A Critical Analysis of the Companies Act and the Companies Registry

Ndovi, Pelani (2007) A Critical Analysis of the Companies Act and the Companies Registry. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

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It is an authenticated fact that the development of an economy is largely dependant on thriving of the private sector; particularly, the formal private sector. It is this sector that has seen a significant growth from the rebirth of multiparty democracy in Zambia. Not in any way taking away the contribution made by the informal sector; that as it may be (that the informal sector has also contributed significantly to the economy of Zambia); it is not the area of interest that this paper will dwell on but the formal private sector. The advent of multiparty politics also brought with it the pursuit of the market economy in preference to the controlled model type of economy that was pursued in the third republic. It is this market economy that has lead to the growth of commerce in the private sector. The Companies Registry has seen a steady growth ofthe number of companies being registered prior to the opening up of Zambia's economy. In order the regulate the growth in the number of companies in Zambia, the companies Act was enacted in 1994 and the moving of the companies registry to an independent building separate from the Ministry of Commerce. This was in order to adequately accommodate the growing number of people visiting the Companies Registry. However good accommodation only of the Companies Registry, and a Companies Act that does not adequately address the needs of companies and regulation of companies in Zambia is not enough to sustain and meet the needs of companies. The essay preceded by this paper shall analyse the problems with the companies Act and also address the shortcomings of the Companies Registry. The general objective of the study is to highlight, enhance awareness and understanding and recommend were necessary changes to the Companies Act and the operations of the Companies Registry in order to make it more efficacious in the discharge of its supervision of companies in Zambia.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Subjects: K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions: Africana
Depositing User: Geoffrey Obatsa
Date Deposited: 28 Mar 2019 09:44
Last Modified: 28 Mar 2019 09:46
URI: http://thesisbank.jhia.ac.ke/id/eprint/9078

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