Process Design Study for the Beneficiation of Kaluwe Phosphate Ore

Simukanga, Stephen (1986) Process Design Study for the Beneficiation of Kaluwe Phosphate Ore. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

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Kaluwe phosphate ore constitutes calcite (74.4 vlt %) as the major mineral with minor amounts of apatite (5.9 wt ~~;), opaques (13.5 wt %), which are predominantly iron minerB,ls, quartz/feldspar (5.7 wt %) and traces of biotite (0.5 \.;t ~~). The chemical composition of the ore averaged 2.2% P205' 47.7 >~ OaO, 1.6 % i1g0, 1.2 % A1 203 , 3.3 % Fe203 and 4.7 % Si02• Beneficiation studies were performed to investigate methods of concentrating the phosphate values. Preliminary studies involved detailed identification of mineralogical and chemical properties of the constituent minerals which could form the basis of selective separation of apatite from the gangue. The results of these studies sho\'1ed that liberation of apatite occurred below 425}J m. On the b<1sis of the identified mineralogical ar.d chemical properties of the minerals, tabling, magnetic concentration and flotation techniques were applied in the beneficiation tests. 'l'he results indicated that these techniques co-..;J.d not be i:o.o.ividually applied to produce a final phosphate concentrate of the poor grade of the ore. Encouraging concentrate grades "Jere obtained after combining these techniques. A treatment flowsheet has been proposed based on the obt2.ined resu1 ts. The mul tiplici ty of processing steps in the £10 .... '- sheet ir')plies increased capital and operatinz costs. This is uncwoidable due to the low grade nature of the ore.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Subjects: T Technology > TN Mining engineering. Metallurgy
Divisions: Africana
Depositing User: Geoffrey Obatsa
Date Deposited: 30 Jan 2019 10:10
Last Modified: 30 Jan 2019 10:10

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