Andargie, Destaw (2005) The Role of Anti·Corruption Initiatives to The Realization of The Right to Development: With Particular Reference to Ethiopia. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
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The ri ght to development (RTO). which is a comprehensive concept, embracing virtually all human right s. and constitutes in economic. soc ia l. cultural and political development. in which a ll human ri ghts and fundamental freedoms can be fu lly realized. has been recognized as an ina li e nable human right. Converse ly, corruption runs directly counter to the economic. socia l, cultural and politica l development endeavors of a nation. It particu larly worsens the already harsh socio-economic conditions in poor countries, such as Ethiopia. The real enigma is that. whereas corruption is ruinous to overall development, underdeve lopment is in part responsible for the perpetuation of corruption. Very c lea rl y, corruption and underdevelopment re inforce each other for each other's SUbs i stence-~-- putabI Y, therefore, the reali zati on of the RTO requires breaking the vici ous circle. which in turn pres upposes the elimination of corruption. Corrupti on and underdeve lopment be ing major problems 00hird world countries such as Ethi opia. the paper is aimed at exploring and depicting the complex dilemma of relationship between the two monumental problems. and conve rse ly. the role~nti corruption movements can play in the reali zation of the ri ght to development. [t tries to sc rutinize the conceptual and pract ica l issues surrounding the problem. This paper embraces four chaplers. The o pening chapter is meant to introduce the overall object i\e of the research. The second chapter takes up the iss ue of corruption and grapples to clarify the nature. the root ca uses and deb ili tat ing consequences of corruption. It also attempts to figure the probl em in the Eth iopian conte:--;L The theoretical underpinnings of the right to dc\elopment as a human righ t. the particul ar s igni f1cance of' such a right to underdc\ e lopect co untri es . such a~: i op ia. and the status of th is right in the nati ona l and international legal frameworks will )l lso be e:--;am ined under the third chapter. Chapter four grappl es with the profound corre lat ion bel\\'een corruption and underde\e!opment. It also tries to identify poss ible \\ays of integrating anti corruption initiati\'es into the promotion and implementation of human rights s ituations in general and the right to dewlopment in parti cul ar. Fin ally. some concluding remarks, which csse11lia lly suggest mechani sms of streamlining anticorruption efforts to redress the sit uation. \\inc! up the paper.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General) J Political Science > JA Political science (General) |
Divisions: | Africana |
Depositing User: | Kabiru Wallace Ndung'u |
Date Deposited: | 24 Jun 2019 10:32 |
Last Modified: | 24 Jun 2019 10:32 |
URI: | |
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