Berhe, Addisu (2012) The Prevalence of Plagiarisms and its Implication to Quality of Education: The Case of Addis Ababa University. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
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The intent oflhis sludy was to assess the Prcvalence of PlagiarisnLi and its implication to quality ot' educat ion: The casc of Addis Ababa Unive rs ity. Bolh 'I"anlitalive ami qualitmive dala lVere collected Ihrollgh queslionnaires, il7l erl'i~\ vs (/ml parlicipant's observers. A .\'all/pl~ of eighl departments was selecled randomly oll/ong -10 poslgrac!uale slmlies. ,/ sall/ple of 163 sludenls parlicipaledji-om 483 postgmilllale sludenls afregular and extension program: besides 9 instrue/Ors were inlervie",ed The data lVere analy~ed using Percentages, means and standard deviat io n. The f indings revl:Cll that internet plagiarisms and plagiarisms due poor underslanding 0/ in texi citation, paraphrasing and refe rencing prevail mas! due to intentional plagiari.1iJn (lCI (~/presSll re to succeed [fnd IInintentional (lct of puor understanding of in lexl c itation. parujJ:lr~ /si llg !mc/ referencing conver/lions, Furlher, absence of vivid and inclusive mechoilism,,' 10 identify the autheniici!y oistlldents work ocross the ,(;Iected departments show that Ihere is a loos ~'n alii-plagiarism movemenls in Ihe deparlmenls, There/ore, Ihis sludy suggesls differenl recol71mendalions ami the main ones are (Ieparlmenls and institulcS should prepare common explicil simple examples of correcl lexl acknolVledgements conventions Ihat could be put on the course outlines of each courses/modules: the nation higher educaliollS should have a hub data base and sojiware 's Ihal could help instructors' a cross Ihe na/ion to check Iheir sludenl.\' IVork with others prior work, sludenl '.I' papers and Ih es is titles haw to be guided to new i.;'sues and cOlltcmporwy problems of the sociely 10 minimize replications and scrabbling on similar arena,
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) |
Divisions: | Africana |
Depositing User: | Kabiru Wallace Ndung'u |
Date Deposited: | 06 Sep 2019 12:15 |
Last Modified: | 06 Sep 2019 12:15 |
URI: | |
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