learning Through the Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTS) in Zambian Schools. A Case of Three Secondary Schools in Lusaka.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Bailasha, Nicholas K.
Effectiveness of the Serves used during the 12th Edition of the African Volley Ball Clubs Championship.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Bakari, Gabriel Chone
Procurement Contracting Practices and Service Delivery of Government Owned Entities in the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Baker, Hendia
Mobilities of Presence: Themotifs of Time and History in the Novels of Peter Ackroyd.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Baker, Sandra Therese
An Examination of Wittgenstein's Approach to the
Mind- Body Problem.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Bakesia, Grace Buluma
Challenges Facing Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in Nairobi City County.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Bakhuya, Joylette
Effect of Communication Strategy on Strategic Planning in African Banking Corporation Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Balcha, Solomon Werdofa
The Organization and Management of Community
Skill Training Centers Programmes in North Shoa
Zone of Oromia Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Balcha, Tamrat
Evaluation of Taro Boloso-I (Colocasia Esculenta Cultivar) Native
Starch as Disintegrant and Its Pre-Gelatinized Form as Direct
Compression Diluent in Paracetamol Tablets.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Balcha, Urgessa
Factors Affecting Self-Employement of Graduates of
Government Technical and Vocational Education and
Training Institutes in South West Shoa Zone of Oromia
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Baleker, Asma Redi
Raw Quality Value Classification of Ethiopian Coffee Using Image Processing Techniques: In the Case of Wollega Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Balew, Estifanos
Employment Rights of Female Employees in the Construction
Industry: The Case of Bole Arabssa Condominium Housing Building Project in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Baloyi, Colinel Rex
Interpretations of Academic Freedom - a Hilstorical
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Baloyi, Famanda Thomas
The Financial Management of Section 21 Schools in the Mopani District, Limpopo Province.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Baloyi, Katekiso
An Analysis of Bank Supervision and Regulations as a Result of Technological Changes in Zimbabwe Payment Systems Post Dollarisation (2009-2014).
Undergraduate thesis, Midlands State University.
Baloyi, Kudzai
An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Social Media Marketing in Enhancing Sales Performance in the Mobile Telecommunication Industry: A Case of Econet Wireless Zimbabwe (2010-2014).
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Baloyi, Lydia Tsakane
An Evaluation of the "Life Skills Train the Trainer Programme.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Baloyi, Rhandi May
An Investigation into the Pedagogically Accountable Implementation of Authority in Tsonga Secondary Schools.
Masters thesis, University of South Afrrica.
Bam, Nicola Rose-Anne
The Role of Inset in Promoting Multilingualism in Western Cape Schools: A Case Study.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Banchiayehu, Gelan Huriso
In Vitro Propagation of Taverniera abyssinica A. Rich (Dingetegna).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Banda, Annie
Factors Influencing Indoor Residual Spraying in Lusaka District’s Mtendere, Kanyama and Matero Compounds.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Banda, Annie
Factors Influencing Indoor Residual Spraying in Lusaka District’s Mtendere, Kanyama and Matero Compounds.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Banda, Caroline
Factors Associated with Modern Contraceptive Use in Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Banda, Charles Masili
The Determinants of Banking Sector Interest Rate Spreads in Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Banda, Dabwitso Philip
Alleviation of Poverty Using Communication Tools: The Case of Kaloko Trust Zambia in Masaiti District.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Banda, Edgar
Factors Leading to Poor Outcomes of the Keep Zambia Clean Awareness Campaign: The Case of Mtendere Residential Area of Lusaka.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Banda, Edgar
Infant Feeding Practices of HIV Positive Mothers in Lusaka District.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Banda, Esther Namwaba
Utilization of Skilled Attendants by Postnatal Mothers in Chipata District, Eastern Province, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Banda, Fred
Privatization of Council Water Supply Services: An Evaluation of Performance, Efficiency and Effort by the New Water Providers to Improve Service Delivery: The Case Study of Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Banda, Fredrick
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Cystic Echinococcosis in Cattle and Humans in Western Province of Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Banda, Isaac
Factors Associated with Late Antenatal Care Attendance in Selected Rural and Urban Communities of the Copperbelt Province, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Banda, Jacqueline Muchiliko
Willingness to Accept HIV Testing Among Caretakers with a Child Attending the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Banda, Justor
A Study on Prevalence and Risk Factors of Renal Dysfunction among Hospitalized HIV Infected Adult Patients at the University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Banda, Luke John
Effect of Siting Boreholes and Septic Tanks on Groundwater Quality in Township.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Banda, Ngawo
Farmer to Consumer Direct Marketing: Consumer Preferences and Characteristics.
Undergraduate thesis, University of Zambia.
Banda, Patience K.
A System Dynamics Approach to Customer Churn Management in the Mobile Telecommunication Industry: The Case of Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Banda, Sarah
Mental Health of Street Children in Selected Residential Care in Lusaka Province.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Bandile, Ernest Ndlazi
Acceptance, Accessibility and Utilization of VCT Services by Women using Contraceptives at City of Johannesburg Municipal Clinics.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Bane, Hirpa
Rural School Teachers’ Personal Initiative in Improveing Professional Competetnces in West Shewa Zone, Oromiya Regional State, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bangidza, Lucky Bassie
Security Sector Reform, State Security and Human Security Relations in Zimbabwe: The Case of Zimbabwe Defence Forces (ZDF) 1980-2008.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Bangure, Donewell
Effectiveness of Short Message Services Reminder on Childhood Immunization Programme in Kadoma: A Randomized Control Trial, 2013.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Bantie, Laychiluh
In vivo Antimalarial Activity of the Leaf Extract of Croton Macrostachys (Euphorbiaceae) against Plasmodium Berghei in Mice.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bantirga, Yigezu
Finite Element Stress Analysis of Artificial Femur Head on Hip Joint Prosthesis.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bapiro, Tashinga E.
The Interaction of Antiparasitic Drugs with the Drug Metabolising Cytochrome P450s (CYPs) and Characterisation of a CYP Variant Unique to African Populations.
PhD thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Bara, Gracian Takudzwa
Preliminary Studies on the Winter Season Abundance and Fitness of Tephritid Fruit Flies in the Harare Area, Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Barake, Lukas Moenga
Community-Based Interventions for Sustainable Management of the Mount Kenya Ecosystem: A Case Study of Hombe Forest Area, Nyeri District, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Barake, Mercy Kemunto
Influence of Total Quality Management Principles on Quality Health Care Provisions in Private Facilities: A Case of Avenue Hospital, Kisumu County,Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Barako, Grace Guyatu
Efficacy of iTAX System on Tax Administration in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Baraky, Efream
Emerging Practices of International Investment Arbitration Tribunals in Adjudicating Illegal Investments: Analyzing Selected Cases.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Baral, Karun
Conservation and Threat to Selected Monkey Species in Nepal Compared to Selected Species in Tanzania.
Masters thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
Barasa, Ayub Oyimba
Uchunguzi wa Uozo katika Mashairi ya Khatib na King'ei.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Barasa, Catherine
Influence of Teacher Motivational Strategies on Students’ Improved Academic Performance in Day Secondary Schools: A Case of Trans Nzoia West District.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Barasa, Chrispinus
Factors Influencing Performance of Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies in Kenya: A Case of Cooperative Societies in Bungoma County.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Barasa, Cornelius W.
Land use Planning Regulations and its Implications on Urban Land use Case Study: Umoja Phase One Estate.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Barasa, Jane
Succession of Principals and
Its Influence on Secondary
Schools Performance in Trans
Nzoia County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology.
Barasa, Leah Nasimiyu
International Refugee
Protection Framework
Influence on Human Security
in Nairobi County, Kenya.
PhD thesis, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology.
Barasa, Rajab
The Impact of Merger and Acquisition Announcements on Share Prices of Companies Listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Barasa, Sarah Fedha
Effects of Gender-Based Violence on Learners in Primary Schools in Kasarani District, Nairobi County.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Barasa, Wekesa Chrisostim
Factors Considered by Organizations in Entering Strategic Alliances and the Challenges Faced: A Survey of Non - Governmental Organizations in the Health Sector in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Baraza, Edwins
Controlling Loan Quality: The Management of Non - Performing Loan Portfolios in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Baraza, William J.
Strategic Quality Management Initiatives and Performance of Mobile Communications Service Providers in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Barmao, Daniel K
Impact of Training and Development on the Performance of the Employees of the General Service Unit-Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Barmasai, Cyprus
Factors Affecting Strategy Implementation at the Kenya Wildlife Services.
Masters thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Barnard, Janine Jacqueline
Line: Ere Plantegroeipatroon in Die Warmbadgebied, Noordelike Provinsie.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Barnard, Nelia
Die Verw Antskap Tussen stres en Persoonlikheidsweerstandsbronne by Bestuurders Tydens
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Barnard, Suné Mari
The Identification of Criteria for the Optimal use of Facebook Pages for Marketing Purposes in South Africa: An Exploratory Study.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Barnes, Caroline Jill
An Exploratory Analysis of the Sense of Identity in Four Divergent South African School Contexts.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Barongo, Yophen Sevelius
The Characteristics of the Poor People in Rural Kenya: A Case Study of Kisii Central District.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Barongo, Yophen Sevelius
The Characteristics of the Poor People in Rural Kenya: A Case Study of Kisii Central District.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Barot, Rohit
Dispute Settlement in a Hindu Community of Kampala.
Masters thesis, University of East Africa.
Barry, Hudad
Multi-temporal Satellite Image Analysis for Assessing Land Degradation: A Case Study on South Wollo Zone, Doyach Watershed.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bartilol, Simion Kipkorir
Determination of Selected Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollutants in the Central Business District of Nairobi City, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Bartonjo, Grace
Prevalence and Factors Associated With Transfusion Transmissible Infections among Blood Donors at Regional Blood Transfusion Center Nakuru and Tenwek Mission Hospital, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology.
Baru, Ararso
Injury Severity Levels and Associated Factors among Road Traffic Accident Victims Referred to Emergency Departments of Selected Public Hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: The Study Based on Haddon Matrix.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Barwecho, Mercy Jepkosgei
Knowledge and Practice of Nutritionists in Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Using Honey: A Case Study of Selected Hospitals in Nairobi County.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Barwise, Maria Elizabeth Danetta
Die Reg Op Regsverteenwoordiging met Spesifieke Verwysing Na 'N Handves van Menseregte.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Basha, Chekesa
Antibacterial Activity of Moringa stenopetala against some
Human Pathogenic Bacterial Strains.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bassazenew, Anteneh
Gender and Agricultural Production in Ethiopia: The Case of Gozamen Woreda, Amhara Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bassett, Cameron
Cloud Computing and Innovation: Its Viability, Benefits, Challenges and Records Management Capabilities.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Basson, Mary Rose
The Effects of Chess Instruction on the Intellectual Development of Grade R Leaners.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Baudi, Ian
A Comparative Evaluation of the Performance of the Viroseq HIV-1 Genotyping System V2.0 Against an in-house Assay Using Specimens from the National HIV Drug Resistance Monitoring Survey in Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Baweke, Endalamaw Chekol
Ethnic Federalism and Nation Building in Development: The Case of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bawoke, Tenaw
Assessment of Status of Commercial Sex in Females Selling Local Beverage, their Risk Perception towards HIV Infection and Condom Use in Towns of Gojjam.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Baya, Evaline Jumwa
Initiation of Breastfeeding among Babies Delivered By Caeserian Section in Kenyatta National Hospital and Pumwani Maternity Hospital.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Baya, Fredrick Mung'aro
Sanifu - Mtazamo wa Kitenzi Kisaidizi cha Kiswahili Sarufi Geuzamaumbo Zalishi.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Baye, Birhan Fetene
Determinants of Nutrition and Health Status of Children In Ethiopia: A Multivariate Multilevel Linear Regression Analysis.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Baye, Nebiyu
The Impact of Development – Induced Urban Resettlement Schemes on Relocated Households: The Case of Sheraton Addis Hotel Project, Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Baye, Tewlegn
Social and Behavioral Challenges of Children with Hearing
Impairment at Eyerusalem Inclusive Preschool in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Baye, Tigist
An Assessment of Training and Development in
Woreda Six Administration Kirkos Sub-City of
Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bayeh, Addisalem
Self-Identification of Minorities and Quest for Right to Identity Recognition and Self-Administration: The Case of Kemant People in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bayeh, Anteneh Wodaje
Solid State Photoelectrochemical Solar
Energy Conversion Based on a Mixture of
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bayeh, Tiruzer Tenagne
Socio-Economic and Demographic Correlates of Exclusive Breastfeeding among Women in Kirkos Subcity of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Bayeh, Tiruzer Tenagne
Socio-Economic and Demographic Correlates of Exclusive Breastfeeding among Women in Kirkos Subcity of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bayessa, Daniel
Species Composition, Distribution, Abundance and Habitat Association of Rodents in Forest and Farmlands around Tepi, Southwest Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bayessa, Tensay
Magnitude of Risky Sexual Behavior, Associated Factors and
Parenting Practices among Unmarried Youth Students in Kea Med
University College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bayih, Alene
The Effect of Performance Appraisal on Employees Motivation in the Cause of CBE, East Addis Ababa District.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bayih, Samuel Getaneh
Medical Image Segmentation Using Spectral Clustering Based on Hypercomplex Analysis.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bayileyegn, Akanie
Firs-Principles Study of Lanthanum Manganite (LaMnO3).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bayisa, Bulto
Effectiveness of Peer-Tutoring in Learning Fluid Pressure in Burayu Town Secondary First Cycle.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bayou, Eyob
Concatenative Speech Synthesis for Amharic
Using Unit Selection Method.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bayou, Yonnas
Strength Evaluation of Existing Bridges.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bayouh, Lucy
Assessment of the BMI Change and Its Contributing Clinical
and Immunological Factors among Patients Receiving Highly
Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy (HAART) in Selected Public
Hospitals of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bayu, Solomon
Formulation, In-vitro Evaluation and Optimization of
Directly Compressible Glibenclamide Orodispersible
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bayu, Takele Bakele
Changes and Continuity in Gender Division of Roles in Hoe and Plough: The Case of Gedeo Community.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bayuh, Fikremariam
Prevalence of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen and KAP towards HBV Infection, among Pregnant Women Attending Selected Antenatal Clinics in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bbosa, Richard Serunkuma
Factors that Influence Pregnant Women’s Utilisation of Anti-Malaria Servicesi in the Buikwe District of Uganda.
PhD thesis, University of South Africa.
Bedada, Beshadu
Adequecy of Energy and Nutrient Intake among Children Aged 6-23 Months in Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bedane, Ewnetu
Aquifer Vulnerability Assessment in Modjo River Catchment (Central Main Ethiopian Rift).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bedanie, Mellese
An Evaluation of Grades 9 -12 English, Curriculum and its Implementation in Schools at Capitals of Ethiopian Administrative Regions as Causes for Students' Deficiency in English.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bedasa, W/Michael
Timely Initiation of Breastfeeding and its Determinant Factors among Mothers who have Less than 12 Months of Age Children in Tiyo Woreda, Arsi Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bedell, Belinda Anne
Expectations in Romantic Relationships: Associations with Cultural Background and Perceived Quality of Relationship.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Bedemo, Agaje
Removal of Chromium from Waste Water Using Locally Available Adsorbents.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bedemo, Belete
Phytochemical Investigations on the Seeds of Vernonia Galamensis.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bedemo, Habtamu
The Prevalence of Malaria and Community Knowledge, Attitude and
Practice about the Transmission and Control Measures among
Households in Pawe Woreda, North West Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bedewi, Nasir
Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Made with Fibers Extracted from Used Tyres.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bedru, Abdo
Assesment of Predictors of Survival in Patients Living with HIV/AIDS after the Advent of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy in Addis Ababa Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bedru, Muaz
Modeling, Simulation and Performance Evaluation of Central Receiver System Power Plant with Thermal Storage.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bee, Faustine Karrani
Rural Financial Markets in Tanzania: An Analysis of Access to Financial Services in Babati District, Manyara Region.
Doctoral thesis, University of South Africa.
Befekadu, Addisalem
Gender Stereotypes against Females as a Factor for HIV/AIDS Vulnerability: The Case of Girls in Two Selected High Schools of Yeka Sub-City Administration.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Befikadu, Sinkinesh
An Assessment of Family Related Factors Affecting Educational Performance in Addis Ababa: The Primary Schools in Focus.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Befrdu, Seifu Gebreamlack
Web-Based Legal Decision Support Expert System: The Case of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Begashaw, Tilahun
Parental Gender Socialization of Children in Insideand
Outside- Home Chores: The Case of Parents in Dire
Dawa as Percieved by Their Adolescent Children.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Begi, Ondari Evans
Determinants of Loan Lending Policy: A Comparative Study of the Commercial Banks and the Deposit Taking Savings and Credit Co-operative Societies in Nairobi.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Begizew, Yaregal
Analysis of Data from Crop Protection Experiments Using Generalized
Linear Model: The Case of Parthenium.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Begna, Alem
Evaluating the Quality of MDSR Data Base Management System in, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Begna, Mulu
The Role of Socio Cultural Factors on Early
Sexual Initiation among Youths in Doba Woreda.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Behabtu, Amare
Assessment of Insider Threat in Ethiopian Banking Industry.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Behailu, Assefa
Land Use and Land Cover Analysis and Modeling in South
Western Ethiopia: The Case of Selected Resettlement Kebeles
in Gimbo Woreda.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Behailu, Etana
Ethnobotanical Study of Traditional Medicinal Plants of
Goma Wereda, Jima Zone of Oromia Region, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Behailu, G/Mariam
Constructing a Predictive Model for Determining CD4 Status of Patients Following Art: The Case of Jimma and Bonga Hospitals.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Behailu, Jemal
Group Training in View of the Principles of Athletics Training: The Case of Middle and Long-Distance Athletes
of some Selected Clubs.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Behailu, Mulugeta
Genetic Diversity Study of Ethiopian Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) Varieties Using Phenotypic Traits, ISSR and SNP Markers.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Behailu, Netsanet
Study and Review on the Design and Performance Aspects of III-V Semiconductor Solar Cells (Case Study: Comparison on GaAs, Ge, and Si substrate).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Behailu, Shimelis
Stream Flow Simulation for The Upper Awash Basin.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bejiga, Gemechu Shume
Ethiopia Field Epidemiology Training Program
Compiled Body of Works in Field Epidemiology.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beka, Abate Zewdie
Comparative Floristic Study on Menagesha Suba State Forest on Years
1980 and 2006.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekale, Audrey Nguema
Institutionalization of Derivatives Trading and Economic
Growth: Evidence from South Africa.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Bekalu, Mehari
Factors Associated with Child Labour in Ethiopia: A Multilevel Model Approach.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekana, Wondimeneh
The Effect of Literacy on Access to and Utilization of Agricultural Information for Household Food Security in Horo Woreda.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekela, Eba
Assessment of Knowledge and Attitude of Cervical
Cancer and Screening among Primary Health Care
Workers of West Wollega Zone, Ethiopia,2016.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Addisu
Evaluation of the Spasmolytic Activity and Safety of Thymus Serrulatus in Laboratory Animals.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Addisu
Evaluation of the Spasmolytic Activity and Safety of Thymus serrulatus in Laboratory Animals.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Afewerki
The Effect of Zinc Exposure on the Histology of Liver
and Kidney.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Alem
The Intervention Practices and Challenges of Orphan Children: The Case of Markato Child and Family Charitable Society.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Alemayehu
Assessment of Effectiveness of the Different IEC Interventions in
Improving Awareness and Reducing Stigma Related to HIV/AIDS
among High School Adolescents in Awassa, Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Andinet Assefa
Optimization of Semantic News Feed Query.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Barsisa
Geochemistry of Lower Sandstone in Blue Nile Gorge Mesozoic
Sedimentary Sequences: Implication for Provenance Composition and Paleoclimate.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Belay
Optimality Conditions for Nonsmooth Optimization and Mordukhovich Subdifferentials.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Belayneh Getahun
Chromium Speciation Based on Selected Schiff’s Bases: Attempted Investigations and Analytical Applications.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Birhanu Kagnew
The Benefits of Acacia abyssinica (Hochst.) ex. Benth. (Fabaceae) in the
Restoration of the Threatened Juniperus procera (Hochst.) ex. Endl.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Dadei
Factors Affecting Use of Zinc Supplementation in Management of Childhood Diarrhea among Health Workers at Primary Health Care Unit, in Selected Woredas of Bale Zone, South East, Ethiopa, 2015.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Dagnachew
Genetic Diversity study in Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Monench)
Germplasm Accessions Collected from the Major Drought-Prone
Areas of Ethiopia Based on Quantitative and Qualitative Traits.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Daniel
A Web Based Fire Accident Recording and Reporting System.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Daniel Teshome
Ethiopia Field Epidemiology Training Program (EFETP)
Compiled Body of Works in Field Epidemiology.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Demelash
Assessment on the Recent Drying-Up of Eucalyptus Species in Selected Areas
of the Highland of Arsi and Wollo, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Dereje
Determination of Levels of Major, Minor and Trace
Elements in Ethiopian Ouzo Alcoholic Beverage.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Dinka
Personality Type and Learning Style as Correlates of Academic
Achievement: The Case of High School and Preparatory School
Students in Wayutuka Woreda.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Fekadu Mekonnen
Informal Settlement and Building Construction Identification Using Change Detection: The Case of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Ferehiwot
Ultrasound Patterns of Abdominal Lymphoma
at Tikur Anbesa Hospital.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Gadisa
Aquifer Characterization of Assosa Area, Benishangul-Gumuz
Regional State, Western Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Gebeyehu Dumessa
Ethiopia Field Epidemiology Training Program (EFETP)
Compiled Body of Works in Field Epidemiology.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Genene
Attitude Toward and Achievement of Natural Science
and Mathematics Stream of Female Students in
Colleges of Teachers’ Education in Oromia Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Getachew Megerssa
Adaptation to Climate Variability among the Pastoralist and Agro-Pastoralist Communities in Jigjiga Wereda, Somali Regional State, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Haile
Assessment of Factors Associated with
HIV/AIDS among Women Seeking Post
Abortion Care in Public Hospitals of
Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Hamelmal
Mother- to-Child Transmission of HIV Infection and Its
Associated Factor among Exposed Infants on Care and
Follow-Up in Selected Health Centers, Addis Ababa
Ethiopia, 2017.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Helen
Development’s Impact on Gender Relations: A Case Study of an Integrated Livestock Development Project.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Henok Kinfe
Research Utilization Practice of Professionals at the Commercial Banks in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Homa
Electrical Properties of Junctions Between Aluminuim and Poly[3-(2'-Octyloxy-5'-(1'''-Oxooctyl) Phenyl) Thiophene].
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Jemama
Stochastic Resonance Due to Thermally Induced Noise in a Bistable Potential.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Kibruyisfa Berihun
Attitudes on the Correlation of the Academic Achievement and
Physical Proficiency: The Case of Top Ten Natural Science
Preparatory Students in Each Section, at Lideta Sub-City in Addis
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Kumera
Assessment of Sexual Behavior and Knowledge of STI and HIV/AIDS
among High School Adolescents in Jardega Jarte Woreda, Oromia
Regional State, Ethiopia, 2014.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Liku
Evaluation of Serological Response to
Oncoproteins of Human Papillomavirus Types 16 and
18 as Potential Seromarkers for Cervical Cancer
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Maru Shete
Rural Poverty and Its Determinants in Zeghe Peninsula, Bahir Dar Zuria Woreda.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Mekdes
Treatment Outcome of Adult Patients with Retreatment Tuberculosis in Relation to HIV Status in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: A Retrospective Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Merga Bayou
The Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP)
of Mothers in Feeding Their under Five Children in a Rural
Community of Kellech Tikka Kebele, Sebeta Awas, Spacial
Zone Surrounding Finfinne, Oromia Region, 2014.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Merga Bayou
The Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) of Mothers in Feeding their Under Five Children in a Rural Community of Kellech Tikka Kebele, Sebeta Awas, Spacial Zone Surrounding Finfinne, Oromia Region, 2014.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Mergia
Examining Farmers' Knowledge and Identifying Significant Factors Affecting it in Woredas with
Different Levels of Development: The Case of Dalocha and Lanforo Woredas in SNNPRS.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Meron Moges
Prevalence and Associated Factors of Chronic Kidney Disease among
Diabetic Patients that Attend Public Hospitals of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Metasebia
Gender Difference in Academic Achievement at Private Higher Education Institutions: The Case of Selected PHE Institutions in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Mikiyas
The Rationales and Challenges for the Criminal Section of African Court of Justice for Human and Peoples' Rights.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Nora Mulualem
Performance Assessment of Road Drainage Systems of Burayu Town.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Samuel
Assessment on Prolongation Cost Estimation Practice for Road Construction Projects in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Serbessa Tolera
Morphological and Molecular Genetic Diversity and
Cytogenetics of Cultivated Anchote (Coccinia abyssinica
(Lam.) Cogn) from Ethiopia.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Shemlash Zewdie
Conflict Management Practices in Government Secondary
and Preparatory Schools in Yeka Sub-City Addis Ababa.
Undergraduate thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Sinshaw
Comparative Study on The Performance of Wavelet-Based and DFT-Based MCM.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Solomon
Patient Satisfaction with Nursing Care in Medical and Surgical Wards of
Government Hospitals, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, May 2009.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Tadesse
Antidiabetic Activity and Phytochemical Screening
of Crude Extracts of Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni and Ajuga
Remota Benth Grown in Ethiopia on Alloxan-induced Diabetic Mice.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Tarekegn Jida
High Performance Glove Leather from Goat Skin: Role of Physico-Chemical Properties.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Temesgen
Invivo Anti-Malarial Evaluation of Leaf Extract of Vernonia
Amygdalina Del. (Asteraceae) against Plasmodium Berghei.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Tesfaye Ayele
Recycling Plaster of Paris from Discarded Gypsum Moulds for Tabor Ceramics Products Manufacturing Share Company.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Tigist
Assessment of Factors Affecting Utilization of Focused
Antenatal Care among Women in Gibe Wereda, Hadiya Zone,
SNNPR Ethiopia, 2015.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Tigist Tefera
Investigation of Toxicity of Cigarette Butts Collected in Addis
Ababa to Swiss Albino Mice.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Tsegaye Degefa
Feeding Ecology of the African Civet (Civettictis civetta) and Improved Captive Management for Sustainable Utilization in Illubabora, Ethiopia.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Worku Agajyelew
Information Extraction from Amharic language Text: Knowledge-Poor
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beker, Abdi
Assessment of factors affecting utilization of institutional delivery among women of childbearing age in Harari Region, East Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beker, Abdulkadir
Coherently Driven Two-Level Laser.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekle, Gadisa
Mothers’/Care Givers’ Knowledge, Attitude and
Practice about Management of Diarrhea and Associated Factors in Under Five Children in Ginchi
Town, West Shawa, Oromia Region, Ethiopia, 2017.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beksa, Amente Kumsa
Microfacies Analysis and Paleontology of Carbonate Rocks in Shanan Section; South Eastern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belachew, Amare
Assessment of Prevalence and Factors Affecting Health Seeking Behaviors on Common Childhood Illness among Mothers Having Under Five Children in Dangila Town, North West Ethiopia, 2015.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belachew, Antigegn
Determinants of Contraceptive Use among Rural Married Women of Reproductive Age (15 - 49) in Amhara Region: The Case of Mecha Woreda.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belachew, Aweke Mulu
Effect of Ginger Rhizome Homogenate, Ginger Rhizome Steam Distillate, and Simvastatin on Fasting Blood Glucose and Serum Lipid Profiles of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Balb/C Mice.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belachew, Degu
Ethiopia Field Epidemiology Training Program [EFETP]
Compiled Body of Work in Field Epidemiology.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belachew, Dessalegn
Nuclear Reactors.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belachew, Mulualem
A Hybrid Approach to Screen a Sentinel Population to
Identify Clusters of Sub-Patent Malaria Infections in
Low Endemic Setting in Batu Degaga Kebelle, Adama
Woreda, Oromia, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belachew, Reganie
Application of Data Mining Techniques for Customers Segmentation and Prediction: The Case of Buusaa Gonofa Microfinance Institution.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belachew, Seble
Assessment of Factors Contributing to Late Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer in
Public Hospitals of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belachew, Tesfaye
An Assessment of Mainstreaming HIV/AIDs in Development Sectors in SNNPR: The Cases of Sidama, Kembata-Tembaro and Gamo-Gofa Zones.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belachew, Teshome
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern of Gram Negative Bacterial
Isolates from Sewages Polluted Urban Rivers, Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia, 2017.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belaineh, Getachew
Assessment of Media Use Pattern in HIV/AIDS Prevention
among Youths in Bahirdar Town.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belay, Abraham
Factors Which Influence Teaching Effectiveness: A Comparative Analysis of Male and Female Teachers in Elementary Schools.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belay, Asnake Sete
Effect of Soil and Water Conservation Measures on Soil Macronutrient
and Moisture Status in Guba-Lafto Woreda, North Wollo, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belay, Ayalew
Internet-GIS: An Application to Real Estate and Housing Management in the City Government of Addis Ababa (CGAA).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belay, Bewket Amdu
Analysis of Farmers’ Perception and Adaptation to Climate Change and Variability: The Case of Choke
Mountain, East Gojjam.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belay, Dawit
Review of Act of International Political Organs: The African Union Approach.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belay, Dawit
Review of Acts of International Political Organs: The African Union Approach.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belay, Dessalegn
Maternal Satisfaction after Spinal Anesthesia for Cesearan Delivery.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belay, Desyebelew
Application of Longitudinal Count Data Models to Progression of CD4 Count: A
Case of Debre Markos Referral Hospital.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belay, Endris
Assessment of Risky Sexual Behaviour for HIV/AIDS among Male Daily Laborers in Kombolcha Town, South Wollo Zone, Amhara
National Regional State, North East Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belay, Eyaya
Modeling Site Suitability for Wind Farm Using Remote
Sensing and GIS: The Case of Adama Woreda.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belay, Gashaw
Genetic Diversity Analysis of Ethiopian Orobanche crenata
Population Using Microsatellite Markers (SSR).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belay, Gebrehiwot
The Contribution of Irrigation Development on Household Poverty Reduction in Ethiopia: A Case Study of Adiha Irrigation Scheme, Kola- Tembein Woreda, Central Zone of Tigray, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belay, Habtegebriel
Development of Mycopesticide for the Management of Sorghum Chafer, Pachnoda interrupta (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in Ethiopia.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belay, Markos Debebe
Reversal of Burden of Proof in Case of the Crime of Illicit Enrichment: A Case Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belay, Mebrahtom
Assessment of Insecticide-Treated Mosquito Net
Possession, Utilization and the Associated
Determinants among Pregnant Women in Rayaazebo District, Tigray Regional State, Northern
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belay, Mikiyas Tadele
Amharic Named Entity Recognition Using a
Hybrid Approach.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belay, Momona
Assessment of Road Construction in Ethiopian Rainy Seasons.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belay, Rediet
Evaluation of the Anti-Inflammatory Activities of 70% Ethanol
Leaves Extract and Solvent Fractions of Zehneria Scabra (L.F.) Sond
(Cucurbitaceae) in Rodents.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belay, Shewaferaw Dinku
The Use of Manufactured Sand in Concrete Production: Test Results and Cost Comparison.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belay, Tamiru Shita
Utilization of Telemedicine in Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belay, Tigist
An Assessment of the Quality of Education in Some Selected
Private Higher Education Institutions in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belay, Tigist
Early Sexual Initiation and Its Associated Factors
among Youth in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belayenehe, Aychiluhim
Investigating the Role of NGOs in Organizing Adapted Physical Education in Addis Ababa Citiy Adiministration.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belayhun, Abbay
The Principles and Practices of Physical Education Lesson for Students with Disabilities: The Case of Some Selected Elementary Schools of Addis Abai'ja.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belayneh, Amera Seifu
Student Teachers’ Reflective Learning Practices within Secondary School Teacher Education Curriculum Implementation Processes at Bahir Dar University.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belayneh, Ayele Anteneh
Land Degradation Assessment and Evaluation of Current Land-Uses and Soil Conservation Structures at Upper Chena Catchment, South Gondar, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belayneh, Mekdem
Litigating Human Rights Issues Using International Instruments before
Ethiopian Courts.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belayneh, Sewnet Mengestia
Landau Levels and Hall Effect in Two Dimentional Systems.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belaynew, Assefa
Security Enhanced SMS for Sensitive Applications.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belda, Reta Hailu
Livelihood Strategies among the Agricultural Land Scarce Peasants in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia- Implications on Natural Resource Base: A Case Study from Tole Woreda, Southwest Shewa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belda, Semere Sileshi
Birth Preparedness, Complication Readiness and other Determinants of Place of Delivery: The Case of Goba Wereda, Bale Zone, South East Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belege, Tsegaye
Role of Surface Chemistry in Modifying the
Optical Properties of Silicon Nanostructure.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belete, Abebaw
Students’ Affective Factors that Affect Mathematics Achievement in Lideta Sub-City Governmental Secondary Schools.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belete, Abeje
School Community Perceptions of the Impacts of Educational Inputs: The Case of General Primary Education in Addis Ababa City Government.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belete, Adefris
Determination of Caffeine Level in Coffee.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belete, Adelo
Undernutritional Status of Children in Ethiopia (Application of Partial Proportional Odds Model).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belete, Ashenafi
Policy and Practice of Pension and Retirement Scheme in Selected Private Preparatory Schools of Kolfe Keranyo Sub City, Addis Ababa City Administration.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belete, Azeb
Climate Change Impact on Lake Abaya Water Level.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belete, Biazen
Knowledge Discovery for Effective Customer Segmentation: The Case of Ethiopian Revenue and Customs Authority.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belete, Engdawork
Assessment of Serum Tryptase Activity among Acute and Chronic Myeloid
Leukemia Patients visiting Hematology- Oncology clinic at Tikur Anbessa
Specialized Hospital, and Comparison with Healthy Controls.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belete, Habtamu
Assessment of the Cause of Death and
Characteristics of Chronic Illnesses in Addis Ababa
with Emphasis on HIV/AIDS
(A Community Based Study).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belete, Habtamu
Assessment of the Cause of Death and
Characteristics of Chronic Illnesses in Addis Ababa
with Emphasis on HIV/AIDS
(A Community Based Study).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belete, Kebede
Ecological Study of the Shrubland Vegetation around Ambo, West Shewa Zone
of Oromia National Regional State, Central Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belete, Mahlet
Magnitude of Risky Sexual Behaviors and Its Effect
on Sexually Transmitted Diseases among
Undergraduate Students of Addis Ababa University
in 2016, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belete, Mulatu
Risk Factors of Mortality among HIV/TB Co-Infected Patients under Art: A Case Study in Chagni Health Center, Northwest Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belete, Nardos
Evaluation of One Point Liquid Limit Test for Expansive Clay Soils of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belete, Netsanet
Assessment of Willingness and Acceptability of
Cervical Cancer Screening among Women Living with
HIV/AIDS in Selected Public Health Institution of Addis
Ababa Ethiopia, June 2014.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belete, Netsanet
Assessment of Willingness and Acceptability of Cervical Cancer Screening among Women Living With HIV/AIDS in Selected Public Health Institution of Addis Ababa Ethiopia, June 2014.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belete, Tafesse
Impact of Land-Use/Land-Cover Changes on Land Surface Temperature in Adama Zuria Woreda, Ethiopia, Using Geospatial Tools.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belete, Tesfaw
Study of CE Mechanism by Cyclic Voltammetry: CD(II) + Aspartic Acid System.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belete, Tewedros G/Tsadik
Development of Urban Vacant Land the Case of Addis Ababa-Along Ring Road from Bole Square to Megenaga Square.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belete, Tigist
Assessment of Hepatitis B Vaccine Utilization among Health Care
Professionals at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belete, Zerayakob
Analysis & Development of Solid Waste Management System of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beletew, Mekasha
Genetic Algorithm Applied on Multi-objective Optimization.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beletu, Redda
The Morphology of Koorete.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belew, Adugna
Prevalence of Smear Negative Pulmonary Tuberculosis among PTB Suspected Patients at ADAMA Referral Hospital, ADAMA, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belew, Asrat
The Prevalence of Malaria in Outpatients Attending Dangila Health Center, North Central Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belew, Dereje
Process Evaluation of INH Prophylaxis Program for HIV Positive Patient in the Enarp Site.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belew, Tefera Azage
Vitamin A Deficiency and its Dietary Associations: The Case of Pre-School Children In Arssi Region, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Belihu, Naami
Sexual Violence as an International Crime: Critical Analysis of International Criminal Court in Investigation and Prosecution of Sexual Crimes.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bellepea, Gabriel W.
Inflation and Economic Growth: Evidence from Liberia.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Bem, Daniel B.
The Electrical Transport Properties of Organic Semiconductor Polypropylene Doped with Various Concentrations of Bromine.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Bemenet, Alemayehu
Measuring Radon Concentration Using Filtered Air Samples.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bengat, Nancy Jemutai
Operations Management Practices and Performance of Agricultural Non-Governmental Organizations in Nairobi County.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Bennett, Justine Anne
The Relationship between Burnout and Job Satisfaction amongst Fire Fighters in a Local Authority.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Benti, Abate
Assessing the Prevalence of Occupational Injury and its Association with Utilization of Personal Protective Equipment among Workers in Large Scale Metal Manufacturing Factories, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Benti, Gebeyehu Tuji
The Contribution of Public TVET Institutions to Strengthen Micro and Small Enterprises in Addis Ketema Sub-city.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Benti, Haile
Lost Opportunities to Complete CD4+ T Cell Testing among HIV Positive Patients Attending Selected Health Centers in Afar Region Northeast Ethiopia, 2014.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berarti, Kemal
Utilization of Institutional Delivery among Women of Child Bearing Age in
Lume Woreda East Shewa Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bere, Taurai
The Impact of Sewage Effluent and Natural Self-Purification in the Upper Chinyika River below Hatcliffe Sewage Works, Harare.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Bereda, Abera
Current Practice of Community Participation in School Improvement Program the Case of Gurage Zone General Secondary and Preparatory Schools.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berehanu, Behailu
Impact of Industries and Urbanization on Water Resource in Mojo River Catchment.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berehanu, Habtemarime
Challenge and Prospects of Short Distance Runners in the Case of Three Selected Addis Ababa First Division Athletics Clubs.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berehe, Fisseha
Assessment of Condom Use for Prevention of
HIV/AIDS among Members of Ethiopian Army at Zalambesa Front Tigray Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bereka, Bayisa
Assessment of Knowledge and Practice of Essential Newborn Care and Associated Factors among Nurses and Midwives Working at Health Centers in Jimma Zone, Oromia Regional State, South West Of Ethiopia, 2016.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bereka, Degifie
Prevalence of Malaria among Patients Attending Wolkite Health Center, SouthCentral Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bereket, Alemayehu
The Health Impact of Intestinal Helminth Infections among Podoconiosis Patients in Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bereket, Azeb
Molecular Detection of Mycobacterium Leprae in Stained Slit Skin Smear from Leprosy Patients and Comparison of Molecular and Histopathological Findings with Clinical Data.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bereket, Kasaye Tikui
Developing a Speech Synthesizer for Amharic Language Using Hidden Markov Model.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bereket, Mathewos
Evaluation of Wash Resistance of Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets, Currently Available in Ethiopia, and Comparison with Conventionally Treated Nets.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bereket, Mathewos
Evaluation of Wash Resistance of Long-lasting Insecticidal Nets, Currently Available in Ethiopia, and Comparison with Conventionally Treated Nets.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bereket, Tessema
Determinants of Marital Dissolution in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhan, Gessesse
Forest Cover Change and Susceptibility to Forest Degradation Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques: A Case of Dendi District, West Central Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhane, Adugnaw
Understanding Patient Satisfaction: Preferences, Expectations and Patient Rights of Practice in Public Hospital Settings of Amhara
Regional State, Ethiopia.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhane, Atsebaha
Electrochemical Polymerization of Metal Chelates Derived from
Multidentate Thiophenes.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhane, Berzaf
The Contribution of Degenerate Electron Pressure to the Stability of Thin Keplerian Accretion Disks Around a Neutron Star with Axisymmetric Magnetic Dipole.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhane, Dawit
Assessment of The Role of CSOs on Human Rights Education in Ethiopian Justice System.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhane, Dawit
Assessment of the Role of CSOs in Hman Rights Education in Ethiopian Justice System.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhane, Hailemariam
An Audit of Completion of Ultrasound Request form at BLH.
Other thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhane, Tekle
Statistical Modeling and Simulation of Small Scale Fast Fading Wireless Channel.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhane, Yohannes
Energy Assessment, Generation and Utilization Efficiency in
Ethiopian Sugar Factories Case Study: Metehara Sugar Factory.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhanemeskel, Eyerusalem
Assessment of Supply Chain Management of HIV/AIDS
Related Commodities in Selected Public Hospitals and
Health Centers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhanie, Daniel
Challenges and Solutions of Smart Care Electronic Medical
Record Implementation in Hiwot Fana Specialized
University Hospital Laboratory Department in Harar.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhanu, Abebe Dagnaw
Modeling Pervasive Context-Aware Mobile Phone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhanu, Achamo
Impact of Resettlement on Soil Quality and Management Practices: The
Case of Gimbo Woreda, Keffa Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhanu, Asnake Lealem
Multidentate Ligands and Metal Complexes Derived from Ninhydrin and Ethylendiamine.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhanu, Assefa Abelieneh
Community Based Watershed Development for Climate Change Adaptation in Choke Mountain: The Case of Upper Muga Watershed in East Gojjam of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhanu, Damtew
Measuring Environmental Attitude
and Behavior of Rural Communities:
In the Case of Dendi Woreda.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhanu, Damtew
Small Area Estimation of Maize Yield of Wereda-level
Using Mixed Effect Linear Model with Spatial Auxiliary
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhanu, Feleke
Comparative Analysis Between Project Participants And Non-Participants in some Training Qualities of Football with Reference to Kirkos Sub-City.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhanu, Getachew
Demographic and Socio-Economic Determinants of Bed Net Use: In the Case of Bako Tibe Wereda, West Shoa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhanu, Hiruy
Studies on the Effect of Host Type and Textures on the Survival of
Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera: Tenbrionidae) Parental and Filial
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhanu, Hiwot
Pre - School Teachers’ Career Commitment in Private and Government Centers in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhanu, Kidane Wolde michael
Cellular Automata Model Based Urban Sprawl Mapping: A Case of Mekelle City, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhanu, Mengesha Mamo
The Current Status and Prospects of Football Coach Approach: The Case of Akaki Kaliti Sub City First, Higer Division and National League Clubs in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhanu, Mengiste
Automatic Ontology Learning from Unstructured Amharic Text.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhanu, Meskerem
Teaching and Learning Styles at the Graduate Programs of Addis Ababa University.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhanu, Netsanet
Assessment of Modern Contraceptive Utilization and Its Associated Factors
among Women of Reproductive Age Taking Anti-retroviral Therapy in
Selected Health Institution of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhanu, Rabo
Physicochemical and Bacteriological Water Quality Assessment in
Lake Ziway with a Special Emphasis on Fish Farming.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhanu, Senait
Assessment of Prevalence of Postnatal Care Utilization and
Associated Factors among Women Who Gave Birth and Attending
Immunization Clinic in Selected Government Health Centers in Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia, 2015.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhanu, Tamirat
Study of Magnetization and Specific Heat Capacity of Multiferroic Two Dimensional Thin Film.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhanu, Telay Mekonnen
Investigations of Half-Metallicity Among Doped and Un-Doped Graphene Nanostructures in Different Conformations for Spintronics Applications.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhanu, Tesfaye
Assessment of Specific Immune Responses to Tuberculosis in HIV Infected Patients Before and During Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhanu, Tesfaye
Chemical Investigation on the Essential Oil of Artemisia schimperi.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhanu, Tinsae
Competitiveness of Ethiopian Garment
Industry: Response to Export Market.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhanu, Tinsae
Competitiveness of Ethiopian Garment Industry: Response to Export Market.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhe, Abrha
Voltammetric Study of Paracetamole Using Glassy Carbon Electrode.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhe, Addisu
The Prevalence of Plagiarisms and its Implication to Quality of Education: The Case of Addis Ababa University.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhe, Almaz
Assessment of Road Traffic Accidents among Children in
Addis Ababa City, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhe, Fano
Phenotypic and Symbiotic Characteristics of Rhizobia Nodulating
Field Pea (Pisum sativum L.) in Southern Tigray, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhe, Gebrehiwot Assefa
A Two Step Approach for Tigrigna Text
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhe, Kalayu
Solutions of Elliptic Differential Operators.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhie, Tesfay Woldu
Social Opportunities and Challenges of the Deaf: A Case Study of the Adigrat School for the Deaf in Eastern Zone of Tigray, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berie, Setegn
Quarry Rehabilitation Planning: The Case of ‘Worku-Sefer’ Quarry Projects, Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berihu, Abadi Berhe
Brittle Fracture and Lake Level Change at Beseka:
Main Ethiopian Rift, Metehara Area.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berihu, Girmay
Fundamental Solutions and Cauchy Problems.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berihu, Taame
Exceptions and Limitations Under Ethiopian Copyright Law: A Comparative Analysis.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berihu, Taame
Exceptions and Limitations under Ethiopian Copyright Law: A Comparative Analysis.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berihun, Dawit
Prospects and Challenges of Reforming the UN: Focus On the Veto Power in the Security Council.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berihun, Dawit
Prospects and Challenges of Reforming the UN: Focus on the Veto Power in the Security Council.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berihun, Helen
Assessment of the Prevalence of Premarital Sex and Unprotected
Sexual Practices among Secondary School Adolescent Students in
Sebeta Town, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia, 2014.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beriso, Adem
Study of Emission of Light from Nanoporous Silicon Quantum Dot.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berket, G/ Michael
Prevalence of Childhood Overweight and Obesity and its Determinant Factors among Elementary School Children in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bern, Denise Henrietta
A Philosophical Assessment of the Role of Personal and Impersonal Paradigms in Explanations according to the views of Robin Horton.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Bernstein, Arlene
A Follow-Up Study of a Marriage Preparation Programme.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Bernstein, David Martin
Stumbling on the Essential Content of a Right - An Insurmountable Hurdle for the State?
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Bersissa, Kumsa Eseta
Study on Ogaden Small Ruminant Haemonchosis: Morphological Characterization and Susceptibility to Albendazole and Tetramisole.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berta, Endale
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Active Trachoma among Children of Rural South Gonder, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berta, Endale
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Active Trachoma among Children of Rural South Gonder, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beruke, Abel
Ground Water Resource Evaluation and Management Practices in Gilgel Abay Catchment, Tana Basin.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beshah, Daniel
Assessment on Implementation of Quality Management System and their Challenges in Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Laboratory, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beshah, Elifaged Hailemeskel
Prevalence of Molecular Markers Associated with Sulphadoxine-Pyrimethamine Resistance in Plasmodium Falciparum at Bahir Dar, Northwest Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beshah, Fekade
Phytochemical Investigation of the
Pods of Senna occidentalis.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beshah, Gedlu
Study of Prevalence of Opportunistic Infections among
HIV/AIDS Patients in Addis Ababa Public Hospitals.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beshah, Gedlu
Study of Prevalence of Opportunistic Infections among
HIV/AIDS Patients in Addis Ababa Public Hospitals.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beshah, Tiruye
Underpass Pedestrian Crossing Connecting the Two Campuses of Addis Ababa Institute of Technology.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa.
Beshah, Zekarias
African Union Peace and Security Council: To Compete or Complement the Un Security Council?
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beshir, Amina
Assessment of Postoperative Paediatrics Pain Management Practice of Nurses in Government Hospitals of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beshir, Bedru
Small Scale Irrigation Users Peasant Horticulture in Dugda
Bora and Adami Tulu Jido Kombolcha Woredas East Shewa
Zone: Challenges and Opportunities.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beshir, Bedru
Small Scale Irrigation Users Peasant Horticulture in Dugda
Bora and Adami Tulu Jido Kombolcha Woredas East Shewa Zone: Challenges and Opportunities.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beshir, Fetiya
Ethiopic Online Handwriting Recognition in Android-Based Smartphones.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beshir, Ibrahim Nursien
Assessment of Acceptability of Provider-Initiated HIV Counseling
and Testing among Tuberculosis Patients in
Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bessie, Melkamu
Fiscal Decentralization in Benishangul Gumuz Region: A Review of Problems of Fiscal Imbalance.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bessie, Semeneh
Input Supply and Output Marketing Role of Multipurpose Cooperatives in Increasing Cereal Production in Bale Zone (Oromia Regional State), Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bester, Garfield
Die Bepaling van Realistiese Prestasievlakke as 'N Voorligtingstaak.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Besufekad, Teshome
Ensuring Sustainable Forestry Management in Ethiopia From the Millenium Development Goals Perspectives.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bete, Brook Eshetu
Amharic Question Answering for List Questions: A Case of Ethiopian Tourism.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bethelhem, H/Gebriel
The Effect of Organizational Culture on Employee Performance: The Case of John Snow Incorporated (JSI) Research and Training Institute, Inc.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Betseha, Miheret
Exploring the Aftermath of Forced Mass Return: Reintegration Challenges of Deported Ethiopian Migrant Workers from Saudi Arabia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bett, Robert Kiprotich
The Effect of the Day of the Week on Volatility of Stock Returns of the Commercial Banks Listed in the Nairobi Securities Exchange.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Beukes, Catharina F
Kwagandaganda: An Archaeozoological Case Study of the Exploitation of Animal Resources during the Early Iron Age in Kwazulu-Natal.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Bewket, Damtew
A Graduate Project Report on Percolation Theory.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bewketu, Asnakew
Dynamics in a Maximally Symmetric Universe.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beyan, Negash
Predictors of Condom Use by Using
Health Belief Model.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beyan, Nuruye
The United Nations’ Responsibility to Protect Civilians from Massive Human Rights Violations in Light of the Intervention in the Libyan Crisis in 2011.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beyene, Adamu Teshome
Computer Network Intrusion Detection: Machine
Learning Approach.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beyene, Belachew
Male Involvement in Family Planning in Ambo Town, Oromia Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beyene, Belay
Studies on Insect Diversity and Abundance in the Belette-Gera Forest,
South Western Ethiopia.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beyene, Belay
Studies on the Effect of Intercropping and Application of Livestock
Manure on the Infestation and Damage of Kale (Brassica oleracea L. var
acephala) by Diamondback Moth, Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera:
Plutelliddae) in a Bio-farming system.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beyene, Cherkos Woldegeorgis
Behavioural Ecology of Gelada (Theropithecus gelada) in the
Gich Area in the Simien Mountains National Park, Northern
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beyene, Daniel
Information System Outsourcing; Risks, and Risk Management Practices: An Investigation into some Selected Higher Learning Institutions (HLIS) in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beyene, Dawit
Micropropagation of Selected Cassava Varieties
(Manihot esculenta Crantz) from Meristem Culture.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beyene, Dereje
Genetic Variation in Moringa stenopetala Germplasm of Ethiopia by Using RAPD as Genetic Marker.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beyene, Elsabeth Asmare
Evaluation of the Potential of Shala Hot Spring Water for the Biomass Production of Arthrospira fusiformis (Voronikhin) Komewk & J.W.G. Lund.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beyene, Fufa
A Survey of the Fine Numbers.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beyene, Kefelegn
Assessment on the Stepwise Laboratory Improvement Process towards
Accreditation (SLIPTA) Implementation in Selected Public Hospital
Laboratories in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beyene, Kuma
The Inheritance Rights of Women: The Case of „Yaa‟aa Yaaboo‟ Customary Court in Ambo District, West Shewa Zone of Oromia National Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beyene, Misganaw Nega
Urbanization and Its Effect on Surface Runoff (A Case Study on Great Akaki River, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beyene, Musie Nega
An Assessment of the Contribution of Mai-Nigus Dam Irrigation for Household Food Security and Poverty Reduction in Dura Kebelle, La-Elay Mai Chew Woreda, Tigray Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beyene, Semere
Floristic Composition and Structure of Yangudi-Rassa National Park Vegetation, Northeastern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beyene, Serkalem Damenu
Robust Edge Detection Applied to Multi-Parametric Magnetic Resonance Images.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beyene, Sintayehu Zeleke
The Role of Courts in Ensuring Good Corporate Governance in Ethiopia: The Law and the Practice.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beyene, Sisay
Downlink Performance Evaluation of Coordinated Multi-Point: The Case of Addis Ababa LTE Network.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beyene, Tamiru
Assessment of Knowledge and Practice of Nurses’ on Initial Management of Acute
Poisoning at Adult Emergency Department of Two Public Hospitals in Hawassa Town,
Hawassa, Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beyene, Temesgen
Value of Functional Adult Literacy to Improve Rural Community Development in Case of Ann-Lemo Woreda of Haddiya Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beza, Beza Dessalegn
Ethnic Federalism and the Right to Political Participation of Regional Minorities in Ethiopia.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beza, Diribu Desta
Shape Based Customized Node Deployment Approach Using
Wireless Sensor Networks.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beza, Kinfe
Multiple Shoot Regeneration Study on Three Varieties of Grape
Vine (Vitis vinifera L.) from Shoot Tip and Nodal Culture.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beza, Mamo Rabdo
Context Aware Diary Builder (CADB).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bezabh, Hiwot
Job Satisfaction and Its Determining Factors among Journalists Working in Addis Ababa and Federal Mass Media Agencies.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bezabih, Adugna
Improving Knowledge Flow for Nursing Care in Tuberculosis Management: The Case of St. Peter‘S and Alert Hospitals.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bezabih, Etagegn
Knowledge and Practice Assessment of Active Manegement Third
Stage of Labor among Obstetric Care Providers at Selected
Government Hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 2017.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bezabih, Sefihun
Assessment of Factors that Affect the Implementation of
Health Extension Program in Wolayita Zone, SNNPR.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bezabih, Sintayehu
Automatic Train Control Standard for Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bezabih, Tibeso
The Impact of Prison Reform Program on the Treatement and Rights of Convicted Persons in Federal Maximum Security Prison.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bezabih, Tilahun
Assessment of the Determinants of Modern Contraceptive Use
in a Dawro Community (Mareka Woreda), Dawro Zone, SNNPR.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bezu, W/Mariam Kibrnesh
In vivo Antimalarial Evaluation of Embelin and some SemiSynthetic Aromatic Amine Substituted Embelin Derivatives from the Fruit of Embelia schimperia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bezuidehoud, Leon
Constructing an Organizational Climate Model to Predict Potential Risk of Management Fraud.
PhD thesis, University of South Africa.
Bezuidenhout, Antonia
Vegetation Ecology of Egoli Granite Grassland on the Farm Doornrandjie, Gauteng.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Bezuidenhout, Elsie Petronella
The Educational Psychological Effect of the Cochlear Implant
On the Hearing-Impaired Child's Family.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Bezuidenhout, Marius
’N Analise van die Politieke, Ekonomiese en Militêre Verhouding Tussen die Republiek Van Suid-Afrika en die Volksrepubliek van Sjina (1998–2012).
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Bezuneh, Asrat
Laboratory Based Comparative Evaluation of the Performance of Rk28 and Rk39 Rapid Tests and DAT in the Diagnosis of Visceral Leishmaniasis.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Be’emnetu, Tekabe
Predicting the Pattern of Under-Five Mortality in Ethiopia Using Data Mining Technology: The Case of Butajira Rural Health Program.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bhekimpilo, Sibanda
The Relationship between Literacy Levels and Parental Involvement in Secondary Schools in Libode District, Eastern Cape.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Bhiza, Nancy R.
Identification of Molecular Markers for Screening Tobacco Germplasm Resistant to White Mould.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Bhosha, Nesbert
An Assessment of Cultural Dimensions and their Impact on Organisational Performance in the Zimbabwean Banking Sector.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Biazin, Habtamu
Seroprevalence and Associated Risk Factors for Hepatitis B and C
Virus Infections among Apparently Healthy Mothers in Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Biel, Dak Reat
Population Status, Feeding Habits and Conservation Challenges of Tiang (Damaliscus Lunatus Tiang) in Abobo District, Gambella National Park, Gambella, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bigabwa, Janvier Bashagaluke
Characterization of Soils Using Infrared Scanning in South Kivu Province, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Bihonegn, Temesgen
Study on the In Vivo Antimalarial Activity of Solvent Fractions of the
Leaf of Vernonia Amygdalina (Asteraceae) against Plasmodium Berghei
in Mice.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bikila, Dereje
Assessment of Level of Stress and its Associated Factors among Post Natal Mothers whose Neonates Admitted to NICU, Public Hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2016.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Biko, Ahmed Somo
The Role of Informal Peace Agreements in Conflict Management: Modogashe Declaration and its Implementation in North Eastern, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Bilal, Meseret Mengesha
Ethiopian Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program (EFELTP
Compiled Body of Works in Field Epidemiology.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bilashoboka, Engelbert
Assessment of Oxytetracycline Residue Levels in Beef Consumed in Dodoma Municipality Catchment Area, Tanzania.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Bilata, Damtew
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude, Practice and Factor Affecting Mothers Regarding Pneumonia among Under Five Children at Lideta Subcity, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2015.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bililigne, Dagne
Process Evaluation on the Quality of Routine Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) in Dire Dawa City Administration, Eastern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Binagde, Takele Negasa
Factors Affecting Graduates of Technical and Vocational
Education and Training on Self-Employment Status: The Case
of Burayu Technical and Vocational Education and Training.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Binamungu, Faustine
The Role of Community in Atonement: A Way of Addressing Human Suffering.
Licentiate thesis, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.
Bindele, Pila
La tradition congolaise au service de l'annonce du Salut: Une analyse du « Rite zaïrois de la messe» comme réponse inculturée.
Licentiate thesis, Centre Sèvres.
Biniam, Paulos
Ethnopharmacological Survey of Medicinal Plants among the Hamer Ethnic Group, Hamer Woreda, South Omo Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia and Evaluation of a Selected
Plant for its Antimalarial Activity.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Biniyam, Shimelis
Integral Representation of Harmonic functions on a Disc and Upper Half Plane.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Binta, Hilary
A Study of some Factors that may Affect Semen Quantity and Quality as well as Libido in Four Breeds of Dairy Bulls.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Bioreri, Omare Diana
The Effect of Macro-Economic Variables on Performance of Real Estate Industry in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Birara, Gebre Kirstos
The Effect of Physical Fitness Training on the Performance of
Premier League Football Players: The Case of Hawassa
Kenema Football Club Players.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Biratu, Amanuel Zewde
The Effect of Reward Management on Employee Job Performance in the Case of Jupiter International Hotel.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birech, Daniel Kipkosgei
An Analysis of the Factors Affecting Loan Utilization among Administration Police Officers in Nakuru County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kabarak University.
Bireda, Tezazu
Neural Network Implementation of Character Recognition.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Biresaw, Gelila
Practice of Prothrombin Time, Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time
and Mixing Test in Public Hospitals of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from
March - June 2016.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birgen, Cheptepkeny Cyprine
Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies the Role of Women in Peacebuilding: A Case Study of Uasin Gishu County of Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Birhan, Aemro Tenaw
Regulating Proliferation and Misuse of Small Arms in Eastern Gojjam Zone of Amhara Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birhan, Atnafu Asrat
A Web-Based National Data Center Framework to Integrate Health Related Publications in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birhan, Bihonegn
Evaluation and Comparison of Serum Lipid Profiles between Newly Diagnosed and Tamoxifen Treated Breast Cancer Female Patients Attending the Oncology Clinic at Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birhan, Bizuneh Mamuye
The Application of Websom for Amharic Text Retrieval.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birhan, Zemenu Tsehay
Effects of the Radius of Curved Rail and Vehicle Speed on Rail Friction and Wear.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birhane, Addisalem
An Assessment of Human Resource Planning, Training and Placement Practices and Problems of the Ministry of Defense in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birhane, Hailye
Economic Costs of Occupational
Injuries in the Manufacturing Sector
of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birhane, Kalayu
Early Discontinuation Rate of Implanon and its Associated Factors among Women who Ever Used Implanon in 2012/2013 in Ofla Woreda, Tigray, Northern Ethiopia, 2014.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birhane, Tesfay
Assessment of Household Food Security and Nutritional Status
of Women in the Context of High Food Price in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birhane, Tsige
Value Chain Analysis of Ethiopian Leather Industrial Sector
for Investment Opportunity.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa.
Birhane, Zeru
The Practices of Human Resource Management in Ethiopian Orthodox
Tewahido Church Secondary Schools of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birhanie, Lealem
The Contribution of NGOs Assistance in Improving Quality of Primary Education in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birhanu, Abay Teshager
Amharic Character Recognition System for Printed Real-Life Documents.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birhanu, Abera
An Inversion Model of Receiver Function for Moho Depth Determination Beneath Locations of the Ethiopian Seismic Network Stations and their Surroundings.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birhanu, Abera Kibret
Cellular Automata Techniques: An Approach to Model and Simulate Brownian Particles Diffusion.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birhanu, Addisalem
Diagnostic Accuracy of Ultra Sound Reports of Intussusception and Factorsaffecting Treatment out Come among Pediatricpatients in Tikur Anbassa Hospital, Tah, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Other thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birhanu, Asmerom
Modeling Interaction of Radiation with Aerosols Using Mie Scattering Formulation and Retrieval of Aerosol Size Parameters.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birhanu, Ayenew
The Politics of Local Government Creation and Boundary Demarcation within Ethiopian Federation: Challenges and Implications.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birhanu, Elasbet
Assesement of Fathers Attitude towards Breast Feeding and Associated Factors among Fathers who Acompaing their Partner for Delivery in Selected Govemental Hospitals Ofaddis Abeba, Ethopia, 2017.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birhanu, Gebrehanna
R-Bell Numbers for Graphs.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birhanu, Genet Fenta
Constructed Wetland System for Domestic Wastewater Treatment:
A Case Study in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birhanu, Henok
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Laboratory
Personnel towards the Biosafety Measure for Tuberculosis
Testing Laboratory in Selected Health Institutions in Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birhanu, Kebede Kuris
Floristic Composition and Structural Analysis of Gedo Dry
Evergreen Montane Forest, West Shewa Zone of Oromia
National Regional State, Central Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birhanu, Mekassa
Determination of some Major and Trace Metals Levels in Korarima (Aframomum corrorima) Cultivated in Southern and Southwestern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birhanu, Million
Assessment of the Contamination Level of Water at Collection Points and
Determination of the Major Sources of Contaminants in West Shoa, Dendi
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birhanu, Minyichil
Workplace Stress and Associated Factors among Health
Professionals Working in Felege-Hiwot Referral Hospital
Bahir Dar, North West Ethiopia, 2015.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birhanu, Ribka
Collaboration between Spiritual (Holy Water)
Treatment and Biomedical Treatment at St. Mary
Church Outreach Program, Entoto: Pattern of
Service Utilization and Attitude of Holy Water
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birhanu, Tsegaye Wores
Elemental Analysis of Geological, Herbal and Food Samples Using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA).
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birihan, Animut
Variation of Geomagnetic Storm as Observed During Solar Cycle 24.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birku, Mahlet
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis-specific Functional Immune Response in
Pregnant Women with Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Latent
Tuberculosis Co -Infection.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birkute, Abraham Hailu
Amharic Document Categorization Using Item sets Method.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bironga, Sophia Moraa
Determinants of Paternal Involvement in Pupils’ Education and Academic Achievement among Primary School Pupils in Nairobi County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Birru, Abishu
The Position of Environmental Education in The Second Cycle Primary Curriculum in Oromia Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birru, Amha
Secure Web Based Voting System for the Case of Addis Ababa City.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birtukan, Ketsela G/Mariam
An Investigation the Challenges that Affect the Success of Short Distance Running: The Case of Ethiopian National Team.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birtukan, Tsehaineh
Assessment of Factors Associated with High Risk of Mortality of HIV Patients Treated with Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy in Jimma Zone, South Western Ethiopia: Application of Survival Analysis
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Biru, Samuel
Power Flow Analysis of Sebeta to Adama Railway Electrification power Line with Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator (TCSC).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Biru, Selam Melese
Regional Peace and Security Architecture: Challenges of Compatibility
between Africa Union Peace and Security Council & Regional Economic
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Biruk, Assefa
Assessment of Long Acting Family Planning Utilization and Associated Factors among Married Reproductive Age Women in Silti District, Silte Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia, 2017.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Biruk, Berhanu W/Amanueal
Application of Geo-Physical Methods to Characterize Solid Waste Landfill: The Case of Repi Landfill, South West Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Biruk, Ephrem
Assessment of Menstrual Hygiene Management and Its Determinants among Adolescent Girls: A Cross-Sectional Study in School Adolescent Girls in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birukie, Kelemework Birukie
The Right of Women’s Electoral Participation in Amhara National Regional State: an assessment of the participation of women’s in 2015 National electoral process in North Showa Zone, MoretnaJiruWoreda.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Birundu, Evans N
Determinants of Private Investment and the Relationship between Public and Private Investment in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Birundu, Evans N.
Determinants of Private Investment and the Relationship between Public and Private Investment in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Biset, Mohammed
Assessment of Drug Related Problems in Medical Wards of Tikur Anbessa
Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bishaw, Yemsrach
Evaluation of Climate Impact on Omo Gibe Basin (Case
Study of Gilgel Gibe III Reservoir).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bishi, Reuben
Fetomaternal Outcomes of Pregnant Women Admitted With Malaria at Parirenyatwa Hospital and in Mashonaland East Province of Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, Univerisity of Zimbabwe.
Bishi, Reuben
Fetomaternal Outcomes of Pregnant Women Admitted with Malaria at Parirenyatwa Hospital and in Mashonaland East Province of Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Bisia, David Kodia
Effects of Traditional Harvesting Techniques on the Growing Stock of Rhizophoramucronata and Ceriops Tagal in Lamu Mangrove Forest, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Bisrat, Elias
Comparison of Manual Platelet Estimates and Automated Platelet Count at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bisrat, Mesfin
Relevance and Quality of Research Undertaken by Master’s Students of Addis Ababa University.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bitengo, Teresa Mwoma
Paternal Involvement in Children's Education: An Implication of Children's Performance at Preschool in Gucha District Kenya.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Bitew, Emeye
Study on Bamboo Products and Market Linkage in Micro and Small Enterprise at Injibera Town in Awi Zone of Amhara Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bitew, Sewale
Innovation and Conventional Lending Practice of Banks in Ethiopia: Perspectives from Patented Innovators.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bitew, Shimelash
Assessment of the Effect of Malnutrition on Survival of HIV Infected Children after
Initiation of Antiretroviral Treatment in Wolaita Zone Health Facilities, SNNPR,
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bitew, Tesera
Effect of Antenatal Depressive Symptoms on
Women’s Access to Healthcare and Perinatal
Complications: A Population-Based Study in Rural
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bitewulign, Tiruwork Aklie
Measuring Adherence Level to Antiretroviral
Treatment among Adult PLWHA in Zewditu
Memorial Hospital
Addis Abeba.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bitutu, Nyambane R
A Study of the Fermentation Process
and Microbiological Characteristics
of Amabereamaruranu, a Kisii
Fermented Milk Product.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Biwott, Elijah Kiplagat
Integrated Financial Management Information Systems Implementation and its Impact on Public Procurement Performance at National Government of Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Biza, Enias
The Impact of Digital Technology on the Viability of the Cinema Industry in Zimbabwe: The Case of Rainbow Cinemas Private Limited (2007 – 2012).
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Bizuayehu, Getnet Demsash
Framework to Adopt Cloud Computing for Medical Image Archiving and Sharing.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bizuneh, Buli
Designing a Framework for Hospital Information System: Mettu Karl Referral Hospital.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bizuneh, G/michael
Photovoltaic and Charge Carrier Transport Parameters of PTOPT.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bizuye, Nega
Practice and Challenges on Training System of Paralympic Athletics Project in Case of Arada and Addis Ketem Sub Cities.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Blata, Shibru Tefera
Land Degradation and Farmers’ Perception: The Case of Limo Woreda, Hadya Zone of SNNPR, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Blen, Weldegebreal
Development of New Analytical Methods for the Determination of Caffeine Content in Aqueous Solution of Green Coffee Beans.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bley, Helmut
The Impact of Zimbabwe's Liberation War "Second Chimurenga" (1972-1980) on the Rural Population in the "Tribal Trust Lands".
Masters thesis, University of Hanover.
Blore, Lynda Gail
The Relationship between Adolescent Depressive Symptomology and Substance Abuse.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Boar, Ricahrd Neville Crause
The Significance of the Approaches to Constitutional Interpretation inS V Mhlungu 1995(7) Bclr 793(Cc).
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Bobo, Segni
Assessment of Occupational Health and Safety
Practices and Its Associated Factors among
Star Rated Hotels Housekeeping Workers in
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bochaberi, Ndubi Margaret
Women’s Participation in Political Processes in Kenya: The Case
of Nyamira County 1963-2013.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Bochere, Ayusa Emilly
Strategies Adopted by Real Estate Firms in Kenya to Gain Competitive Advantage.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Bogale, Addisalem
Designing Information Support System for Maternal and Child
Health Care: Using Participatory Approach.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bogale, Alemayehu
Girl's Participation and Performance in Secondary Schools of SNNPR.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bogale, Alemayehu
Girl's Participation and Performance in Secondary Schools of SNNPR.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bogale, Biftu
Study of Determinant Factors and Magnitude of Birth Preparedness/Complication Readiness Practice among Rural Women of Bench Maji Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bogale, Daniel
Assessment of Occupational Injuries and Illness Symptoms among Addis Ababa City Solid Waste Collectors.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bogale, Firmaye
Exploring Breastfeeding Practice among Employed Mothers and Perception of Employers towards Breastfeeding Practice of Employed Mothers Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bogale, Fiseha
Synthesis and Partial Characterization of Ladder and Quinoxaline-Based Co-Fluorene Low Bandgap Polymers.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bogale, Helina
Precipitating Factors and Clinical-Laboratory Features of Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) at Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital Emergency Department, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bogale, Kassahun
Outcome of Patients with Acute Coronary
Syndrome Admitted to Tikur Anbessa Specialized
Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bogale, Neway
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice
towards Breast Cancer Early Detection Methods
among Female Health Professionals at Public Health
Centers of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2017.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Boka, Hirpa Bane
Rural School Teachers’ Personal Initiative in
Improveing Professional Competetnces in West
Shewa Zone, Oromiya Regional State, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bologo, Christopher Terhemen
The Nigerian Tiv Concept of Ya Na Angbian: As a Corrective to the Misinterpretation of Subdue and Have Dominion in Genesis 1:26.
Other thesis, Santa Clara University.
Bolt, Judith
Determining an Alternative Leadership Paradigm in a Selected
Volatile Environment.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Bonabom, Isidore
The Development of a Truth Regime on ‘the Human’: Human Rights in the Gold Coast (1945-57).
PhD thesis, University of Sussex.
Boneya, Udessa
Impacts of Climate Change on Pastoral Communities in Dugda Dawa District, Borana Zone, Oromia Region, South Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bonja, Fisseha
Prevalence of Transfusion Transmitted Infections among Blood Donors at Yirgalem Hospital and Hawassa Blood Bank Center, Sidama Zone, SNNPRS, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bonke, Michael Makori
Customer Adoption of Mobile Banking and Perceived Quality of Service in Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Bonsa, Muleta
Feasibility Study for Replacement of Diesel Water Pumping System with PV Water Pumping System (A case of Borana Zone Water Supply, Ethiopia).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bonsaana, Gilbert Batieka
Review of Ocular Trauma in Tamale Teaching Hospital, Tamale, Ghana.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Bonyi, Benard Osoro
The Effect of Financial Innovations on Risk Management by Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Bonyo, Kennedy Omondi
A Test of the Effectiveness of Downside Risk Framework over Mean-Variance Framework in Optimal Portfolio Selection: Evidence from the Nairobi Securites Exchange (NSE).
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Boore, Caroline
Factors Affecting Implementation of E-Medical Records in Selected Public Hospitals in Nairobi, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Bor, Andrew
Effects of Kenyan Black Tea Water Soluble Components on Theaflavins Interaction with Antibiotics against Selected Pathogenic Bacteria.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Bornwell, Hakakwale
Examination of the Geological Set Up and Rock Mass Characteristics of Nchanga Underground Mine in Order to Optimize Draw of ‘the Feldspathic-Quartzite’ (TFQ) Ore in the Caved Areas.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Boru, Hawa
Employee Perception of Organizational Support towards Work-Life Balance At the Gulf African Bank (Kenya).
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Bosire, Linet K
Determinants of Success of Urban Infrastructure Projects Financed by Public Private Partnerships in Kenyan Counties.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Bosire, Ruth Kwamboka
Factors Influencing Employee Turnover in Kenyan Media Industry: The Case of Nation Media Group Nairobi County.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Bosman, Beatrice Ntandose
The Department of Human Settlement’s Policy on Eradicating Informal Settlements in South Africa: A De-colonial Feasibility Analysis.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Bosongo, , Bola
Coping with Droughts and Floods in the Middle Zambezi Valley: A Case Study of Kanyemba, Mbire District.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Botha, Annerie
Analysing South African Individuals’ Behaviour Regarding Liability Usages.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Botha, Marna
Prioritising Data Quality Challenges in Electronic Healthcare Systems in South Africa.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Bowa, Clarine Monyangi
Effect of Bank Capitalization on Liquidity of Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Bowa, Paul N.C
Assessment of Caregivers' Knowledge about Medications and Medical Conditions by Time of Discharge in Paediatric Department at University Teaching Hospital of Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Boya, Kgaugelo Sammy
Strategic Planning Processes Employed by Gauteng South African Football Association (Safa) Soccer Clubs.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Boyani, Ongere Ruth
The Effect of Capital Structure on the Cost of Capital of Firms Listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Brassel, Marianne
Bedeutung der Herrlichkeit des Herrn für Ekklesiologie
nnd Gemeindebau: eine Biblisch-Theologische Untersuchung Anhand Exemplarischer Ekklesiologien des 20. Jh.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Brese, Marco
Effects of the Entomopathogenic Fungus Metarhizium Anisopliae on Glossina Fuscipes Fuscipes in Lake Victoria Island.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Brhane, Fikreselassie Teklay
Study of Superconductivity of Lead Nano Structure.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Brhane, Shumet
Students’ and Teachers’ Views of Students’ Misbehaviors in Bulbula Secondary and Preparatory School, Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Brijraj, Arthie
Managing Physical Abuse among Learners in a Girls High School in Kwazulu-Natal: A Case Study.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Brown, Arthur N
Measles Vaccine-Induced Immunity in Children Age Nine Months after Vaccination and Measles-Vaccinated Children Age Five Years in Nairobi.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Buba, Eyob Alemu
MDA Approach for the Development of Embeddable Applications on Communicating Objects.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Buckland, Stephen G.
African Religious Symbols and Christian Theology.
Masters thesis, Heythrop College - University of London.
Budambula, Valentine
The Role of Vaccination in the Management of Typhoid Fever: A Case Study of Horticulture Farm Workers in Juja, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Bukhala, Peter Wisiuba
Effect of a Peer-Tutor Programme on Social, Psychomotor and Physical Fitness of Youth With and Without Intellectual Disability in Nairobi County, Kenya.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Bukhala, Peter Wisiuba
Effect of a Peer-Tutor Programme on Social, Psychomotor and Physical Fitness of Youth With and Without Intellectual Disability in Nairobi County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenya University.
Bukombe, John
Interfaces of Miombo Woodland Biodiversity and Local
Community: Woody Plant Species Use and Conservation
Practices at Singida District, Tanzania.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bulaya, Carol
The Evaluation of Community Led Total Sanitation as an Intervention Measure for the Control of Porcine Cysticercosis in Katete District in the Eastern Province of Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Bulcha, Baiysa
Assessment of the Status of HIV/AIDS
Mainstreaming at the Government Sectors in Addis Ababa and Factors Affecting the
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bulcha, Milkiyas
Reconciling Human Rights and Evictions for Public Purposes in Ethiopia: Appraisal of the Laws and Practices with Focus on Some Selected Sites in Addis Ababa City.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bulti, Naod
Atients’ Knowledge and Attitude towards
Anesthesia in Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital in
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bulto, Fitsum
Synthesis and Characterization of Trimellitic Anhydride Based Phthalocyanine Metal Complexes.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bunyasi, Gladys N. Wekesa
Effect of Dividend Policy on the Market Value of Shares of Public Companies Quoted at the Nairobi Stock Exchange (N.S.E).
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Bunyasi, John
Effect of Mergers and Acquisitions on Growth of Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Buraka, Kassa Shurke
Factors Affecting Females’ Participation in Education: The Case of Tocha Woreda in SNNPR.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Burka, Amin
Factors Affecting the Performance of Female Students in Mathematics and Science: The Case of Selected High Schools in Shashemane.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Burka, Ashenafi
Land Use / Land Cover Dynamics in Prosopis juliflora Invaded Area of Metehara and the Surrounding Districts Using Remote Sensing & GIS Techniques.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Burkeywo, Boiyo Amos
Narrating Kenyan History through Fiction in Yvonne Owuor’s Dust.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Burombo, Emmanuel Chamunorwa
Statistical Modelling of Return on Capital Employed of Individual Units.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Burugu, Dennis
Conflict in Slum Upgrading Programme a Case Study of Korogocho Slum in Nairobi.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Burugu, Marion Warigia
Expression of the Glossina Proteolytic Lectin (Gpl) Gene in Tsetse Flies and other Haematophagous Arthropods.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Burugu, Peter Kamuri
Factors Affecting Implementation of Inclusive Education for Children with Special Needs in Primary Schools in Mathioya Division, Murang'a District, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Buruh, Gerezgiher
Assessment of Determinants of Induced Abortion among Child
Bearing Age Women Attending Maternal and Child Health Clinic in
Mekelle Town, Tigray, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Busaka, Benard Mahagwa
Conservation of the Archaeological Heritage in Kenya's National Parks: A Critique of Policy and Practice in the Tsavo.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Buseretse, Vincent Azwere
The Effect of Liquidity on Profitability of Microfinance Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Busolo, Doreen Nekesa
Assessing Sustainability of Rural Community Radio in Kenya Case Study of Radio Mangelete.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Busu, Nickson
An Investigation into the Effectiveness of Risk Mitigation Strategies Adopted by Long Term Insurers in Post Dollarization Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Busungu, Amendi Victor
Influence of Human Resource Management Practices on Performance of Savings and Credit Cooperatives in Vihiga County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Buumba, Lebita
A Stylistic Study of Characterisation in Phiri’s Ticklish Sensation: A Systemic Functional Perspective.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Buuri, D.W
Performance Measurement Practices and Employee Productivity in the Insurance Firms in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Buyaki, Nyairo Risper
Applicability of Climate Analogues for Climate Change Adaptation Planning in Bugabira Commune, Burundi.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Buyo, Sara Dula
Assessment of Self-Reported Health
Symptoms and Its Determinant Factors among
Hairdressers in Nifas Silk Lafto Sub City,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bwalya, Angela
Validation of the Aquacrop Model for Irrigated African Eggplant (Solanum Macrocarpon) at the Unza Field Station.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Bwalya, Bwalya Bupe
Influence of Maternal Characteristics on Under-Five Nutritional Status in Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Bwalya, Bwalya C.
Experiences of Antenatal Care among Pregnant Adolescents at Kanyama and Matero Reference Clinic in Lusaka District.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Bwalya, Emelia Sharon Lungu
The Provision of Universal Access to Basic Education in
Zambia: An Evaluation of the Performance of the
National Policy on Education in Chongwe and Kafue
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Bwalya, Eugene Chisela
A Survey on Endoparasites of Dogs in Lusaka and Katete Districts of Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Bwalya, Eugene Chisela
A Survey on Endoparasites of Dogs in Lusaka and Katete Districts of Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Bwalya, Jackson Mwamba
Estimation of Net Carbon Sequestration Potential of Citrus under Different Management Systems Using the Life Cycle Approach.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Bwalya, Josephine
The Status of Physical Education in Zambia: A Case of Selected Primary Schools in Katete District of Eastern Province.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Bwalya, Julius Bwalya
Preparation and Use of Individualised Education Plans in Prevocational Training in Selected Special Education Units on the Copperbelt Province, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Bwalya, Marlon
Factors Affecting CD4+T-Lymphocyte Count Response to HAART in HIV/AIDS Patients within 24 Months of Treatment at Chreso Ministries ART Centres’.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Bwalya, Merit
Communication and Changing Attitudes and Perceptions towards Childbearing in the Advent of HIV and Aids: A Case Study of Newtown and Central Town Communities in Kasama District.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Bwalya, Pearson
Clinical Decision Making and Referral of Obstetric Emergencies: A Case of Emonc Trained and Untrained Nurses and Midwives in Mpika District, Muchinga Province, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Bwana, Florence Wewee
Implementation of Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard by Payment Card Companies in Kenya: Surmounting Security Concerns.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Bwembya, Anthony
“Pitfalls of Insolvency Provisions under the Zambian Companies’ Act”.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Bwengi, Evelyn Bosibori
The Perceived Effects of Coaching on Employee Performance at the Co-operative Bank of Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Bwire, Adelheid Marie
Learner Competencies and Proficiency in English Listening Comprehension in Selected Secondary Schools in Kenya.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Bwisa, Doreen Muyoti
Barriers to the Uptake of Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV Interventions among Women in Kibera Slum, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Byagagaire, Samuel Dennis
Xylazine Hydrochloride and Ketamine Hydrochloride Combinations for General Anaesthesia in Sheep.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Byarugaba, George W.
Eradicating Food Insecurity in South Africa: A Theological and Ethical Analysis of Ubuntu Paradigm in Relation to the Freirean Methodology of Liberative Education.
PhD thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.
Byaruhanga, Michael Kadoodooba Akiiki
Comparative Assessment of Syllabi and Implementation of Physical Education and Sports Programmes in Primary and Secondary Schools in Kenya and Uganda.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Byegon, Byegon
Determinants of Implementation of Construction Projects Funded by Constituency development Funds: A Case of Public Secondary Schools Kikuyu Sub-County, Kiambu County Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Byegon, Richard Kiprotich
Operations Management Practices and Perceived Service Quality a Case Study of Kenya Sugar Industry.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Tolerance in Multicultural Education: Development of Intervention Strategies for Educators.
Masters thesis, University of south Afrrica.
Canton-Kessely, Emile
Africanisme et modernite.
PhD thesis, University of Paris.
Carney, Joseph P.
The History of the Functional Structure of the Maryknoll Mission in Musoma and Shinyanga, Tanzania.
PhD thesis, St. John's University-New York.
Cedric, Habimana
Factors Contributing to Poor Performance by Pupils in Grade Twelve French Examinations: A Case Study of Selected Lusaka Secondary Schools, in Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Cenge, Ziyanda Patience
Knowledge and Perceptions of Parents and Caregivers on the Causes of Diarrhea among Children under five years living in the Rural Areas of the Eastern Cape.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Cerere, Grace
The Role of Economic Diplomacy in Advancing Kenya’s Development Interests: The Case of the ‘Look East Policy’.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chaampita, Mutinta
Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Secondary Schools in Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chabala, David Chipuku
Prevalence and Risk Factors of East Coast Fever (ECF) in the Copperbelt and Central Provinces of Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chabata, Isaac
Effectiveness of the Lead Farmer Approach in the Dissemination of Soil Fertility Management Technologies.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chabu, Godrington
Recruitment and Promotion Practices in the Zambia Police Service from 1964 to 2009.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chabu, Godrington
Recruitment and Promotion Practices in the Zambia Police Service from 1964 to 2009.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chabu, Godrington
Recruitment and Promotion Practices in the Zambia Police Service from 1964 to 2009.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chaburte, Chala
Line Probe Assay for Improved Tuberculosis Diagnosis and Detection of Isoniazid and Rifamicin Resistance.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Chacha, Lucas Matiko
The Relevancy of Training Programs of HIV/AIDS Community Based Organizations Funded by NACC: A Case Study of Kuria District.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Chacha, Maro Mwikwabe
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Intestinal Schistosomiasis and Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis and their Association to Nutritional Status among School Going Children in Kilombero District of Morogoro Region, Tanzania.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chaeruka, Joel
A Study to Assess the Knowledge, Attitudes and Beliefs of People in Accepting Male Circumcision as a Preventive Method in HIV and AIDS, in Mbare and Southerton Suburbs of Harare, Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chagadama, Florence
Critical Examination of the Use of Mediation as a Tool for the Realisation of Women’s Access to Justice in Property Cases in the Legal Aid Sector, Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chagpar, Fatemah Z.M
General Relativity: The Core Concepts and Its Significance in Astrophysics.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chagumaira, Christopher
Perceived Local Evidence of Climate Change and Variability Impacts on Natural Resources in Smallholder Communities of Eastern Zimbabwe.
MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chaka, Bekele
Adult Patient Satisfaction with Nursing Care.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Chaka, Mezgebu
Process Evaluation on Child Survival Interventions in SNNPR:
Special Focus on Community Health Promotion Initiatives.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Chakanyuka, Mashoko
The Relationship between FDI and ODA: The Case of Zimbabwe (1980-2012).
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chakatsva, Munyaradzi
The Role of Microfinance Institutions in Poverty Alleviation in Developing
Economies: The Case of Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chakava, Glenn Avugwi
Factors Influencing Adoption of Paperless Banking: A Case of West Pokot County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chakona, Albert
The Macroinvertebrate Communities of Two Upland Streams in Eastern Zimbabwe with Reference to the Impact of Forestry.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chala, Adugna
Antidiarrheal and Antispasmodic Activities of Essential Oil of Myrtus Communis L.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Chala, Bayissa
Assessment of Malaria as a Public Health Problem in Finchaa Sugar Factory based on Clinical Records and Parasitological Surveys.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Chala, Desalegn
District Decentralization and Service Delivery: The Study of Water Supply in Chalia, Oromia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Chala, Tamene Bikila
Assessment of the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Breast Self Examination among Under Graduate Female Students of Age 30 Years and below in College of Natural and Computational Science of Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, 2015.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Challa, Gebremichael Gurmessa
Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors (DMSs)
and their Applications.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Challa, Nathanael
Assessment of Freight Transport and Transportation Infrastructures Along International Trade Route (The Case of China – Djibouti – Ethiopia).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Chaltu, Fita Elanso
Afaan Oromo List, Definition and Description
Question Answering System.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Chamunogwa, Arnold Rangarirayi
Political Economy Analysis of Fast Track Land Reform Programme in Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Sussex.
Chamwada, Vincent Keyonzo
The Effect of Financial Literacy on Financial Performance of Small and Micro Enterprises in Kibera Slums, Nairobi County.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chan, Ngor Bak Matik
Status of Malaria in Wau Town, Western Bahr El Ghazal, South Sudan.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Chanaka, Norman F
An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Labour Arbitration System in Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chanda, Chama
“Perceptions and Beliefs of University and College Students towards Male Circumcision in Lusaka.”.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chanda, Cosam Stephen
Public Expenditure and Development: A Human Expenditure Ratio Analysis for Zambia, 1990-2011.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chanda, Dorothy O.
The Impact of Using a Modified Ministry of Health Traditional Birth Attendant Training Curriculum on the Infection Prevention Knowledge, Practice and Attitude of Trained Traditional Birth Attendants in Chongwe District of Zambia.
PhD thesis, University of Zambia.
Chanda, Humphrey
Diagnostic Accuracy of Waist Circumference in Detecting Metabolic Syndrome in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chane, Haileyesus
Magnitude of Anemia and Its Contributing Factor among School Age Children in Mihur Aklil District, Gurage Zone, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Changula, Katendi
Production and Characterisation of Monoclonal Antibodies to Ebolavirus Nucleoprotein and their Application in Development of a Rapid Antigen Detection Test.
PhD thesis, University of Zambia.
Chaoneka, Reginald
Examining the Twin Deficit Hypothesis: Evidence from Selected SADC Countries (1980-2011).
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chaponda, Cecilia
Persistent School Drop-Outs among Girls in Selected Secondary Schools of Nakonde District in Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Charehwa, Tonderai
Irregular Repeat Migration among Unaccompanied Children in Plumtree.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Charehwa, Tonderai
Irregular Repeat Migration among Unaccompanied Children in Plumtree.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chari, Lenin Dzibakwe
The Influence of Large, Vegetated Termitaria and Large Herbivores on Spider (Araneae) Diversity in Miombo Woodlands.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Charlesworth, Matthew
How can a Course in Ethics and Professionalism be Included in an Information Systems Curriculum?
Other thesis, Rhodes University.
Charlesworth, Matthew
An Investigation of an Undergraduate Course Module on the Ethical Aspects of Information Systems.
Masters thesis, Rhodes University.
Charlesworth, Matthew
Is Pleasure a Genuine Element of the Human Good? A New Natural Law Perspective Comparing the Authors John Finnis and Timothy Chappell.
MPhil thesis, Heythrop College.
Chaterera, Forget
Beyond Documentation: An Analytical Approach towards the Future of Museums as Information Centres.
Masters thesis, Midlands State University.
Chatsiwa, Jaison
Land Pollution and Population Density: The Case of Kwekwe City Residential Areas, Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Chauke, Gibson
Integrated Marketing Communication at the South African National Blood Service: An Evaluation of Its Social Marketing.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Chauke, Million
An Analysis of the Effectiveness/Impact of ICTs in Dairy Production: A Case of Zimbabwe’s Mashonaland East‘Sbeatrice-Mariranwe Dairy Farmers.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chaukura, Edwin
An Evaluation of the Public Procurement Systems and how they Impact on the Competitiveness of State-Owned Enterprises in the Post-Deregulation Era: The Case of Telone (Pvt) Ltd 2009 – 2012.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chauvet, Ian
Emotional Intelligence, Job Satisfaction, Work Engagement and Turnover Intentions of Employees in Selected South African Organisations.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Chauya, Ivy Violet
The Effectiveness of Community Development Groups in Poverty Reduction with regards to Individual Community Members: The Case of Likasi Area Development Programme in Mchinji District, Malawi.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Chavera, Linda
The Relevance of Customer Based Brand Equity Model in the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Industry in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chavula, Eddah Edayi
A Critical Analysis of Women Participation in the Law Reform Process: A Case of the Law Commission in Malawi.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chavula, Godfrey
A Critical Examination of Sexuality Education in Malawi: A Case Study of Blantyre District.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chavwanga, Vytalis
The Department of Veterinary Services and Control of Contagious Cattle Diseases in Zambia, 1907-1990.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chawira, Emmah
An Assessment of the Impact of Results Based Management System on Organisational Performance 2012 -2014 Case of Zimbabwe United Passenger Company.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chayangira, Juwawa
Effects of Different Ventilation Strategies on the Microclimate and Transpiration of a Rose Crop in a Greenhouse.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chebet, Jane
Determinants of Employees’ Performance in the County Governments of Kenya: A Case of Bungoma County.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chebet, Joan Kirui
Chebet, Joan Kirui (2014) The Effect of Training and Credit offered by Small and Micro Enterprise Program on the Performance of Women-Operated Enterprises in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya. Masters Thesis, Kabarak University.
Masters thesis, Kabarak University.
Chebet, Judith
Performance Based Rewards to Teachers in Private Primary Schools in Kasarani Sub-County, Nairobi County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chebet, Ridah
The Effect of Working Capital Management Practices on the Financial Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Nairobi County.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chebet, Selina
Evaluation of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Doping among Elite Middle and Long Distance Runners in Kenya.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Chebet, Selina
Evaluation of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Doping among Elite Middle and Long Distance Runners in Kenya.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Chebet, Silva Jerono
Assessment of the Levels of Thiocyanate in Processed and Unprocessed Red and Brown Finger Millet (Eleusine Coracana) Grown in Mogotio Area, Baringo County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Chebiego, Boaz Kipchirchir
Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction in Public Marketing Boards. A Case of National Cereals and Produce Board.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Chebii, Caroline
Analysis of Internationalization of Banking in Emerging Markets: A Case of Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chebochok, Chelangat Beatrice
A Gender Analysis of the Transitional Justice Systems of Rwanda and Sierra Leone.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chedeye, Linet
Challenges of Strategy Implementation and the Performance of Zetech University in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Cheelo, Chilala
Trained Traditional Birth Attendants’ Perspectives on Governments’ Decision to Stop Community Based Deliveries in Kazungula District: A Qualitative Case Study of Mukuni Chiefdom.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chege, Eliza
An Analysis of the Perceptions and Expectations of the Commission for Higher Education among Public and Private Universities.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chege, Gerald Muhoro
Factors that Affect Uptake of Contraceptives at Garissa Provincial Hospital in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chege, Hannah Wambui
Seasonal Parasite Carriage of Village Chicken in Mbeere Subcounty, Antiparasitic Treatments Used And Effectiveness of Selected Anthelmintics.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chege, Hilary Nduati
An Assessment of Financial Performance and Its Implications on Expansion Programmes of Selected Supermarkets in Nairobi - Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Chege, J. Mutuota
Impact of Farmers Knowledge, Attitude and Land Use Practices on the Conservation Status of Hinde's Babbler (Turdoides Hindei) in Mukurwe-Ini Valleys, Nyeri County.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Chege, Lucy W.
An Assessment of the Environmental Impact
of Waste Disposal in Residential Areas: A Case Study of Dandora Residential Area
In Nairobi.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chege, Rahab Wanjiru
The Illegal Trade in Wildlife Resources and the Implication for International Security: A Case of Poaching of Ivory in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chegen, Abenezer
Assessment of Magnitude of HIV and Syphilis and Associated Factors among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Care in Wolemera District.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Chekol, Endalamaw
Ethnic Federalism and Nation Building in Development: The Case of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Chekol, Fekadu
Voltammetric Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide at Prussian Blue
Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Chekol, Melese
Accommodating Exogenous Communities at Local Level: The Case of Gura-Ferda Woreda of SNNPRS and Pawe Woreda of BGNRS.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Chekole, Yohannes Asmare
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) among Teachers in Bahir Dar: Dimensions, Antecedents, Consequences and Implications.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Chekwanda, Ben Solomon
Financial Impact of Devolved Funds on Economic Growth in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kabarak University.
Chelangat, Susan Nzioki
An Analysis into the Role of Human Resource in Facilitating Change in a Selected Case of Bio Food Products Ltd. Industrial Area, Nairobi.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Chelimo, Caroline J.
Factors Affecting Performance of Security Departments in Public Organizations within the Energy Sector, (A Case Study of Kenya Power and Lighting Company).
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Cheloti, Isabella Mulemia
The Influence of Feeding Practices on the Nutritional Status of Pre-School Children: A Case of Ndivisi Location, Bungoma District,Western Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Chelu, Lazarous Chikoyi
Challenges HIV Positive Married Persons Attending Kanyama Clinic Face in Using Condoms.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chelwa, Nachela Malisenti
Correlates and Trend Analysis Study of Under-Five Mortality among Displaced Populations: A Case of Meheba Refugee Camp.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chembe, Shadrick
An Examination of the Communication Strategies and Techniques Used by the Society for Family Health in Malaria Control Programme in Luangwa.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Cheme, Mukiri Veronicah
Effects of Working Capital Centralization on the Cash Flows of Listed Manufacturing Companies in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Cheme, Veronicah Mukiri
Effects of Working Capital Centralization on the Cash Flows of Listed Manufacturing Companies in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chemeda, Alemu
Use of Urine as an Adjunct Specimen for the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in People Living With HIV in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Chemiron, Edwin Kimutai
Effects of English Language Proficiency on Performance of Physics in National Examination in West Pokot County in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chemis, Philip Kiptoo
Effects of Working Capital Management on Profitability of Sugar Manufacturing Firms in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chemitei, Leah Jeruto
The Role of Product Innovations in Creating Competitive Advantage;
a Case of Microfinance Institutions in Nakuru Town.
Masters thesis, Kabarak University.
Chemjor, Robert Kipkemboi
Supplier Evaluation Criteria and Procurement Performance in Parastatals in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chenai, Jaquelyne Chawafambira
Shareholder Activism: A Fact or Fiction. An Analysis of Zimbabwean Companies Listed on the Stock Exchange.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chengo, Katana
Speciation of Selected Heavy Metals in Open-Air Automobile Mechanic Workshop Soils in Ngara, Nairobi County Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Chepkemoi, Penvilia
An Analysis of the Effects of Capital Structure of Small and Medium Enterprises on Their Financial Performance: A Case of Nakuru Town.
Masters thesis, Kabarak University.
Chepkirui, Mercylynate
Implementing Change at the East African Tea Trade Association: A Survey of the Kenyan Member's Perspective.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chepkiyeng, Fridah
Analysis of Strategic Responses of Commercial Banks towards Attaining
Competitive Advantage in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Chepkoech, Agnes
Factors Influencing Implementation of Total Quality Management in Manufacturing Firms: A Case of Bidco Oil Refineries Limited, Thika Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chepkoech, Caroline
Effect of Legume Integration and Application of Organic Fertilizers on Soil Nutrient Status and Kale Yield in Kabete, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chepkoech, Fancy
Analysis of the Effectiveness of Participatory Video in Dissemination of Agricultural Information among Smallholder Farmers of Bungoma County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chepkonga, Stephen Kimaiyo
Effect of Performance Contracting in the Implementation of Strategic Plan in East African Portland Cement Company Limited.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chepkwony, Fredah Chepng’etich
Oral Health Status and Treatment Needs among 3 - 6 Year - Old Children Attending Lady Northey Dental Clinic, Nairobi City County.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chepkwony, Hellen
Effect of Corporate Governance on Capital Structure of Firms Listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chepkwony, Michael Kibet
Influence of Access to Agent Banking Services on Rural Communities in Kenya: A Case of Ololung’a Division, Narok County.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chepkwony, Monica Cherono
Factors Influencing the Adoption of Electronic Medical Records Technology in Public Health Institutions in Kenya: A Case of Hospitals in Nairobi County.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chepkwony, Samwel Kipkoech
Determinants of Managing Income Generating Projects for Sustainability in Public Secondary Schools in Konoin Sub-County of Bomet County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Chepngeno, Sharon
Protection-Based Factors Influencing Boy-Child Participation in Primary Schools in Lolgorian Division, Narok County.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chepng’etich, Evaline
Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Smallholder Sorghum Producers in Machakos and Makindu Districts in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Cheptum, Joyce Jebet
Factors Contributing to Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes in Public Health Facilities in Keiyo District, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Chepwogen, Florida
Factors Affecting Implementation of the National ICT Strategy for Education and Training in Secondary Schools in Bomet and Narok Counties (Kenya).
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Cherenet, Ayele
Reducing Outpatient Waiting time from Patient Arrival to Hospital until to See Physicians
Yekatit 12 Hospital Medical College.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Cherie, Amsale
Perceived Sufficiency and Usefulness of IEC Materials and Methods on HIV/AIDS among High School Youth in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Cherinet, Eskender
Ethical Leadership Practices of Principals of Governmemt Secondary Schools in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Cherinet, Eskinder Mesfin
Application of Multilayer Feed Forward Artificial Neural Network Perceptron in Prediction of Court Case’s Time Span: The Case of Federal Supreme Courts’.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Cherkos, Adugna
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Toward
First Aid Related to Road Traffic Accidents among Traffic
Police in LIDETA, KIRKOS and ARADA Sub City of Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Chernet, Daniel
Application of Remote-Sensing and GIS for Potential Ecotourism Site Selection in Addis Ababa and its Surroundings.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Cherogony, Emily Jebii
An Investigation into Communication Barriers that Affect the Smooth Management of some Selected Secondary Schools in Baringo Central. A Case Study of Sacho High
School, Kapropita Girls' and Pemwai Girls'Girls'.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Cherono, Eunice Chepkwony
An Epidemiological Survey of the Serotypes of Footand-
Mouth Disease Virus in Circulation in the Somaliecosystem
in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Cherono, Lydia
Occupational Accidents in Hotels within Eldoret Town, Kenya Awareness and Prevention.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Cherop, Bernard Kipkemboi
Determination of Selected Essential Elements in Traditional Vegetables, Medicinal Plants, Fruits and Conventionally Grown Vegetables in Koibatek, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Cherop, Jane
Influence of Principals’ Leadership Styles on Teacher Retention in Private Secondary Schools in Uasin-Gishu County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Cherop, Richard Chesire
Strategy Implementation Challenges Faced by Kenya Civil Aviation Authority in Regulating Aviation Training Institutions.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Cherotich, Caroline
Evaluating the Effects of Total Reward on Job Satisfaction among Bank Employees in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kabarak University.
Cherry, Ann Hill
Grave Rites and Grave Rights: Anthropological Study of the Removal of Farm Graves in Northern Peri-Urban Johannesburg.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Cheru, Girma
Assessment of Intergovernmental Relation Between the City of Dire Dawa and its Surrounding Local Administrations.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Cherugong, Patrick
The Effect of Financial Literacy on Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Trans Nzoia County.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Cheruiyot, Caroline Chebet
The Relationship between Gender-Equity, Resource Management and Poverty Alleviation among the Masai Community in Narok South.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Cheruiyot, Dr. Chumba John
Comparison between Serum Theophylline Levels after Rectal and Intravenous Administration of Aminophylline to Preterm Neonates at KNH Newborn Unit.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Cheruiyot, Gilbert Kibiegon
The Impact of Reforms on Service Delivery in the Kenya Police Service (2003-2013).
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Cheruiyot, Henry Kiplangat
An Analysis of Impact of Tripartism on Improving Industrial Relations in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Cheruiyot, Henry Kipyegon
A Study of Primary Teachers' Attitudes towards Environmental Education in Some Schools in Bureti Division Kericho District.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Cheruiyot, Paul Bii
Evaluation of Determinants Affecting the Growth of Small Scale Retailers in Bomet County, Kenya: A Case Study of Konoin Division.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Cheruiyot, Philemon Chepkwony
Factors Affecting Police Officers Effectiveness in Disaster Scene Management in Nairobi Central Business District.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Cheruiyot, Soi
Determination of the Levels of Inorganic Elements in Ashes from Selected Agro-Waste Biomass from Githurai Market, Nairobi.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Cheruiyot, Stephen K
Effectiveness of Internal Control Systems in Safeguarding
Inventory:A Case Study of Rift Valley Institute of Science and Technology.
Masters thesis, Kabarak University.
Cheruiyot, Stephen K
Effectiveness of Internal Control Systems in Safeguarding Inventory: A Case Study of Rift Valley Institute of Science and Technology.
Masters thesis, Kabarak University.
Chesang, Hilda
The Impact of Employee Participation on Performance of the Organisation: A Study of the Banking Sector.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Cheserem, Rosebella
An Analysis of the Problems Affecting Women's Performance in Management in Relation to the Characteristics they possess: A Case of Women in Management in Selected Public Universities in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Cheseto, Nancy
Assessment of Effectiveness of “Incredible Years Program” Compared to the Traditional Program in Behaviour Modification among Juvenile Rehabilitees in Nairobi, Kenya.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Chesitit, Peter Chisanda Baraza
Impact of ICT Integration on Mathematics Performance in Kenya: A Case Study of Public Secondary Schools in West Pokot County.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chesworth, John Anthony
The Use of Scripture in Swahili Tracts by Muslims and Christians in East Africa.
PhD thesis, University of Birmingham.
Chetty, Carmel T. M.
Young, Gifted and Black: Oral Histories of Young Activists in Cape Town and Durban in the early 1970s.
Masters thesis, University of the Free State.
Chetty, Praveena
The Influence of Pupils' Perceptions on Their Academic Achievement.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Cheurombo, Moses
Constraints and Mitigating Strategies for Small-Scale Mining Businesses: A Case of Women Entrepreneurs in the Midlands Province.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chewaka, Lalisa
Preventable Causes of Neonatal Mortality and Associated Factors
among Neonates Admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Units of
Addis Ababa Governmental Hospitals from 2011-2015 GC: A
Retrospective Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Chewaka, Teferi Fite
Assessment of Occupational Hazards among
Students of Nursing and Midwifery in Clinical
Practice, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2009.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Chewe, Bwalya
Perceptions of Teachers, Parents and Female Pupils towards the School Re-Entry Policy. A Case of Selected Secondary Schools of Kabwe District in Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chewe, Lubungo Aswell
Effect of Aqueous Neem (Azadirachta Indica A Juss) Leaf Extract on Selected Soil Chemical and Biological Properties.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chiawo, David Odhiambo
Composition and Floral Resources of Bees and Butterflies in Kaya Muhaka Forest and Surrounding Farmlands, Kwale County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Chiba, Miriam
An Assessment of the Compliance of the Conditions for Female Suspects held in Custody in Police Stations in Harare with the 2013 Zimbabwe Constitution.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chibakwe, Unity S.
An Evaluation of the Disintermediation of Zimbabwean Commercial
Banks by Mobile Money (2011 - 2013).
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chibamba, Chileshe Agnes
Factors that Lead to Low Reading Levels in Chinyanja and English Languages at the Middle Basic Level: A Case of Grade 5 Pupils Learning Under Read on Course (ROC) in Selected Basic Schools in Lusaka District.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chibanga, Joseph Felix
Effect of Supplemental Dietary Vitamin a on Aflatoxin B1 Toxicosis in Growing Broilers.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chibaya, Gwarega
Illicit Drug Use by Secondary School Learners in Windhoek, Namibia.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Chibbandula, Silas
Interventions Aimed at Improving Academic Performance of the Afternoon Classes in Grade 12 Final Examinations in Selected Schools, in Choma District, Southern Province, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chibbantula, Casmir
An Evaluation of Street Kids Rehabilitation Programme: The Case of Mthunzi Centre, Lusaka, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chibeza, Faith Tiza
A Prospective Study to Determine the Prevalence of Deep Vein Thrombosis in Patients with Pelvic, Femoral and Tibia/Fibular Fractures at the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chibuye, Benjamin K.
Public Investment, Private Investment and Economic Growth in Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chibwe, Juliet
Contribution of Sign Language Variations to Academic Performance of Learners with Hearing Impairments in Selected Copperbelt and Lusaka Primary Special Schools in Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chideme, Nyikadzino
An Assessment of Factors Affecting the Financial Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chido, R Mutambara
An Evaluation of Cash Transfer Programmes in Zimbabwe as a
Strategy to Reduce Poverty: A Case Study of Mercy Corp’s Cash
Transfers Programme in Sakubva High Density Suburb, Mutare.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chidongo, Mkandawire
Teachers’ Questioning Techniques in Mathematics at Grade 11 Level: The Case of Four Selected Secondary Schools in Petauke District.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chiduwa, George
Genetic Resource Base, Phenotypic Characters and Herd Dynamics of Indigenous
Pigs in a Semi-arid Smallholder Farming Area of Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chiduwa, George
Genetic Resource Base, Phenotypic Characters and Herd Dynamics of Indigenous Pigs in a Semi-arid Smallholder Farming Area of Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chifamba, J. M
Development, Safety and Efficacy Evaluation of Actinic Damage Retarding Nano-Pharmaceutical Treatments in Oculocutaneous Albinism.
PhD thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chifamba, Jephat
Role of the Sympathetic Nervous System in the Development of Hypertension and Metabolic Syndrome in Low Birth Weight Offspring.
PhD thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chifamba, Tendero Eithel
An Analysis of Mobile Payment Services Consumer Adoption in Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chifwaila, Noble
An Improved Support System for Safe and Economical Underground Excavation: A Case Study of Mindola Deeps Section, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chigaro, Minmore
An Assessment of the Effectiveness of E-Banking Security Strategies in Zimbabwe: The Case Study of Stanbic Bank Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chigoma, Willy
Technical Efficiency among Smallholder Sweet Potato Farmers in Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chigonga, Nozizwe Henrietta
Determinants of Acute Malnutrition in Children Under Five Years in Harare City
Zimbabwe 2011.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chigova, Lewis Edwin
An Analysis of the Fiscal Potential of the Informal Sector on Zimbabwe’s Revenue Base: The Case of Glenview Home Industries.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chigunta, Michael Michelo
Quality Analysis of Selected Pediatric HIV/AIDs/TB Medicines in Livingstone District, Southern Province, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chigutsa, Emmanuel
Genetic Polymorphism of Drug Metabolizing Enzymes in the Shona and the San in Zimbabwe and the Clinical Impact of Cyp2d6 Polymorphism on Safety in the Use of
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chigwena, Percy
An Investigation of the Relationship between Audit Committee Characteristics and Quality of Financial Reporting in State Owned in Transport Sector.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chihona, Stuart
The impact of Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) on the communal livelihoods: A case study of areas surrounding Ruti Dam in Gutu and Buhera districts in Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Chiipanthenga, Mavuto Malama
Investigation of the Suitability of Simple and Rapid Techniques for Leakage Management in Water Distribution Systems: A Case of Blantyre Water Supply Area, Malawi.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chijikwa, Mutibo
Effects of Intercropping Systems on Incidence and Damage to Cotton by Diaparopsis Castanea Hampson (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) in Magoye, Mazabuka District of Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chikaka, Elliot
Evaluation of Factors Associated with HIV Prevalence among 15- to 49-Year-Olds in Chimanimani District of Zimbabwe: Divergence and Similarity of the Two Statistical Methods.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chikaka, Hemish
An Investigation into the Antecedents of Employee Engagement in Real Estate Agents Operating In Harare.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chikale, Ellen M.
Communicating the Audit Findings, PAC Recommendations and Treasury Minute: A Case Study of Outreach by the Office of the Auditor General.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chikangaidze, Shepherd James
An Analysis of the Regional Competitiveness of Zimbabwe’s Broiler Enterprises.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chikobvu, Shamiso
Opportunities for Increasing Household Incomes through Gardening: A Case of Seke Communal Area.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chikodza, Eriyoti
Optimal Stochastic Control and Risk Minimisation in Insurance.
PhD thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chikomwe, Cheers
An Investigation into Pension Funds Survival Strategies during Hyperinflation and how they Adjusted to a Multi – Currency Regime (2009 – 2012).
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chikonde, Shula D
An Appraisal of Communication against Deforestation Used By the Forest Department in Encroached Forests: - A Case Study of Kalulu Forest Reserve. Kabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chikono, Nathan Nomore
An Organisation Development Approach to the Improvement of Road Traffic Safety in Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of south Afrrica.
Chikonzo, Kelvin
Identity and Democracy in Pro-Democracy Protest Theatre in Zimbabwe: 1999-2012.
PhD thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chikopela, Juliet
Livelihood Strategies of Small-Scale Farmers in Nankanga Camp of Kafue District, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chikopela, Rose
Role of Oral Language in Phonemic and Phonological Development of Hard of Hearing Pupils in Selected Primary Schools in Lusaka, Zambia.
PhD thesis, University of Zambia.
Chikopela, Theresa
Effects of Smoking on Arterial Stiffness and Haemodynamics in Male Adolescents in Lusaka.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chikova, Rangarirai
The External Debt Management Problem: The Case of Zimbabwe (2000 – 2012).
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chikozho, Claudious
The Realities and Challenges of Reforming the Water Sector Using the Integrated Water
Resources Management Framework Lessons From the Mazowe Catchment, Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chikumba, Penniless
Corporate Governance Practices and their Impact on Sustainability of NGOs in Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chikumbu, Jonathan
An Investigation into the Knowledge Levels, Attitudes, Beliefs and Practices of Evangelical and Pentecostal Christians in Zimbabwe Regarding HIV and AIDS prevention Strategies: A Case of Glenview, Harare Urban.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chikuni, Ordias
“Organochlorine Pesticide Residues in Mothers’ Milk; Evaluation of Possible Drug Interaction in Humans”.
PhD thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chikuta, Fred
Characterization of Spatial Distribution of Soil Organic Carbon Stocks in Selected
Land Use Types and Landscapes in Chama District.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chikwaiwa, Belamino K
An Assessment of Pregnant Women's Attitudes towards Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus (HIV) Counselling and Testing in Urban Zimbabwe: A Study of Rujeko Maternity Clinic in Dzivarasekwa High Density Suburb, Harare.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chikwanha, Obert Chenjerayi
Evaluation of the Feed Resources and Analysis of Body Condition Scores of Local Pigs in a Semi-Arid Smallholder Farming Area of Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chikwanu, Fred
Evaluation of the Implementation of the School Wash Programme in Choma District of Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chikwede, Klery
An Empirical Investigation of Foreign Aid Effectiveness in Reducing Poverty in Some Selected SADC Countries: 2005-2013.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chikwiriro, Hilton
Modelling a Low Cost, Data Acquisition and Irrigation Sequencing System for a Greenhouse on an 8 Bit Pic Microcontroller.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chilekwa, Chilekwa Kedric
Participation of Workers in the HIV and AIDS Workplace Programmes in the Public Sector: A Case of Chipata and Sesheke Districts.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chileshe, Emmelia
Determination of C-Reactive Protein Levels in Blood of Post Caesarean Section Mothers at the University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chileshe, Kangwa M.
An Exploration of Ethical Issues Encountered by Physiotherapy Practitioners in Lusaka, Zambia in Managing Patients with Low Back Pain.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chileshe, Lombe
An Investigation of the Researchers’ Perception on Access Regulations in the usage of Archival materials: A case study of the National Archives of Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chileshe, Lukonde Derrick
Zambian Teacher Educators’ Perceptions of Environmental Education and their Participation in its Teaching at Kitwe and Mansa Colleges of Education.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chileshe, Roydah Kubombela
An Assessment of the Nature and Extent of Partnerships between Schools, Communities and Other Stakeholders: A Case of Chingola District, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chileshe, Stephen
A Study of Ownership, Philosophy, and Editorial Policy of the Zambia Daily Mail.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chilimboyi, Edwin
Prisons and Education Provision in Zambia: A Historical Perspective, 1964-2011.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chiliza, Marilyn Thabisile
The Experiences of Neophyte Professional Nurses Allocated In Critical Care Unit in Their First Year Post Graduation in Kwa-Zulu Natal.
Masters thesis, University of south Afrrica.
Chilobe, Gladys
The Role of Religious Activities in Fostering Literacy: A Case of the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Mongu District.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chiluba, Brian
Risk of Cardiovascular Disease among HIV Seropositive Adults on Protease Inhibitors Containing Antiretroviral Therapy at Adult Infectious Disease Centre at the University Teaching Hospital.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chiluba, Clarance
Cytomegalovirus Contribution to Liver Disease in HIV-Patients Presenting at University Teaching Hospital-Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chilufya, Alfred
The Roles of Women Legislators in Parliament and the Women Parliamentary Caucus in the Years 2007 To 2011: A Feminist Approach.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chilumo, Philip Tunje
An Investigation into the Training Skills Imparted on Headteachers' Leading to Effective Performance of Public Primary Schools in Kinango District.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Chiluwa, Kakusa
Factors Influencing Drug Trafficking among Women in Zambia: A Gendered Analysis.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chilwesa, Lutunti
Family Relationships in HIV Positive Individuals and their Performance on the International Neurobehavioral Test Battery.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chimanuka, Dominique Ganywamulume
Association between Clinical Stages (WHO) and Cd4+T-Cell Count in HIV Infected Adults at University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chimberengwa, Pugie Tawanda
Hypertension Awareness, Treatment and Control at Vubachikwe Mine, Gwanda, Zimbabwe, 2013.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chimbetete, Cleophas
Factors Associated with 1st Line ART Failure among Patients at Newlands Clinic, Harare
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chimbiya, Nelson
Association of BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 Protein Expression in Breast Cancers with their Histological Phenotype by Immunohistochemistry in Indigenous Black Malawians Presenting at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chimbwanda, Shingirayi
Contribution of Urban Crop Production to Household Food Security: A
Study of Urban Agriculture in Warren Park Suburb of Harare.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chimdi, Achalu
Studies on Transition Metal Complexes of S-Triazine Derivatives.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Chimdi, Chala
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Breast Self-Examination among Women Aged 20-49 Years in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Chimedza, Isaac
Nurses’ Experiences of Hostile Behaviour from Mentally Ill Patients in the Psychiatric Ward of a General Hospital.
Masters thesis, University of south Afrrica.
Chimedza, Prudence
An Investigation into the Dimensions that Result in Poor Growth in Short-Term Insurance Broking Firms in Zimbabwe: The Case of Perpro Insurance Brokers.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chimene, Precious
Combining Ability between Drought and Heat Stress Tolerant Donors and Adapted Cimmyt Zimbabwe Maize Inbred Lines.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chimese, Sophie Mwinsa
A Study to Determine the Etiology and Outcome of Adult Patients Presenting with Sepsis to UTH.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chimhanda, Christopher Chiedza
ZAPU and the Liberation Struggle in Zimbabwe 1957-1980.
Masters thesis, University of Cape Town.
Chimimba, Osborne
The Attitudes of Rural Communities towards Male Midwives: A Case study of Mpongwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chimombe, Shaw
Analysis of the Impact of Dollarisation on Zimbabwe’s International Trade Flows (2009-2013).
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chimonyo, Michael
Evaluation of the Production and Genetic Potential of Indigenous Mukota and their Crosses with Large White Pigs in Zimbabwe.
PhD thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chimuka, Andrea T.
The Exclusion of the African Contribution to the Conceptual Development of Reality, Appearance and Knowledge in the History of Philosophy.
PhD thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chimuka, Yeukai
An Analysis of the Impact of Community Involvement in the Development of Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park: Case Study of Gonarezhou National Park with Reference to Chitsa and Tshovani Communities.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chimukangara, Rumbidzai
Factors Influencing Dietary Patterns in Mt Darwin: A Rural Population of Zimbabwe, 2013.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chimwara, Oripha
The Nexus between Natural Resources and Conflict in the Gulf of Guinea: Case of Nigeria.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chingo, Grace
The Prevalence of Bacteraemia in Neutropenic Paediatric Cancer Patients on Chemotherapy at the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka,
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chingoma, Mwelwa
Constitutional Exemptions to Non Discrimination: The Impact on the Rights of Women in Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chingonzoh, T. L. A.
Breast Cancer and HIV: A Single Institution Review of a Non AIDs Defining Cancer in Women in the Setting of High HIV Prevalence.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chinhanga, Jonathan R.
An Assessment of the Impact of Industrial Effluent from a Kwekwe-Based Iron and Steel Company on Kwekwe River Water Quality.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chinheya, Rosa Mhlanga
Extraction and Characterisation of Phytochemicals from White Seringa (Kirkia acuminata) Bark Extracts.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chinkoyo, Sebastian
Characteristics and Reproductive Health Needs of Female 'Rural to Urban' Migrants in Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chinoda, Whatmore. Dennis
Capital Structure and the Financial Performance of Listed Firms on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chinokwetu-Marere, Tarisai Ellen
The Prevalence and Morbidity Associated with Ectopic Pregnancies at Harare Central and Parirenyatwa Hospitals.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chintende, Grace Nsangwe
Situational Analysis of Communication of HIV and Aids Information to Persons with Visual Impairment: A Case of Kang’onga Production Centre in Ndola, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chintengo, Mavuto
Effect of Traditional Water Allocation Practices on the Environmental Flows in Ntcheu-Malawi: Case Study of Rivirivi River.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chinyakata, Rueben
Relational Database Framework for Geospatial Data Sets.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chinyama, Jonathan
Pulmonary Tuberculosis as a Comorbid Condition in HIV Positive Adults and Its Effects on Neurocognitive Function in Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chinyama, Makumba Mable
Effects of Using Bemba as Medium of Instruction on the Reading Levels of Grade Two Pupils in A Predominantly Namwanga Speaking Area of Nakonde District, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chinyepe, Andrew
Satellite Remote Sensing of Surface Water Evaporation over Lake Mutirikwi, Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chiona, Susan
Technical and Allocative Efficiency of Smallholder Maize Farmers in Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chioni, Siwo
Case Series of Mania Secondary to HIV/AIDS in Patients at Chainama Hills College Hospital and University Teaching Hospital Lusaka, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chipabika, Gilson
A Study of the Parasitism Efficiency of Cotesia Vestalis (Haliday) on Diamondback Moth, Plutella Xylostella (L.), (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae).
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chipaila, Jackson
A Study to Determine the Diagnostic Accuracy of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Thyroid Nodules at Two Tertiary Hospitals in Zambia: A Cross-Sectional Study.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chipako, Isaac
Assessment of the Absorption Profile of Ascorbic Acid as a Biomarker for Moringa
Oleifera Lam Absorption after a Bolus Oral Dose.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chipampe, Ernest Chisoko
Preeclampsia: Maternal and Fetal Outcomes According to Symptomatology and Proteinuria at University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chipatu, Lillian
Environmental Education to Address Negative Impacts of Copper Mining in Kankoyo Township of Zambia’s Copperbelt Region.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chipfunde, Onismus
The Response of Zimbabwean Sorghum and Maize Landraces to Striga asiatica Infestation.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chipo, Chidemo Sheilla
An Analysis of Marketing Strategies Employed by Parastatals: A Case of Grain Marketing Board -Silo Brands (2009-2012).
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chipurura, Batsirai
Nutritional Content, Phenolic Compounds Composition and Antioxidant Activities of Selected Indigenous Vegetables of Zimbabwe.
MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chiputa, Euston Kasongo
The Theory and Practice of Imprisonment in Northern Rhodesia, 1907 - 1964.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chipwaila, Jessy Alida
Partitioning of Unaccounted for Water for Zomba City Water
Supply System in Malawi.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chirata, Caroline
Impact of Innovation on Firm Competitiveness in the Milling Industry in Zimbabwe – A Case Study of National Foods Limited (2005 – 2010).
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chirau, Tafadzwa
Prevalence and Factors Associated With Risky Sexual Behaviour After Male Circumcision among Clients Circumcised at Spilhaus Clinic in Harare.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chiremba, Tafara
Determinants of Demand for Health Care Services in Rural Zimbabwe: A Case of Bikita District, Masvingo Province.
Masters thesis, Univerisity of Zimbabwe.
Chirisa, Elaine
Screening for the Effects of Selected Zimbabwean Plant Extracts on Enzymes and Processes
Involved in Pain and Inflammation.
MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chirisa, Innocent
Mainstreaming Gender into Economic Empowerment an Examination of the Strategies of Urban Women in the Informal Sector’s Livelihoods: A Case Study of Harare.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chirove, Faraimunashe
Treatment of HIV-1 with Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (RTI'S) and Protease Inhibitors (PI'S).
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chirwa, Edina
The Effect of Quality of Education on Neuropsychological Test Performance among Zambian Adults.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chirwa, Lemekani
University of Zambia Lecturers’ Understanding of the Meaning of
Adult Education and their Perception of its Relevance in Development.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chirwa, Uchizi
Factors Affecting Antiretroviral Drug Adherence among HIV
Adult Patients Attending HIV Clinic at the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chisala, Gillien
Statistical Assessment of Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma Attributable Risk to HIV-Infected Women in Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chisele, Samson
A Study on Histopathologic Outcomes of Women with Cryotherapy-Ineligible Lesions on Cervicography.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chisemphere, J. Mtima
The Role of the Roman Catholic Church in Malawi: Past, Present and Future - Economic, Social, Cultural, Political and Religious.
Licentiate thesis, Hekima College Jesuit School of Theology, Nairobi.
Chisenga, Caroline
The Impact of Reading Rooms on Literacy Development: A Case of Selected Basic Schools in Chongwe District.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chisenga, Cecilia
An Evaluation of the Literacy Programme Offered by the Church: A Case of Selected Jehovah's Witness Congregations in Chongwe District in Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chisha, Sume Percival
Epidemiology of Ectopic Pregnancy at the University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chishimba, Christine
Pedagogical Consideration for the Enhancement of Mathematical Skills among the Hearing Impaired Pupils in Selected Basic Schools in Ndola and Lufwanyama Districts of Copperbelt Province, Zambia.
PhD thesis, University of Zambia.
Chishimba, Katongo
Response of Wheat (Triticum Aestivum) to Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM) and Trichoderma on Grain Yield and Uptake of Phosphorous in Acidic Soils.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chishimba, Kennedy
Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase (ESBL) Producing Escherichia Coli in Poultry and Water in Lusaka District.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chishimba, Paul
Maternal Socio-demographic Characteristics and Foetal Losses: An Analysis of Data from the 2013/14 Zambia Demographic and Health Survey.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chishimba, Webby
Application of Individualized Attention by Teachers to Grade 5 Learners in Classrooms in Selected Primary Schools in Mpongwe District, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chisoso, Ng'andu John
Challenges Faced by Hospitals in Providing Surgical Care and Handling Surgical Needs in Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chisveto, Tafadzwa P
The Effect of a Centralised Treasury Management
System on Business Operations: A Case Study on Premier Services Medical Investments.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chita, Joseph
The Role of Missionaries in the Development of the Zambian Religious Education Curriculum.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chitalu, Gloria
Genetic Characterization of Pearl Millet (Pennisetum Glaucum (L.) R. Br.) Genotypes in Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chitamaluka, Mark Chisanga
The Provision of Education in Selected Upgraded Secondary Schools of Muchinga Province in Zambia: Examining Infrastructure and the Learning Environment.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chitambara, Precious Tatambura
A Study of the Relationship between Corporate Governance Board Characteristics and Practices, and Business Performance of Zimbabwe Stock Exchange Listed Banks.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chitemerere, Tariro Alison
In vitro Antibacterial Activity of Selected Plant Extracts from Zimbabwe.
MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chitindingu, Kudakwashe
Nutritional Composition, Antioxidant Activity and Bioaccessibility of Phenolic Compounds in Selected Wild Cereal and Pseudo-Cereal Grains Found in Zimbabwe.
PhD thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chitsika, Phillip
Poverty Determinants in Chivi District, Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe – An Application of Econometric Modeling Techniques on Household Data.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chitty, Warne
A Study of Sapphires and Rubies from Tanzania’s Tunduru District.
Undergraduate thesis, Kingston University, London.
Chituku, Sibongile
Knowledge of Women of Child Bearing Age on the Utilisation of Intermittent Preventive Treatment of Malaria in Pregnancy at Dangamvura and Sakubva Health Centers, Mutare, Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chivuna, Edward Makumba
The Status of Guidance and Counselling Provision in Selected Basic Schools in Mumbwa District.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chivuraise, Chipo
Economics of Smallholder Tobacco Production and Implications of Tobacco Growing on Deforestation in Hurungwe District of Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chiwa, Renny
Effects of Land Use and Land Cover Changes on the Hydrology of Weruweru-Kiladeda Sub-Catchment in Pangani River Basin, Tanzania.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Chiwanga, Takudzwa L.P
The HIV profile of patients with Invasive Cervical Cancer at Harare’s Central Hospitals.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chiwara, Oswald Musavengana
An Evaluation of the Factors Affecting Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Zimbabwe: A Case Study of SMEs in Harare (2009 – 2015).
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chiware, Fungai
Towards a Holistic Approach to the Legal Aid System in Zimbabwe: Challenges Indigent Women Face in Instituting Proceedings and Enforcing Judgments in Civil Matters.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chiwele, George
Acceptability of Male Circumcision in HIV Prevention among the Males Aged 18 Years and Above in Mufulira Urban.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chiyangwa, Bornface
A Critical Analysis into the Success of Public Private Partnerships towards Economic Development of Zimbabwe from 2009 to 2013.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chiyangwa, Tawanda Blessing
Belief and Actual Behaviour in Green Information Technology within a South African Tertiary Institution.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Chiyongo, Vincent
Management of Distance Teacher Education in Zambia.
PhD thesis, University of Zambia.
Chiyuka, Albert
Effectiveness of the Teaching of Religious Education as Part of Social and Development Studies in the Integrated Primary School Curriculum in Zambia: The Case of Solwezi Urban Basic Schools.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chizuni, Nellisiwe
Measuring Competence among Health Workers in Case Management of Malaria in Pregnancy in Rural Zambia (Gwembe).
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chizya, Mvula
Prospects and Challenges of Gender Mainstreaming in Water Sector Policies and Institutions: Case Study of the Department of Water Affairs (DWA).
Other thesis, University of Zambia.
Choge, Elphas K.
The Effect of Appraisal System on Employee Performance in Horticultural Crops Development Authority.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Choge, Milka Cherotich
Contraceptive Uptake among Women of Reproductive Age in Kakuma Refugee Camp in Turkana County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Chogo, Christine Lumadi
Strategic Planning Practices by Kajiado County Government in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chogugudza - Sithole, Ethel
The Role of Infrastructure Development in Economic Growth in Zimbabwe (1981-2008).
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chogugudza-Sithole, Ethel
The Role of Infrastructure Development in Economic Growth in Zimbabwe (1981-2008).
Masters thesis, Univerisity of Zimbabwe.
Chokera, Vitalis Nkonge
Challenges Affecting Coffee Marketing by Coffee Firms in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chola, Nsama
A Study to Determine Challenges Parents and Caregivers with Cerebral Palsy Children Face at University Teaching Hospital.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chomba, Mwango B.
Determinants of Birth Registration among Mothers in Selected Rural and Urban Communities of the Copperbelt Province, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chonde, Addisu
Practice and Challenges of Instructional Leadrship in Sellected Preparatory Schools of Hadiya Zone, SNNPRS.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Chongo, Brenda Mumbi
An Econometric Analysis of the Impact of Public Debt on Economic Growth: The Case of Zambia Cointegration and Granger Non-Causality Approach.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chongo, Rodrick
A Comparative Study of Vocational Aspirations of Retiring Teachers of Secondary and Basic Schools: A Case of Lusaka District.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chongwe, M Andrew
The Effect of Moringa Supplementation on Growth and Health of Indigenous Zambian Chickens.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Choonga, Mutandalike S
Effects of African Sausage Tree Fruit Pulp on Production and Response to
E.Coli Endotoxin in Grower Pigs.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chota, Amos
Prevalence of and Soil Transmitted Helminths in Rural
Communities of Monze District of Southern Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Choto, Emmaculate
Factors Associated with Lactic Acidosis in HIV Patients on Antiretroviral Therapy in Harare City- 2012.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Choto, Munyaradzi S.
An Assessment of the Impact of Business Transformation in State Owned Enterprises’ Service Delivery: The Case of Telone, NSSA and Agribank.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chowa, Adam
An Assessment of the Financing Strategies Employed by SME Real Estate Firms under the Liquidity Constraints in Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chowa, Lincoln
Determination of Optimal Bank Lending Rates under the Multi-Currency Regime in Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chrispine, Mwila B.
Factors Associated with Documentation of Fluid Intake and Output in Post-Operative Patients at Mansa General Hospital.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chukwukaodinaka, Nwakaego Ernestina
Factors Influencing the Utilisation of Pmtct Services in the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria.
Masters thesis, University of south Africa.
Chulu, Daniel
Decentralization Policy of Zambia: An Investigation of Effortand Constraints in Its Emplementation in Mambwe District.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chulu, Martha Chibale
Nutrient Composition of the Termite Macrotermes Falciger, Collected From Lusaka District, a Potential Agent against Malnutrition.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chuma, Olice
An Investigation into the Existence of Fit between HR Strategy and the Business Strategy and the Implications for Organizational Performance: A Case of Surface Investments (PVT) Ltd in Zimbabwe (January 2010 to December 2012).
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chumba, Joan Chepkemoi
The Effect of Mobile Banking on the Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chumo, Kogel Anthony
Factors Affecting the Implementation of Strategic Change in Defined Benefits Pension Scheme: The Case of Local Authorities Pension Trust.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Chungu, Chalilwe
Disease Burden of Congenital Rubella Syndrome at Four Referral Hospitals in Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chuta, Nathanael
Design and Development of Vehicle Identification System for the Ethiopian Road and Transport Authority.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Chuulu, Rodgers M
The Impact of Christianity on the Traditional Religion of the Leya of Mukuni Village in Livingstone.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chuzu, Elson
Determination of the Impact of Climate Change on Economic Growth in
Zimbabwe (1980-2011).
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Clemence, Ngo Ibom Salome
Peer Educators’ Perception of The ‘100% Young’ Peer Education Training Programme.
Masters thesis, University of south Afrrica.
Close, Donne Sue
Generational Motivation and Preference for Reward and Recognition in a South African Facilities Management Firm.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Colen, Manaka Mmakgabo
Synthesis and Characterization of Long Persistent Phosphors Using Combustion Method.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Combrink, Hermanus Adrian
Selected Factors Significantly Influencing Net Equity Value in the South African Household’s Statement of Financial Position.
Masters thesis, University of south Afrrica.
Conteh, Babah Saah
Relative Effects of Monetary and Fiscal Policy on Output: The Case of Liberia.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Cook, Shelley
An Investigation of Climate Change and Its Impact on Healthcare Provision in South Africa.
Masters thesis, University of south Africa.
Cooke, Amy Elizabeth
Subdividing the Savanna: The Ecology of Change in Northern Tanzania.
PhD thesis, University of North Carolina.
Coombe, Deneys Laurence
The Cohesion Factor: A Study of Japanese Junior High School Writing.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Costa de Oliveira, Antonio Faria Virgilio
Universality and Cultural Relativity in the African Charter of Human and People's Rights: Tension between Individual and Group Rights.
UNSPECIFIED thesis, Boston College The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.
Cronje, Paul Johannes Mare
The Legal Position of Township Developers and Holders of Coal-Mining Rights in Respect of the Same Land.
Masters thesis, University of south Afrrica.
Cross, Saskia
A Study of the Effects of Social Variables on Technological Conceptualisation in Light of the Desktop Metaphor.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Cuoala, Domingos Raquene
Impact Assessment of Natural Enemies on Stem Borer Populations and Maize Yield in Three Agroecological Zones in Mozambique.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
The Contingency Approach to Planning, Organising, Leading and Control as the Managerial Tasks of the Black High School Principal.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Da Costa, Melanie Sandra Fernandes
Risk Management in Health Care in South Africa.
Masters thesis, University of South Afrrica.
Daba, Emebet
Implementation of Continuous Assessment in Bole Subcity Secondary Schools: Practice and Challenges.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Daba, Robera
Modeling and Simulation of Solar Chimney Power Plant with and without the Effect of Thermal Energy Storage Systems.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Daba, Sintayehu Bedaso
Prevalence of Intestinal Parasitic Infections Among Food Handlers and Microbial Safety of Ready-To-Eat Foods in Selected Orphanage Centers in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dabasa, Tamana
Finite Element Analysis and Optimization of Single Cylinder Engine Crankshaft for Improving Fatigue Life.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dabassa, Gemechu Bekele
The Challenges and Opportunities of Wetlands Management in Ethiopia: The Case of Abijiata Lake Wetlands.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Daddi, Gaddissa Deyassa
Aquifers Developed on Basement Rocks of Ethiopia: Their Genesis,
Properties and Classification.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dade, Eyoel Abate
Assessment of Nurses’ Knowledge and Utilization of Evidence Based Practice and its Associated Factors in Selected Hospitals of Three Zones of Southern Ethiopia, 2017.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dadi, Dinku
Sexual risk Behaviors among Preparatory and Vocational Students
in Bishoftu City Administration, Oromia Regional, State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dadi, Lelisa Sena
Analysis of Spatiotemporal Dynamics and
Associated Factors of Malaria:
A Comparative Study around Gilgel-Gibe
Hydroelectric Dam and Control Villages,
Jimma Zone, Southwest Ethiopia.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dadi, Negashu
Assessment of Severity of Burn Pain and Associated Factors among
Burn Patients in Yekatit 12 Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2017.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dadi, Tizita
Assessment on Utilization of Long Acting Reversible
Contraceptive Methods and Its Associated Factors among
Reproductive Aged Women in Selected Health Centers in Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dagebo, Tadewos
Practices and Challenges of Coaching Leadership Styles in Relation to Players’ Satisfaction the Case of Some Selected Central Zone National League
Football Clubs.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dagim, Yoseph
Modeling Traffic Flow Problem: Comparison of Multilane Roundabout Versus Traffic Light Control.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dagmawi, Fitsum
Factors Determining Rheumatic Fever Recurrence among
Rheumatic Heart Disease Patients Who Are Taking
Monthly Benzanthine G Penicillin Prophylaxis.
Other thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dagmawi, Lemma
Service by Delegation Framework for User Interfaces in Ubiquitous Environment.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dagmawi, Teshome Woldesembet
Genetic Diversity of Sesame (Sesamumindicum L.) Germplasm Collection as Revealed by ISSR Marker: Implication for Conservation and Improvement.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dagmawit, Chombe
Analysis of Genetic Diversity among Cultivated Enset (Ensete Ventricosum) Populations from Essera and Kefficho,
Southwestern Part of Ethiopia Using ISSR Marker.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dagnachew, Amberbir
Generic Agri-Service delivery and Farmers’ Differences: The case of the native and resettled farmers of Assosa Woreda.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dagnachew, Jenber
Analysis of Fourier Transform in L1 Space and its Inversion.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dagnachew, Lule
Assessment of Genetic Diversity, Genotype by Environment Interaction, Blast (Magnaporthe Oryzae) Disease Resistance, and Marker Development for Finger Millet Germplasm from Ethiopia and Introduced.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dagnachew, Lule
Genetic Diversity of Tef [Eragrosties tef (Zucc.) Trotter] Landraces from Various Regions of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dagne, Atnafu Shiferaw
The Study of Coexistence of Superconductivity and Spin Density Wave (SDW) in SmO1-xFxFeAs.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dagne, Behailu
Age at First Sexual Debut and Condom Use among in School Youth in Debre Markos Town, Amhara Region, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dagne, Mengesha
Performance Evaluation of Kality Wastewater Stabilization Ponds for the Treatment of Municipal Sewage, from the City of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dagne, Selamawit
Assessment of Breast Cancer Treatment Outcome at Tikur Anbessa
Specialized Hospital Adult Oncology Unit, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dagnew, Belay
Assessment of Causes and Extent of Land Degradation in Hashenge Catchment, Southern Tigray.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dahl, Inger Johanne
Education, Capabilities and Development: Youth in Rural Tanzania.
Masters thesis, The Norwegian University of Life Science.
Daidai, Ngonyani Gereon
Effectiveness of Implementation of Information and Computer
Studies Curriculum in Public and Private Colleges of Diploma
in Teacher Education in Southern Highlands Zone, Tanzania.
PhD thesis, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Daka, Adam
Political Party Financing in Zambia: Exploring Sources, Transparency and Accountability.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Daka, Alazar
Prince Ruspoli’s Turaco and the White-Cheeked Turaco with their Hybrid and their Habitat Association in Guji Zone, Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Daka, Deresse
Bacteriological Analysis of Cow Milk in Hawassa Town, SNNPRS Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Daka, Eliphas
The Management and Administration of Public Examinations in Zambia: A Case Study of the Examinations Council of Zambia, 2005 – 2010.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Daka, Francis
Standardized Curriculum in University of Zambia Extension Education Studies: Exploring Relevance, Constraints and Possible Solutions by Stakeholders in Chipata District, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Daka, Lovemore
Introgression of Desirable Traits from Temperate Maize (Zea mays L.) into Tropical Maize for Low Phosphorus Soils.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Daka, Victor M.
Seroprevalence and Risk Factors of Toxoplasmosis in Individuals Attending Chipokotamayamba Clinic in Ndola, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Dakito, Asaminew
Determinants of Provider Initiated HIV Counseling and Testing among Patients Visiting Health Care Facilities in Sheka Zone, South West Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dalu, Tatenda
Limnological Study of Malilangwe Reservoir in the South-Eastern Lowveld of Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Dambe, Rosalia Agaton
Efficacy of Artemether-Lumefantrine for the Treatment of Uncomplicated Malaria in Malawian Children.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Damiano, Wale Andrari
Isolation and Characterization of Vibrio and Aeromonas Hydrophila from Fish in Kenyan Waters and their Possible Role in Causing Infection to Man.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Damte, Alemnesh
Peer Pressure Among Adolescent Students in Selected Secondary and Preparatory Schools of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Damte, Ayalew
Production of Alkaline Amylase from a Facultatively Anaerobic Alkaliphilic Bacteria.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Damte, Dawit
The Relationship between Conformity and Risky Behavior among Adolescents in Conflict with the Law at the Remand Home and Rehabilitation Center, Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Damte, Eyobel Mulugeta
Removal of Fluoride from Water Using Granular Aluminium Hydroxide: Adsorption in a Fixed-Bed Column.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Damte, Tsehay
Optimal Design of Low Pass Finite Impulse Response Filter Using Hybrid Population Based Algorithm.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa.
Damtew, Abel
Designing a Predictive Model for Heart Disease Detection Using Data Mining Techniques.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Damtew, Emeshaw
Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus among Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients at St. Peter Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Damtew, Wondimagegen
Studies on the Development of Baker’s Yeast
Using Cane Molasses.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa.
Damtie, G/yohannes
The Role of School Improvement Program in Enhancing Quality Education at Secondary Schools.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Danda, Steven James
An Evaluation of Cyber Diplomacy against the Threat of Cyber Crime: The Case of the US Prism Programme Leak.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Dandajena, Godfrey
Factors Associated With Chronic Malnutrition in Mazowe District, Mashonaland Central Province, 2012.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Dandule, Bbole
Women and Mineworkers’ Struggles on the Zambian Copperbelt, 1926 - 1964.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Daniel, Agnes Muthanje
Factors Influencing Health Care Seeking Behaviour for Childhood Malaria in Makuyu Division of Maragua District, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Daniel, Yohannes
Remote Sensing Based Assessment of Water Resource Potential for Lake Tana Basin.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Darge, Haile Fentahun
The Prevalence of Visual Acuity Impairment and
Color Blindness on School Age Children of Two
Primary Schools in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dasho, Abyot Meaza
Evaluation of the diagnostic performance of Genotype MTBDRplus VER 2.0 Line Probe Assay for the detection of multidrug resistance TB (MDR-TB) in sputum samples referred to National TB Reference Laboratory, Ethiopian Public Health Institute.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dashura, Abdissa
Implication of Cassation over Cassation in the Ethiopian Federal Context: With Special Reference to the Principle of Self-Determination.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Datche, A. Evelyne
Factors Affecting the Teacher Performance Appraisal System: A Case of Public Secondary Schools in Mombasa District.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Dauya, Milia
The Relationship between Cultural Factors and Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy among HIV-Positive People Aged 18 to 49 Years at Chitungwiza Central Hospital O/I Clinic.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
David, Jane Mumbua
Uchanganuzi Semantiki wa Maneno Mkopo ya Kikamba kutoka Kiswahili.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Davies, Jenniffer Olivia
The Relationship between Perceived Organisational Ethical Climate and Employee Commitment in the Australian Hospitality Industry.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Dawit, Asmamaw
Drug Susceptibility Pattern of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Isolates in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dawit, Assefa Arimide
Prevalence of Primary HIV-1 Drug Resistance using Dried Blood Spot and Treatment Outcome of Highly Active Antiretroviral Theraphy in HIV-1 Infected Adults in Addis
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dawit, Aster
Assessment of Exclusive Breast Feeding Practice and Factors
Affecting it among Mothers who Provided Kangaroo Mother
Care to their Preterm Infants in Black Lion Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dawit, Ayele
Predicting Maternal Health Care Seeking Pattern Using Data Mining Techniques in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dawit, Belay
Review of Acts of International Political Organs: The African Union
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dawit, Girma
Designing a Web-Based Nutritional Decision Support
System for Diabetic Patients.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dawit, Solomon
Determination of Transfer Coefficient through Mean Exit Time Method for Model Potentials.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dawit, Tekle
Allometric Equation for Biomass Estimation of Allophylus abyssinicus Radlk. and Croton macrostachyus Del. in Arba Gugu Forest, Arsi Zone, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dawit, Tewolde
Evaluation of some Wood Rotting Fungi
for Bagasse Pretreatment in Ethanol
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dawit, Tirfu
Determinants of the Handball Development Project: The Case of Sendafa District, Oromia Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dawit, Wolde Meskel Issa
Drug Resistance Patterns of Tuberculosis among Re-Treatment Cases in St Peter’s Tb Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dawit, Wubshet
Resource Efficient Key Distribution System for Manets.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dawit, Yeshiwas
Forecasting the Co-Volatility of Coffee Arabica and Crude Oil
Prices: A Multivariate Garch Approach with High Frequency Data.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dawud, Abdu
Perception of the Risks of Sexual Activities among Out-of-School
Adolescents in South Gondar Administrative Zone, Amhara Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dayib, Khaalid
Evaluation of Diuretic Activities of Hydro-Alcoholic Extract and Solvent
Fractions of the Roots of Withania Somnifera L. (Solanacaea) in Rats.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
De Souza, Tanya
Deemed Property of the Estate in Terms of Section 3(3)(D) of the Estate Duty Act 45 of 1955.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
De Viilliiers, Susanna Salomina
The Auditing Implications of the Going Concern Assumption Underlying the
Preparation of Financial Statements.
Masters thesis, University of south Afrrica.
De Villiers, Michael Peter
The Cognitive Involvement of Children with Learning Problems.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Dea, Paulos
Assessment of Principals’ Supervisory Behaviors as Instructional Leaders: the Case of School-Based Supervision in Primary Schools of Arbaminch Town.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Debalkie, Desta
Assessment of Healthcare Waste Generation Rate, Composition and its Management System in Menellik Ii Referral Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Debay, Abiy
Landuse/Landcover Dynamics and Soil Erosion Risk Analysis, for
Sustainable Land Management in North Central Ethiopia: The Case
of Antsokia-Gemza Woreda.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Debay, Aynalem Kassa
The Challenges and Prospects of Multi-Village Community Managed Rural Water Supply System Sustainability: HITOSA Water Supply Scheme, Oromia Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Debebe, Alema Yehu
The Role of NGOs in Promoting Equitable Access to Primary Education in SNNRP.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Debebe, Ashenafi
Assessment on the Prevalence and Determinants of Intestinal Helminthes among School Age Children And its Status in the Environment (Soil) of Soddo Town SNNPR, South Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Debebe, Ayalew
Studies of Enset (Enset ventricosum) for Major, Minor and Trace Elements.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Debebe, Aychluhim
Integrated Water Resources Potential Investigation of the Weybo River Catchment Welayita-Hadiya Zones, Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Debebe, Aytenew
The Rights of Persons with Mental Disabilities to Access Mental Health Care and Their Human Rights Conditions in Psychiatric Facilities in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Debebe, Debrework
Demographic, Socio-Economic and Institutional Correlates of Land-Resource Management Practices in Arbaminch Zuriya Woreda.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Debebe, Finot and Woldetsadik, Assefu and Laytin, Adam D. and Azazh, Aklilu and Maskalyk, James
The Clinical Profile and Acute Care of Patients with Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury at a Tertiary Care Emergency Center in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Debebe, Mekonnen
Evaluations on the Sub-Chronic Toxicity of 70%
Ethanolic Seed Extracts of Albizia Gummifera and
Millettia Ferruginea on Blood Parameters and Liver and
Kidney Tissues in Albino Wistar Rats.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Debebe, Selamawit
Asymptomatic Bacteriuria in Pregnant
Women in Harar, South Eastern
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Debebe, Wintana
Risky Driving Behaviors for Road Traffic Accident: The Case of Addis Ababa City Administration, Bole Sub-City.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Debebe, Zerfework
Assessments of the Determinants of Modern Contraceptive Utilization among Currently Married Women of Age between 15-49years in Hadya Zone Misha District, SNNPR, Ethiopia, 2014.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Debela, Biruk Tadesse
Legal and Institutional Frameworks for Urban Landholding
Registration: A Case Study of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Debela, Daba Gutta
Crop Wild Relatives in the Families of Dicotyledon Plants in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Debela, Negeri
Blood Neutrophil Count, Sputum Mycobacterial Load
and Mycobacterial Lineages in HIV Positive Individuals
Suspected with Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Addis Ababa,
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Debele, Aberra
Estimation of Actual Evapotranspiration and its Impacts on Rainfed Agricultural Productivity Using Geospatial Tools in the Main Ethiopian Rift.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Debele, Aderie Feye
Employment Opportunities and Situations at Work: The Case of Visually Impaired Women in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Debele, Getachew Demissie
Ethiopia Field Epidemiology Training Program (EFETP)
Compiled Body of Works in Field Epidemiology.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Debele, Tadelech
Factors Affecting the Use of Household Fuel-Saving Technologies in Urban Areas: The case of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Debelo, Nahom
Developing Correlation between the Index Properties and Swelling Potential of the Expansive Soils Found in Ambo Town.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Debelo, Nigatu
The Histopathologic Effects of Thymus Serrulatus and Thymus Schimperi (Tosign) on Liver, and
Kidney; and Blood Parameters of Mice and Rats Respectively.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Deberie, Tollossa
A New Method of Notching in Vibration Control.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa.
Debero, Nigussie
Impact of First Generation Antipsychotics in the Long Term
Outcome of Bipolar I Disorder, a Community-Based Naturalistic
Follow-Up Study, Butajira, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Debisso, Birhanu
Groundwater Resource Assessment in the Gidabo River Catchment in the Southern Main Ethiopian Rift Province.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Debushie, Addugna
The Relationship between Parenting Styles and Adolescent Aggression.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Defaru, Debebe
The Impact of Deforestation on Soil Erosion and Climate Change: Structural Equations Modeling.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Degaga, Endalkachew Gurmu
Assessment of Sanitary Condition of Food Catering Establishments in Addis Ketema sub-City, Addis Ababa City Administration.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Degaga, Gemechis Dereje
Model Computation of Water Clustering (H2o)N Effect in the Negative Ion Proton Transfer Reactions.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dege, Selamawit
Uniaxial Interaction Charts for Fully Encased Composite Columns.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Degechisa, Sisay Teka
Assessment of Hypogonadism and Associated Risk Factors among
Male Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Attending Diabetic
Clinic of Tikur Anbessa Specialized Teaching Hospital in Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Degef, Maria
Hemoglobin Profile of Anemic Ethiopian Patients Attending Tikur
Anbessa Specialized Hospital.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Degefa, Alemayehu
Integrating Remote Sensing and GIS for Land Degradation
Assessment and its Socio-Economic Impact: A Case Study in
Northeast of Alaba, SNNPR, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Degefa, Ashenafi Haile
Implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Degefa, Nega
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Preventive
Practices towards Sexully Transmitted Infection among
Arsi Negelle Kilture Preparatory School Students West
Arsi Zone Oromia, Ethiopia, 2016.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Degefa, Workineh
An Assessment of Workers’ Rights in Three Floriculture Industries
around Debre Ziet: With Particular Reference to Employment Security
and Occupational Safety and Health.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Degefaw, Amare
Application of Remote Sensing for Delineation of Drought Vulnerable Areas in Amhara Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Degefu, Abera
Menstrual Hygiene Management Practice and its Determinants among Adolescent Girls in Second Cycle Students of Sebeta Town, Oromia, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Degefu, Dawit Tesfaye
A Study on the Potential of Native Entomopathogenic Fungi against Melon/Cotton Aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera: Aphididae).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Degefu, Hiwot
Practices and Challenges of Leadership in Private
Kindergartens in Bole Subcity.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Degelo, Sendabo
Analysis of Biomass Degradation as an Indicator of Environmental Challenge of Bilate Watershed Using GIS Techniques.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Degeti, Terefe
Factors Affecting People’s Participation in Participatory Forest Management: The Case of IFMP Adaba-Dodola in Bale Zone of Oromia Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Degu, Amanuel
Design and Implementation of Web Based
Telemedicine System using Service-Oriented
Architecture (SOA).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Degu, Amsalu
Evaluation of the Anti-Diarrheal Activity of the Solvent Fractions of Croton Macrostachyus Hocsht. Ex Del. (Euphorbiaceae) Leaves in Mice.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Degu, Mesfin
Assessment of Socio-Cultural Risks in Relation to HIV Transmission in Pastoralist Community of Surma Woreda,
SNNPR, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dehnie, Fita Ayalew
Assessment of the Implementation of Industry
Extension Services and Challenges; the Case of
Selected Technical and Vocational Education and
Training Institutions in Guraghe Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dejen, Ambaye
Knowledge, Attitude, Practice and Associated Factors of Blood Donation among Health Care Workers in Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital,Addis Ababa,Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dejene, Belete
HIV/AIDS Related Risk Behavior and Condom Use Skill among Female Commercial Sex Workers at Hotspot Areas of the Arada Sub-city, Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dejene, Daniel
Comparative Performance between XPERT MTB/RIF Assay, Led Fluorescence Microscopy, and Zn Light Microscopy for Detection of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Sputum Samples In Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dejene, Hunde
Medical Data Access with a PDA-Based Client.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dejene, Hundessa
Definition Question Answering System for Afan Oromo Language.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dejene, Hunegnaw
Clifford Semigroups and Seminear-Rings of Endomorphisms.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dejene, Seyoum
The Role of the Private Health Sector
in Tuberculosis Control in Jijiga Town,
Eastern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dejene, Shimelis
Institutions, Management Practices and Challenges of Small-Scale Irrigation Systems in Ethiopia: A Case Study of Two Small-Scale Irrigation Systems in Western Oromia, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dejene, Takele
Assessment of Teachers’ Performance Appraisal Implementation in Secondary Schools of Akaki-Kality Sub-City.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dejene, Tsegazeab
Tandem Reservoir Operation of Cascade Hydropower Plants Case of Genale - Dawa River Basin.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa.
Dejene, Yoseph
The Utilization of Indigenous Coal as Energy Substitute in Cement Industry.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dejytnu, Tilahun
The Role of Arundo Donax in Riparian Vegetation in Mitigating River Pollution in Addis Ababa: The Case of Bulbula River.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dekebo, Gobena Dedefo
Assessment of Urine Cotinine Levels in Active and Passive Smokers, and
Studies of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Ogolcho Town, Oromia, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dekings, Moses Dayan
Strategic Management Practices Adopted by Public Benefit Organizations in Homa Bay County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Deksiso, Adugna
Spontaneous Speech Recognition for Amharic Using HMM.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Delessa, Mulisa Daba
Liberalization of the Banking Sector in View of Ethiopia’s Accession to the World Trade Organization.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Delessa, Mulisa Daba
Liberalization of the Banking Sector in View of Ethiopia’s Accession to the World Trade Organization.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dembetembe, Gift G.
Nchanga Open Pit Fleet Optimization for Productivity Improvement.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Deme, Kenna
The Impact of Federal-States Intergovernmental Relations on Regional States Autonomy in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demeke, Aklilu
Assessment of the Utilization of Personal Protective Equipment among Textile Industry Workers in Dukem Town.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demeke, Birhanu
Coexistence of Ferromagnetism and Superconductivity in ZrZn2.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demeke, Datiko
Species Composition, Distribution, Relative Abundance and
Habitat Association of Rodents in Arbaminch Forest and Farmlands, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demeke, Dessalegn
Assessment of Respiratory Symptoms and
Pulmonary Functions among Workers of Flour Mills in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2016/2017.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demeke, Endalkachew
Factors Influencing Carer’s Compliance in Integrated Management
Child Hood Illness, Awassa Town Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demeke, Mewa Bayable
Variability and Trait Association in Recombinant Inbred Lines
of Eragrostis tef x E. Pilosa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demeke, Sintayehu
Success Factors for Implementation of Enterprise Resource
Planning System at Ethiopian Airlines.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demeke, Tesfaye
Problems of Rural Water Supply and the Roles of Community Participation in Rural Water Supply Schemes Management: The Case of Lemo Woreda, Hadiya Zone, SNNPRS, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demelash, Alebachew
Quality Assessment of Routine Expanded Programme of Immunization (EPI) for Children
under Five in Debre Markos Town, East Gojjam, Amhara Regional State, North West
Ethiopia, 2014.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demelash, Amare
A Study on Coaching Problems in Addis Ababa Youth Football Project.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demelash, Bantalem
The Implementation of Competency Based Training Program in Selected Technical and Vocational Education Training Colleges in Addis Ababa City Adiminstration.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demelash, Biruk
Linguistically Motivated Amharic IR (LM-IR).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demelash, Habtamu
Organizational Responses and Sexual and Reproductive
Health Needs of Street Children in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demelash, Habtamu
Organizational Responses and Sexual and Reproductive
Health Needs of Street Children in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demelash, Tariku
Preliminary Investigation on Immune
Response of Schistosoma Mansoni in Grivet
Monkeys (Cercopithecus Aethiops Aethiops)
Infected with Different Cercarial Doses.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demerachew, Fekadu Nega
Investigating Factors that Affect the Development of Handball Sport: With Specific Reference to Addis Ababa Handball Federation.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demessie, Daniel Alemayehu
Assessment of Flood Risk in Dire Dawa Town, Eastern Ethiopia, Using GIS.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demessie, Eshetu
Eberlein-SˇMulian Theorem.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demewoz, Beldados
Automatic Thesaurus Construction from Wolaytta Text.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demiss, Mastewal
Child Undernutrition and Infant and Young Child Feeding Indicators: A
Secondary Analysis of EDHS 2011.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demisse, Nebiyu Solomon
Error in High–Resolution Satellite Rainfall Products in Streamflow Prediction in Birr Watershed, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demisse, Tigistu
Sero-Prevalence and Risk Factors of Hepatitis B and C
Viruses among Healthy Adult Blood Donors in Wolita
Zone, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demissew, Bantayehu
Inter-Ethnic Conflict in South Western Ethiopia: The Case of Alle and Konso.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demissie, Alemayehu
Assessment of Depression Level and Counseling Outcome among HIV Patients at Saint Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demissie, Aseresash
Sexual Network and Condom Utilization in Rural Community Around Jimma Town, South West Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demissie, Asresash
Sexual Network and Condom Utilization in
Rural Community around Jimma Town, South
West Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demissie, Fekadu
Assessment of Public Health Implication of Malaria-Hookworm Co-Infection in Asendabo, South West Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demissie, Meskerem
Prevalence of Incidental Abnormalities on MRI Done for Patients with other CNS Problems in Private Diagnostic Centers in Addis Ababa.
Other thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demissie, Simiret
Major Factor that Affect Handball Project Participation and Development with Specific Priference Nifas Silk Lafto Subcity.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demissie, Tariku Dejene
Levels, Trends and Differentials of Adolescent Motherhood in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demissie, Workneh
Gender Based Violence and the Risk of HIV Infection among Women Attending Antenatal Care Service at HIV Sentinel Survailance Sites in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demissie, Zerihu Abebe
Regeneration of Two Tropical Maize Genotypes (Zea Mays L.)
from Mature Embryos through Callus Initiation Using Split
Seed Technique.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Demlie, Dawit
Cognitive and Affective Approaches Fana Broadcasting Corporate S.C Uses to Persuade its Audience on Policy Issues.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demsash, Bizuayehu Getnet
Framework to Adopt Cloud Computing for Medical Image Archiving and Sharing.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demssew, Tigist
Assessment of Psychosocial Well Being and Meaning of
Life among the Elderly in the Elders’ Home Setting at
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2015.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Demtse, Asrat
Avoidable Factors in Perinatal Mortality Identified by Clinical Audit at Tikur Anbessa Hospital.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Denbere, Belay
Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Zooplankton in Relation to Phytoplankton Variation in Lake Babogaya (Bishoftu Guda),
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dendir, Andamlak
Disclosing the Relationship between Maternal Empowerment and Food Security Status on
Stunting, Underweight and Wasting among 6-36 Month Old Children in Gurage Zone,
Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dendir, Emebet
Assessment of the Effect of Substance Abuse and Other Factors on Birth Weight of Newborn among Mothers Who Attended Birth at Hospitals, Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dendir, Getahun
Magnitude and Associated Factors of Immediate Postoperative
Hypoxemia among Elective Surgical Procedures at Tikur Anbessa
Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, January 30, 2017 to March 31, 2017 G.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Deneke, Betiglu Befikadu
Factors that Affect the Development of Project Football Players: The Case of Gambella Regional State Majanger Zone
Godere Woreda.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Deneke, Tatek
Antidiarrheal and Antispasmodic
Activities of Stephania Abyssinica
(Minspermaseae) Used in Ethiopian
Traditional Medicine.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Deneke, Tatek
Antidiarrheal and Antispasmodic Activities of Stephania Abyssinica (Minspermaseae) used in Ethiopian Traditional Medicine.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Deneke, Tilaye Teklewold
Food Insecurity: Extent, Determinants and Household Copping Mechanisms in Gera Keya Wereda, Amhara Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Denekew, Abera Jembere
The Application of Data Mining to Support Customer Relationship
Management at Ethiopian Airlines.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Denekew, Alem
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Adverse Drug Reaction
Reporting and Affecting Factors among Health Care Providers
Working in ART Clinics of Public Health Facilities in Addis
Ababa City, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Denhere, Nelson
Managing Globally Distributed Software Development Using Virtual Teams: A Middle East Case Study.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Dennill, Ingrid
Stress as a Source of Injury among a Group of Professional Ballet Dancers.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Derba, Baye
Socio-Economic Importance of Selected Indigenous and Exotic Tree
Species Used in Dabat District, North Gonder,Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Derbie, Awraris
Investigation of the Levels of Selected Metals in the Leaves of Thyme (T. schimperi And T. vulgaris) Grown in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Derebew, Bizuwork
Survival Analysis of Recurrent Events: An Application to Diabetes Mellitus Patients in the Case of Menellik II Referral Hospital.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Deregh, Hailu Berta
Breastfeeding Practices among Mothers of Babies Admitted To Nicu, Tah, Addis Ababa, and Factors Influencing Practices.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dereje, Denu
Floristic Composition and Ecological Study of Bibita Forest (Gura Ferda), Southwest Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dereje, Denu Rebu
Impact of Climate and Land Use on Plant Diversity, Carbon Storage and
Leaf Area Index in the Jimma Highlands, Southwest Ethiopia.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dereje, Derbew D
Sedation Management Practices in Medical and Surgical Intensive Care Unit in Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, 2013/2014,Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dereje, Dessalegn
Assessment of Sleep duration and Overweight/Obesity
among High School Adolescents in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dereje, Fufa
Study of Effects of Magnon-Exciton Interaction on Ferromagnetism of Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dereje, Gebremariam Kefena
Discovery of Hidden Knowledge from Ethio Telecom Mobile Network Data.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dereje, Getachew
Design and Development of a Web Based Multi-Drug Resistance Tuberculosis Patients Follow Up Information System in the Case of St. Peter’s Hospital.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dereje, Hailu
Phenotypic and Molecular Characterization of
Physic Nut (Jatropha curcas L.) Populations in
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dereje, Kenea
Petrography and Deformation History of Bila (Gidano
King) Area, Wollega, Western Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dereje, Legesse
The Maximum Modulus Theorem.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dereje, Mamuye
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Medical Laboratory Professionals on Use of Internal Quality Control (IQC) for Clinical Laboratory Tests among Selected Health Centers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dereje, Mekonnen
Woody Species Composition of Dilfaqar Regional Park and its Socioeconomic Importance.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dereje, Mekonnen Asfaw
Satellite-Based Rainfall Estimation: Evaluation and Characterization
(A Case Study Over Omo-Gibe River Basin).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dereje, Melka
Assessment of Sleep Disorder Pattern of Patients with Parkinson Disease Attending Neurology Referral Clinic in TIKUR Anbessa Specialized and Zewditu Memorial Hospitals, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Point Prevalence Study.
Other thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dereje, Mulugeta
The Causes for the Declining the Number of Addis Ababa Handball Clubs.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dereje, Tekalegn
Urinary Tract Infection among Fistula Patients
Admitted at Hamlin Fistula Hospital, Addis Ababa,
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dereje, Tesfaye
Ecology, Behaviour and Conservation of Boutourlini’s Blue Monkey
(Cercopithecus mitis boutourlinii) in the Jibat Forest, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dereje, Teshager Belay
Factors Affecting the Adoption of Health Management Information Systems (HMIS) among Health Workers: The Case of SmartCare Software in Addis Ababa Regional Public Hospitals.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dereje, Teshome
On Strongly Regular Near Rings.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dereje, Tigabu
Discrete-Time Linear Model Predictive Control.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dereje, W/Yohannes
Diversity, Distribution and Relative Abundance of the Avian Fauna
of Chebera Churchura National Park, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dereje, Wubedel
The Causes and Psychosocial Impacts of Divorce on Women: The Case of Ethiopian Women Lawyers’ Association (EWLA) Supported Women.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Deres, Genet
Assessment of Awareness and Attitude towards Ethiopian
Abortion Law among Public Secondary School Students in Addis
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Deresa, Abetu Gadisa
Carbon Stock Estimation along Altitudinal Gradient in Woodland Vegetation in Ilu Gelan District, West Shewa Zone of Oromia Region, Central Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Derese, Andualem
Assessment of Substance Use and Risky Sexual Behaviour among Haramaya University Students.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Derese, Awoke
Fenchel Duality.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Derese, Gugsa
AB Initio Calculation of Optical Absorption and Optical Gap of Silicon Nanocrystallites.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Deress, Teshiwal
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice about Bio-Medical Waste Management and
Associated Factors among Health Care Workers at Debre Markos Town Health Care Facilities,
Northwest Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Deressa, Ababe Tamirat
Factors Associated with Preterm Birth and its Immediate
Outcome from 2011 to 2015 in Addis Ababa Public Hospitals having
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2016.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Deressa, Alemayehu
The Impact of Fincha Sugar Factory Plantation Expansion on Forest Covers Change and Wildlife Specifically on Large Mammals.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Deressa, Eyob Enkossa
The Architecture of Housing the Case of “Gerji” Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Deressa, Frehiwot Mulugeta
Predictive Model for ECX Coffee Contracts.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Deressa, Wakgari
Relationship between Malaria and Malnutrition among Under-Five Children in Adami Tulu District, South-Central Ethiopia: A Case- Control Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Deresse, Ahmed Adem
Laser Trapping Ionization of Human Red Blood Cells with Four Hemoglobin Types: A Preliminary Study of Hemoglobin Quantitation.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Deresse, Fekadu Nigussie
Determinants of Household Food Security with a Particular Focus on Rainwater Harvesting: The Case of Bulbula in Adami-Tulu Jido Kombolcha Woreda, Oromia Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Deressu, Tolessa
The Challenges of Primary Education Expansion in the Pastoralist Woredas of Borana Zone of Oromia Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Deribie, Awoke
Longitudinal Bacteriology of Burn Patients at Yekatit 12 Hospital Burn Center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Derra, Firehiwot Abera
Prevalence and Antimicrobial Profile of Listeria Monocytogenes in Retail Meat and Dairy Products in Addis Ababa and its Surrounding Towns, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Derseh, Muluneh Minwuye
Feasibility Study of PV/Wind/Micro-Hydro/Biomass Hybrid System for off-grid Electrification of Selected Rural Areas in Ethiopia (Case Study : Eastern Gojam Zone, Sinan District).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dershaye, Belay
Environmental Impact Analysis of Infrastructures Development and Lake Beseka Expansion on the Integrity of Fentale-Metehara Blister Caves in the Main Ethiopian Rift.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desale, Adino
Assessment of Laboratory Logistics Management Information System
Practice for HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis (TB) Laboratory Commodities
in Selected Public Health Facilities in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desalegn, Abebaw Zeleke
LETEYEQ (ሌጠየቅ). A Web Based Amharic Question Answering System for Factoid Questions Using Machine Learning Approach.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desalegn, Abebayehu Terefe
Quality Evaluation of Clobetasol Propionate and Betamethasone Valerate Topical Corticosteroid Creams Marketed in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desalegn, Abenet
Factors Affecting Intra Uterine Contraceptive Device Utilization among Family Planning Clients Attending Sexual and Reproductive Health Centers, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Other thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desalegn, Afework
Groundwater Potential Evaluation and Flow Dynamics of Hormat-Golina River Catchment, Kobo Valley, Northern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desalegn, Ayehu
The Output Light from a Subharmonic Generator and a Coherently Driven Cavity Mode.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desalegn, Biruck
Household Fuel Use and Acute Respiratory Infection among Young Children: An Exposure Assessment in Shebedino Woreda, Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desalegn, Biset
Predicting Low Birth Weight Using Data Mining Techniques on Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey Data Sets.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desalegn, Fantanesh
Assessments of Knowledge and Attitudes of Pregnant Women on the Benefits of Antenatal Care Utilization, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desalegn, Gerba Gutema
The Implementation of Active Learning Approach in Teaching Algebra in Secondary Schools of East Wollega Zone, Oromia Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desalegn, Jara Godibo
Screening of Natural Dyes for Use in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desalegn, Ketema
Complete and Incomplete Fusion Reactions in 16O +93 Nb Systems at Various Projectile Energies.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desalegn, Kidane Basha
Designing a Knowledge Base System for VAT Administration.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desalegn, Lema
Determinants of Low Birth Weight in Debre Berehan
Referal Hospital, North Shoa Zone, Amhara Regional State,
Ethiopia (A Case – Control Study).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desalegn, Markos
Utilization of Long Acting and Permanent Contraceptive Method
and Associated Factors among Married Women in Adama Town,
Oromia Region, Central Ethiopia: Community Based Cross Sectional
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desalegn, Mesfin
Challenges and Prospects of Land Rehabilitation Practices: A Case of Angacha Woreda, Kambata Tambaro Zone, SNNPR.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desalegn, Tadesse
Analysis of Interference Phenomena Observed at Ethio-Finno Observatory (EFO).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desalegn, Tegegn
Track and Field Events Result Success Comparison among the Selected Addis Ababa Second Division Athletics Clubs.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desalegn, Yitagesu
Developing Correlation between DCP and CBR for Locally Used Subgrade Materials.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desalegne, Alemayehu
Cost and Predictors of Cost of Cervical Cancer Treatment
in Patients Attending Tikur Anbessa Hospital; Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desalegne, Luwam
Assessment of Knowledge and Utilization of Growth Monitoring and
Promotion for under Two Children in Butajira, Ethiopia 2017.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desalegne, Tefera
Tropospheric Ozone Over Tropical Latitudes: Measurements and 1-D Steady State Chemistry Model.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desalew, Assefa
Prevalence of Childhood Overweight, Obesity and its Associated Factors in Elementary School Children in Dire Dawa Town, Eastern Ethiopia 2016.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desisa, Duguma Fulea
Conditional Grant Allocation and Its Implementation in the Ethiopia
Federal System: A Comparative Study of Afar, Amhara, Oromia and
Somali Regional National States.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dessale, Alemayehu
The Knowledge, Attitude, Practice of Contraception and Unintended Pregnancy among Unmarried Female Student in METTU Teacher Training College South West, Oromiya Region Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dessalegn, Banchiyrgu
Assessment on the Impact of Supply Chain Management Practice on Organizational Performance in the Case of Horizon Addis Tyre S.C.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dessalegn, Bekele
Phytochemical Investigation on the Leaves of Dodonaea viscosa var. angustifolia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dessalegn, Berhanu
Assement of Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on
Emergency Contraception among Women Seeking
Post Abortion Care in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dessalegn, Engeda
Studies on Phenolic Contents and Biofunctional Activities of Selected Ethiopian Spices and Herbs.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dessalegn, Gurmessa Desso
Remote Sensing and GIS Based Suitability Analysis for Livestock Production in Yabello District, Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dessalegn, Mequanint
Similarity-Based Video Retrieval: Modeling and Processing.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dessalegn, Muluken
Does the Effect of Water and Sanitation Vary by
Maternal Education on Childhood Diarrhea among
under Five Children in Mecha District, West Gojjam,
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dessalegn, Tekle Tiku
Mapping of Crustal Thickness Variation in Southern Afar Using Gravity Survey.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dessalegne, Adamu
Superposed One-Mode Subharmonic Generators.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dessalew, Alelign
Land Use Land Cover Change Detection and Vulnerability to Forest Degradation Using Remote Sensing and GIS: A Case of Borena District in North Centeral Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dessie, Abebe Abate
Assessment of Knowledge, Practice and Factors Affecting Sunlight Exposure of Infants among Mothers Attending Governmental Health Facilities in Debre Markos Town, East Gojjam, Ethiopia, 2014.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dessie, Azeb
Risk Factors for Unsafe Sexual Behavior
among Preparatory Youth Students of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dessie, Ermias
Determinants of Child Survival Chances in Rural Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dessie, Eskezeia Yihunie
Determinants of Contraceptive Use among Married Women in Ethiopia: Ordinary Logistic and Multilevel Logistic Regression Analyses.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dessie, Melaku Maru
Assessment of VCT Utilization, and Willingness to Accept Provider-Initiated HIV
Counseling and Testing among Tuberculosis Patients in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dessie, Melese
Study of Reaction Mechanism in
P+51V and P+209Bi Systems at Various
Proton Energies.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dessie, Tezera Mulugeta
Determinants of Rural Households Livelihood Diversification: The Case of Libokemkem Woreda, Amhara Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desta, Arega
Epidemiology and Drug Resistance Pattern of Mycobacterial Isolates among HIV Positive and HIV Negative TB Patients Using Conventional and Molecular Methods in South East Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desta, Berihu Weldegiorgis
Design and Implementation of Automatic Morphological Analyzer for Ge’ez Verbs.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desta, Biruk
The Influence of Living Arrangement on Adolescents’ Risky
Sexual Behavior in Sebeta Town, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia:
School Based Comparative Cross-Sectional Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desta, Degale
Online Information Seeking Behavior of Health Professionals: A Cross Sectional Study of Private and Public Hospitals in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desta, Ejeta Fereda
Abundance, Distribution and Insecticide Resistance of Anopheles
Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) and Malaria Transmission Intensity in
Relation to Agro-Ecology in Sekoru District, Southwestern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desta, Kassa Misgina
Characterization of Peripheral Blood Leucocyte Subsets in Acute Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax Malaria Infections at Wonji Sugar Estate, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desta, Mulualem Bessie
Institutional and Administrative Capacity for Development: The Case of the Benishangul-Gumuz National Regional State: Efforts, Problems and Prospects.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desta, Regassa
Investigation of Nonlinear Effects in Optical Fibers.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desta, Roman Negewo
Assessment of Magnitude and Factors that Affect Care Givers’ Disclosure of HIV Diagnosis to their HIV Infected Children in Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2013/2014.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desta, Tefera
Evaluation of Approximate Methods for the Design of Biaxially Loaded Reinforced Concrete Columns.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desta, W/Tsadik
A New Polydentate Ligand and it’s Cu (II) Complex – Synthesis and Characterization.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Destaw, Addisalem
Assessment of Husband Involvement during Pregnancy and Child Birth in AkakiKaliti Sub-city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dewa, Evans
Non-Attendance of Treatment Review Visits among Epileptic Patients in Gokwe South District: Midlands Province, Zimbabwe
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Deyessa, Negussie
Magnitude and Type of Physical Violence
against Married Women
in Meskan and Mareko District
Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dhevcharran, Nirvani
A Reference Model for the Process Control Domain of Application.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Dhliwayo, Solomon
The Seroprevalence of Antibodies to Leptospira Species in Dogs Presented to Harare Veterinary Clinics and Selected Rural Communities in Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Dhliwayo, Tichaona
SWITCH: An Extensible Framework for the Generation of Bespoke and Dynamic Software Development Models.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Dhliwayo, Tinashe
Application of Optical Methods to Determine the Concentration of Sugar Solutions.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Dhoro, Gilbert Kudakwashe
A Study of the Theme of Persecution and the Relationships between Victims and Aggressors in Four Tragedies by Jean Racine: Andromaque, Britannicus Bajazet and Phedre.
MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Dhoro, Milcah
Identification and Differentiation of Fusarium Species using Selected Molecular Methods.
MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Dhugassa, Aberash
The Role of Mental Health Court in the Protection of Human Rights of Persons with Mental Disability in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dianga, Eliakim O
The Effect of Agency Banking on the Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Dias, Giuliana Zorrer
An Investigation into Nurses' Anxiety when dealing with HIV/Aids Patients.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Dias, Jacqueline Lekani
Assessment of Impacts of Socio-Economic Activities on Water Quality within Mulunguzi Catchment, Malawi.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Dibaba, Amenu
Phytochemical Investigation on the Leaves of Laggera Tomentosa (Petroleum Ether Extract).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dibaba, Wakshume Terefe
The Assessment of the Practices and Prospects of Alternative Basic Education in Horo-Guduru Wollega Zone, Oromia Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dibete, Kgabo Johannes
The Role of the School Governing Bodies in Managing Finances in No-Fee Schools in the Maraba Circuit of Limpopo Province.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Dibisa, Shiferaw Geneti
Practice of Curriculum Development for Primary Education in Oromia Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dicker, Janet Linda
The Challenge of Shifting Paradigms: Social Workers Exercising the Ecosystems Perspective.
Masters thesis, University of south Afrrica.
Dickson, Lesley Alison
A Study of Caesar's De Bello Gallico, de Bello Civili and Augustus' res Gestae.
Masters thesis, University of South Afrrica.
Didi, Ndayala Phoebe
Predictors of HIV Self Disclosure to Sexual Partners by Sero-Positive Adults in Informal Settlements: A Case of Central Division, Nairobi County, Kenya.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Diedericks, Johanna Catharina
Die Verwantskap van sin Vir Koherensie met Werkstres. Algemene Gesondheid en Sielkundige Uitbranding by Bestuurders.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Diederiks, Amanda Magrietha
'N Ekosistemiese Herbeskouingvan Pleegsorgdienste.
Masters thesis, University of south Afrrica.
Dieto, Steve Lemba
Assessment of Land Use Dynamics of the N’djili Catchment in DR Congo: Implication for Catchment Planning.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Digajara, Hailu
Exploring Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities in the Ethiopian Tourism Information System.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Digga, Erdolo
Factors Affecting the Roles and Responsibilities of Kebele Education and Training Board in Secondary School Management in Hadiya Zone of Snnpr by Erdolo Digga.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Digga, Negash
Community Participation for Improving Access in Primairy Education: The Case of Hdiya Zone/SNNPR.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Digie, Tesfaye
The Impact of Decentralization on Efficiency and Meritocracy of the Civil Service in Ethiopia: The Case of Oromia and Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regions.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dikaso, Unbushe Gojamme
Wetland Vegetation Composition and Ecology
of Abaya and Chamo in Southern and Fincha’aChomen and Dabus in Western Ethiopia.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dikasso, Dawit
In Vivo Anti-Malarial Activity of the Hydroalcoholic Extracts of Asparagus Africanus, Withania Somnifera and Laganaria Vulgaris in Mice.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dilie, Abebe
Assessment of Nurses’ Knowledge, Attitude and Perceived Barriers to Expressed Pressure Ulcer Prevention Practice in Addis Ababa Government Hospitals, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2015.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dill, Abdilahi
The Effect of Stocking Density and Supplementary Feeding on Growth Performance and Yield of Nile Tilapia [Oreochromis niloticus (L, 1758)] in Cage Culture in Wonji Reservoir, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dillnessa, Enatenesh
Assessment of Couples Voluntary Counseling
and Testing Service Utilization at Addis Ababa
Government Hospital VCT Sites.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dillo, Asfaw
A Study of Periodic Solution for a Class of Second Order Differential Equations.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dilnessa, Tebelay
Prevalence and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern of
Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Isolated from
Clinical Samples at Yekatit 12 Hospital Medical College, Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dilnessa, Yohannes
Production, Characterization and Optimization an of Stevia Sweetener from Stevia Leaf.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dilrajh, Kamla Moonsamy
Fasilitering van Leer in Kommunikatiewe T2-Afrikaanst Aalonderrig.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Dima, Nuru Mohammed
Improving the Completeness of Medical Records at
Inpatient Department of Dalefage Primary Hospital, West
Afar, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dinberu, Faji Desalegn
Theoretical Estimation of Geometry Dependent Photon Detection Efficiency of Nai (Tl)Crystal of Different Size for Various Sources to Detector Distances.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dine, Helil
A Study of Current Problems and Challenges of some Selected Addis Abeba Long Distance Running Event Athletics Clubs.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dinga, Antony O.
Assessment of Cost Leadership Strategy on Enhancing Competitive Advantage: A Survey of Kenya's Telecommunication Industry.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Dinga, Lynette Aoko
Factors Associated with Adherence to Iron/Folate Supplementation among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinic at Thika District Hospital in Kiambu County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Dinie, Dimo Didana
Conflict Generating Factors between Teachers and
School Leaders in Secondary Schools of Wolaita
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dinkissa, Beche Benti
Floristic Composition, Diversity and Structure of Woody Plant Species in Menagesha Suba
State Forest, Central Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dinkissa, Merga Ourgo
Identifying Factors Influencing Customers’ Behavioral Intention to the Adoption of Mobile Banking: The Case of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dinkneh, Aschalew Mamuye
The Sustainability of Rural Water Supply System: A Case in Homosha Wereda; BGRS, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dinku, Etalemahu
Assessment of the Barriers to Emergency Contraception
Use among Antenatal Care Clients of Addis Ababa Health
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dinku, Getu
Outcome of Pregnancy with Clinically Visible/Palpable Myoma among Women who Undergo Caesarian Section in Three Teaching Hospitals, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: A Prospective Cross Sectional Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dinku, Lemma
Smallholders’ Irrigation Practices and Issues of Community
Management: The Case of Two Irrigation Systems in Eastern Oromia, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dinku, Shiferaw Jote
Forest Degradation Monitoring and Assessment of Biomass in Harenna Buluk Woreda, Bale Zone, Ethiopia, Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dinodimos, Nicolaos
Feasibility Study of Using Electric Vehicles for Game Viewing in South Africa.
Masters thesis, University of south Afrrica.
Dinsa, Babsa
Opportunities and Challenges of Rural Livelihoods in Dandi Woreda, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dinsa, Hunduma
Concordance between Modification of Diet in Renal Disease and Cockcroft-gault Formulas in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients at St. Paul’s Hospital
Millennium Medical College.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dinsa, Melkamu Negeri
Powers of Urban Local Government on Land Administration and the Challenges of Illegal Housing: The Case of Burayu City Administration, Oromia National Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dinsa, Yadessa
Assessment of the Causes and Effects of Price Escalation of Federal Road Contracts in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dirbaba, Niguse Bekele
Ecological Impacts of Bush Encroachment on Rangeland
Ecosystem: The Case of Hallona and Medhacho Pastoralist
Associations in Borana Lowlands.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dires, Simachew
Characterization of Wastewater Composition from Hospital Effluent and Evaluation of the Treatment Performance of the Five Series of Oxidation Ponds in Hawassa Referral Hospital.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dires, Teshome
A Comparative In-Vitro Evaluation of
Anti-Hypertensive Drugs Products
(Methyldopa, Furosemide and
Propranolol Tablets) from Local
Market, Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Diress, Awoke
The Right to Asylum: A Case Study with Particular Reference to Somali and Eritrean Asylum-seekers and Refugees in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Diriba, Alemayehu Gurmu
Paleomagnetism and Tectonics of Northern Munessa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Diriba, Dereje
Household Solid Waste Generation Rate, Composition and Content Analysis for Disposal and Resource Recovery in Two Selected Kebeles of Hawassa Town.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Diriba, Dereje Chala
Assessment of Ethical Beliefs towards HIV/AIDS Patients among Nursing Students in Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Diriba, Hailu Daba
Euler- Lagrange Equation for Fractional Variational Problems.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Diriba, Megersa
An Automatic Sentence Parser for Oromo Language Using Supervised Learning Technique.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Diriba, Temesgen
Nodulation Pattern and Biodiversity of Endosymbionts of some
Woody Legumes of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Diriba, Tilahun
Assessment of Patterns of Utilization and Quality of
Emergency Obstetric Care Services in South West
Shoa Zone of Oromia Regional Sate, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Diribsa, Tsegaye
Analysis of Climatic Variability and its Effects on Production of Selected Crop in Ada'a District: Multivariate Time Series Approach.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Diriye, Ahmed Mohamed
Perceived Relationship between Career Development and Employee Commitment and Engagement at Nairobi City County Government.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Diro, Adanew
The Relationships among Students' Adjustment to College, Assertiveness and Academic Self Efficacy, for Undergraduate Second Year Students at Addis Ababa University.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Disasa, Dejene
Templates Synthesis and Characterization of
Ni(II) Complex Derived from 4‐Phenoxy – 2,6 –
Dichloro‐s‐Triazin and 2,4‐Dinitro
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dishena, Robert Nghinaakundaama
Novice Teachers’ Perceptions of School-Based Induction Programmes at Selected Primary Schools in Windhoek, Namibia.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Divala, Oscar Henry
Morbidity and Mortality in HIV Exposed Under Five Children in a Rural Malawi Setting.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Djereke, Jean-Claude
Prêtres, Évêques et Politique en Afrique Noire. Jusqu’ où Peuvent – Ils Aller?
Masters thesis, Gregorian University.
Dladla, Boniswa W.
The Impact of Sub-Catchment Activity on River Water Quality: A Case Study of Mbabane River in the Ezulwini Valley, Swaziland.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Dlamini, Lucky Busa
The Contingency Approach to Planning, Organizing, Leading and Control as the Managerial Tasks of the Black High School Principal.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Dlamini, Malangeni Andile
The Relationship between Production Performance and Governance in Smallholder Irrigation Schemes in Swaziland.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Dlamini, Vuyisile
Impacts of Agricultural Activities on the Diversity of Aquatic Macroinvertebrates as an Indicator of Ecosystem Health along the Lower Komati River, Swaziland.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Dlamini, Winnie
Determining Procurement Best Practices in South African Comprehensive Universities.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Dogliotti, Rosa-Luisa Amalia
Le Theme du Mariage Mixte et/ou Polygame Comme Foyer d'Observation Sociocul Turelle et Intercul Turelle dans Quatre Romans Francophones: Mariages Ou Mirages?
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Dola, Brenda Achieng
Effects of Counter Terrorism on the Right to Privacy in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Dola, Temesgen
Analysis and Design of Pre-stressed Concrete (PSC) Girder Railway Bridge.
Licentiate thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Domiana, Nduku Mbuva
Factors Influencing School Management Committee Members’ Effectiveness in Staff Motivation in Public Primary Schools in Mavindini Division, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Domingos, Arlindo P.
The Livelihood of the Forest Dependent Populations: A Case Study of the Women Fuelwood Carriers in Woreda 1 of the Gulele Subcity in Northern Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dongo, Spiwe
Perceptions of Policy Makers and Bureaucrats on the Informal Sector in Zimbabwe: A Case of the Informal Metal Manufacturing in Harare.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Dorman, Sara Rich
Inclusion and Exclusion: NGOs and Politics in Zimbabwe.
PhD thesis, University of Oxford, St Antony’s College.
Dorry, Mikiyas Kebede
Emotion Identification from Spontaneous Communication.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Doyo, Debesa
Evaluation of Wound Healing and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of 80% Methanolic Extract of Solanum incanum Linnaeus (Solanaceae) Leaves in Mice.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Du Plessis, Anton
The Feasibility of Punishing Negligent Assault.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Du Plessis, Ferdinand Hermann
The Workplace Training Needs of Different Generations of Adult Learners within a Corporate Company in South Africa.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Du Plessis, Sandra Elizabeth
Exploding the Lie: 'Angelic Womanhood' in Selected Works by Harriet Martineau, Anne Bronte, Charlotte Bronte and George Eliot.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Du Plessis, Susan
Die Invloed Van Eietydse Samelewingsverskynsels Op Gesinsopvoeding.
Masters thesis, Universiteit Van Suid-Afrika.
Du Preez, Catharina Maria
Ondersteuningstelsels Vir Verpleegkundiges in Geselekteerde Hospitale in Die Oos-Kaap.
Masters thesis, Universiteit Van Suid-Afrika.
Du Toit, Jacoba Johanna
Rigl Yne Vir Die Psigoterapeutiese Hantering Van Die Vigsl Yer En Sy Gesin.
Masters thesis, Universiteit Van Suid-Afrika.
Du Toit, Muriel
Art in Therapy with Neuropsychologically Impaired Clients.
Masters thesis, University of South Afrrica.
Du Toit, Pauline
Boot Camps as Korrektiewe Inrigting.
Masters thesis, Universiteit Van Suid-Afrika.
Duba, Teresa Qabale
Investigating Influence of Strategic Partnership between Commercial Banks and Telecommunications Companies in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Dubale, Tewodros
Determinants of Conventional Health Services Utilization
among Pastoralists in Afar Region, Northeast Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dube, Ernest
Southern African Development Community’s Preparedness to Deal with Terrorism and Extremism: The Case of Zimbabwe 2008-2016.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Dube, Farayi
Spatial Soil Erosion Hazard Assessment and Modelling in Mbire District, Zimbabwe: Implications for Catchment Management.
Masters thesis, Univerisity of Zimbabwe.
Dube, Trevor
The Impact of Communal Land Use on Dambos in Lower Gweru, Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, Univerisity of Zimbabwe.
Dubie, Misganaw Eticha
The Socio-Economic Dimensions of Resettlement Programme in Ethiopia: The Case of Golollee Nonnoo Resettlement Scheme: West Shewa of Oromiya Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Duffton, Cameron Ronald
Human Resources Practitioners’ Experiences of Engagement Interventions with a Financial Institution.
Masters thesis, University of South Afrrica.
Dufu, Cadman
Effect of Economic Growth on Foreign Direct Investment in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Dugasa, Belay
Infinite Magnetic Poles of Pulsars.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Duguma, Abdissa
The Current Practice and Problems of Instructional Supervision in Primary Schools of Borena Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Duka, Menzi Meshack Minsie
Foregrounding in Isixhosa Modern Poetry with Special Reference to Qangule's Poetry in Intshuntshe.
Masters thesis, University of South Afrrica.
Dula, Abera
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Towards the First Aid Management of Foreign Body Aspiration and Obstruction among the Community Living in Addis Alem Town of Ejere Wereda of West Shewa Zone 2014/2015.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dula, Wakassa Duguma
GIS and Remote Sensing Based Land Suitability Analysis for Agricultural Crops in Mojo Watershed, Upper Awash Sub Basin, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dulecha, Tinsae Gebrechristos
Surface Analysis and Visualization from Multi-Light Image Collections.
Doctoral thesis, University of Verona.
Duma, Martin Anthony Nkosinathi
Community Involvement in Farm Schools in the Pietermaritzburg Area.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Dumisani, Quiet Mabunda
The Challenges in Establishing Partnership Policing in Soshanguve.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Duncan, Graham Alexander
Scottish Presbyterian Church Mission Policy in South Africa 1898 - 1923.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Dunjana, Nothando
Effects of Soil Fertility Management Practices on Selected Soil
Physical Properties, Water Use Efficiency and Crop Productivity in Murewa Smallholder Farming Area.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Dupre, Nicoline
Die Dekriminalisering Van Dagga in Suid-Afrika.
Masters thesis, Universiteit Van Suid-Afrika.
Durbach, David Justin
A Study of the Linkages between Popular Music and Politics in South Africa under Apartheid in The 1980s.
Masters thesis, University of South Afrrica.
Duressa, Tasew Erena
Ethiopia Field Epidemiology Training Program (EFETP)
Compiled Body of Works in Field Epidemiology.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dureti, Siraj Bekeli
A Generic Approach towards all Words Amharic Word Sense
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Durrant, Marie Bradshaw
Communities, Place, and Conservation on Mount Kilimanjaro.
PhD thesis, Brigham Young University.
Dushimiyimana, Louise Marie
An Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used to Promote Adult Literacy in Chongwe District: A Case Study of Chishiko Village.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Dutamo, Andinet
Challenges of Female Students in Learning Physical Education: The
Case of Hadiya Zone Preparatory Schools (SNNPR).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dweni, Celestine Khayeli
Protein-Protein Interactions Associated with Trypanosoma Brucei Splicing Factor SF3A60.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Dyke, Michael John
The Business Judgment Rule-Its Application in South Africa.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Dzimunya, Nevaid
Geotechnical Study on the Feasibility of Using Backfill in Steep Dip Areas of Konkola Copper Mines (Zambia).
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Dzingai, Hellen G.
Response of Navel Orange Trees to Timed Partial Root Zone Drying in Northern Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Dzingai, Tafadzwa Reggis
Determinants of Loan Default in Agro-Based Credit Schemes in the Tobacco Industry of Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Dzingirai, Blessing
Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) of People Living with HIV: A Comparison with Biomedical Markers of HIV.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Dzivhani, Makwarela David
The Role of Discipline in School and Classroom Management: A Case Study.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Dzwiti, Kudakwashe
Modelling of the Ventilation System Using Ventsim Considering the Full Mine Mechanization Drive at Konkola Copper Mines.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Eba, Oli Kaba
Information Support System for Maternal and Child
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eba, Tadele
Pregnancy Outcomes of Gender Based Violence among Pregnant Women Admitted to
Labor and Delivery Units in Three Teaching Hospitals: A Cross Sectional Study.
Other thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eba, Yohannes Dinkayehu
The Role of Oromia Credit and Saving Share Company Micro Finance Program in Improving the Living Standards of Poor People: A case Study in Guto Wayu Woreda.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ebalé, Wairimu Churu
An Evaluation of Small Christian Communities' Viability and Effectiveness in St. Joseph's Kangemi Catholic Parish - Nairobi.
Masters thesis, Maryknoll Institute of African Studies of Saint Mary's University.
Eboreime-Oikeh, Imesidayo Omua
Determinants of Health Inequalities among Adults in Korogocho Informal Settlement, Nairobi, Kenya.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Ebrahim, Ahmed
An Assessment of the Organizational Design of Woreda Economic and Social Service Office in Managing the Education System in Afar Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ebrahim, Hasina Banu
Active Learning in the Literacy Learning Programme of the Foundation Phase in Curriculum 2005.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Echakara, Stephanie
Determinants of Growth of Urban Agricultural Projects: Case of Lang’ata Subcounty, Nairobi County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Echoka, Elizabeth
Barriers to Child Nutrition Security in Food Secure Households: A Study of Mjini Village in Bungoma, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Edessa, Beressa
Application of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System for Petroleum Exploration in Ogaden Basin: Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Edossa, Alemayehu
Human Interaction in the Ethiopian Wolf Habitats in
Arsi Mountains and Sanetti Plateau: A Comparative
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Edossa, Lechissa
The Impacts of Rural Water Supply and Management System on Livelihood of User Communities: A Case of Babile Woreda, East Hararge Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Effa, Kumsa
Practice and Challenges of Cluster Supervisors in
Supporting Implemantion of School Imporevemet
Program in Primary Schools of West Shoa Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Egata, Gudina
Assessment of Level of Knowledge of Reproductive
Health and Sexual Behavior among Adolescents in
Nekemte Town.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Egeru, Anthony
Assessment of Forage Dynamics under Variable Climate in Karamoja Sub-Region of Uganda.
PhD thesis, University of Nairobi.
Egessa, Robert K.Wanyama
Strategy Implementation
Imperatives as Determinants
of Organizational
Performance in Local
Authorities in the Western
Region of Kenya.
PhD thesis, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology.
Eguale, Tadesse
Phenotypic and Molecular Characterization of Non-typhoidal
Salmonella Species in Humans and Animals in Central Ethiopia and
Inhibition of Biofilm Formation Using Small Molecule Adenosine
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ehrenbeck, Mirelle
Developments in Bilateral Air Service Agreements.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Eifa, Aberash
Assessment of Frequency of Vaginal Examination and Associated Factors by Health Care Providers during Normal Labour in Selected Public Hospitals
in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eifa, Aberash
Assessment of Frequency of Vaginal Examination and Associated Factors by Health Care Providers during Normal Labour in Selected Public Hospitals
in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ejeta, Demmellash
The Legal Regime on Recovery of Misappropriated Public Property in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ejigu, Addisu Birhanu
The Livelihood and Survival Strategies of Migrant Street Children in Bahir Dar Town.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ejigu, Belay
The Status and Utilization of ICT in Sebeta College of Teachers Education and its Challenges.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ejigu, Selamawit
First Line Antiretroviral Treatment Failure and Factors Associated with It in Addis Ababa, 2009.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ejigu, Temesgen Belay
Antecedents and Consequences of Organizational Commitment
among Academic Staff in Public Universities of Ethiopia.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ekadu-Ereu, Peter
Preservation and Promotion of Indigenous Music in Uganda: A Challenge for Tertiary Education Institutions.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Ekandjo, Mikael N
Hydrological Analysis of the Middle Zambezi and Impacts of the Operation of Hydropower Dams on Flow Regime in the Mana Pools National Park.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Ekeno, Augostine Edan
The Church and Formation of Conscience Towards a Liberative Ecclesiology for Peace and Justice in Kenya.
Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.
Ekeno, Augostine Edan
The International Criminal Court and African Conflicts: Transitional Justice in Kenya after the Post-Election Violence.
MPhil thesis, University of Dublin (Trinity College).
Ekesa, Beatrice Nakhauka
Retention and Bioaccessibility of Provitamin A Carotenoids in Popular Musa Fruit and their Derived Products Consumed in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Ekisai, Ekirapa Humphrey
An Assessment of the Relationship between Risk and Return at the Nairobi Securities Exchange Using the Downside Risk Capital Asset Pricing Model.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Eksteen, Elmarié
Towards An Ecosystemic Understanding of Suicidal Behaviour.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Ekwueme, Evaristus Okechukwu
Bernard Lonergan's Notion of Emergent Probability: Computer Aided Insights and a Possible Implementation on African History.
PhD thesis, Boston College.
Elahetia, Shem Maube
Effect of Short Cycle Heat Treatment and Cooling Rate on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Recyled Aluminium Sand Casting.
Masters thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology.
Ele, Estifanos
Chemical Studies of Leucas Martinicensis.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Elemo, Ibrahim Amae
Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting Sexual & Reproductive
Health: The Roles of Traditional Institutions among the
Borana Pastoralists of Oromiya, Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Elfriede, Pretorius
A Hermeneutic Investigation of the Parergon in Artmaking, with Special Reference to Anselm Kiefer.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Elfu, Teferi
Assesment of Prevalence of Sexual Abuse
&Predisposing Conditions of Child Sexual
Abuse among Children Treated in Tikur
Anbesa Specialazind Hosptal Departement of
Pediatrics & Child Health.
Other thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Elisante, Gabriel
Assessment of Mobile Phone Service Quality by Customers and Service Providers: The Case of St. Augustine and Mzumbe Universities and Network Providers in Tanzania.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Elisso, Melesech
Assessment of the Magnitude of Bypassing Public Health
Center Delivery Service and Associated Factors among
Postnatal Women in Negist Eleni Memorial Hospital,
South Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eliyas, Abiyot
Potential of Cooperatives in Empowering the Rural Women: The Case of Chellala Rural Saving and Credit Cooperative Union, Sidama Zone, SNNPR.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ellison, Jennifer Anne
The Relation between Career Anchors, Occupational Types and Job Satisfaction of Midcareer Employees.
Masters thesis, University of south Africa.
Ellison, Museba Robert
Challenges in the Implementation of Free Basic Education Policy: A Survey of Selected Basic Schools of Solwezi District.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Elphick, Anthony Beresford
Rapport between Players and Audience in 15th and Early 16th Century English Drama.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Els, Roy Keith
The Effective Transfer of Managerial Training to the Work Environment.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Emaway, Dessalew
Demand for Family Planning among Women
Voluntary Counseling and Testing Clients: The Need for Integration, Dessie Town, Northeast Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Embafrash, Gurja
Assessment of Magnitude and Factors Associated with Unmet Need for Family Planning among Married Women of Reproductive Age who are in Extended Postpartum in Tahtay Koraro Woreda, Tigray Regional State, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Embaye, Abraham
The Contribution of School Cluster System in Enhancing Professional Competence of Teachers: A Case of Primary School Teachers of North
Shewa, Amhara Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Embiale, Alemnew
The Impacts of Literacy Skills on the Economic Empowerment of Housemaids in Addis Ababa City Administration.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Emeji, Ikenna Chibuzor
Production and Characterization of Biofuel from Waste Cooking Oil.
Masters thesis, University of south Africa.
Emiru, Eshete Derb
Phoneme Level Automatic Speech Segmentation for Amharic Language Using HMM Approach.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Emiru, Mulugeta
Assessment of Adult Postoperative Pain Management
Practice among Nurses Working in Addis Ababa Public
Hospitals, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2015.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Emmanuel, Ziramba
Effects of Silicon in Alleviating Salt Stress in Flue Cured Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.).
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Emyu, Solomon
Impact and Behavioral
Assessment of HIV/AIDS in Addis
Ababa Police Force.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Endalamaw, Feleke Demissie
Study of Fennel (Foeniculum vulgari Mill) Fruits for Major and Trace Elements Cultivated in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Endalamaw, Siranesh Getu
Ancient Ethiopic Manuscript Recognition Using Deep Learning Artificial Neural Network.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Endale, Abyot
Studies on Antimalarial Activity of the Leaf Constituent of Otostegia Integrifolia Benth. (Lamiacea) Against Plasmodium Berghei in Mice.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Endale, Hana
Parental Satisfaction Concerning their Neonatal Care and Associated Factors in Selected Governmental Hospital, Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia, 2017.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Endale, Tewodros Abir
Basketball Development and its Challenge
in Addis Ababa City Clubs.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Endale, Tsegaye Mohammed
Stability and Photovoltaic Performance Studies of Bulk Heterojunction Polymer Solar Cells.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Endalew, Addis
Socioeconomic Analysis of ‘Katikala’ Production and Consumption in Arsi-Negele Woreda of Oromia Region, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Endalew, Amare
Isolation of α-Amylase Producing Fungi from South Western Part of Ethiopia,
Characterization and Evaluation of the Enzyme for Bio-Ethanol Production.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Endalfer, Zinabu
Villagization in Contemporary Ethiopia: The Experience of Gambella Region, Anywaa Zone, from Human Rights Perspective.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Endashaw, Desalegn
Practices and Challenges of Cooperative Training in TVET Institutes and Companies in Gurage Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Endashaw, Desalegn
Practices and Challenges of Cooperative Training in TVET Institutes and Companies in Gurage Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Endashaw, Ibrahim
Practices and Contributions of Islamic Education to Modern Education in Ethiopia: the case of Bati Azhar Mesjid.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Endashaw, Mezegibe
An Assessment on Role of Community Participation in Rural
Water Supply Project: The case of Debati Woreda, Benishangul
Gumuz Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Endashaw, Tariku
Assessement of Late Entry to Antenatal Care and Its
Predictors among ANC Attendees in Gambella Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Endayehu, Nega
Jam Development from Selected Varieties of Mango.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Endazenaw, Getabalew
Assessment of Gender Differential in Magnitude and the Risk Factors of Childhood Malnutrition in Menz Keya District, North Shewa Zone, Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Endeshaw, Amde Michael
The State of Teachers' Participation in the Process of Primary School Curriculum Development in Southern Nations and Nationalities and Peoples' Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Endeshaw, Amde Michael
The State of Teachers' Participation in the Process of Primary School Curriculum Development in Southern Nations and Nationalities and Peoples' Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Endeshaw, Belay
Factors Contributing to Sexual Violence against Female High School Students in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Endeshaw, Tekola
Opportunistic and Other Intestinal
Parasites among HIV/AIDS Patients in
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Endeshaw, Yilkal
Harmonization of Light Rail Transit and Principal Arterial Streets (A Case Study on the Addis Ababa East-West LRT System and Principal Arterial Streets).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Endrias, Asrat
Total Oxidant-Antioxidant Status among
Psoriatic Patients Attending at Alert
Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Endrias, Tesfaye
Maternal and Child Health Service
Provision Assessment in
Tikur Anbessa General Specialized
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Endrie, Muhiye
Production of Spirulina (Arthrospira) Using Trona as a Major Ingredient of Culture Medium.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Endris, Anwar Yibrie
Determinants of HIV-VCT Acceptance in Gondar Town, Northwest Ethiopia: A Case Control Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Endris, Mohammed Endris
Pulsar Alignment Due to Radiation Reaction Torque.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Endris, Mohammed Mebrat
Self-Rule and Representation in Amhara National Regional State: A Case Study on Argoba Nationality.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Endris, Tesfaye
Assessment of HIV Voluntary Counseling and Testing Service Utilization and Associated Factors
among Gambella Teachers’ Education and Health Science College Students in Gambella
Regional State, South West Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Engda, Getu
Spatial and Temporal Analysis of
Prosopis juliflora (Swarz) DC Invasion in Amibara
Woreda of the Afar NRS.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Engdayahu, Amare
National Energy Sector Greenhouse Gas Emissions
of Ethiopia and its Mitigation Analysis.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Engede, Isabella
Strategies Used by Higher Education Loans Board in Loan Recovery from Beneficiaries in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Engelbrecht, Gerhardina Cornelia
Cognitive Dissonance in Trauma: The Conflict between Belief, Autobiographical Memory and Overt Behaviour.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Engelbrecht, Henriette
Die Begrip "Regte in Eiendom" In Artikel 28(1) Van Die Grondwet Van Die Republiek Van Suid-Afrika 200 Van 1993.
Masters thesis, Universiteit Van Suid-Afrika.
Engida, Tsegaye
The Status of Practical Work in Science Teaching in Selected Preparatory Schools in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Engidawork, Befrdu Meseret
The Perception of Premarital Education and Divorce Rate: Among Followers of the Ethiopian Evangelical Churches in Addis Ababa City Administration.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eniyew, Serkalem
Involving Constituent States in Negotiating Tax Treaties in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Enqvist, Johan
Involving Forest-Dependent Communities in Climate Change Mitigation: Obstacles and Opportunities for Successful Implementation of a REDD Mechanism in Babati District, Tanzania.
Undergraduate thesis, School of Life Sciences, Södertörn University College.
Entehawu, Gebrehiwot
The Legal Framework for Electronic Contracts in Ethiopia with
Special Emphasis on General Contract Law.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Entehawu, Gebrehiwot
The Legal Framework for Electronic Contracts in Ethiopia with Special Emphasis on General Contract Law.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Enyew, Endalew Lijalem
The Doctrine of Piercing the Corporate Veil: Its Legal Significance and Practical Application in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Enyew, Fikadu Balew
Practice and Challenges of Principals in Utilization of Financial and Material Resources in Secondary Schools of Arada Sub-City, Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Enyew, Taye Alamirew
Research - Policy Links in Ethiopian Education Sector: Faculty Research Productivity, Communications and Utilization in Education Sub Policy Making.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Epstein, Stanley Robert
Financial Innovation and Its Implications for Monetary Policy in South Africa.
Masters thesis, University of South Afrrica.
Erambo, Maurice
Assessment of the Effects of Team Cohesion on Task Performance.
Masters thesis, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology.
Erasmus, Coert Frederik
The Applicability, Purpose and Impact of Bond Options: The South African Perspective.
Masters thesis, University of south Afrrica.
Erasmus, Frederik Johan
Implikasies Van Die Beeindiging Van 'N Saamwoonverhouding.
Masters thesis, University of south Afrrica.
Erasmus, Magdalena
Voorkoms Van Stres by Huismoeders in Diens Van 'N Kinderhuis.
Masters thesis, Universiteit Van Suid-Afrika.
Erasmus, Megan
Transgenic Art and Science in Eduardo Kac’s Work: Ethical Issues Acknowledged.
Masters thesis, University of south Africa.
Erastus, Millien Kawira
Fabrication and Characterization of a Prototype Parabolic Trough Solar Concentrator for Steam Production.
Masters thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology.
Erba, Tilahun Bayou
Impacts of Deforestation on Rural
The Case of Kuyu Woreda, Central Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ergando, Abinet
The Role of Remittance and Return Migrants on Urban Growth and Rural Urban Linkage: The Case of Hosanna.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ergogo, Abaineh
Factors Influencing students’ Learning of Mathematics: The case of First Cycle Secondary Schools of Hadiya Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Erickson, Tammy Marie
A Critique of Marx's Theory of Alienation.
Masters thesis, University of south Afrrica.
Erjabo, Melaku
Prevalence of Low Back Pain and Associated Risk Factors among
Taxi Drivers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Erkola, Zekarias
The Legal and Institutional Aspects of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Forestry Project in Humbo and Damote Areas in Ethiopian.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ermias, Birhanu
Landslide Hazard Zonation around the Route from Alemketema Town to Ambat village, North Shewa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ermias, Dawit
Pornographic Consumption and its Association with Sexual Debut among High School Students of Gulele Sub-City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ertiro, Habtamu
Adoption of Physical Soil and Water Conservation Structures in Anna Watershed, Hadiya Zone, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Esaiyas, Atkilt
The Effects of Crude Extracts and Fractions of Alchemilla
Abyssinica on Smooth Muscle of Guinea Pig Ileum.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eseta, Bersissa Kumsa
Study on Ogaden Small Ruminant Haemonchosis: Morphological Characterization and Susceptibility to Albendazole and Tetramisole.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Esetemariam, Abraham
Polymer Translocation through Nanochannel: - A Two-Dimensional Monte Carlo Simulation Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eshete, Adanech
Assessment of Knowledge, Practice and Utilaization of Oral Rehayderation Therapy for Acute Watery Diarrhoeal Disease Case Management among Mothers (Caregivers’) of Under-Five Children in Assela Town, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eshete, Amare
The Practices and Problems of Balanced Score CARD/BSC/ Implementation in Gullele Sub City Education Office.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eshete, Tekabe Mekuria
The Practices and Challenges of Outcome-Based Training in Selected Bale Zone Technical and Vocational Education and Training Colleges.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eshete, Terefe Jima
Simulation and Optimization of Wind Turbine, Solar PV, Storage Battery and Diesel Generator Hybrid Power System for a Cluster of Micro and Small Enterprises Working on Wood and Metal Products at Welenchity Site.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eshete, Yitayou
Blending of Cinder with Fine-Grained Soil to be Used as Sub-Base Materials (The Case of Butajira-Gubre Road).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eshetie, Aragaw
Construction and Analysis of Augmented and Modified Augmented Designs.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eshetu, Ager
Factors Affecting Participation of Females in Secondary Schools in Gambella Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eshetu, Amelework
Diuretic Efficacy Evaluation of the Crude Extracts & Fractions of Thymus Serrulatus.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eshetu, Amelework
Diuretic Efficacy Evaluation of the Crude extracts & Fractions of Thymus Serrulatus.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eshetu, Andualem
Evaluation of Ground Water Resources Potential of the Teji River Cathment South West Shoa Zone, Oromia Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eshetu, Assaye
Greens Functions on a Disk and Upper Half Plane.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eshetu, Bethelhem
Assessing Visually Impaired Students’ Intention to Use ICT Based Assistive Technology for Learning: The Case of Addis Ababa University.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eshetu, Bezalem
Survival Time and Immunological Recovery of AIDS Patients under
Antiretroviral Treatment: A Case Study at Felege Hiwot Referal Hospital,
Bahir-Dar, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eshetu, Eskinder
Quality of Pharmaceutical Care in Government Hospitals of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eshetu, Eyob
Internship Report on Bole Bulbula Sewerage Line Construction Project.
Other thesis, Arba Minch University.
Eshetu, Frehywot
Willingness to Pay for Insectiside Treated Bed Net, its Utilization and Influencing Factors in Arbaminch Zuria District, SNNPR,Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eshetu, Gizaw
Detection and Characterization of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in
Stool of HIV Sero-positive Patients with Suspected Pulmonary
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eshetu, Haimanot
Participation of Female Students in Technical and Vocational Training in Entoto Technical and Vocational Education and Training Poly Technic College: Implications for Gender Equity.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eshetu, Kirubel
Prevalence and Genotype Distribution of High Risk Human Papilloma Virus and
Cervical cytology Abnormalities at Selected Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics, in
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eshetu, Mesfin
Behavioral and Sero Prevalence Survey of HIV 1 Infection in Asosa, Benishangul –Gumuz
National Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eshetu, Natnael
Knowledge, Attitude and Associated Factors of Women Aged
30-49 Years towards Menopause in Gulele Sub-City of Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eshetu, Nikodimos
Evaluation of the Acute and Sub-Chronic Toxic Effects of Aqueous Leaves Extracts of Artemisia
Afra on Liver, Kidney and Some Blood Parameters in Wistar Rats at Addis Ababa University
on Year 2014/2015.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eshetu, Seneshat
Bacterial Profile and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern of Blood
Culture Isolates at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa,
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eshetu, Tegegne
Methodology for Traffic Safety Audit and Inspection of Bridges.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eshetu, Tsehaye
Alternative Concrete-Steel Building Construction for Social Housing Projects.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa.
Eshitera, Eric Emali
Prevalence of Porcine Cysticercosis in Free Range Pigs and
Associated Risk Factors in Homa-Bay District, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Essanya, Evans
Competitive Strategies Adopted by Nairobi Aviation College, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Essay, Elshalom Endrias
Evaluating the Impact of Information Systems in
Ethiopian Commercial Banks.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Esther, Eunice Musyoka
Uhakiki wa Kimtindo wa Nyimbo za Mazishi Miongoni Mwa Wakamba.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Estifanos, Minilk
Prevalence of Deperession and Associted Factors among
Medical and Surgical out Patients in Dessie Referal
Hospital, North Eastern Amahara, Ethiopia, 2017.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Esuruku, Robert Senath
Gender Roles in Household Poverty Reduction: A Case of Pamulu and Julukwe Villages in Moyo District in North Western Uganda.
Masters thesis, University of Dar es Salaam.
Etale, Leonida Asiko
Competitive Strategies Adopted by Local Advertising Firms to Gain Competitive Advantage in the Industry.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Etamesor, Patrick Oshoriamhe
Reconstructing a Nation Fractured Memories, Identities and the Nigerian Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.
Etana, Adamu
Role of School -Based Supervision in Secondary Schools of West Wollega Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Etana, Belachew
Factors Affecting Immunization Status of Children Aged 12-23 Months in Ambo Woreda, West Shewa Zone of Oromia Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eticha, Kebede
Prevalence and Determinants of Child Malnutrition
in Gimbi District, Oromia Region, Ethiopia
Comparative Cross - Sectional Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eticha, Temesgen
Performance Evaluation of Care StartTM Malaria Pf/Pv Combo Test
at Arbaminch General Hospital and Health Center, Gamo Gofa
Zone, South Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Etsegenet, G/Hana
The Effect of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizer on Growth of
Jatropha curcasL. Seedling on Degraded Land at Nifas Silk Lafto
Subcity, Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Etsehiyiwot, G/Michael
Trends in CD4 Count Recovery and Clinical
Characteristics of HIV-Infected Patients Initiating Antiretroviral Therapy in Yekatit 12 Hospital Medical College.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Etyang, Linda Josephine
Factors Influencing Levels of Research Funding to Kenyan Public Universities by Non-Governmental Agencies.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Eusébio, André Pedro
A Missionação Jesuíta em Moçambique As Relações Com a Sociedade e com o Poder Político em Tete, 1941-2011.
Masters thesis, Universidade do Porto.
Evusa, Zablon
Factors Influencing the Efficiency and Efficacy of Kenya's Constituency Development Fund: A Case Study of Sabatia Constituency.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Exner, Rosemary Joyce
The Viability of Expressive Techniques as Used by the Educational Psychologist.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Eyase, Kelvin Kimulu
Influence of Cash Transfer Grant for Orphans and Vulnarable Children on Wellbeing of Households in Kakamega Central: Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Eyassu, Alubel Workle
Assessment of Community Empowerment and Sustainable Tourism Development: The Case of Zege Peninsula, Bahir Dar.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eyasu, Alemayehu
The Potential for a Micro-Regional Integration Arrangement
within the Context of COMESA: The Case of the North Gondar Zone, Ethiopia, and the Gedaref State, Sudan.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eybers, Cornelia
Die Komplementariteit Tussen Intimiteit En Afstand in Die Terapeutiese Verhouding.
Masters thesis, Universiteit Van Suid-Afrika.
Eyob, Bezawit
Factors Associated with Utilization of Institutional Delivery among Mothers in the Butajera Health & Demographic Surveillance System, Ethiopia, 2013. A Case Control Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eze, Jude Ikechukwu
Modelling HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Nigeria.
PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
Faasen, Zanné
Management’s Perception of Customers’ Service Feedback in an ICT Company: An Explorative Study.
Masters thesis, University of South Afrrica.
Fabi, Samuel Abolarinwa
TheInfluence of Management of Teaching and Learning on Matriculation Examination Results in the Sekhukhune District, Limpopo Province.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Fadhil, Abdalla M. A.
Adoption of Green Practices in Hospitality and Tourism Industry in Lamu County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Fadzai, Abigail Nyagwande
The Impact of Urban Expansion into Peri-Urban Communal Areas on Rural Women’s Land Rights: A Case Study of Seke Communal Area; Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Fako, Thomas
Pattern of Injuries and Associated Factors in Patients
Visiting the Emergency Department of Hawassa University
Referral Hospital.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fambirai, Tichaona
Factors Associated with Occurrence of Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis in Harare City, 2015.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Fantahun, Adane
Sobolev Space and Application to Elliptic Partial Differential Equation.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fantahun, Addishiwet
Prevalence and Associated Factors of Postpartum Depression among Mothers Attending Public Health Centers of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2016.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fantahun, Mengistu
Assessment of Possible Tuberculous Lymphadenopathy by Xpert
MTB/RIF Assay Compared to Non-Molecular Methods at St. Paul’s
Hospital Millennium Medical College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fantahun, Mesganaw
Assessing Communication on Sexual and Reproductive Health Issues among High School Students with their Parents, Bullen Woreda Benishangul Gumuz Region North West Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fantahun, Selamawit
In-Vivo Anti-Plasmodium Activity of Crude Extracts and
Solvent Fractions of Strychnos Mitis Leaves in
Plasmodium Berghei Infected Mice.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fantaye, Biruk
Collaboration for Knowledge Sharing among A.A TVET Colleges.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fantaye, Endashaw
Factors Associated with Personal Hygiene Practice among School Children in Boda Primary School around Ginci Twon, West Shoa, Oromia, Ethiopia, 2016.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fantu, Tigist
Socio-Culatura Causes and Consequences of Fistula on Ethiopian
Women: Case Study in Addisababa Fistula Hospital.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fanuel, Mazodze
Determinants of Adoption of Conservation Agriculture by Communal Farmers in
Masvingo District, Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Farah, Abucar Noor Ali
Seroprevalence of Anti-Toxoplasma IgG Antibody in HIV Patients with Neurological Manifestations.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Farah, Alinoor Mohamed
Maternal Undernutrition Indicators as Proxy Indicators of
their Offspring’s Undernutrition: Evidence from 2011 Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Farah, Nima H.
Effect of Mergers and Acquisitions on the Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Farayi, Blessing Jahure
The Spatio-Temporal Soil Moisture Variation along the Major Tributaries of Zambezi River in the Mbire District, Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Farhiya, Farah
Strategic Positioning as a Source of Sustainable Competitive Advantage at the Norwegian Refugee Council, Dolo Ado- Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Fatch, Joanna June
Local Participation in Transboundary Water Resources Management: The Case Of Limpopo Basin, Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, Univerisity of Zimbabwe.
Fatch, Joanna June
Local Participation in Transboundary Water Resources Management: The Case of Limpopo Basin, Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Faurie, Annari
The Admissibility and Evaluation of Scientific Evidence in Court.
Masters thesis, University of South Afrrica.
Faynet, Mohammed Andoshe
Perception of Local Community towards Deforestation: The Case of Edigetber and Selamber Kebele around Wolkite Town, Gurage Zone, SNNPRS.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fazila, Dockrat
The Identification of Peer-Counsellors in the Secondary School.
Masters thesis, University of South Afrrica.
Fekadie, Muluken
Effects of Depo-medroxyprogesterone Acetate (DMPA) on Lipid Profile, Body
Weight and Blood Pressure among Women in Tekele Hymanot and Lomeda
Health Centers, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fekadu, Abebe
An Assessment on Pregnant Women's
Utilization of and Attitude towards
Voluntary HIV Counseling and
Testing Service: The Case of
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fekadu, Alemselam
Enhancing Positive Outlook Towards the Teaching Profession of Trainee Teachers through the Use of Educational Films and
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fekadu, Elias
Health Facility Support Factors Associated with Exclusive Breastfeeding in Town Administrations of Wolaita Zone, Southern
Ethiopia: Community Based Cross-Section Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fekadu, Hamrawit
Assessment of Prescribing and
Adminstration Errors in Pediatric Inpatients
in Black Lion Specialized Hospital and
Zewditu Memorial Hospital, Addis Ababa,
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fekadu, Netsanet
Evaluation of the Antidepressant- like Activity of the Crude Extract and Solvent
Fractions of Rosa Abyssinica Lindley (Rosaceae) Using Rodent Models of Depression.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fekadu, Sintayehu
Assessment of Disinfectant and Antibiotic
Resistant Bacteria in Hospital Wastewater,
South Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fekadu, Sisay H/Mariam
The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in
Promoting the Development of Urban Agriculture:
The Case of Addis Ababa City.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fekadu, Wakshum
Teaching - Learning Through Plasma Television and Its Challenges in Selected Secondary Schools of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fekadu, Worku G/Mariam
Chromosome Study of some Fish Species from Rift Valley
Lakes and some Other Water Bodies of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fekadu, Zelalem
Shareholder or Stakeholder Model of Corporate Governance: Which One Should Ethiopia Choose?
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fekede, Ayantu
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Towards
Management of Birth Asphyxia among Nurses and
Midwives Working In Labour Ward and Nicu in
Governmental Hospitals, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2017.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Feleke, Beneberu Shimelis
Fluoride Removal from Water by Locally Produced Aluminum Hydroxide.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Feleke, Ketema Zenebe
The Absence of Basin Wide Agreement over the Use of the Nile and its Implications for Peace in the Region.
Masters thesis, Hekima University College a Constituent College of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Felema, Bogale
Assessment of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs)
Utilization among Children under Five Years of Age
and Pregnant Women of Adama Woreda,
Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fenta, Atnafu Temesgen
Prevalence of HIV- Co Infection and Multiple Drug Resistance of Pulmonary Tuberculosis among Patients Attending Debre Markos Referral Hospital, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fenta, Melkamu
Assessment of Factors Affecting Utilization of
Maternal Health Care Services in Ayssaita and
Dubti Towns, Afar Regional State, North East
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fenta, Tadesse
Effect of Processing Conditions and Optimization of Gluten Free Lentil-Corn Blend Extrudates.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fenta, Wubie Enyew
FEM Based Advanced Torsion Analysis
of Curved Steel Box Girder Bridges.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fentahun, Adeno
Adsorptive Removal of Fluoride from Water Using Nano Scale Aluminium Oxide Hydroxide.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fentahun, Sisay
A Study on the Assessement of Prevalance of Asthma and Factors that Lead Patients to Visit Adult Emergency Room of Zewditu Memmorial Hospital, Addis Ababa, 2017.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fentahun, Tiguaded
Fertility Intention and Family Planning Utilization among People
Living with HIV/AIDS in Felege Hiwot Hospital Bahir Dar.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fentaw, Alemu Eshetu
Impacts of Climate Variability and Change on Food Security and Farmers Adaptation Strategies in Gubalafto Woreda, North Wollo, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fentaw, Tesfaye
Analysis of Organizational Change Management Practices at Ethio Telecom.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fentie, Melisachew
Impact of Resettlment on Woody Plant Species: The Case of Jawie,
Awie Zone, Amhara Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ferenj, Endrias
Challenges of Development of Youth Handball Clubs: The Case of Boditti Town in Wolaiyta Zone -South Nation Nationalities and People Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Feresenebet, Tedlamelekot
Fullerene: A Gift of Nanoscience.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Feseha, Haimanot
Assesment of the Magnitude of Valid Dose of Child Vaccination &
Its Associated Factors among Children Aged 12 – 23 Months in
Duguna Fango Woreda, Wolayta Zone, Southern Nation &
Nationality People Region, February 10 – 29, 2016.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fesseha, Tadesse
Retrospective Record Assessment of Visceral
Leishmaniasis(VL) Patients in Kahsaye-Abera Hospital and
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Pertaining to Visceral
Leishmaniasis among the Indigenous People and Migrant
Workers in Kafta-Humera District.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fetene, Abiy
An Assessment of the Status of Quality of Education in Government Secondary Schools of Bole Sub-City in Addis Ababa City Adminisration.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fetene, Atikilt
Critical Assessment of the Role and the Response of the African Union and Subregional Intergovernmental Organizations in Combating Climate Change.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fetene, Belste
Effect of Feed Quality on Growth Performance and Water Quality in Cage Culture System for Production of Nile Tilapia [Oreochromis niloticus, (L., 1758)] in Lake Babogaya, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fetene, Mulualem
The Concept of Benefit Sharing in The Context of the Eastern Nile Basin.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fetene, Nigusie
The Effect of Youth Centers on Reduction of Risky Sexual Behaviors
among Youth in Addis Ababa, 2016.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fetiya, Alferid
Patterns of Admission and Mortality of Patients Admitted to Surgical Intensive Care of Tikur Anbesssa Specialized Teaching Hospital.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Feven, Solomon
Spatial and Temporal Water Quality Trend Analysis
Using Sediment Cores and Water Samples from Aba
Samuel Lake, South West of Addis Ababa, Central
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Feye, Ashenafi
Two Mechanisms for Segregating Mixtures of Brownian Particles.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Feyisa, Mulugeta
Parent Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health
Communication and Associated Factors among Secondary
and Preparatory School Students in Fiche Town, North
Shoa, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Feyissa, Aberra
Assessment of the Magnitude of Attrition and Exploring Factors
Related to it among Health Extension Workers Deployed in Oromia Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Feyissa, Aemiro
Challenges in Achieving Universal Primary Education in Borana Pastoral Community.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Feyissa, Ayele Kenea
Assessment of Soil Erosion Risk in the Holeta Watershed, Central
Oromiya, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Feyissa, Lemessa Debela
Evaluation of the Acute and Sub-Chronic Toxicity of Aqueous
Extracts of Leaves of Moringa Stenopetala on Some Blood
Parameters,and Histopathology of Thyroid Gland, Pancreas and
Adrenal Glands in Rats.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Feyissa, Tadiwos
Evaluation of Renoprotective Effects of
Euclea Divinorum Hierns against Gentamicininduced Nephrotoxicity in Rats.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fida, Jirata
Assessments of Intention to Turnover and Associated Factors among
Health Professionals Working in Hospitals in Central Oromia, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fikadu, Fikrte
Assessment of HIV Serostatus Discloser and its Influence on Adherence to ARV Treatment among HIV-infected Adolescents in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fikirte, Negash
Assessment of Clinical Decision Making among Nurses Working in Hospitals of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2017.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fikiru, Edossa
Morphological and Molecular Diversity in Ethiopian Lentil (Lens Culinaris Medikus) Landrace Accessions and their Comparison with some Exotic Genotypes.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fikre, Eskinder
Mentoring for Student-Teachers’ Professional Practice of Special Needs Education at Sebeta Special Needs Teachers College Linkage Schools.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fikre, Martha
Assessment of Parent-Adolescent Communication on Sexual and
Reproductive Health Matters in
Awassa Town, SNNPR, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fikre, Rekiku
Assessment of Factors Affecting Clinical Practice
Competency of Undergraduate Health Science Students
in Hawassa University, South, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fikre, Zelalem
Performance Comparison of Spatial Multiplexing and
Spatial Diversity in Rate Adaptive Wireless MIMO Systems.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fikremariam, Genet Mezemir
Automatic Stemming for Amharic Text: An Experiment Using Successor Variety Approach.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fikresilasie, Samuel
Efficacy of Albendazole Currently in Use against Soil Transmitted Helminthiasis among School Children in Wondo Genet, Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fikreyesus, Daniel
Methodology of Coaching and Recruitment Mechanisms: In some Selected Premier League Clubs in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fikreyesus, Daniel
Methodology of Coaching and Recruitment Mechanisms: In some Selected Premier League Clubs in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fikrom, G/Medhin
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitudeand Practice and Associated Factors on the Prevention of Occupational Health Risks among Solid Waste Collectors in Lideta Sub City, Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fikru, Dawit
Permeation Groutability Assessment on Volcani-Clastic-Sediments (Particularly on Un Welded Tuff and Volcanic Breccia): A Case of Kesem Dam Foundation Grouting, in Afar Regional State, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Finch, Febby
An Assessment of the Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Communities in Lusaka Urban District of Zambia towards the Aged: A Case of Chipata and Ng’ombe Compounds.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Firdawoke, Amare
“Physical Education Practical Class Management Problems and Teachers Coping Strategies in the Case of some Selected Private and Public Preparatory Schools of Kirkos Sub City.”.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Firdawoke, Amare
“Study of Physical Education Practical Class Management Problems and Teachers Coping Strategies in the Case of some Selected Private and Public Preparatory Schools of Kirkos Sub City.”.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Firdissa, Teshale
Design and Optimization of Molasses Treatment Plant to Reduce Scale Formation in Ethanol Production (The Case of Metahara Sugar Factory Ethanol Plant).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Firew, Tezera
Constitutive Model for the Red Clay Soils of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Firissa, Teferi
Compensatory Remedies for Breach of the Right to Physical Liberty in Ethiopia: An Appraisal of the Legal and Institutional Framework.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fisher, Thomas
Chagga Elites and the Politics of Ethnicity in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.
PhD thesis, University of Edinburgh.
Fisseha, Abebe
An Investigation of History Teaching in Ethiopian Senior Secondary School: Historical Perspectives and Current Status.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fisseha, Asmelash
A Survey of Nontimber Forest Products and their Conservation Status in the Gimbo District, SNNPR, Southwest Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fisseha, Solomon
Outcomes of Post-Term Pregnancy: Case Control Study in the
Three AAU Teaching Hospitals (TAH, GMH and ZMH)
Other thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fissehaye, Michael Habtu
Risk of HIV Infection among Men Aged 50 To 75 Years Using Erectile Dysfunction Drugs Attending Kenyatta National Hospital.
Masters thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University Of Agriculture And Technology.
Fita, Adugna
Duality in Multiobjective Programming.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fitsum, W/Gebriel
Quality of Pediatric Prescription Writing at the Department of Pediatrics and Child Health Outpatient and Emergency Unit,
Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fitsumbirhan, Tigist
Pattern and Outcome of Adult Medical Emergency Department
Admissions at Yekatit 12 Hospital, Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fituma, Shewaye
HIV Positive Status Disclosure and Highly Active
Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence among People Living
with HIV in Ambo Hospital, West Shewa Zone, Oromia
Region, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fitwi, Sisay
Feasibility Study of Standalone PV/Wind/Biogas Hybrid System for Rural Electrification: (A Case Study of Midrwa Community in Adigrat District).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Flagot, Yohannes
Derivative Free Optimization Methods.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Foba, Caroline Ngichop
Field Release and Recovery of Leafminer Endoparasitoid Phaedrotoma Scabriventris Nixon (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), Its Interactions with Local Parasitoids and Behavioral Responses to Hosts in Vegetable Production Systems in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University.
Fobo, Limpho
Predicting Hydrological Droughts from a Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) in South Phuthiatsana River Basin, Lesotho.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Foggin, C. M.
Rabies and Rabies-Related Viruses in Zimbabwe Historical, Virological and Ecological Aspects.
PhD thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Fondo, E.N
A Comparative Study of Macrofauna in a Highly Exploited and a Less Exploited Mangrove Swamp at Gazi Area, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Formo, Rannveig Knutsdatter
Power and Subjectivation The Political Ecology of Tanzania's Wildlife Management Areas.
Masters thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB).
Foziya, Ahmed
Factors Affecting the Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning at Commercial Bank of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Frank, Rangarirai
An Exploration of the Coping Mechanisms Adopted By Adolescents Living With HIV and Aids in Chinhoyi: A Case of Adolescents Receiving Treatment at Chinhoyi Provincial Hospital, Mashonaland West Province in Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Fredrick, Kipchirchir Misoi
Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Decentralised Recruitment of Teachers in Public Secondary Schools in Nandi South District, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Fredrick, Omoro Makini
The Influence of Youth Enterprise Development Fund On Perfomance of Youth Owned and Operated Economic Enterprises in Manga Sub County, Nyamira County.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Frimpong, Christiana
Seroprevalence and Determinants of Toxoplasmosis in Pregnant Women attending Antenatal Clinic at the University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Fromsa, Muluneh
Stability and Comparative Dissolution Studies of Five Brands of Norfloxacin Tablets Marketed in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fufa, Bogalech
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices on Cervical Cancer Screening among Health Service Providers at Marie Stopes International Ethiopia Centers, 2015.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fufa, Tadesse
Development of Water Allocation and Utilization System for Koka Reservoir under Climate Change and Irrigation Development Scenarios (Case Study Downstream of Koka Dam to Metahara).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fufi, Gebeyehu
Practices and Problems of Decision Making in Selected Preparatory Schools of Horro Guduru Wollega Zone of Oromia National Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fujaga, Sisaye
Assessment of Voluntary Counseling and
Testing Utilization among Preparatory
Students in Hawassa Town, SNNPR, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fule, Desaleng Dango
Profiles of Liver Function Tests among Type 2 Diabetic Patients who are Receiving Different Anti-Diabetic Drugs Attending Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fulea, Duguma
Conditional Grant Allocation and Its Implementation in the Ethiopia Federal System: A Comparative Study of Afar, Amhara, Oromia and Somali Regional National States.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fuli, Ararso
The Relation of Malaria Incidence and Climate Out of Population in Amuru Woreda, Horo Guduru Wollega Zone, West Ethiopia from 2007-2016 Year.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fuller-Good, Yvonne Shirley
Reflections of a Woman Pastoral Therapist in Private Practice.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Funsani, Peter
Morbidity and Mortality Trend Analysis of Cervical Cancer in Zambia for the Period 2007 To 2014: A Case of Cancer Diseases Hospital, Lusaka, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Fury, Daba Bane
Assessment of Premarital Sexual Practices and Factors Related
to it among Ambo High School Students.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
G'mariam, Yoseph
Achievement and Challenges of Micro and Small Enterprises in Improving the Income of the Poor: the Case of Two Sub Cities of Asella Town.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
G/ Silassie, Araya
Evaluation of Powder and Essential Oils of some Botanical Plants for their Efficacy against Zabrotes subfasciatus (Boheman) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) on Haricot Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under Laboratory Condition in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
G/Egziabher, Equbay
Ethiopian Field Epidemiology Training Program (EFETP).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
G/Hanna, Ewenat
The social burden of podoconiosis in Wolayita zone, Southern Nation
Nationality People’s Region, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
G/Hiwet, Awoke Wosene
The Effects of Job Satisfaction on Employees’ Turnover Intention in
Addis Ababa Housing Construction Project Office.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
G/Kiros, Amenu Asefa
Methods for Sample Preparation and Analysis of Residual Levels of Selected Herbicides at Various Production Stages of Sugar from Industries in Ethiopia, Based on Literature Review.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
G/Michael, Amanuel Desta
The Desire to Have Children: Is PMTCT an Opportunity for HIV Positive People? A Cross Sectional Study in Mekelle Health Institutions, Tigray, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
G/Silassie, Andualem
The Contribution of Physical Education to Students Physical Fitness, Health and Academic Achievement in some Selected Secondary School in North Shoa Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
G/Slassie, Hagos Nigusse
Practices and Challenges of School Based Tutorial Program for Female Students' in General Secondary Schools of North Western Zone of Tigray National Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
G/Yes, Abrham G/Selassie
Assessment on the Implementation of Woreda Decentralization in Gambella Regional State: The Case of Abobo and Lare Woredas.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
G/meskel, G/slassie
Assess and Improve the Low Bed Occupancy Rate in ABI-ADI Hospital,
Tigray, Ethiopia, 2013.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
G/wold, Yeshewazerf
Assessment of Public Leisure Services Provision: The Case of Addis Ababa Recreational Parks.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gabayi, Princess
An Assessment of the Profitability of Small Holder Commercial Egg Production in Zimbabwe: A Case Study of Goromonzi, UMP and Mutasa Districts.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Gabaza, Marlven
Anti-Diabetic Activity of Eriobotrya Japonica Leaf Extracts In Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Rats.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Gabida, Meggie
Effects of Mother-Based Promotion of Exclusive Breastfeeding on Duration and Severity of Diarrhea and Pneumonia: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial, Midlands Province, Zimbabwe, 2013.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Gabourie, Taylor
Exploration of the Adjustment Methods and Coping Styles Employed By Expatriates in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gachagua, Alice Wangari
Analysis of the Effectiveness of Venture Capital on Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kenya: A Case of Nanyuki Town, Laikipia County.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gachanja, Samuel Peter
The Effects of Trellising, Spacing and Pruning on Fruit Yields and Quality, Disease Incidences and Production Life of Purple Passion Fruit at Thika, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gachanja, Lydiah Wairimu
A Migration Framework to Database as a Service for Universities: A Case of a Kenyan University.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gachara, M. Mwangi
Pragmatic Analysis of the Language Used to Campaign against HIV/AIDS: A Case Study of Gikúyú Speakers in Nairobi and Nyeri.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gachari, Francis
Impact of Atmospheric Tides on Climate Model.
PhD thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University.
Gacheha, Timothy Gitau
Assessment of Information and Communication Tools (ICTs) Used in the Diffusion of Agricultural Innovations: A Case Study of Cassava Production in Msambweni, Kwale County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gacheru, Esther Njoki
An Investigation into the National Construction Authority’s Challenges in Regulating Building Contractors: The Case of Mombasa County.
Masters thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology.
Gacheru, Patrick Kamau
Quality and Safety of Sun-Dried Cassava Chips and Flour in Kenyan Markets and Tent Solar Dried Cassava Chips.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gachie, Munuhe Simon
Corporate Strategy Implementation in Construction Industry in Kenya: A Case of H-Young & Co. East Africa Ltd, in Nairobi, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gachigua, Simon Ndung'u
Evaluation of Slide Test, 2-Mercaptoethanol Test and Elisa in Diagnosis of Human Brucellosis in Nyandarua District, Central Province, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gachimu, Richard Kariuki
Relationship between Prime Factors of a Number and its Ategorization as Either Friendly or Solitary.
Masters thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University.
Gachohi, John Mwangi
A Simulation Model for Rift Valley Fever Transmission.
PhD thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gachoka, Janet
Effects of Strategies Used in Enhancing the Competitiveness of Tour and Travel Industry: A Case of Nakuru Municipality.
Masters thesis, Kabarak University.
Gachuhi, Harry
The Effect of Interest Rates Changes on Performance of the Nairobi Securities Exchange 20 Share Index.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gachuhi, Rodney Mwangi
Competitive Strategies Adopted by Barclays Bank of Kenya Ltd in Response to Competition from Micro-finance Institutions.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gachuhi, Samuel K.
Assessment of Learner Centred Teaching and Learning Approaches in Mathematics and Science Subjects in Secondary Schools in Gatundu North District.
Masters thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Gadaga, Louis L.
Investigation of the Toxicological and Pharmacological Activity of a Hydroethanolic Extract of Boophone Disticha Bulb.
MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Gadisa, Endalamaw
Species Typing of Leishmania Isolates from Cutaneous Lesions of Patients in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gadisa, Eshetu
Combined Antibacterial Effect of Essential Oils from Three Most
Commonly used Ethiopian Traditional Medicinal Plants on Selected
Multidrug Resistant Bacteria.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gadisa, Solomon
Assessment of Functionality and Competence of Health Extension Workers in East Shoa Zone, Oromia Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gadissa, Fekadu
Chromosome Study in Five Endemic Kniphofia Species (Asphodelaceae) of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gaga, Asaminew Geremu
Determinants of Home Birth among Women Attending Health Facilities in Wondo Genet, Sidama Region, Ethiopia, 2021: A Case-Control Study.
Masters thesis, University of Hawassa.
Gaitho, Joyce Kagendo
Strategic Planning Practices Adopted by UAP Insurance Company Limited in Kenya to Enhance Performance.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gaitho, Vincent Gichuru
Community Participation in Sustainable Rural Shelter Development in Machakos District Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gaiti, David Maina
Farmer Response to Population Pressure on Land: A Case Study of Kikuyu Division, Kiambu, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gaka, E
Factors Associated with Uptake of HIV Testing Among HIV Exposed Infants in Goromonzi District, 2012.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Gakahu, Thomas Waituika
Challenges of Strategy Implementation at the Municipal Council of Thika.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gakaria, Morrine W.
Factors Influencing Sustainability of Smallholder Tea Production: A Case of Women Farmers in Iriaini Tea Factory, Othaya Division, Nyeri County.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gakobo, Joyce Muthoni
Effects of Transformational Leadership and Prior Knowledge on Growth of Women-Owned Micro and Small Enterprises in Kasarani Division, Nairobi County, Kenya.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gakuo, Elizabeth Wanjiku
The Relationship between Government Investment in Energy Infrastructure and Economic Growth in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gakuo, Joseph Kariuki
Changamoto za Uchanganuzi na Ufasiri wa Ushairi katika Shule za Upili Nchini Kenya.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gakuru, Rosemary Nduta
An Analysis of Causes of Teachers Turnover in Public Secondary
Schools: A Case of Makuyu Division Murang'a County in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gakuya, Gacharia James
Strategic Leadership and Change Management Practices at Chase Bank Kenya Limited.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gakuya, Lucy Wambura
The Preservative Potential of the Indigenous Plants Commonly Used by the Maasai Community in Milk Processing and Preservation.
Masters thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University.
Galgallo, Abdi Wako
Strategy Implementation Challenges in the Devolved Government Units: Case of Mombasa
County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Galmessa, Alemayehu
Assessment of Prevalence, Determinants and Effects
of Mental Distress among Alemaya University Students.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gamba, Lovejoy S.
Determinants of Fertility in Zimbabwe: An Assessment of the Period 1999 - 2005.
Masters thesis, Univerisity of Zimbabwe.
Gamba, Lovejoy S.
Determinants of Fertility in Zimbabwe: An Assessment of the Period 1999 - 2005.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Gambo, Stephen Tembo
Evaluation of Challenges Facing Industrial Crops Farming in the Coastal Region of Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gamtesa, Talile Miresa
Long Distance Point-to-Point Wi-Fi Link for Connectivity in Rural Areas of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gamundani, Attlee Munyaradzi
A Cloud Computing Architecture for e-Learning Platform, Supporting Multimedia Content.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Gana, Aman Shuge
Compatibility of State Constitutions with the FDRE Constitution: The Case of Oromiya and Benishangul-Gumuz Regional States.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ganfure, Gemechu
First Aid Knowledge, Attitude and Practice among Kindergarten Teachers of Lideta-Sub-City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2016.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ganza, Jean Baptiste G.
The Principle of Integral Reconciliation: Beyond Political Arrangements in Rwanda.
Licentiate thesis, The Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.
Gara, Herbert
An Analysis of European Union (EU) Aid to Zimbabwe from 1980 to 2000.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Gara, Tawanda Winmore
Modelling Spatial Variations in Wood Volume and Forest Carbon Stocks in Dry Forests of Southern Africa Using Remotely Sensed Data.
MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Garang Kuol, Gabriel
The Role of National Radio in Solid Waste Management in Juba: A Case Study of South Sudan Radio.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Garedew, Gashaw
Hematological Profiles of HIV Positive Adults Treated with HAART (Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy) at Black Lion Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gargule, Andrew Achiba
Feasibility Study on a Partnership between the Department of Lands and the Private Sector in the Development of an Effective and Efficient Land Information Management System with Specific Reference to Land Records Management in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gari, Abel Teshome
Diversity Study on Seed Quality Traits of Ethiopian Mustard (Brassica Carinata A. Braun) among Seed Samples Selected from Oromiya Regional State, Ethiopia Assessed by Proximate Analysis.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gari, Taye
HIV Positive Status Disclosure to Sexual
Partners among Women PLWHA at Hawassa
Referral Hospital, SNNPR - Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Garoma, Milkesa Negera
The Practices and Challenges of Educational Leadership on the One –To- Five Teachers’ Teamwork in the Secondary Schools of West Shoa Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Garuma, Gemechu Fanta
Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation and its Physical
Modulating Factors in Africa Based on
TOMS and NOAA Polar Orbiting Satellites.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gashaw, Abebe
A Research Paper to be Submitted to Department of Anesthesia College of Health Sciences, Addis Ababa University in Partial Fulfillment for the Requirement of the Master Degree in Anesthesia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gashaw, Abebe Gizaw
Determinants of Family Planning Service Utilization: The Case of Mojjo Town, Oromia Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gashaw, Arega
Assessment of the Management of Diarrhea in Children Under Five in Health Centers of Addis Ababa City Administration, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gashaw, Destaye
Magnitude of Burnout and its Associated Factors among Nurses Working in Public Hospitals of Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gashaw, Fekadu
Determination of Degree of Anisotropy of KTP Crystal Using Reflectance Anisotropy
Spectroscopy Technique.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gashaw, Ketema
Assessment of Sexual Behaviors and Factors Influencing Risk
Perception on HIV/AIDS among Preparatory Students in
Adama Town, East Shoa Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gashaw, Linda
Assesment of Knowledge and Practice of Adult Intensive Care Unit
Nureses and Their Barriers on Pressure Ulcer Prevention and
Management in Selected Public Hospitals.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gashaw, Lulie
Prospects of mHealth on Improving non-Communicable Chronic
Disease Management in Addis Ababa: The Case of Public Hospitals
Owned by Addis Ababa City Administration Health Bureau.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gashaw, Rahel
Quality of Early Childhood Care and Education: The case of selected Government ECCE centers in Bole and Kirkos Sub-cites in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gashaw, Tesfaye
Dynamic Risk Modeling and Analysis in Addis Ababa Road Construction Projects.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gashaw, Tewodros Tesfaye
Software Development for Design of Slab and T-Girder Reinforced Concrete Bridges.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gashaw, Worku
Situational Analysis of Urban Household Cooking Energy Consumption Pattern: The Case of Woldia Town, North Wollo Administrative Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gashaw, Yalemwork
Depression among Addis Ababa University Students Sidist Kilo Campus: Prevalence, Gender Difference and Other Associated Factors.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gashawbeza, Kumneger
Risk Perception and Condom Use among Married in Addis Ababa: The Case of Kolfe Keranyo Sub City.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gatata, Robert Muraguri
Establishing Reference Intervals for Cd4+ and Cd8+ T lymphocyte Subsets in HIV Negative Adults in Nairobi, Kenya 2008.
Masters thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University.
Gatere, Mwangi Samuel
Teachers’ Perception of the Performance Based Rewards and Commitment in Public Secondary Schools in Kikuyu Sub-County.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gathara, Janeesther Wanjiru
A Cognitive Approach to Gikuyu Polysemy.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gathecah, Simon Kamau
Strategies Adopted By SMEP Deposit Taking Microfinance Limited to Gain a Sustainable Competitive Advantage.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gathecha, Gladwell Koku
Dental Caries and its Relationship to Oral Health Knowledge and Practice among 12 Year Old Children in Nairobi West District, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology.
Gathege, Dorothy Waithira
The Tennis Serve and its Relationship to Performance in Competition: A Study of Selected Matches during the 1997 Kenya National Tennis Championships.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gathenya, Jane Wanjiku
Entrepreneurial Strategic Planning Practices and Firm Performance among Women-Led
Small and Medium Enterprises in Kenya.
PhD thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University.
Gathigi, Lucy Nyandia
Factors Influencing Utilization of Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation Services among Women Attending Antenatal Clinic at Nyeri Provincial Hospital Kenya.
Masters thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology.
Gathigia, Mwai K. J.
Investigation into Factors that Influence Students’ Career Choice in Public Secondary Schools: A Case of Ol Joro Orok Division, Nyandarua North District, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gathii, Rose Waweru
An Investigation into Human Resource Practices as Determinants of Effectiveness in The Management of Insurance Companies.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gathiira, Titus Githaiga
Board of Governors' Effectiveness in Teachers' Recruitment and Selection in Public Secondary Schools: A Case of Murang’a North District, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gathima, Veronicah Nglma
Opportunities and Challenges of Community-Based Forest Resource Conservation in Naro Moru Ecosystem, Mount Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenya University.
Gathimba, Naftary Kimenju
Performance of UPVC Pipe Confined Concrete Columns in Compression.
Masters thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University.
Gathinji, Waithaka, Simon
Determinants Influencing the Successful Implementation of Modern Housing Projects in Mikindani, Mombasa County.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gathiru, Dr. Charles M
The Prevalence of Allergic Rhinitis in College Students at Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) - Nairobi.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gathoni, Ann
Mother’s Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Regarding Neonatal Illness and Assessment of
Neonates at Kenyatta National Hospital.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gathu, Lilly Wambui
Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity of Some Plants Used By Herbalists in Central Province, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gathua, Francis Kinyua
Public Procurement Process in Kenya: A Review of its Performance in the University of Nairobi, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gathuma, Bernice Wanjiru
The Impact of Human Resource Outsourcing at Zain Kenya Limited Bernice Wanjiru Gathuma.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gathumbi, Jamal Omar Kongo
Factors Affecting Electronic Payment Adoption by Matatu Owners Saccos in Nairobi City County.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gathungu, Duncan Kioi
Analysis of Convective Heat Transfer in a Fluid Flow Over an Immersed Axi-Symmetrical Body with Curved Surfaces.
Masters thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture And Technology.
Gathuri, Joseph Wanjau
The Implications of Rezoning on Land use Pattern and Infrastructure: A Case Study of Kilimani in Nairobi.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gathuthi, Elijah Kabiru
Financial Management Practices in Tertiary Training Institutions in Nyeri North and South Districts.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gathuya, Samuel, Wambugu
Association between HIV Status and Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Clients Seeking Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) Services in Selected Sites in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gatimu, Anne Wangari
Challenges Facing Gender Mainstreaming in the Kenya Prisons Service.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gatimu, Joseph Kariuki
A Survey on Sustainable Training and Development Programs for Forex Bureax Employees in Coast Province.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gatitu, Kiguru
A Critical Discourse Analysis of Language used in Selected Courts of Law in Kenya.
MPhil thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gatonye, Mary K. (Mrs.)
A Study of Home Science Teachers' Perceptions of Domestic Environmental Pollution in Limuru Division Primary Schools, Kiambu District.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gatu, John Gaturo
The Role of All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC) in International Conflict Management:
A Case of South Sudan.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gatua, Jane Waithera
Assessment of the Implementation of Ministry of Education Safety Guidelines on Physical Infrastructure in Public Secondary Schools in Nairobi West Region, Kenya.
PhD thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Gatua, Jane Waithera
Assessment of the Implementation of Ministry of Education Safety Guidelines on Physical Infrastructure in Public Secondary Schools in Nairobi West Region, Kenya.
PhD thesis, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Gatuhi, Simon Kamau
Macroeconomic Factors and Stock Market Performance in Kenya.
PhD thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology.
Gatumu, Peter Nyagah
The Effect of Working Capital Management on Share Returns of Companies Listed in the Nairobi Securities Exchange.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gatumu-Ogolla, Jemmima Wanja
Adoption of Computer Technology and its Impact on Organizational Performance and Labour Requirements: A Case of Three Organizations in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gatundu, Daniel
Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies Internal Conflicts and Foreign Policy in Africa: A Case Study of South Sudan, 2005-2014.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gatuthu, Peninah N.
Biochemical Profiles in Children with HIV at Gertrude's Children's Hospital Comprehensive Care Centre, Nairobi, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gatwiri, Catherine M
An Investigation of the Approaches Used to Motivate Employees in Educational Institutions A Study of Female Teachers in Public Secondary Schools and Tertiary Colleges within Meru Central District.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gavera, Miriam Fadziso
Investigating the Impact of Climate Variability and Climate Change on Tick Borne Diseases in Chiredzi District.
Masters thesis, Univerisity of Zimbabwe.
Gaya, Beatrice Akinyi
Job Satisfaction of Deputy Head Teachers in Private Secondary Schools in Nairobi Province.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gaya, Dennis Evans
An Assessment of the Determinants of Strategy Implementation at the Kenya Sugar Board, Nairobi.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gebereslassie, Berhanu
Principals’ Leadership Effectiveness in Secondary Schools of Addis Ababa City Administration.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Geberu, H/Micheal Belete
Impact of Male Out - Migration on Rural Women’s Livelihood: The Case of Chencha Woreda South Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebeyaw, Worku Ashenafi
Teachers’ Perception on the Practice of Performance Appraisal at Preparatory Schools of Gulele Sub- City, Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebeyehu, Adane Kebede
The Distributions of Parthenium Weed (Parthenium hysterophorus L. Asteraceae) and
some of its Socio-Economic and Ecological Impacts in the Central Rift Valley, Adami
Tulu-Jido Kombolcha Woreda; Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebeyehu, Assaminew
GIS-Based Groundwater Vulnerability Mapping of Holeta River Catchment, Oromia Regional State, West Shewa Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebeyehu, Endalew
Phenotyping of CYP2C19 and CYP3A4 by
Using Omeprazole as a Probe Drug and
Genotyping of CYP2C19 for Common
Allelic Variants in Ethiopians.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebeyehu, Tadele
Factors Influencinq Husband - Wife Attitude and Use of Contraceptive Methods.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebeyehu, Temesgen
The Effect of Khat Chewing on Sexual Desire among Adults in Logia
Town, North East Ethiopia; Community Based Comparative Cross
Sectional Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebeyehu, Yeserah
Standardization of Guidelines for Railway Track Infrastructure
Subsystem for Railway System of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebeyehu, Yihenew
Comparative Assessment of Malaria and Intestinal
Parasite Prevalence in Awramba and Neighboring
Communities in Wojiarbamba Kebele, South Gondar
Zone, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebi, Lencho
Prevalence of Congenital Heart Disease-Related Pulmonary Arterial
Hypertension among the Children with Congenital Heart Disease Attending
Follow-Up Clinic at TASH. Echocardiograph Diagnoses.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebre, Abreha G. Slassie
Assessment on Hydraulic Properties of the Ethiopian Tarmaber Formations.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebre, Admassu
The Situation of Public and Private Early Childhood Education in Bonga Town: A Comparative Analysis.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebre, Alemayehu Bisrat
Knowledge and Perception of Health Care Providers Towards Telemedicine Applications & Benefits: A Survey from Tikur Anbessa & Nekemete Hospitals.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebre, Ashebir
Prevalence of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C and Associated Risk Factors among HIV Positive Individuals at Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) Centers in Jimma Zone, South West Ethiopia, 2016.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebre, Bereket
Intensity Dependence of the Photovoltaic Parameters of Organic Bulk-Heterojunction Solar Cell.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebre, Eshetu
Agricultural Drought Conditions in North Wollo Zone, Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebre, Getaneh
Mass Concentrations and Metals Speciation of Urban Atmospheric Aerosols in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebre, Hadgu Gerensea
Experimental Study on Comparison of Body Temperature among 5Min and 10Min
Glass Mercury Thermometers and Digital Thermometers in Under-5 Children with
Febrile Illness at Axillary site in Axum Saint Mary Hospital, Central Zone of
Tigray, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebre-Iyesus, Ameha Yaekob
RAPD Analysis for Genetic Diversity and Relationships in Tetraploid Wheats (AABB Genome) of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebreamlak, Leake
An Assessmnet of the Status of Out-Come Based Training in
Some Selected Government TVET Colleges of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebreamlak, Yirgalem
Investigation of Building Demolition Practices and Safety Precautions on Selected Sites of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebreegziabher, Abraha
Treatment Outcomes of Portal Hypertension in Children; Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital.
Other thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebreegziabher, Tesfay
Study on Smart Grid System for Improvement of Power Distribution System Reliability Case Study: Addis Ababa District.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebreetsadik, Tsegu
Impact of Household Extension Package on Food Security and Income of the Rural Households in Tigray: The Case of Kilte Awlaelo Woreda.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebreezgi, Afework Hailu
Aquifer Characterization of the Raya Valley Based on Pumping Test and Geophysical Data Analysis.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebregiorgis, Abraham
Application of Data Mining to Predict the Likelihood of Contraceptive Method Use among Women Aged 15‐49.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebregziabher, Berhanu
Integrated Geophysical Methods to Investigate the Geological Structures and Hydrostratigaraphic Unit of the Aynalem Area, Southeast Mekelle.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebregziabher, Tesfamichael
Efficient and Secure Storage Method for Large Scale File Servers Utilizing Client Side De-Duplication.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebrehanna, Nebiyu Admassu
Socio-Economic and Demographic Determinants of Urban Poverty in Harar: A Household Level Analysis.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebrehawariat, Daniel
Assessment of the Effectiveness of Card Banking
Security in the Ethiopian Financial Sector.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebrehiwet, Haileselassie
An Assessment on the Essence of Dropout Students in Model Primary Schools of Central Zone of Tigray.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebrehiwet, Tesfay Gebregzabher
No woman Should Die While Giving Life Does the Health Extension Program Improve Access to Maternal Health Services in Tigray, Ethiopia?
PhD thesis, Umeå University.
Gebrehiwot, Amezenech Ayele
Assessment of Knowledge Sharing Practices and Continuous Learning Commitment of Health Care Professionals in Hospitals in Hawassa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebrehiwot, Haftom
Improving the Implementation of Nursing Care
Process in Mekelle Hospital.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebrehiwot, Kahase
The Role of Judiciary in Developmental States: Prospects and Challenges in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebrehiwot, Kahase
The Role of Judiciary in Developmental States: Prospects and Challenges in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebrehiwot, Kahase
The Role of Judiciary in Developmental States: Prospects and Challenges in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebrehiwot, Markos
Quantum Dynamics of Atomic Electrons.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebrehiwot, Misgina
An Assessment of Challenges of Sustainable Rural
Water Supply: The Case of Ofla Woreda in Tigray
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebrehiwot, Nebiyu Giday
Evaluation of Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) for Purpose of Soil Investigation for Low Volume and Inaccessible Road Design.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebrehiwot, Teklu
Assessment of Complications of Anticoagulant Therapy at Medical Wards
of Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebrekidan, Atsbha
Factors Affecting Acceptance of
Voluntary HIV Counceling and
Testing among Pregnant Women
Attending Antenatal Care in
Mekelle Public Health Facilities,
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebrekidan, Kidane
Assessment of Status of Long Acting and
Permanent Family Planning Services
in Mekelle Town, Tigray Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebrekidan, Tekebash Araya
Burial Surveillance in Addis Ababa:
Providing Aids Related Mortality Data
for Monitoring Program Impact.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebrekirstos, Tewabech
Assessment of Factors Associated with Acquiring HIV among VCT
Seeking Married Women at Health Institutions in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebremariam, Esayas Tadesse
Assessment of Medicines Wastage and its Contributing Factors in Selected Public Health Facilities in South West Shoa Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebremariam, Hailay Gebregziabher
The Implications of Reconstructing Identities for Nation- Building in Newly Formed States-The Case of Eritrea.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebremariam, Samuel
Energy Audit of Mekanissa Alcohol Factory.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebremariam, Tamirat
Multi-Objective Optimization of Train Speed Profiles: The Case of Ayat to Megenagna Line of Addis Ababa Light Rail Transit.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebremedhin, Beedemariam
Assessment of Pharmacy Workforce in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebremedhin, Esayas
Gender Bias Analysis on Grade Five and Six Textbooks of Tigray Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebremedhin, Gebreslasie
A Comparison of Expert Systems and
Weighted Overlay Analysis for
Military Planning.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebremedhin, Samson
Level and Differentials of Fertility in Awassa Town.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebremedhn, Kahsay
The emerging Ethiopian Copyright and Related Rights Collecting Society: Assessment of Challenges and Prospects.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebremedhn, Tewelde
The Relevance of Master’s Theses to the Degree Awarded: The Case of College of Education and Behavioral Studies and Institute of Educational Research at AAU.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebremedhn, Tewelde
The Relevance of Master’s Theses to the Degree Awarded: The Case of College of Education and Behavioral Studies and Institute of Educational Research at AAU.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebremeskel, Abraham Hailu
On Applications of FBI Transforms to Wave Front Sets.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebremeskel, Etsegenet
Privacy Aware Pervasive Healthcare System (PAPHS).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebremeskel, Kibrom
Assessment of Malnutrition Using Biochemical Markers among
Female Breast Cancer Patients Attending Tikur Anbessa Specialized
Hospital, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebremeskel, Yosef
Influence of Performance Appraisal on Teachers’ Competency and Motivation: The Case of Private Secondary Schools in Bole Sub City- Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebremichael, Daniel
Engineering Rock Mass Characterization – An Integrated Approach through Rock Mass Classification and Seismic Refraction: A Case of TAMS Hydroelectric Power Dam Project in Gambella, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebremichael, Fitsum
Assessment of Occupational Lead Exposure in Selected
Printing Enterprises: A Cross-Sectional Comparative Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebremichael, Mussie
Health and Life-Related Burden of Motor Vehicle Injuries in
Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebremichael, Teklay
Attack in MANETs Using the Reserved Bits of AODV Messages.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebremichael, Tewodros
Female Genital Mutilation and Birth
Complications, Jijiga Town, Eastern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebreselassie, Adonyas
The Prevalence of Injury in Running in the Case of some Selected First Division Clubs in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebreselassie, Fisseha Tadesse
Analysis of Knowledge Management Need as a Baseline for Knowledge
Management System Implementation Strategy: The Case of Addis Ababa City
Health Bureau and Affiliate Public Facilities.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebreselassie, Stalin
The Framing of Women’s Rights in the Weekly Amharic Women’s Program in Ethiopian Television (Sep. 2012-Aug. 2013).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebresilassie, Abel Gebreegziabher
Polymer Translocation through a Nanopore.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebresilassie, Araya
Studies on the Bionomics and Behavior of Phlebotomine
Sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Visceral Leishmaniasis foci
in Tahtay Adiyabo District, Northern Ethiopia.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebresilassie, Daniel
Exploring the Causes and Consequences of Illegal Migration to Saudi Arabia: The Case of Lidata and Kirkos Sub-Cities in Addis Ababa City Administration.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebreslassie, Adhanom
Project Paper on: The Toxicological Effect of Catha Edulis Forsk (Khat) On the Histology and Function of Liver.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebretsadik, Alem
Reducing Turnaround Time for CD4 Laboratory Test Results in Wukro Hospital.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebretsadik, Daniel
Addis Ababa University, School of Post Graduate Studies, Aklilu Lemma Institute of Pathobiology, Program in Tropical and Infectious Diseases.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebretsadik, Tsegu
Impact of Household Extension Package on Food Security and Income of the Rural Households in Tigray: The Case of Kilte Awlaelo Woreda.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebreweld, Angesom
Hematological Profile of Pregnant Women at St. Paul's Hospital Millennium Medical College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebreyesus, Emebet
Agricultural Water Use of Peasants in Relation to Agricultural Production and Marketing in Gozamin Woreda of Eastern Gojjam Zone, Amhara Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebreyohans, Gebremedhin
Application of Data Mining Techniques to
Predict Children Datasets: The Case of Love for Children Organization.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebrezgabiher, Selemon
Pattern of Neurologic Emergencies in Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebrie, Alemu
Evaluation of Lipid Profiles and Hematological Parameters in Hypertensive Patients: A Cross Sectional Study at Debre Markos Referral Hospital, North West Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebrie, Serebe Abay
Interventional Study on the Effects of Rapid Ethical
Assessment on Informed Consent Comprehension and Quality of
Informed Consent Process, and Associated Factors in
Biomedical Research in Wukiro Kilte-Awulaelo and Hintalowajirat, Tigray, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebriel, Daniel
Inter-Ethnic Conflict in Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples
Regional State: The Case of Hadiya and Halaba Ethnic Groups in
Misrak Badawacho Woreda in Hadiya Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebrmariam, Daniel
The Status of Club Management in Ethiopian Premier League Football Clubs.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebru, Aynadis Temesgen
Design and Development of Amharic Grammar Checker.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebru, Daniel
Trends of Malaria Cases, Admissions and Deaths in
Amhara Region of Ethiopia (2000-2008) and the
Impact of Scale up Interventions.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebru, Gebretsadik
Vector Auto-regressive and Co-integration Analysis of
Coffee Export: The Case of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gedamu, Melak
Assessment of Adherence and Treatment Outcome among Epileptic
Patients on Follow-up at Amanuel Specialized Mental Hospital.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gedamu, Shewatatek
Chemo Preventive Potential of Coffee Arabica in
Colorectal Cancer Initiated and Promoted By DMH in
Rat Model.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gedamu, Sisay
Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses towards Palliative
Care in Government Health Hospitals of Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia, 2016.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gedefaw, Addis
Assessment of Community Participation in SIDA’s Woreda Support Program Activities in Amhara Region: The case of Awabal Woreda.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Geffe, Chernet Amente
Study of Photoinduced Ferromagnetism in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Geitangi, Damaris Mumbi
The Relationship between Credit Risk Management Practices and the Performance of Loan Portfolio of Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Geja, Ephrem
Patient Stisfaction towards Emergency Service in Hawassa University Referral Hospital.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gekonge, Duke
Development of Fruit Flavored Wine from Sugarcane Juice Using Different
types of Yeasts.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gelaw, Bantamlak
Assessment of Magnitude and Factors Affecting Intention of Women who are on Antiretroviral Therapy to Use Long Acting and Permanent Family Planning Methods in Addis Ababa City Government Public Hospitals, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gelaw, Tigist Admas
Areas of Work Life and Burnout among Correctional Officers in Debre-Markos Correctional Center.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Geleta, Abdisa
Review of Spin Dependent Transport.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Geleta, Addisu
The Possible Causes of Thermal Variations of Coals in Dilbi-Moye Basin.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Geleta, Bekesho
In vivo Antihypertensive and in vitro Vasodilatory Effect of the Crude
Extracts and Fractions of Moringa stenopetala Leaves in Rodents.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Geleta, Tadele Mohammed
The Modified Sequential Linear Goal Programming Method
for Multiple Objective Linear Programming Problems.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Geleta, Tensae
Assessment of Knowledge and Associated Factors Regarding
Colostomy Care among Staff Nurses Working in Surgical, ICU
and Oncology Units at Selected Public Hospitals, Addis Ababa,
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Geleta, Yohannes
Large Scale Irrigation Management and Critical Environment Concern: The Case of Fentale Irrigation Project in Central Oromia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Geletta, Sosina
The Realization of Socio-economic Rights of the Child: The Case of Street Children of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gemechu, Belay
Rashba Spin-Orbit Interaction in Two-Dimension Electron Gas.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gemechu, Desalegn
The Right to Legal Counsel in Ethiopia: A Case Analysis in Oromia.
Other thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gemechu, Ebisa
Teachers and Students Attitudes towards the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in the Handball: The Case of Western Wollega Menesibu Preparatory School.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gemechu, Endale
Observation and Validation of Methane from FT-IR over Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gemechu, Fikadu Kumsa
In vitro Regeneration of Two Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) Varieties from Leaf Explants.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gemechu, Tadele Debebe
Skilled Delivery Attendence
Rate at Gindeberet Hospital,
Oromia, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gemeda, Feven
Assessment of Antimicrobial Resistance Containment
Practices in Selected Public Hospitals of Addis Ababa,
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gemeda, Gurmessa Chala
Provision of Academic Support to Low Academic Achieving Students Primary Schools in Dire Enchinni Woreda.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gemeda, Mohamedamin
Suspension Damping Influence on Ride Comfort of Passenger Rail Vehicle.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gena, Dureti
Knowledge and Perception Regarding Breast Cancer
Prevention among University Students.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gena, Dureti
Knowledge and Perception Regarding Breast Cancer Prevention among University Students.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Genemo, Gebi Agero
Determinants of HIV Testing among Tuberculosis Patients on Dots in East Wollega Zone, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Geneti, Meseret
Children’s Right to Mother Tongue Primary Education: The Case of Benishangul Gumuz Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Genetu, Agerie
Engineering Geological Appraisal of Dam Foundation for Gumara Dam, Amhara Region, North Western Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gensa, Teshome
Estimating Gestational Age by Symphysis Fundal Height, Last Normal
Menstrual Period and Parameters of Ultrasound in Third Trimester
Pregnancy at Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Georgis, Fasil Haile
Assessment of Factors Influencing
the Utilization of
modern Contraceptive Methods among Women in
the Reproductive Age Group in
Angolela and Tera District, North Shewa Administrative Zone,
Amhara National Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gerawork, Kibebe
Assessment of Factors Affecting Motivation of Health
Care Providers Working In Public Heath Centers in Addis
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gerbi, Zeleke Deressa
Field Theoretical Approach to Fractional Quantum Hall Effect.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Geremew, Addisu
The Status and Challenges of Vocational Guidance and Counseling Services in Some Selected Governmental Technical and Vocational Education and Training Colleges of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Geremew, Akewake
Nutritional Evaluation of some Ethiopian Oilseed Cakes in the Diets of Juvenile Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis Niloticus L.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Geremew, Akewake
Taxonomic Revision, Relative Abundance, and Aspects of the Biology of some Species of the Genus Garra, Hamilton 1922 (Pisces: Cyprinidae) in Lake Tana, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Geremew, Anteneh
Status of Concluding Observations of the Committee on the Rights of the Child in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Geremew, Bezabih
Assessment of Problems to Sustainability of Rural Water Supply Schemes: The Case of Menge Woreda (Benishangul Gumuz Regional State).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Geremew, Hana
Health Locus of Control and Health Seeking Behaviors of Employees in
Woredas of Gulele Sub City.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Geremew, Helen
Evaluation of Analgesic and Anti -inflammatory Activity of
Moringa Stenopetala Bak (Moringaceae) in Mice.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Geremew, Sisay
Developing Project Performance Evaluation Model to Minimize Project Delay Based on Some Ongoing Industrial Projects.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gesembe, Ursulah Bwari
The Convergence of Telecommunications, Media and Information Technology Sectors and the Challenges Facing this in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gesese, Anley
Estimation of Absorption Coefficient, Oscillator Strength
and Dielectric Function of Small Silicon Nanocrystallites.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gesese, Genet Asefa
Ontology-based Semantic Indexing for Amharic Text in Football
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gesew, Gebreabiezgi Teklebirhan
Prevalence of Dermatophytes and Non-Dermatophyte Fungal
Infection among Patients Visiting Dermatology Clinic, at Tikur
Anbessa Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gesew, Gebreabiezgi Teklebirhan
Prevalence of Dermatophytes and Non-Dermatophyte Fungal Infection among Patients Visiting Dermatology Clinic, at Tikur Anbessa Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gessese, Gashaw Mulu
Comparative Analysis of Climate Change Effects and Coping
Mechanisms in the Central Rift Valley and Central Highland of
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gessesse, Belay
Dye Biodegradation Using Alkalophillic Consortia in Anaerobic-Aerobic Bioprocess.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gessesse, Friehiwot Girma
Retrospective Study on Outcome of Burn Injury and Associated Factors among Children at Felegehiwot Referral Hospital, Bahirdar Town, Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia, 2017.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gessesse, Neway
Prevalence and Incidence of HIV-1 Infection,
Knowledge and Willingness
to Participate in HIV Vaccine Trial
among Residents of Wonji Shoa Sugar Estate.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Geta, Medhin
Familial Correlates of Adolescence Obesity among
Primary School Adolescents in Hawassa Town, Southern
Ethiopia: School Based Case Control Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getabil, Fekade
Prevalence of and Factors Associated with Stunting among Under-Five Children in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Abraham
Determinants of Wage Labor Participation among the Afar Pastoralists: The Case of Amibara District.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Abraham
Determinants of Wage Labor Participation among the Afar Pastoralists: The Case of Amibara District.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Abreham
Opinion Mining from Amharic Entertainment Texts.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Anteneh
Linear Irreversible Thermodynamics, Efficiency and Coefficient of Performance of Thermal Brownian Motors in Tight
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Anteneh
The Study of Aerosol Microphysical and Optical Parameters, Total Columnar Ozone and Water Vapor Content Derived From
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Belay
An investigation of Attenuation and Dispersion
in Propagation Mode Characteristics of Optical
Fiber Material Leading to non-Linearity.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Bethelhem
The Relationship between Rewards in Practice and Motivation of Employees in the Moderating Effect of Reward Management in Ethiopian Airlines.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Beza
The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Group Counseling for Depression and Anxiety among the Elderly the Case of Talita Orphans, Girls and the Aged Support Organization Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Biruk
On a Family of Riordan Arrays and Associated Integer Hankel Transforms.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Dejene
Ecology and Distribution Pattern of Anopheles Mosquitoes and Malaria
Transmission in Ghibe River Basin, Southwestern Ethiopia.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Efrem Tamirat
Constitutional Review: The Ethiopian Perspective.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Eyerusalem
Knowledge Attitude and Practice on Cervical Cancer and Screening
among Reproductive health Service Clients, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Fekade
Determinants of Repeat Induced Abortion in Addis Ababa.
Other thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Fikirte
Effect of Chronic Khat Chewing on Mental Health, Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate in Hosanna Town, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Fisaha
The Respect for Human Rights in Pre-Trial Criminal Investigation: The Case of Oromia Special Zone Surrounding Finfine.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Frether
Objects Counted by Central Delannoy Numbers.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Kidist
Challenges and Coping Mechanisms by Eritrean Women Out of Camp
Policy Beneficiaries vis-à-vis their Human Rights in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Mahilet
Assessment of Postpartum Contraceptive Adoption and Associated Factors in
Butajira Health and Demographic Surveillance Site (HDSS), in Southern
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Mahilet
Prevalence and Determinants of Sexual Violence among Female
Housemaids in Selected Junior Secondary Night School: Cross
Sectional Study Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 2015.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Mesfin
Examination of Abyei Arbitration Award.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Negash
Studies on First Rowtransition Metal Complexes
Derived from Ninhydrin and Amino Acids Having
Polar (Threonine) and Nonpolar (Leucine) Side
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Redae T.
The Regulation of Related Party Transactions in the Ethiopian Financial Sector: With Special Focus on Banks.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Sefonias
Determinants of Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis
(MDR-TB) among Tuberculosis Patients in Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia: Case Control Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Sofonias
Assessment of Use of Insecticide Treated Mosquito Nets and Factors Affecting It in Serbo Town.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Solomon
An Assessment on Thecolleges of Teacher Education Staffs’ Perceptionon Ethical Leadership Behavior and Practice of their Leaders in Oromia Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Solomon
Evaluation of Imported and Local Wax for Cheese Processing.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Solomon
Teachers' Process of Preparing Teaching and Learning of Deaf Students at Alpha Special School, Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Solomon Tewodros
Capacity Evaluation of Roundabout Junctions In Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Teshale
School Leadership Effectiveness on Students’ Academic Achievement in Secondary Schools of Jimma Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Tewodros
Criteria and Implementation of Secession Right under the FDRE Constitution in light of the International Law Regime: A Critical Analysis of the Law and the Practice.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Tewodros
A Struggle to Maintain Relationship” - Sexual Life and Fertility Desire in
Long-term HIV Sero-discordant Couples: A Grounded Theory Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getahun, Abdulkadir
Mobile Based Road Traffic Accident Reporting System.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getahun, Derege
Urban Service Delivery: A Case Study of Bahr Dar with Particular Emphasis to Solid Waste Management.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getahun, Firdawek
Assessment of Cervical Cancer Services and Cervical Cancer Related Knowledge of Health Service Providers in Public Health Facilities in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getahun, Mekonen
Prevalence of Rota Virus and Associated Risk Factors
among under Five Children with Gastroenteritis in Selected
Health Facilities of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getahun, Mekonnen
Post-fire Influence on Erica Shrubland within the Afroalpine Vegetation: A case study in South of the Bale Mountains National Park, Southeast Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getahun, Mesfin
Practice and Challenges of the Implementation of
Outcome Based Training: A Case Study of Entoto
Technical and Vocational Education and Training
College in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getahun, Misrak
Three-Level Laser Dynamics with Coherent and Squeezed Light.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getahun, Neway
Assessement of Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of First Aid
Service Provision Associated with Road Trafic Accidents among Taxi
Drivers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getahun, Sintayehu
Assessment on Causes of Failure of Irrigation Canals and Its Remedial Measures: Case of Fentale Irrigation Project.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getahun, Tigist
Women’s Response to the Environmental Problems with Particular Emphasis to Forest Resource: The Case of Limmuwereda in Jimma Zone, Oromia Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getahun, Wubu
Comparative Content Analysis of Distance Learning
Materials in Selected Public and Private
Universities Offering Distance Learning Programs.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getaneh, Assefa
Characterization of Major Subsurface Structures in Ada'a Plain Using Intergated Geophysical Survey.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getaye, Atlabachew
Learners and Academic Staffs' Environmental Knowledge, Attitude, Intention and Behavior :The Case of Adama University.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Geteria, Alvin Ndwiga
The Effect of Total Quality Management on Financial Performance Case of Kenya Utalii College.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Getie, Andualem
Evaluation of Antimalarial Activity of Seeds of Dodonaea angustifolia and Leaves of Entada abyssinica against Plasmodium berghei in Swiss Albino Mice.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getie, Belay
Ni (II) and Zn (II) Complexes Derived from Ninhydrin and Thiosemicarbazide in a Template Procedure―Structural and Antimicrobial Studies.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getie, Esubalew
A Survey of the Riordan Group.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getnet, Biazen
Application of Case Based Recommender System
to Advise Students in Field of Study Selection at
Higher Education in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getnet, Marye
Assessment of Mortality Pattern among Patients Admitted to Medical ICU in Tash
during the Last Five Years (Sep2009-Aug2014), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getnet, Solomon
Assessment of Concomitant Use of Herbal and Conventional
Medicines among Patients with Diabetes in Public Hospitals
of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getnet, Tensay
Sedimentation Modeling for Ribb Dam.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getnet, Yalemzerf
Design and Simulation of Fuzzy Logy Based Frequency Controller for Standalone Micro Hydro Power Plant.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getnet, Yimer Ali
Anti-Tuberculosis Drug Induced Hepatotoxicity in HIV Positive and Negative Patients.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getnet, Zelalem
Analyzing First Cycle Primary School Textbooks for Diversity Contents: Its Implication for a Multicultural Reform.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getu, Girum
Experimental Technique to Characterize Macrobending Loss in Single Mode Fiber.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getu, Kahsay
Classroom Management Practices in some Selected Preparatory Schools in Centra Zone of Tigray Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getu, Mikiyas Amare
Assessment of Knowledge and Practice of Breast Self-Examination among Female Undergraduate Students in Addis
Ababa University, College of Bussiness and Economics, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getu, Molla
Evaluations of Sub-Chronic Toxicity of Hydro-Ethanolic Seed
Extracts of Albizia Gummifera and Millettia Ferruginea on Blood,
Heart and Small Intestine of Albino Wistar Rats.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getu, Mulu
Removal of Lead and Copper from Waste Water Using Aluminum Oxide Hydroxidet.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getu, Setogn Abate
Assessment of Surface Water Potential and Demands in Tekeze River Basin, Northern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gezahegn, Abose
Survival Status among Patient Living with HIV AIDS who are on ART Treatment in Durame and Hossana Hospitals.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gezahegn, Andualem
Assessment Knowledge and Experience of Preconception Care among Pregnant Mothers Attending Antenatal Care in West Shoa Zone Public Health Centers, 2016.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gezahegn, Ashenafi
Engineering Geological Studies of Small/Mini/Micro Hydropower Sites: A Case Study in Anger and Guder Sub-basins.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gezahegn, Enani
Empowering Girls' Through Education as a Means of Promoting human Security in Ethiopia: A Case Study of Jewish Distribution Committee.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gezahegne, Samuel
Approximate and Grillage Analogy Methods of Analysis of RC T and Box Girder Bridges - Comparative Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gezehagn, Gutema Eggi
Afaan Oromo Text Retrieval System.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gezehagne, Getachew
“Feeding Profile and Diarrhea Morbidity among Infants of 7-12 Months” Adua Town, Tigray, North Ethiopia 2006.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gezmu, Andargachew Mekonnen
Automatic Thesaurus Construction for Amharic Text Retrieval.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gezmu, Mohammed
Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of Teacher Educators: The Case of Arbaminch College of Teacher Education (AMCTE).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gezu, Meaza
Comparative Cross Sectional Study on Occupational Health
Problems among Workers in Floriculture Industry, Holeta, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ghebreselasie, Ruth
Magnitude and Determinants of Unmet Need and
Barriers of Family Planning (among Wives, Husbands
and Couples) in Enderta District, Tigray Region
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ghettuba, Beatrice N.
The Role of Rural Women in Water Resource Management in Semi-Arid Lands: The Case of Kajiado District, of Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Ghiley, Afework
A Study on Major Sources of Marital Problems and Resoultion Mechanisms.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ghonar, Brian
Strategic Management of Value Chain Activities and Performance of Safaricom Kenya Limited.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gichaga, Wambaa Dickson
A Bayesian Approach to Aircraft Identification by Outline Shape Using Invariant Image Moments.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gichana, Jackline Kerubo
Social Determinants of Stroke among Stroke Patients attending Medical Outpatient Clinic at Kenyatta National Hospital.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gichana, James Ongwae
Relationship between Innovations and Enterprise Growth among Small and Medium Electrical Machinery Enterprises in Kenya.
PhD thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology.
Gichana, Margaret Bochaberi
Nutritional Knowledge of Mothers and Nutritional Status of their Children 6-59 Months under Malezi Bora Programme in Kawangware Sub Location, Dagoretti, Nairobi County.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gicharu, Gibson Kamau
A Comparative Study of Nitrogen Fixation in Selected Cultivars of Bush and Climbing Beans Inoculated with Different Rhizobia Strains.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gichemi, Grace Njoki
Sequences among Plasmodium Falciparumisolates from Two Malaria Endemic Sites in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gichobi, Charles G.
Business Intelligence and the Performance of Kenya Power.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gichobi, Dennis Miano
The Perception of Certified Fraud Examiners towards Behaviour and Lifestyle Change as Fraud Indicators.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gichohi, Daniel Wagura
Factors Influencing Implementation of Strategic Plans in Nongovernmental Organizations: A Case of Africa Platform of Social Protection, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gichohi, Nancy M
Internally Displaced Children, Ethnic Identity and Peace Building in Maai Mahiu, 2007-2012.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gichohi, Patrick Mwangi
The Effectiveness of Electric Fence in Mitigating Human - Elephants Conflicts in the Aberdare National Park, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gichua, Moses Kirega
Impacts of Prosopis Juliflora Linnaeus Emend. Burkart on Aspects of Biodiversity and Selected Habitat Conditions in Baringo Kenya.
PhD thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology.
Gichuba, Catherine Wambui
Factors Influencing Care-Giving Approaches in Rehabilitation Centres for Street Children During in-Formal Learning Activities in Nairobi, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gichuhi, Catherine Wanjiru
Serum Vitamin D Levels in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infected Patients Attending Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi.
Masters thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University.
Gichuhi, David M.
The Effects of Performance Appraisal on Teacher Development: A Case of Secondary School Teachers of Laikipia West District, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gichuhi, Joyce Nyambura
Challenges of Strategy Implementation in Murang’a County Government in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gichuhi, Kagema W.
The Setting of Kiswahili Words to Music: A Study of Textual Analysis in Musical Composition.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gichuhi, M. Kinuthia
Complications of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunts in Management of Congenital and Acquired Hydrocephalus as seen at Kenyatta National Hospital from January 1983 to December 1987.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gichuhi, Maurice Muriithi
Determinants of Profitable Opportunities for Retail Investors after an Initial Public Offer in Kenya.
PhD thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology.
Gichuki, Ephantus Mundia
An Investigation of the Factors Affecting the Adoption of Agency Banking in Kenya (A Case of Selected Agents in Nyeri Central District).
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gichuki, Evanson Njaramba
Tax Administration Reforms in Kenya Identifying Lessons to Model a Strategy for Sustainable Administration of County Taxes.
PhD thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gichuki, Joseph Muthee
Factors Influencing Utilization of Forensic Accounting Services in Detection of Fraud: A Case of Licensed Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gichuki, Kariuki Paul
An Assessment of the Impact of Strategic Partnerships and Institutional Collaborations among Middle Level Colleges in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gichuki, Samwel Mwangi
Influence of Host Country’s National Culture on the Choice of Foreign Entry Mode by Automotive Firms in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gichunge, Peter Munene
Functional Outcome of Operative Management of Humeral Shaft Fractures.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gichure, Kabiru Stephen
The Relationship between Non Interests Income and Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gichuru, Jane W
An Investigation into the Factors Influencing the Growth and Distribution of Forex Bureaus in Kenya: A Case of Nairobi.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gichuru, John Nderitu
Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction in Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies in Kenya: Balozi Savings and Credit Co-operative Society Ltd.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gichuru, Peter W.
Customer Satisfaction Survey : A Case of the Jubilee Insurance Company of Kenya Limited.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Giday, Kahsay
Remuneration of Share Company Directors in Ethiopia: The Law and the Practice.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gidena, Desta
Ethiopian Field Epidemiology Training Program (EFETP).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gidey, Birhanu
An Assessment of the Major Factors that Affect College Teachers' Involvement in Educational Research at Colleges of Teacher Education in Tigray Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gidey, Gebretsadik
Difference of Convex (D.C.) Functions and their Minimal
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gidey, Tilahun
The Interrelationship of Parenting Style,
Psychosocial Adjustment and Academic
Achievement among Addis Ababa High School
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gikabia, Reuben
The Effect of Public Infrastructure Bond Financing on Government Expenditure in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gikamo, Bekele
Assessment of Quality of Graduate Studies at Addis Ababa University: The Case of Selected Programs in College of Education and Behavioral Studies.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gikaru, Judy W.
Predicting Recidivism among Inmates Population Using Artificial Intelligent (AI) Techniques: A Case Study of Kenya Prisons Department.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gikaru, W. Judy
Predicting Recidivism among Inmates Population using Artificial Intelligent (AI) Techniques: A Case study of Kenya Prisons Department.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gikonyo, Jimmie Waweru
Assessment of the Performance of Community Based Organizations in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gikonyo, Joshua Ndung'u
Identification of Diarrhoea Causing Viral Agents and Molecular Characterization of Group A Rota Viruses in Children Below Five Years From Mukuru Slums, Nairobi County.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gikonyo, Mercy Wairimu
Drug Abusers and Parental Knowledge on Factors Predisposing the Youth to Drugs and Substance Abuse in Nairobi Province, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gikonyo, Thomas C.K.
The Effect of Mobile Phone Technology on the Growth of Micro Insurance in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gikunda, Patrick Kinyua
A Trust Based Reputation Model for Secure Multi Agent Communication in Open Environment.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gikunju, David Theuri
Analysis of the Relationship between Risk Management Strategies and Projects' Sustainability in Kajiado County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gilo, Yousif
The Psychosocial Experiences of Orphan Children in Gog Woreda in Gambella Regional State, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gimase, Simon Marwa
Factors Influencing Performance of Government Sponsored Youth Economic Empowerment
Programmes Case of Rachuonyo North District; Homabay County.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Ginwalla, Rokaya K
A Review of Clinical and Immunological Outcomes as Predictors of Viral Loads Among Children on HAART for at Least 24 Weeks at the University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Giragn, Eden
Effects of Low Dose Ionizing Radiation on the Hematological
Parameters in Medical Imaging and Therapeutic Technologists
Working in Selected Governmental Hospitals, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Addisalem
An Assessment on Challenges of Effective Active Learning: The Case of Undergraduate Physical Education Program at Addis Ababa University.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Addisalem Wae
A Study on Challenges of Implementing Active Learning in Higher Education: The Case of under Graduate Physical Education Program in Addis Ababa University.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Aida
Effect of Polygamous Marriage on the Reproductive Health and Nutritional Status of Currently Married Women in Meskan and
Mareko District (Butajira) , Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Anteneh
Quality Assessment of Directly Observed Treatment
Short-Course of Tuberculosis in Afar National Regional
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Arsema
GIS-Based Geostatistical Analysis of the Kenticha Tantalum Deposit and Impact of the Mining on the Environment Adola, Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Asaminew
Primary HIV Infection in Patients Presenting
with Conventional Sexually Transmitted
Infections (STIs) in Ethiopia: Magnitude and
Risk Factors.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Asnakech
Assessment of Hepatitis B Seroprevalence and Associated Factors
in Kality Prison Addis Abeba Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Atreshiwal
Remote Sensing and GIS Based Poverty Mapping Small- Area Estimation Approach in Rural Oromiya Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Banchalem
Assessment on the Determining Factors of Letters of Credit Effectiveness: Perception Survey on Trade Services and International Banking Staffs of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Belaineh
Epidemiological Assessment of Determinants and Causes of Under Five Child Mortality in Jimma Town: Is HIV/AIDS Influencing the Pattern of Child Mortality?
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Bezawit
IT Project Outsourcing Risk Management Process Model from the Client and Vendor Perspective: The Case of Ethiopian Banking
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Bizuneh
On Distribution Theory and Sobolev Space.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Chaltu
The Status of Mother Tongue Education in Sebeta Town Government Primary Schools.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Dawit
Designing a Web-Based Nutritional Decision Support system for Diabetic Patients.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Elizabeth
Species Composition and Diversity of Avian Fauna of Beheretsigie, Central and Ferencye Recreational Parks in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Emishaw
Practices and Challenges of the Agricultural Use of Rainwater Harvesting in Amhara Region, Menz Mama Mider Woreda.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Eskedar
Statistical Analysis of Factors Affecting Delivery and Postnatal Care Utilization in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Eyayou
The Effect of Chronic Heavy“Cheka” Drinking on Blood Pressure in Konso Town,Southern, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Feyisa
Temporal Dynamics of Water Quality and Community Structure and Photosynthetic
Production of Phytoplankton in Belbela Reservoir, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Mahlet
Assessment of Inpatients’ Satisfaction on Quality of
Care and Associated Factors at Zewditu Memorial
Hospital, Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Markos
Recognition of Government in the Regional Organizations: The Case of African Union.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Mekonnen
Major Challenges of Medical Laboratories for ISO 15189 Accreditation in
Selected Government Hospitals of Addis Ababa, Debrebrhan, and Bishoftu,
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Melaku
An Investigation into the Integration of Environmental Education into Social Studies Course in some Selected Teacher Training Institutes -T.T.Is of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Mulugeta
An Evaluation of the Professional Program of the Pre-service Primary Teacher Education in Ethiopia - Based on the Objectives of the Training Program.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Selfu
Diagnostic Potential of Auramine O Staining for the Diagnosis of
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Serkalem
Assessment of Sexual Behavior and Barriers to Condom Use
among Federal Government Employees
in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Tadesse
Assessment of the Management of Neutropenic Fever in Adult
Patients with Hematologic Malignancies at Tikur Anbessa
Specialized Hospital.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Tassew
Design and Analysis of a Mechanical Damper in a Milling Cutter.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Tesfaye
Assessment of Availability of Treatment Resource in Emergency Department for
the Management of Acute Toxic Exposures and Poisoning Detection in Selected
Governmental Hospitals, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Theodros
Assessment of Electronic Waste Management: Case study of some TVET Colleges in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Yinebeb
Development of Fruit Leather from Indigenous Tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) Fruit.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Yodit
Attitudes of Middle Adult Women towards Menopause in
Addis Ababa, Bahir-Dar and Hawassa Towns; Cross-Cultural Comparative Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Yodit
Attitudes of Middle Adult Women towards Menopause in Addis Ababa, Bahir-Dar and Hawassa Towns; Cross-Cultural Comparative Study.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Yonas
Implication of Ethiopian Federalism on the Right to Freedom of
Movement and Residence: Critical Analysis of the Law and the
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Yonas
Implication of Ethiopian Federalism on the Right to Freedom of Movement and Residence: Critical Analysis of the Law and the Practice.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girmaw, Mekdes
Assessment of Institution’s Capacity Involved in the
Conservation of Coffea arabica in the Montane Rainforests of Southwest Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girmay, Ermias Hagos
Litho–structural Controls on the Groundwater Flow System and
Hydrogeochemical Setup of the Mekelle Outlier and
Surrounding Areas, Northern Ethiopia.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girmay, Fasil
On Poincare-Bendixson Theorem and Closed ´
Orbits of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girmay, Temesgen
Asphalt Road Pavement Rehabilitation and Maintenance Case Study in Addis Ababa City Roads Authority.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girmay, Tewodros
Improving Partner HIV Testing among ANC
Attendances at Korem Health Center, Korem,
Southern Tigray Region, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girmaye, Ayda
Critical Success Factors in Mobile Application Development at Selected
Companies in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girmaye, Eden
Assesment of Percutaneous Exposure Incidents and Associated Factors among Health Care Personnel at Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gisha, Abdella
Willingness to Pay for Community Based Health Insurance and Its Determinants among Households in Wondo District, Oromia Region, South East Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gitagia, Francis K.
Fundamentals that Predict Mutual Fund Performance: A Case of Fund Managers in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gitahi, Frederick K.
Factors Influencing the Supply of Sugar: An Analysis for Kenya 1970-2003.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gitahi, Jane Wangui
Effect of Central Bank Independence on Inflation in Kenya (1966-2012).
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gitahi, Njenga Samson
Effect of Workplace Environment on the Performance of Commercial Banks Employees in Nakuru Town.
Masters thesis, Kabarak University.
Gitaka, Joseph Githae
The Relationship between Financial Performance and Capital Structure of Companies Listed in the Nairobi Securities Exchange.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gitang'i, James Nyagah
Marketing by Building Contractors in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gitangu, Beth Kibui
Women's and Men's Perceptions towards Unmarried Women Inheriting Property in Gatundu South Constituency in Kiambu County.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gitari, Mugambi S.
The Effect of Performance Contract on Service Delivery in the Ministry of Lands.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gitari, Salome Okutoyi
A Retrospective Study to Determine the Bacterial Causes of Bloody Diarrhea and their Antimicrobial Susceptibility Patterns at Tabitha Medical Clinic in Kibera, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology.
Gitau, David K.
Access and Quality of Services in the Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV in Public Health Institutions in Thika District, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gitau, Gladys Njura
Nutrition Education on Iron Status of Primary School Pupils of Gatanga Sub-County, Kenya.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gitau, Stephen K.
Strategic Change Management Practices within State Corporations in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Githae, Mercy
Impact of Employee Training and Development on Performance: A Case of Teaching Staff in Public Secondary Schools in Magarini District, Kilifi County.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Githaiga, Beatrice Muringi
Analysis of the Conflict between Government Development Agencies and Ethnic Communities A Case of TARDA in Garsen District, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Hekima College Institute of Peace Studies and International Relations.
Githambo, Martin Gatheru
Constraints to the Growth of Commercial Paper as a Source of Short Term Finance for Listed Companies.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Githiaka, Charles Waihenya
Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Urinary Bladder as Seen at Kenyatta National Hospital.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Githinji, James Magondu
In Vitro Antibacterial Activity of Selected Honey Samples on Clinical Isolates of Staphylococcus Aureus Obtained from Patients' Wounds.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Githinji, Joseph Mwangi
An Economic Analysis of Agrochemical Use in Tomato Production in Kiambu District.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Githinji, Wanjohi
A Situational Analysis of Language of Instruction in Lower Primary School in Nyeri County, Kenya.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Githiri, John Gitonga
A Magnetic Survey of Local Gravity Highs in Magadi Area.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Githiri, S. Mwangi
Inheritance of Dwarfism in Pigeonpea (Cajanus Cajan (L) Millsp.).
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Githiru, Mwangi
Avian Frugivory and Seed Dispersal in Some of the Taita Hills Forests Fragments.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Githugunyi, Dickson Kibata
An Assessment of the Contribution of Urban Agriculture to Households’ Livelihoods in Roysambu Ward, Nairobi County.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gitobu, Lynn Naito
Perception of Hospitals on the Quality of Services Rendered by National Hospital Insurance Fund.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gitome, Samuel Kuria
Enhancing Financial Capacities of Rural Based Micro Enterprises: A Case of Nyandarua District.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gitonga, Hannah Wairimu
Analysis of Consumer Preference in Product Attributes: A Case of Common Beans in Kiambu County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gitonga, John Wambugu
Effect of Habitat Fragmentation on Food Habits, Intestinal Parasites and Aspects of Reproduction among Praomys delectorum Sub-Populations in the Taita and Kyulu Hills, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gitonga, Mukira Newman
Effects of Strategic Plan Implementation on Organizational Performance: A Case Study of Nakuru Water and Sanitation Services Company (NAWASSCO).
Masters thesis, Kabarak University.
Gitonga, Pauline Njoki
Spatial Analysis of Risk Factors and their Effects on Peste des Petits Ruminants Control Strategies in Kajiado and Marsabit Pastoral Systems of Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gitu, Peter Martin
Factors Influencing Non-Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy among HIV Infected Youth Patients Attending Kangemi and Coptic Health HIV/AIDS Clinics in Nairobi, Province, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenya University.
Gituai, Charles Tai
The Politics of Peacekeeping in Africa: A Case Study of OAU in Chad 1981-1982 and ECOMOG in Liberia 1990- 1997.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Giya, Ginjo
NGOs Natural Resources Management Technologies: Their Adoption by Farmers with Evidence from Kindo Koisha Area, Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gizachew, Mekonen
The Relationship between Perinatal Factors and Thyroid
Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Level in Newborns Cord Blood
in Tikur Anbessa Hospital.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gizachew, Tadesse
The Challenges and the Current Prospects of Teaching Physical Education in Arbaminich Secondary Schools.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gizachew, Tigist
Parental Concern towards the Effect of Inappropriate Television
Content on Children and the Practice of Parental Television
Mediation in Bole Sub City, Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gizaw, Abel Seid
Plant Evolution in the African ‘Sky Islands’: Evidence from
Fossil Calibrated Molecular Dating and Amplified Fragment
Length Polymorphism.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gizaw, Adefires Worku
Population Status and Socio-economic Importance of Gum
and Resin Bearing Species in Borana Lowlands, Southern
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gizaw, Amrot
The Cultural Sports of Kafa and their Contribution to Social Interactions, Health and Fitness.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gizaw, Asfaw Tsegaye
Analysis of International Procurement Practices and Challenges: The Case of Addis Ababa University.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gizaw, Birhanu
Cultivation and Yield Performance of Pholiota nameko on Different Agro Industrial Wastes.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gizaw, Chirotaw Ayele
Species Composition of Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and
Thermal Tolerance along Environmental Gradient in the Bale
Mountains National Park (BMNP), Ethiopia.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gizaw, Elias
Determination of Fluoride and Selected Metals in the Soils of Ethiopian Rift Valley and Irrigation Water in the Surrounding Area.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gizaw, Girma
The Role of NGOs in Attaining Universal Primary Education with a Focus on Reading, Writing and Numeracy: The Case of Ada Berga Woreda Primary Schools.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gizaw, Misrak Tefera
Assessment of Ribbed Slab Constructions Framed Only in One Direction Against Lateral Load Excitation.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gizaw, Muluken
Trends in Neonatal Mortality and Assessment of Associated Risk
Factors in Butajira District, South Central Ethiopia, (1987-2008).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gizaw, Tefferi
Assessments of the Magnitude and Determinant Factors of Institutional Delivery among Mothers who Utilized Antenatal Care in the Case of Sodo Woreda, Gurage Zone, SNNPR.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gizaw, Thomas
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Regarding
Medication Abortion among Regular Undergraduate Female
Students in College of Social Sciences, Addis Ababa University.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gizaw, Yadeta
Criminal Law and Capital Punishment in Federal Ethiopia; the Case of Oromia and SNNPRS.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gize, Charity
Access to Media in Zambia: The Special Case of Persons Living with Perception Disabilities (The Deaf and Blind) in Lusaka.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Glyniss, Kapembwa
Perceptions of Physical Education among Pupils in Selected Schools of Lusaka District, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Gobana, Markos
Assessment of Burden of Common Mental Disorders among
HIV Positive Adolescents in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Does HIV
Status Disclosure Matter?
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gobe, Abdulmejid
Low Participation of Female Students to Secondary Education: The Case of Arsi Robe Woreda.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gobena, Abeham Melaku
Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction among Health Professionals in
Dire Dawa Administration.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gobena, Adem
Assessment of Ecotourism Potentials for Sustainable Natural Resources
Management in and around Abijata-Shala Lakes National Park
in the Central Ethiopian Rift Valley.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gobena, Dawit Tefera
Survival Strategies of Female In-Migrants in Gimbi Town, Oromia Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gobena, Mheret Tesfaye
Association of Helicobacter Pylori Infection with Atopy and Allergic
Disorders in Ziway, Central Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gobie, Abera
Relationship of Teacher Self Concept to Teacher Behaviors and Students Educational Outcomes at First Cycle Primary Schools of Fogera and Libokemkem Woredas.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gochole, Fekadu
Photo Induced Ferromagnetism and Mechanism of Ferromagnetism in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Godana, Addis
Logistics Performance on Service Delivery: The Case of Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Service Enterprise.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Godebo, Amanuel
Hypoglycemic and Antihyperglycemic Effect of Leaves Extracts of Psidium Guajava in Normoglycemic and Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Mice.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Godefa, Yared
The Role of Estrogen Receptors in Breast Cancer: A Review.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Goffa, Mulugeta
Improving the Current Technology of Beer Production by Substitution of Malted Barley.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gombingo, Eggie
A Study to Determine Relationship between Partner Support and Adherence to Zidovudine among HIV Positive Pregnant Women Attending PMTCT Clinic at Shurugwi Hospital.
Masters thesis, Univerisity of Zimbabwe.
Gombingo, Eggie
A Study to Determine Relationship between Partner Support and Adherence to Zidovudine among HIV Positive Pregnant Women Attending PMTCT Clinic at Shurugwi Hospital.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Gomo, Calvin
A Survey of Tuberculosis and Brucellosis in Wildlife and Cattle in the South-East Lowveld of Zimbabwe.
MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Gomora, Avelyn
The Relationship between Prenatal Self-Care Practices During Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes among Young Mothers Aged 16 to 24 Years Delivering at Gweru Maternity Hospital.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Gondwe, Brian M.
Evaluation of Maize (Zea mays L) Genotypes for Nitrogen Use Efficiency.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Gonfa, Tigist
Study of Insurance Practices in Ethiopian Construction Industry.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gor, Seth Omondi
Regional Welfare and Income Distribution in Kenya: A New Approach to the Measurement of Wellbeing.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gorejena, Stanley
An Analysis of the Perceived Benefits of, and Barriers to Formalisation among the Informal Entrepreneurs in Harare Metropolitan Area.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Gorejena - Chidawanyika, Pamela
Outcome of Stavudine Induced Peripheral Neuropathy in HIV – 1 Positive Patients Switched or Substituted to a Non-Stavudine-Based Regimen.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Goshime, Alaynesh
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Adverse Drug
Reaction Reporting among Pharmacy Personnel Working at
Community Pharmacy, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Goshu, Estifanos Lemma
Land Use Land Cover Dynamics in Post-Resettlement Areas Using
Cellular Automata Model: The Case of Gubalafto Woreda.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gossa, Solomon
Analysis of Third Rail Technology for 750 V DC Power Feeder Light Railway Transportation: Case Study of AALRT.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gossa, Tezeta
Fertility Needs Assessment among People Living with HIV/AIDS in
Four Regional Hospitals, Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gossaye, Abel
Logistics Management Practice in Awash Bank S.C.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Govedi, Dr. Fridah Afandi
The Prevalence of Chlamydiae in Late Onset Neonatal Pneumonia in the Newborn Unit Kenyatta National Hospital.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gowo, Gladys Claris
Towards An Educational Charter for Little Children of Our Blessed Lady Religious Congregation (LCBL).
MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Grace, Shimishi
The Role of Physical Education in Promoting Learner Academic Performance: A Case Study of Kombaniya Primary School of Mansa District, Luapula Province, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Grana, Lara Salido
Impacts of Natural Resource Management Programme on Savannah Biodiversity in Three Group Ranches in Laikipia District, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Grey, Sebastian Nicholas
Monitoring the Simultaneous Response of Various Water
Status Indicators for Use in the Irrigation Scheduling and Drought Stress Detection of a Greenhouse Tomato Crop.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Grum, Teklit
Risk Factors for Preeclampsia among Women Attending
Delivery Services in Selected Public Hospitals in Addis Ababa,
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Guadie, Atnafu
Development of Perchlorate Selective Coated Graphite Electrode Based on Crystal Violet and its Appliction to the Determination of Ethylene Glycol, Glycerol, Glucose and Mannitol Via Periodate Oxidation.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Guadie, Demsachew
Micropropagation of Two Apple (Malus Domestica Borkh) Varieties from Shoot Tip Explants.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Guantai, Florence
Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Performance Appraisal of Teaching Staff in TIVET Institutions: The Case of Kenya Polytechnic.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Guantai, Hellen Kiende
Organizational Barriers and Coping Strategies Influencing Female Mobility in Management of Secondary Schools in Meru, Machakos And Isiolo Counties, Kenya.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Guantai, Mary Mwari
Effects of Pesticide Application on the Population Dynamics of Liriomyza huidobrensis (Diptera: Agromyzidae) and its Parasitoids on Peas (Pisum sativum) in Central Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Guchiye, Berhanu
Prevalence and Associated Factors of Hypertension
among Workers of Steel Factories, Akaki, Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Guda, Tadesse
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice
towards Prevention and Control of Hypertension
among Members of the Ethiopian Army Assigned for
EACE Keeping Mission.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Guddeta, Gemechu
Neutrino: Detection and Helicity
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gudeta, Abeje
Opportunities and Challenges of Using Shinashigna as Medium of Instruction in Some Selected Primary Schools of Metekel Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gudeta, Hoffola
Assesment of Magnitude and Associated Factors of
Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia at Neonatal Intensive
Care Unit of Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia, 2017.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gudeta, Milki Shaka
Trips Agreement and Protection of Traditional Knowledge Related to Genetic Resources.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gudisa, Gebre Gelana
Assessment of Risk Factors Associated with Severe Acute Malnutrition
among Children Admitted to Addis Ababa Governmental Hospitals,
Ethiopia, 2014.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gudyanga, Sandra S
The Relationship between Creativity, Innovation and Organisational Culture: Achieving
External Adaptation by Leveraging an Innovative Enabling Culture.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Guesh, Haile
The Response of the African Union to the North Africa Revolutions of 2011: Critical Analysis on the African Union Normative Frameworks Governing Democracy, Constitutionalism and Unconstitutional Change of Government.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Guesh, Haile
The Response of the African Union to the North Africa Revolutions of 2011: Critical Analysis on the African Union Normative Frameworks Governing Democracy, Constitutionalism and Unconstitutional Change of Government.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Guido, Mwanza
Communication Strategies in Open and Distance Learning Institutions: A Case Study of the Zambian College of Open Learning (ZAMCOL) in Solwezi.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Guja, Habtamu
Assessment of the Effects of Ethiopian Orthodox
Christians Fasting on Biochemical Risk Factors and
Anthropometric Measurements.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gulelat, Bethelehem
Assessment on the Implementation of Hospital
Reform Guideline with Reference to Pharmacy
Service in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gulilat, Awoke
Achievements and Challenges of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Program Implementation in Tole Ana of Southwest Shewa Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Guluma, Zewdu
Communication Challenges of Deaf Children with Their Hearing Families in Some Selected School of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gumba, D.E.O.
Adaptation du manuel parlons français à l’enseignement du Français au Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gumbo, Amen
Factors Associated with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Testing and Counseling among Couples, Bulawayo City, 2015.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Gumbo, Nicolas. O.
An Investigation of Broadband Technology Adoption In Kenya: The Case Of The Banking Sector In Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gumeyi, Shenny Caroline
Relationship between Knowledge and Self-Care Practices Regarding Tuberculosis Treatment among Clients Aged 20 - 40 Years at Beatrice Road Infectious Hospital Outpatient Clinic.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Gunduza, Lioba Tendai
An Assessment of the Role of Uniformed Women’s Participation in Peacekeeping Operations in Africa: The Case of the United Nations Missions in Liberia and Ivory Coast.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Gunyanyi, Ogada Janet
Experiences of Menopause on Sexual Intimacy and Coping Strategies Used among Karen Married Women.
Masters thesis, Tangaza University College, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Guracha, Eshetu
Rate of False Deferral and False Pass of Prospective Blood Donors Screened by Copper Sulphate Gravimetric Method at Hossana Blood Bank, Hossana, South Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gurmessa, Ashebir
Utilization of External Quality Assessment in Case of Proficiency Test at Government Hospitals in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gurmessa, Fekadu
Floristic Composition and Structural Analysis of Komto Afromontane
Rainforest, East Wollega Zone of Oromia Region, West Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gurmu, Zewdu
Long Term Evolution (LTE) Radio Network Dimensioning: Case of Addis Ababa City.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Guta, Asmamaw
Assessement of the Difference of School Feeding
Programme on School Participation among Primary
School Children in Bishoftu Town, East Shoa Zone,
Oromia Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Guta, Sisay
Stress Analysis of the Rail Joint under Wheel Load.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gutema, Dandi Merga
Application of Data Mining Techniques for Customer Segmentation in Insurance Business: The Case of Ethiopian Insurance Corporation.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gutema, Girma
The Implementation of Outcomes Based Teaching and Learning at Misrak Technical-Vocational Education and Training College.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gutema, Lelisa
Assessing the Law Governing the Use of Force by the Federal Police of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gutema, Lelisa
Assessing the Laws Governing the Use of Force
by the Federal Police of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gutema, Lelisa
Assessing the Laws Governing the Use of Force by the Federal Police of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gutema, Tarekegn Disasa
Ethiopia Field Epidemiology Training Program
Compiled Body of Works in Field Epidemiology.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Guteta, Dugassa
Sanitary Survey of Food and Drinking Establishments
in Ambo Town West Showa Zone Oromia Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Guthiga, Paul Maina
Economic Assessment of Different Management Approaches of Kakamega Forest in Kenya: Cost-benefit and Local Community Satisfaction Analysis.
PhD thesis, Institut für Lebensmittel- und Ressourcenökonomik.
Guyassa, Taye Tinti
The Environmental Impact Assessment Requirements of Development Bank of Ethiopia and their Implementation in Light of Environmental Impact Assessment Laws.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Guyo, Kidegho Gideon
Design of a Grid Connected Photovoltaic System for Enhancement of
Electrical Power Supply in Kenya: A Case Study of Nairobi Embakasi
Masters thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology.
Gwamanda, Nelson
The Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of the Study Skills Questionnaire and the Moderating Role of Self Efficacy in Academic Performance.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Gwandu, Tariro
Translating Integrated Soil Fertility Management Information and Knowledge into Crop Productivity Benefits through Farmer Learning and Participatory Action in Eastern Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Gwanza, Tersoo
Rites of Transition: Death and Burial as a Basis for Inculturation in Tiv Culture, Benue, Nigeria.
Masters thesis, Hekima University College.
Gwara, Simon
An Estimation of Price and Non Price Factors Affecting Maize Supply Response in Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Gwaro, Maina Robert
Factors Influencing the Performance of Non-Governmental Organizations in Poverty Reduction in Garissa District.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gweyi, Moses Ochieng
An Investigation of Credit Risk Mitigation Strategies Adopted by Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
H/Mariam, Elizabeth
Foreign Direct Investment in Farmland and Land Rights of Pastoralists in
Ethiopia: a Quest for Balance.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Habeenzu, Moddy
Factors Influencing the Formation of Splinter Unions from the Zambia National Union of Teachers: A Case of Southern Province.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Habene, Daniel
Parental Involvment in High School Students Career Choice in
Lafto District, Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Habimana, Jean De Dieu
Factors Associated with Stunting and it’s Prevalence among Children Below 5 Years Old in Musanze District of Rwanda.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Habimana, Rusumba
Incidence and Determinants of Change of Initial HAART Regimen among Outpatient HIV Infected Adults at the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Habite, Tadios Sisay
The Effect of Track Irregularities on Wheel-Rail Contact Relationship.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Habiyaremye, Evariste
Family Planning by Means of Contraception: An Ethical Comparison of Different Methods of Contraception Used by Couples of Kalingalinga, Mtendere, Kabwata and Kamwala Compounds in Lusaka, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Habtamu, Asmamaw
Evaluation of the Antiplasmodial and Antimicrobial
Properties of the Medicinal Plants Rumex nepalensis Spreng
and Centella asiatica L.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Habtamu, Kassahun
Functioning in People with Severe Mental Disorders in
Rural Ethiopia: Development, Adaptation and
Validation of Measures.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Habtamu, Zerihun
Trends and Determinants of Utilization of Maternal Health Care Services in Amhara National Regional State: Evidence from EDHS 2000 and 2005.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Habte, Bruck Messele
Illness and Treatment Experiences of Adult Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the Urban and Peri-Urban of Central Ethiopia – A Qualitative Study.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Habte, Dereje
Assesment of the Magnitude and Determinants of
Utilization and Demand for Pre-Marital VCT in
Civil Marriages in Addis Ababa,Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Habte, Dereje
Assesment of the Magnitude and Determinants of Utilization and Demand for Pre-Marital VCT in Civil Marriages In Addis Ababa,Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Habte, Neri
Practices and Problems of Teachers Development Program Implementation in Selected Secondary Schools of Gurage Zone in SNNPR.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Habte, Shambel
The Effect of Topography on Rainy season Rainfall Variability
over Blue Nile River Basin.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Habteleul, Sisay
Assessment of the Prevalence of Intestinal Parasitic Infections among School Children and their Knowledge and Practice of Hygiene and Sanitation in Primary Second Cycle Schools, Debirebrhan Town.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Habtemariam, Esete
A Single 24 hour Recall is inaccurate in Assessing Exclusive Breast Feeding among Infants
under Six months of age, Butajira, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Habtemariam, Tadesse Eguale
In Vitro and in Vivo Evaluation of Anthelmintic Activities of Crude Extracts of Selected Medicinal Plants against Haemonchus Contortus.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Habteselassie, Abebe
Study of the Immunologic and Hematologic Profile of Children on Haart: A Retrospective Cohort Study at Zewditu Memorial Hospital.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Habteselassie, Elizabeth Ayalew
Scientific Knowledge Sharing in Ethiopian Public
Universities: A Predictive Model Based on the
Theory of Planned Behavior.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Habtesilassie, Martha
Patternes of Ocular Trauma Patients Seen at the Departemnt of
Ophtalmology Menelik II Hospital.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Habtom, G. Michael
Modeling and Forecasting Awassa Lake Level Fluctuation.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Habulembe, Maimbo
Reducing Alcohol and Drug Abuse among the Youths of Chibolya Township: A Case Study of Participatory Communication Strategies by Serenity Harm Redcution Programzambia (Sharpz).
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Habulembe, Raider
Performance Evaluation of Eleven Severe Acute
Malnutrition Community Based Outpatient
Therapeutic Care (SAMCTC) Centres in Lusaka
District of Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Hachaambwa, Julian
Factors that Influence Ownership and Use of Insecticide Treated Nets and the Role of Community Health Workers in Selected Districts of Southern Province.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Haddis, Fikrewold
Levels, Differentials and Determinants of Malnutrition among Women in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Haddis, Lidya
Prevalence and Associated Factors of Acute Back Pain
Following Spinal Anesthesia in Addis Ababa Hospitals,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2015.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hadera, Danait
Investigation on the Impact of Surface and Ground Water Use for Irrigation
on Soil Salinity Development and its Effect on Plant Productivity in the
Central Rift Valley Region around Lake Ziway.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hadgu, Almaz
Magnitude and Factors Affecting Fertiliy Desire among Women Living with HIV in Addis Ababa City Adminstration, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hadgu, Endale
Molecular Characterization and Assessment of Viral Tumorigenesis in Breast Cancer among Women in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hadish, Legesse
Drought Risk Assessment Using Remote Sensing and GIS:
A Case Study in Southern Zones, Tigray Region, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hadush, Eyerusalem
The Level of Depression and Self Esteem among Institutionalized and Non-Institutionalized Orphan Children.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hadush, G/egziabher
Assessment of Prevalence Injuries and Determinants among Fire Fighters of Fire, Emergency Prevention and Rescue Authority, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hagos, Abay
Assessment of the Attitudes of 15-49 Year Old Women and Men towards Legalization of Abortion in Mekelle Town, Tigray, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hagos, Alem
Factors that Affect Females’ Participation and Performance in Second Cycle Primary Schools: The Case of Sidama Zone Loka Abaya Woreda (SNNPR).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hagos, Alexsander Seyoum
Assessment of Biosafety Practice and Associated Factors in
Clinical Laboratory Workers among Government
Hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hagos, Ataklti
Assessment of Causes for Partial Settlement of Gidabo Dam, Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hagos, Kahsay
Farmer’s Knowledge, Attitude and Practices towards Deforestation: The Case of Selected Kebeles of Atsbiwemberta Wereda Tigray Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hagos, Seifu
Assessment of HIV/AIDS Related Risks
among Men Having Sex with Men (MSM)
in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hagos, Selemun
Project Paper on: Histological and Functional Effect of Fluoride on
Cerebral Cortex of the Brain.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailay, Yirgalem
Simulation of Electro Pneumatic Braking System Response in Long Trains.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Haile, Alemayehu
A Comparative Analysis of the Bureaucratic Structures between Large and Small Secondary Schools.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Haile, Amha
Influence of Women’s Autonomy and Husband’s Involvement
on Couple’s Contraception Use.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Haile, Andualem Anteneh
Assessment of the Impact of Latrine Utilization on Diarrhoeal
Diseases in the Rural Community of Hulet Ejju Enessie District,
Amhara Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Haile, Asmelash
The Impact of Microfinance in Ethiopia the Case of DECSI in Ganta-Afeshum Woreda of Eastern Tigray.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Haile, Asmelash
The Impact of Microfinance in Ethiopia:
The Case of DECSI in Ganta-Afeshum Woreda of Eastern
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Haile, Asmelash
The Impact of Microfinance in Ethiopia: The Case of DECSI in Ganta-Afeshum Woreda of Eastern Tigray.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Haile, Biruk
The Practice and Challenges in Conducting Action Research: The case of Sululta Secondary School.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa.
Haile, Dessalegn
Assessment of Occupational Stress, Job Satisfaction and
Associated Factors among Nurses in East Gojjam Zone
Public Hospitals Northwest Ethiopia, 2016.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Haile, Dessalegn Tigabu
Horizontal Intergovernmental Relations between Ethiopian Federating Units: The Case of Amhara and Benshangul Gumuz Regions.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Haile, Ephrem
Landuse/ Landcover Dynamics and Erosion Susceptibility Analysis: A Case Study of Basso Werena Wereda Landuse/ Landcover Dynamics and Erosion Susceptibility Analysis: A Case Study of Basso Werena Wereda.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Haile, Firehiwot
Trace Determination of Iron in Aqueous Samples by its Catalytic Effect in Trinder’s Reaction.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Haile, Gashawbeza
Levels and Determinants of Fertility among Refugees in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Haile, Hamid Abdurehim
The Role of Performance Management Practice on Employee Productivity in East Africa Bottling Share Company.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Haile, Mahteme
Assessments of HIV/AIDS Related Knowledge among Window
of Hope Population in Kombolcha Town, South Wello Zone,
Amhara Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Haile, Samuel
One Year Retrospective Review of Disease Patterns and
Clinical Outcomes of Patients Admitted in Intensive Care
Units of Armed Force General Teaching Hospital in
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Haile, Tsegay
Comparative Evaluation of Project Performance between Domestic and Chinese Contractors in Selected Federal Road Projects in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa.
Haile, Wosen Petros
Investigating Problems of Organizing Football Clubs in Afar Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailegebreal, Mekdes
Assessment of Nurses’ Perceived Barriers for the Provision of Developmental Care in the
Neonatal Intensive Care Units of Governmental Hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailemaraim, Dawit
Design and Implementation of a Web Based E-learning
Support System (For Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailemariam, Bethlehem Mengistu
N-gram-Based Automatic Indexing for Amharic Text.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailemariam, Eyerusalem
Assessment of Postoperative Pain Management in Saint Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailemelekot, Abiy
Self-Concept of Children in the Institutional and Family Setting.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailemeskel, Habtamu
Designing Intellectual Property Law as a Tool for Development: Prospects and Challenges of the Ethiopian Patent Regime.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailemicael, Alemayehu
Developing Biological Processes for the Treatment
of Malt Factory Effluent: Case of Assela Malt Factory.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailemichael, Aynalem
The Role of Families and Communities in HIV/AIDS
Prevention and Control.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailemichael, Daniel
Psychosocial Impacts of Autism on Families and their Perceptions on the Supports Provided at Joy Center Nia Foundation for Autistic Children in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailemichael, Kibeat
The Challenges of Human Resource Training and Development: The Case of Mekelle Polytechnic College.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Haileselassie, Amanuel
Knowledge on Maternal Health Benefits of Donated Blood and Blood Donation among University Students.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Haileselassie, Amare
The Practice and Challenges of Cooperative Training in some Selected Private Health Science TVET Colleges in Addis Ababa City Administration.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Haileselassie, Amare Kelkay
The Practice and Challenges of Cooperative Training in some Selected Private Health Science TVET Colleges in Addis Ababa City Administration.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Haileselassie, Berhane
Assessment of Insecticide Treated Nets Coverage for Malaria Control in Kafta-Humera District, Tigray: Possession Vs. Use By High-Risk Groups.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Haileselassie, Daniel
Magnitude and Factors Affecting Late Initiation of Antenatal Care Service
Utilization among Pregnant Women in Government Health Institutions, Mekelle
Town, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailesilassie, Hailemariam
Functional Limitations among Outpatients with Severe Mental Disorders: The Case of Major Depression, Schizophrenia, and Bipolar Disorder.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Haileyesus, Abraham
Acceptance of Index Case HIV Testing and Counseling among HIV Patients Under Ossa Care and Support Outlets and Zewditu Memorial Hospital, Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Haileyesus, Elshaddai Mesfin
The Role of IGAD’s Hegemons in the South Sudan Peace Talks.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Abrha Mulu
Characterization of Wastewater and Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Wastewater Treatment Systems in Luna and Kera Slaughterhouses in Central Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Adane
Research Practices at the Ethiopian Federal
Police Commission: Status and Challenges.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Adane
Research Practices at the Ethiopian Federal Police Commission: Status and Challenges.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Amare
Metal Concentration in Vegetables Grown in Northern Addis Ababa and Part of Rift Valley (Ziway), Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Ashenafi
Assessment of Noise Induced Hearing Loss and Associated Factors among Workers in Akaki Basic Metal Industry, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Binyam Tesfaw
Thermal Mapping and Lineament Analysis of Abiyata and Langano Lakes Region in Centeral Ethiopian Rift System.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Birhanu
Physicochemical and Microbial Quality of Drinking
Water from Source to Household Taps: The Case of
Legedadi Reservoir.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Chernet
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude & Practice among Mothers about VCT and Feeding of Infants Born To HIV Positive Women in Jimma Town, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Dejene
Assessment of Pre-Lacteal Feeding Practice and its Associated
Factors Among Mothers Having Children Less Than 24 Months of
Age in Fitche Town, North Showa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Demmelash
Energetics, Maximum Power and Maximum Efficiency Regimes of a Microscopic Heat Engine.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Engdayehu
Ethiopian Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Ephrata
Survival Analysis of Time to First Birth After Marriage.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Fekadu
Remote Sensing Based Actual Evapotranspiration Assessment in the Lake Abaya-Chamo Basin.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Fekensa
Assessement of Traditional Medicine Utilization for Children and Associated Factors among Parents in Tole Woreda, Southwest Shoa, Oromia, Ethiopia, 2017.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Fitsum Addis
Electrocatalytic Reduction of Oxygen at Poly (4-Amino-3-Hydroxynaphtalene
Sulfonic Acid)/Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Gashaw Teferi
An Assessment of Training Materials Management Practice in Selected Public Technical Vocational Education and Training Colleges of Southern Zone of Tigrai.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Girma
Influence of Hedgerow Species on the Relative Abundance of Arthropods in Agroforestry Systems.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Hailu, Habtamu
Home-Gardens and Agrobiodiversity Conservation in Sabata Town, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Haile-Michael
Assessment of Knowledge and Attitude Towards Cervical
Cancer and Screening among Female Students at Menlik II
Health Science College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Hanna
Assessment of Self-Reported Practice of Nursing
Documentation and Associated Factors among Nurses in
Selected Public Hospitals, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2017.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Henok
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Medical Laboratory Professionals on the
Use of Clinical Chemistry and Hematology Internal Quality Control in Public and Private
Hospitals, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Henok
The Effectiveness of Integrated Religious and
Counseling Principles on Increasing the
Counseling Skills of Priests: The Case of
Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Hishe
An Assessment of the Process of Privatization in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Hiwot
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of
Exclusive Breastfeeding among Mothers Attending
Selected Public Health Institution in Arada Sub City,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Melese
Evalence and Antimicrobial Resistance of Bacterial Isolates
with Special Emphasis on Enterobacteriaceae among Children
Suspected for Septicemia and Urinary Tract Infection in Tikur
Anbessa University Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Michael
Quality of Life and Mental Health Problems of Persons with Disabilities:
The Case of Misrach Handicraft Training and Rehabilitation Center.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Samuel
Delays in Maternal Morbidity and Maternal
Mortality at Facility Level, Tigray Regional
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Serkalem
Serum Total and Placental Alkaline Phosphatas at Second and Third
Trimesters of Normal Pregnant Mothers from July to Nov 2015 at Zewditu
Memorial Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Simon
Evaluation of Ghee Processing Methods on Shelf Stability and Yield.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Simon
Problems and Prospects of the Four Skill Development Centres in Tigray Administrative Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Sinidu
A Study on Assessment of Job Satisfaction among Nurses
Working in an Emergency Department in Three Hospitals of
Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Solomon Firew
Power Line Communication Based Real Time Train Tracking System for Addis Ababa Light Rail Transit.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Tadeg
Phytopharmaceutical Studies of some Selected Medicinal Plants Locally Used in the Treatment of Skin Disorders.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Tekleweyni Gebremikael
Assessment of Work Related Stress among Aircraft Crew
Members of Ehiopian Air Lines.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Tesfalem
Causes and Socio-Economic Impacts of Road Traffic Accidents in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Tesfaye
Pregnancy Outcomes in HIV Infected and Uninfected Women
Attending ANC/PMTCT in Mekelle Town, Tigray Regional State,
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Tsigereda
Psychological Wellbeing of Individuals in the Divorcing Process Waiting for a Court Decision in Federal First Instance Court, Lideta Bench, Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Wubshet
Evaluation of the Diuretic Activity of the Aqueous and 80% Methanolic Extracts of the Leaves of Ajuga Remota B. in Mice.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Yohannes
Legal and Institutional Framework for Transfer of Technology in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Zewdu
Comparative Study on Bandwidth Enhancement Techniques of Microstrip Patch Antenna.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailu, Zinabu
Effects of Controlled Atmosphere Storage and Temperature on Quality Attributes of Mango.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Haimanot, Yohannes
The Effect of Reward on Employee Motivation in International Rescue Committee (IRC), Ethiopia Program.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Haji, Miza Haji
Challenges Affecting Women in the Informal Sector Developing their Businesses in Zanzibar: A Study of Women in the Cosmetic Industry.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Hakoma, Charles Muchimba
A Comparison of Perceptions and Attitude among Teachers in Public and Private Secondary Schools Regarding the Re-Entry Policy in Mazabuka District.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Hale, Tefera Kegnalew
The Accommodation of Ethnic Diversity in SNNPRS; A Comparative Study of Ethnic Accommodation between the Ethnic Groups of D’irashe Woreda and Other Ethnic Groups of Segen.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Halefom, Awet
Challenges of Enforcing Value Added Tax Law in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Halefom, Azeb
Action Research Practice in Government Secondary Schools: The Case of Addis Ababa City Administration.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hamalengo, Mercy
Managing Indiscipline Cases in Selected Government and Mission Secondary Schools in Lusaka District, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Hamatu, Vielar
Educational Interventions and the Performance of Female Students in Mathematics and Science in the Selected Secondary Schools in Lusaka District from 2005 To 2010.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Hamba, Niguse
A Systematic Review of the Histopathological Effects of Ultraviolet
Radiation Exposure on the Ocular Structures in Human and Animal
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hambissa, Teshome
Analysis and DSP Implementation of Sensor-less Direct FOC of Three-Phase Induction Motor Using Open-Loop Speed Estimator.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hamde, Feyissa
Monitoring the Efficacy of Coartem® for Uncomplicated Falciparum malaria in Selekleka Town, Tigray Region, Northern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hamid, Ahmed
3D Modelling for Urban Cadasteral Registration, Management and Administration; The Case of Bahir Dar Town Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hamid, Miftah Seid
Design, Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Cluster Based AODV Routing Protocol.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hamisi, M. Williams
The Effect of Digital Divide on Accessibility of Agricultural Information among Sugarcane Farmers in Migori County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Hamisi, Williams M.
The Effect of Digital Divide on Accessibility of Agricultural Information among Sugarcane Farmers in Migori County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Hamoonga, Twaambo Euphemia
Predictors of Abnormal Cervical Lesions among Women (15-49 Years Old) in Zambia: A Cross-Sectional Study.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Hampande, Lynette Munachoonga
Attitudes and Determinants of Lumbar Puncture Acceptability among Caregivers at Three Hospitals in Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Hamwela, Augustine
A Model Framework for Bancassurance Regulation in Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Hamza, Abdurhaman
Assessment of Productive Safety Net Program with Particular
Emphasis on Public Work: The Case Study of Two Kebeles in Lanforo Wereda, SNNPR.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hamza, Abdurhaman
Assessment of Productive Safety Net Program with Particular Emphasis on Public Work: The Case Study of Two Kebeles in Lanforo Wereda, SNNPR.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hamza, Marishet Mohammed
The Impact of Climate Change on the Rights of the Child: Challenge for Realizing the Rights of the Child under the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Han, Courtney
Dynamic and Lasting Impacts: Socioeconomic Effects of Protracted Refugee Camps on Host Communities in Tanzania.
Undergraduate thesis, Duke University.
Hangibayna, Aspiron
Metamorphism and Deformation History of Precambrian Rocks of
Sorobo, Konso Area, Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hang’andu, Matongo Lenon
Exploring Determinants of Male Involvement in PMTCT Programs in Chibombo District of Central Province of Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Hanunka, Brave
Effectiveness of Option B+ Towards Elimination of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV: A Retrospective Cohort Study of Selected Facilities in Lusaka, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Haregewoin, Tigabu
Children in Conflict with the Law and Their Right to Education in Addis Ababa Rehabilitation Centre (With Special Emphasis on Primary Education).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Harriet, Sebit Jacqueline