Temesgen, Adugna (2011) Assessment of the Implementation of Current School Improvement Program in Secondary Schools of Horo Guduru Wollega. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
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The lIIain purpose oflhis study was 10 assess the current praclice oflhe school illlprovement progralll and thereby to identify Ihe major constraints those hinder Ihe progralll e./Jecliveness in secondmy schools of Horo Gudum Wollega; Ihen 10 provide possible solulions to Ihe idel1li}ied problems. To achieve this purpose, descriptive survey lIIethod was employed. The study was conduced in eight secondmy schools Ihat were drawn randomly from a total of twelve secondmy schools in sampled woredas. Then frOIll each school and respective woreda leachers and job pel/ormers/ experts were selected by using random salllpling leclmique where as school principals and WEO.heads were selected on p.urposive basis by virtue of decisive position they assume perlaining 10 the issue under discussion. For this sflldy, queslionnaire was used as the lIIain instrumel1l of dafa col~ ion frOIll leachers and WEO job pel/orlllers. Accordingly, 150 copies in two sels were distribuled out of which 115fi'01ll Ieachers and 27 frOIll WEO job pel/orlllers were properly filled and retumed. The data ob fained frOIll quesliol1llClires were analyzed using quantitalive slalislical lools sllch as freq uency COUlII, percel1lage, weighled point index and chi square lest. On the olher hand, the data oblained through inlerview, FGD, observalion check lisl and parlly document review were analyzed qualitalively in narralion mode so as to subsfan tiate Ihe result of quanlitative analysis. The findings of stlldy indicaled that teachers' parlicipalion in CPD progralll was not adequate 10 conlribute 10 leachers professional developlllent in parlicular, and to enable Ihem discharge Iheir pOlentials in alignment with Ihe priorities of school improvemel1l in general. School leadership and management parlicularly school principals were nol found in a position to e./Jectively run SIP due to mar.,ly knowledge, skill and comlllilment factors. Hence, . Ihey failed to develop arliculaled strategic plan. As a consequence, th~ e.rogram objectives were not well addressed. In addition 10 Ihis, .--:p L----'" majority of schools were neither equipped with necessmy physical facilities, equipment and educalional m9terials conducive [or studel1ls ' learning nor utilized these resources efficienlty. , Hence, physical conditions were less promising than social conditions. Furthermore, communily members could not have adequate mvareness abollt the progralll. Thus, it was found that their level of participalion to o./Jer any necessmJI support was passive. In addilion, il was found that the major facto rs that affected effeclive illlplelllenlation of the SIP in the siudy area were: acute shortage offinancial resource, lack of COIIIIIIWl ily sense of school ownership and absence of consiSlent follow up and supervisO/y support frO Ill WEO and ' olhers. Helice, frO Ill Ihe result of Ihe study, it was concJ.y.ded thai sillce 111051 of the activities across Ihe four dOlllains were 1101 embedded ill Ihe schools, SIP'7i7 the study area was not implelllenied as envisaged by the f ramework As the result, schools were 1101 in a position /0 meet/he desired s/udents' achievement. Therefore, 10 alleviale Ihe proble",s of Ihe school illlprovemeni praclice, il Was recollimelided Ihal ill/reserved e./Jorl need 10 be IIlCIde to encourage CPD and capacily building lraining opporllll/ilies for leachers and principals. In addilion, school enl'ironlllent should be safe and worlhy for sludenls : leaming 10 lake place. To do so, school should work jOintly wilh leachers, parents and COIIIIIIUllily me;nbers to lIIinimize resource and olher constraints. On lap oflhis, lechnically, well designed slralegic plan thai can serve as a model along wilh various doclllllellls ()f SIP should be dislribUied for all schools.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) |
Divisions: | Africana |
Depositing User: | Kabiru Wallace Ndung'u |
Date Deposited: | 06 Sep 2019 11:58 |
Last Modified: | 06 Sep 2019 11:58 |
URI: | http://thesisbank.jhia.ac.ke/id/eprint/9592 |
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