Number of items at this level: 203.
Abate, Amare
Problems and Constraints of Urban Green Area Management in Addis Ababa: The Case of Kolfe- Keranio Sub-City.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Abel
Evaluation of Recharge and Shallow Groundwater Dynamics in the Upper Awash Basin, Central Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abebe, Feyissa Chibssa
Flood Hazard Assessment Using GIS in Bacho Plain, Upper Awash Valley, Southwest of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Asalfew
Demographic and Socio-Economic Determinants of Youth Unemployment in Debere Birhan Town, North Showa Administrative Zone, Amhara National Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Daniel
Geospatial Modeling for Assessing Ground Water Quality in
Southern Nation, Nationality and People’s Region (SNNPR),
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Kebad Mengesha
The Study of Coexistence of Superconductivity and Ferromagnetism in Urhge and Ucoge.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abeyu, Shiferaw
Environmental Flow Assessment at the Source of the Blue Nile River, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adise, Mekonnen
Geology and Geochemistry of Guna Volcanic Massif Northwestern Ethiopian Plateau.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adjei, Alexander
A Spatial Analysis of Development Projects in Venda: A Case Study of the Tshivhase Tea Estate.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Admasie, Adimew
Assessing Integration Indigenous Practices with Modern Technologies for Sustainable Land Management; the Case of Soil Conservation and Fertility Improvement in Debremitimak Kebele, East Gojjam.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Afework, Amene
Urban Informal Sector as a Livelihood Strategy of Women: The Case of ‘Tella’ and ‘Katicala’ Producers and Sellers in Dejen Town, East Gojjam Zone, Amhara Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aklilu, Andualem
Modeling Soil Nitrogen Balance Using Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing: The Case of Lower Bilate River Basin, Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemayehu, Eyasu
The Potential for a Micro-Regional Integration Arrangement within the Context of COMESA: The Case of the North Gondar Zone, Ethiopia, and the Gedaref State, Sudan.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemayehu, Lemessa
GIS and Remote Sensing Based Malaria Risk Mapping in Fentale
Woreda, East Shoa Zone, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemayehu, Zewdie
Modeling of Flood Hazard Management for Forecasting and Emergency Response of ‘Koka’ Area within Awash River Basin Using Remote Sensing and GIS Method.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Beyene
GIS and Remote Sensing Based Assessment of Causes and Risk Analysis of
Flood Hazard in Iresha Watershed, Meskan Wereda, SNNPR, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ali, Gebeyehu
Assessment of Land Use Land Cover Dynamics and Soil
Erosion Susceptible Modeling in Amhara Regional State:
Case Study at Dessie Zuria Woreda Using Remote Sensing and GIS.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aman, Hussien
Water Loss Management in Adama Town.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ango, Tola Gemechu
Prospects of Sustainable Natural Resource Management and Livelihood Development in Wondo Genet Area, Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Anusa, Annah
Study of Ephemeral Rock Pools on Domboshawa Mountain, Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Araya, Daniel Hagos
Groundwater Evaluation of the Wukro-Genfel Sub-Basin Tigray, Northern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asaye, Nigussie Gebretsadik
Analysis of Land and Vegetation Cover Dynamics
Using Remote Sensing & GIS Techiniques: A Case
Study of Nechisar National Park.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aschalew, Assefa
Climate Change Detection and Attribution in Tropical Africa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asfaw, Aymeku
Hydrogeology of the Alaydegea Plain and its Environs ( Middle Awash Valley, Afar Region ).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ashenif, Melese Abraham
Remote Sensing and GIS Based Drought Vulnerability Assessment: A Case of Afar Regional State, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aysheshim, Melese Wubshet
Application of GIS for Urban Planning in Ethiopia with Particular Reference to Abattoir Site Suitability Analysis for Kulito Town: An Exploration.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bambore, Mulu
Problem Assessment in Durame Town Water Supply.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belay, Ayalew
Internet-GIS: An Application to Real Estate and Housing Management in the City Government of Addis Ababa (CGAA).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belay, Bewket Amdu
Analysis of Farmers’ Perception and Adaptation to Climate Change and Variability: The Case of Choke
Mountain, East Gojjam.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belay, Gebrehiwot
The Contribution of Irrigation Development on Household Poverty Reduction in Ethiopia: A Case Study of Adiha Irrigation Scheme, Kola- Tembein Woreda, Central Zone of Tigray, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhan, Gessesse
Forest Cover Change and Susceptibility to Forest Degradation Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques: A Case of Dendi District, West Central Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhanu, Assefa Abelieneh
Community Based Watershed Development for Climate Change Adaptation in Choke Mountain: The Case of Upper Muga Watershed in East Gojjam of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Berhanu, Kidane Wolde michael
Cellular Automata Model Based Urban Sprawl Mapping: A Case of Mekelle City, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beshir, Bedru
Small Scale Irrigation Users Peasant Horticulture in Dugda
Bora and Adami Tulu Jido Kombolcha Woredas East Shewa
Zone: Challenges and Opportunities.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beshir, Bedru
Small Scale Irrigation Users Peasant Horticulture in Dugda
Bora and Adami Tulu Jido Kombolcha Woredas East Shewa Zone: Challenges and Opportunities.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beyene, Musie Nega
An Assessment of the Contribution of Mai-Nigus Dam Irrigation for Household Food Security and Poverty Reduction in Dura Kebelle, La-Elay Mai Chew Woreda, Tigray Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Burka, Ashenafi
Land Use / Land Cover Dynamics in Prosopis juliflora Invaded Area of Metehara and the Surrounding Districts Using Remote Sensing & GIS Techniques.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Buumba, Lebita
A Stylistic Study of Characterisation in Phiri’s Ticklish Sensation: A Systemic Functional Perspective.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chernet, Daniel
Application of Remote-Sensing and GIS for Potential Ecotourism Site Selection in Addis Ababa and its Surroundings.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Chihona, Stuart
The impact of Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) on the communal livelihoods: A case study of areas surrounding Ruti Dam in Gutu and Buhera districts in Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Chikuta, Fred
Characterization of Spatial Distribution of Soil Organic Carbon Stocks in Selected
Land Use Types and Landscapes in Chama District.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chinyakata, Rueben
Relational Database Framework for Geospatial Data Sets.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chinyepe, Andrew
Satellite Remote Sensing of Surface Water Evaporation over Lake Mutirikwi, Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chipfunde, Onismus
The Response of Zimbabwean Sorghum and Maize Landraces to Striga asiatica Infestation.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chiwa, Renny
Effects of Land Use and Land Cover Changes on the Hydrology of Weruweru-Kiladeda Sub-Catchment in Pangani River Basin, Tanzania.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Chizya, Mvula
Prospects and Challenges of Gender Mainstreaming in Water Sector Policies and Institutions: Case Study of the Department of Water Affairs (DWA).
Other thesis, University of Zambia.
Dabassa, Gemechu Bekele
The Challenges and Opportunities of Wetlands Management in
Ethiopia: The Case of Abijiata Lake Wetlands.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dabassa, Gemechu Bekele
The Challenges and Opportunities of Wetlands Management in Ethiopia: The Case of Abijiata Lake Wetlands.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Degefaw, Amare
Application of Remote Sensing for Delineation of Drought Vulnerable Areas in Amhara Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dereje, Mekonnen Asfaw
Satellite-Based Rainfall Estimation: Evaluation and Characterization
(A Case Study Over Omo-Gibe River Basin).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dershaye, Belay
Environmental Impact Analysis of Infrastructures Development and Lake Beseka Expansion on the Integrity of Fentale-Metehara Blister Caves in the Main Ethiopian Rift.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dessalegn, Tekle Tiku
Mapping of Crustal Thickness Variation in Southern Afar Using Gravity Survey.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dessalew, Alelign
Land Use Land Cover Change Detection and Vulnerability to Forest Degradation Using Remote Sensing and GIS: A Case of Borena District in North Centeral Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dinkneh, Aschalew Mamuye
The Sustainability of Rural Water Supply System: A Case in Homosha Wereda; BGRS, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dlamini, Malangeni Andile
The Relationship between Production Performance and Governance in Smallholder Irrigation Schemes in Swaziland.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Domingos, Arlindo P.
The Livelihood of the Forest Dependent Populations: A Case Study of the Women Fuelwood Carriers in Woreda 1 of the Gulele Subcity in Northern Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dula, Wakassa Duguma
GIS and Remote Sensing Based Land Suitability Analysis for Agricultural Crops in Mojo Watershed, Upper Awash Sub Basin, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Edossa, Lechissa
The Impacts of Rural Water Supply and Management System on Livelihood of User Communities: A Case of Babile Woreda, East Hararge Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Erba, Tilahun Bayou
Impacts of Deforestation on Rural
The Case of Kuyu Woreda, Central Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ertiro, Habtamu
Adoption of Physical Soil and Water Conservation Structures in Anna Watershed, Hadiya Zone, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fatch, Joanna June
Local Participation in Transboundary Water Resources Management: The Case of Limpopo Basin, Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Fentaw, Alemu Eshetu
Impacts of Climate Variability and Change on Food Security and Farmers Adaptation Strategies in Gubalafto Woreda, North Wollo, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
G/wold, Yeshewazerf
Assessment of Public Leisure Services Provision: The Case of Addis Ababa Recreational Parks.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gabourie, Taylor
Exploration of the Adjustment Methods and Coping Styles Employed By Expatriates in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gakaria, Morrine W.
Factors Influencing Sustainability of Smallholder Tea Production: A Case of Women Farmers in Iriaini Tea Factory, Othaya Division, Nyeri County.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gara, Tawanda Winmore
Modelling Spatial Variations in Wood Volume and Forest Carbon Stocks in Dry Forests of Southern Africa Using Remotely Sensed Data.
MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Gebeyehu, Assaminew
GIS-Based Groundwater Vulnerability Mapping of Holeta River Catchment, Oromia Regional State, West Shewa Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebrehiwot, Misgina
An Assessment of Challenges of Sustainable Rural
Water Supply: The Case of Ofla Woreda in Tigray
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebreyesus, Emebet
Agricultural Water Use of Peasants in Relation to Agricultural Production and Marketing in Gozamin Woreda of Eastern Gojjam Zone, Amhara Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Geleta, Yohannes
Large Scale Irrigation Management and Critical Environment Concern: The Case of Fentale Irrigation Project in Central Oromia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Geremew, Bezabih
Assessment of Problems to Sustainability of Rural Water Supply Schemes: The Case of Menge Woreda (Benishangul Gumuz Regional State).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Atreshiwal
Remote Sensing and GIS Based Poverty Mapping Small- Area Estimation Approach in Rural Oromiya Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Emishaw
Practices and Challenges of the Agricultural Use of Rainwater Harvesting in Amhara Region, Menz Mama Mider Woreda.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gitonga, Pauline Njoki
Spatial Analysis of Risk Factors and their Effects on Peste des Petits Ruminants Control Strategies in Kajiado and Marsabit Pastoral Systems of Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Giya, Ginjo
NGOs Natural Resources Management Technologies: Their Adoption by Farmers with Evidence from Kindo Koisha Area, Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gulilat, Awoke
Achievements and Challenges of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Program Implementation in Tole Ana of Southwest Shewa Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gwandu, Tariro
Translating Integrated Soil Fertility Management Information and Knowledge into Crop Productivity Benefits through Farmer Learning and Participatory Action in Eastern Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Hadish, Legesse
Drought Risk Assessment Using Remote Sensing and GIS:
A Case Study in Southern Zones, Tigray Region, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hagos, Kahsay
Farmer’s Knowledge, Attitude and Practices towards Deforestation: The Case of Selected Kebeles of Atsbiwemberta Wereda Tigray Regional State.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Henkaro, Nigussie Taffesse
The Role of Irrigation Development in Enhancing Household Food Security: A Case of Three Small-Scale Irrigation Schemes in Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples' Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ilfata, Getaneh
Remote Sensing and GIS Assisted Participatory Biosphere Reserve Zoning for Wild Coffee Conservation: Case of Yayu Forest.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Jahure, Farayi Blessing
The Spatio-Temporal Soil Moisture Variation along the Major Tributaries of Zambezi River in the Mbire District, Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Kadisa, Kago
Willingness to Pay for Improved Water Supply Services in Phaleng Ward, Shoshong, Botswana: Application of Contingent Valuation Method (CVM).
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Kalua, Richman
Pressure Management as a Tool for Reduction and Control of Real Water Losses for
Kasungu Water Supply Scheme in Malawi.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Kamtukule, Sydney Lixiel
Investigating Impacts of Sedimentation on Water Availability in Small Dams: Case Study of Chamakala II Small Earth Dam in Malawi.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Kapalanga, Taimi Sofia
Assessment and Development of Remote Sensing Based Algorithms for Water Quality Monitoring in Olushandja Dam, North-Central Namibia.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Karuma, Andrew Karanja
Assessing the Role of Eco-Rating Certification Scheme in Promoting Responsible Tourism.
Masters thesis, South Eastern Kenya University.
Kasuni, Samuel Mwongela
Impacts of Expansion of Agriculture and Land use Change on Flow Regime of Thiba River, Kenya.
Masters thesis, South Eastern Kenya University.
Kayi, Calvine
Effects of the 1997/98 El-Nino Rainfall on Input Costs and Productivity of Nairobi-Based Road Freight Operators.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Kebenei, Mercy Cheruto
Assessment of Land Use and Land Cover Change in Makueni County for Selected Time Periods.
Masters thesis, South Eastern Kenya University.
Kemal, Anwar
Revitalization of Jugal Through Public Open Space, Harar.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Kidane, Angesom Resom
Petrosgenetic Evolution of the Melka Wakena Pyroclastic Deposits: Implications for the Depositional History of the Intercalated Volcanosedimentary Rocks.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Kigomo, Mathew Kiura
The Effects of Forest Loss on Precipitation and Stream Discharge in the Upper Catchment of Ewaso Ngiro South River.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Kihagi, John Karanja
Land use Changes in the Lake Nakuru Catchment Implications on Environmental Planning and Management.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Kimey, Victor
Assessment of the Performance of Urban Water Supply Utilities: A Case Study of Korogwe and Muheza Towns, Tanzania.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Kinyari, Priscilla Kagure
Anthropogenic Impacts on Flow Regime and Water Quality of Ngong River in Nairobi.
Masters thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology.
Kiragu, Gibson Mwangi
Assessment of Suspended Sediment Loadings and their Impact on the Environmental Flows of Upper Transboundary Mara River, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology.
Kirera, Samuel Jacob Muthuri
Estimation of Water Losses in Ngaciuma-Kinyaritha Sub-Catchment, Upper Tana Basin, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Kurwakumire, Natasha Tashinga
Managing Nutrient Interactions for Improved Agronomic Efficiency under Contrasting Soil Carbon Levels in Smallholder Farms.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Kushe, James Fred
Assessment of the Chemical Quality of Groundwater for Drinking in Dedza District, Malawi.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Kwena, Zachary A.
Sexual Concurrency among Married Couples in the Fishing Communities along Lake Victoria in Kisumu County, Kenya.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Kweyu, Raphael M.
Linking the Social and the Spatial in Forest Related Conflicts: The Case of Eastern Mau Forest Adjacent Communities, Kenya.
PhD thesis, University of Nairobi.
Kyalo, Winfred Muthini
Stakeholders' Participation in Biotechnology Policy Formulation and their Perceptions towards Genetically Modified Foods in Nairobi Province, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Lammesa, Bane Banti
Groundwater Potential and Recharge Zone Mapping by Using GIS
and Remote Sensing Techniques in the Case of Middle Awash River
Basins, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Lusuva, Elina Adrian
An Assessment of Gender Mainstreaming in Water Resources Management: A Case Study of Mkoji Sub Catchment in Usangu Plains, Tanzania.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Mabhumbo, Nyasha
The Limnological Status of the Gwebi River Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Machiwana, Vimbayi R.
The Impact of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Programmes in Chivi District, Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Madyanga, Juvenary P.
Analysis of the Limiting Factors in Soil Water Management Practices of Small Holder Farmers in Magamba Sub-Catchment of Lushoto District, Tanzania.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Makara, Mamabitsa
Assessment of Spatial and Temporal Soil Loss in and out of Lesotho Using Rusle Model and GIS.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Makhanya, Saneliso Vuyo
Contribution of Hydrological Processes in the Occurrence of Extreme Hydrological Events in the Middle Zambezi River Basin.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Mantsebo, Colleta Chipo
The Effects of Irrigation Methods, Calcium Levels and other Nutrients on Soft Rot (Pectobacterium carotovora subspecies brasiliensis) Infection of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.).
MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Maonga, Timothy Walela
Influence of Reflective Inquiry-Based Teaching on Public Secondary School Students’ Performance in Geography Map Work in Kenya.
PhD thesis, University of Nairobi.
Maranga, E.K
Water Balance Studies in Relation to Tea Yields in the Brooks Bond Liebig Estates, Kericho, Kenya. Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Masheka, Goodson
Optimization of Non-Revenue Water Management for Livingstone Town-Zambia: A Case Study of Lizuma Ward.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Matimba, Nyararai
An Assessment of Surface Water Availability in the Pungwe Sub Catchment and Development of an Appropriate Water Allocation Framework.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Mbaka, Charity Kageni
An Evaluation of Rural Electrification Adoption Dynamics in Meru-South Sub-County, Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Mbewe, Agnes
An Assessment of Tourism Development in Kafue National Park-North.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Mbilikita, Chilombo
Land Conflict Resolution Mechanisms in Kalikiliki Settlement, Lusaka.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Megaze, Aberham
Population Status, Demography and Time Budget of the African Buffalo (Syncerus caffer Sparrman, 1779) and Anthropogenic Impacts in Chebera Churchura National Park, Ethiopia.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Mekbib, Selamawit
Investigation on Some of Engineering Properties of Soils Found in Sebeta Town.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Melkamu, Abraham Hailemelekot
Determination of Spatio -Temporal Differences of Water Hyacinth and its Effects in Lake Aba Samuel, South West of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Mera, Addisu
Effects of Urban Sprawl on the Livelihood of Suburban Agricultural Community: The Case of Sara Ampol, Yeka Tafo and Chorizo Area, Yeka Sub City, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Mhondoro, Melania
Spatial Variation in Vegetation and Soils around Artificial Watering Points in Hwange National Park.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Mkhonta, Sithembiso
Assessing the Rate of Sedimentation of the Lubovane Reservoir and the Implications on the Lifespan of the Lusip Project in Sphofaneni, Swaziland.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Mnisi, Lucky Nhlanhla
Assessment of the State of the Water Quality of the Lusushwana River, Swaziland, using Selected Water Quality Indices.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Mogami, Keneilwe
Impact of Pumping on Groundwater Resources: An Assessment through Steady State Modelling: Orapa Wellfield 7, Central Botswana.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Monyamane, Yaone
Risk Analysis of Wastewater Use in Crop Production: A Case of Glen Valley Irrigation Scheme, Botswana.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Mpembamoto, Kelvin Matete
Impact of Sector-Based Upgrading on Home-Based Enterprises: A Case Study of Chaisa.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Muisa, Norah
Impacts of Alum Residues from Morton Jaffray Water Works on Water Quality and Fish, Harare, Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Mumma, Atieno Constansia
The Lake Victoria water hyacinth: its Implications for international environmental Conflicts (IECS) management and regional Relations in East Africa.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Munyebvu, Fiona
Variations in Groundwater Quality in Protected and Unprotected Water Sources of Murehwa District.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Murinda, Sharon S.
Comparative Assessment of Performance of Urban Water Supply Systems in Small Towns of Zimbabwe: Case of ZINWA and Local Council Water Supply Systems.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Mutelo, Mukendoyi A.
An Understanding of Variations in the Area Extent of Lake Lyambezi: Perspective for Water Resources Management.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Mutowo, Godfrey
Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing
Modelling of Tree Species Diversity in the Woodlands of
MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Mutuma, Munyua Philip
Ex-Ante Analysis of Rural Electricity Demand and Environmental
Benefits: The Case of Gura Small Hydro Power Project, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Muzumara, Apton Kalevu Kamuloso
Human adjustments to the Drought Hazard: A Case Study of Gwembe Valley in the Southern Province of Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Muzyamba, Cecilia Kayiwa Muchepa
Impact of Structural Adjustment Programme on Household Structures in Mufulira, Copperbelt Province, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Mvula, Chizya
Prospects and Challenges of Gender Mainstreaming in Water Sector Policies and Institutions: Case Study of the Department of Water Affairs(DWA).
Other thesis, University of Zambia.
Mvula, Khadija
Effects of Human Activities on the Hydrology and Ecology of Chassa Dambo in Sinda Area, Eastern Province, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Mwale, Titus Reuben
Tourist Expectations and Satisfaction in Zambia: Implications for Tourism Development.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Mwangi, John Kimani
Estimation of Stream Flows in Ungauged Catchments of
the Upper Tana Basin, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Mwangi, Stanley Ndegwa
The Role of Smallholder Farmer Group in Delivery of Agricultural Services for Improved Livelihoods in Murang'a District, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Mweemba, Liberty
The Impact of Small - Scale Farming on the Agricultural Land Resources in Magoye West.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Mwenda, Rabson
An Investigation of Drought Characteristics and Assessment of Mitigation Measures in the Gwembe Valley, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Mwiinga, Chimwaya Pherry
Implications of Converting Lake Kariba to Multipurpose Dam in View of Incresed Demand for Water in Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Mwila, M. Roselyne
An Assessment of Encroachment and Resource Management of Luano National Forest, Chingola.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Nakazwe, Matilda Kanyampa
Effectiveness of UNZA Trained Degree Holder Geography Teachers in Executing the Field Project in Zambian High Schools of Lusaka and Kafue Districts.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Ndagurwa, Hilton G.T.
Bark Stripping by Chacma Baboons (Papio Ursinus) in Relation to Daily Patterns of Activity, Feeding Behaviour and Home Range in a Pine Plantation in Eastern Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Ndaimani, Henry
Modelling of the Response of Sable Antelope (Hippotragus Niger Niger) to Trophy Hunting: A GIS and Remote Sensing Approach.
MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Ndashe, Kapulu
Solid Waste Management in Lusaka's Soweto Market.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Ndiripo, Sandra
An Analysis of Drivers of the Functional Status of Selected Communal Irrigation Schemes in Zimbabwe: Lessons for Climate Change Adaptation Strategies.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Ndoziya, Alfonse Tapera
Assessment of the Impact of Pit Latrines on Groundwater Contamination in Hopley Settlement, Harare, Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Ngwenya, Shepherd T.
Technical Constraints to Urban Wastewater Management in Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Nharo, Tendai
Modeling Floods in the Middle Zambezi Basin using Remote Sensing and Hydrological Modeling Techniques.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Njuguna, Jonathan Chege
Analysis of Runoff, Infiltration Rate, Sediment Release and Nutrient Drain from Four Vegetation Types in South Kinangop Forest, Nyandarua County.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Nkambule, Thembeka Sanele
Evaluation of the Status of Water Quality of the Great Usuthu River, Swaziland.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Nkuli, Grace
Effects of Mining Activities at Bulyanhulu Gold Mine (BGM) on the Water Quality of Bulyanhulu River Shinyanga - Tanzania.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Nyamsamba, Clara Govea
Investigating Communication Strategies on Touristic Attractions and Other Historical Heritage Sites in Lusaka, Zambia (2014-2016).
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Nyarumbu, Trish Olga
Using the Planning and Management Model of Lakes and Reservoirs (PAMOLARE) as a Tool for Planning the Rehabilitation of Lake Chivero.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Nyasulu, Toney Hamilton
Assessment of the Quality of Water in Urban Rivers: A Case Study of Lilongwe River in Malawi.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Nyelele, Charity
Habitat Fragmentation, Tree Species Diversity and Land Cover Dynamics in a Resettlement Area in Chimanimani District of Zimbabwe: A Spatio-Temporal Approach.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Nyirenda, Fred Tigo
A GIS-Based Approach for Identifying Suitable Sites for Rainwater Harvesting Technologies in Kasungu District, Malawi.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Nyirenda, Obster Gorebrowne
The Relationship between the Phrasing of Examination Questions and Candidates' Interpretation and Response with Reference to Geography and General Science Centralised Junior Secondary Examinations in Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Ogutu, Ronald Sungu
An Investigation of the Extreme Hydro-Climatic Characteristics and the Underlying Causes of River Nyando Catchment, Lake Victoria Basin-Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Ojalammi, Sanna
Contested Lands: Land Disputes in Semi-Arid Parts of Northern Tanzania: Case Studies of the Loliondo and Sale Divisions in the
Ngorongoro District.
Masters thesis, University of Helsinki.
Okemwa, Christine A.N
Contribution of Ngusishi Water Resource User Association towards Farm Forestry Adoption in Ewaso Ng’iro North Catchment Area, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Okil, Joseph Ogutu
Developing an Automated Weather Station.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Oli, Geleta Geshere
Identification of the Etiology of Elephantiasis in
Midakegn District, Western Shoa Zone, Oromiya
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Omar, Boru Jillo Aga
Boran Pastoral Innovations in Response to Climate Change: A Case of Merti Division, Isiolo County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Opere, Samwel Michael
Investigating Opportunities for the Formalization of Small Scale Independent Providers of Water Services in Dar-es-Salaam City, Tanzania.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Ouma, Caleb Odhiambo
Assessment of the Post Drought Recovery Strategies among Pastoralists in Turkana Central District.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Owen, Sibanda
An Assessment of the Contribution of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) to the Manufacturing Sector in Small Urban Centres of Zimbabwe: A Case Study of SMEs in Bindura Town.
MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Pachavo, Godfrey
Remote Sensing Patterns of Net Primary Productivity in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area (GLTFCA) in Relation to Land Use and Land Tenure.
MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Phiri, Kenneth
Adoption, Impact and Spatial Diffusion of Conservation Farming Among the Small-Scale Farmers in Chipata District: The Case of Southern Agricultural Farming Block.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Punungwe, Sonny
Spatial Modelling of Water Pipe Bursts in Harare, Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Ratemo, Lenah Boyani
Utilization and Sustainability of Water and Sanitation Services in Kibera Slums of Nairobi, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Reda, Aklilu Fikre
Wheat Yield Forecast Using Remote Sensing and GIS in East Arsi Zone, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Samboko, Hubert
A Remote Sensing Based Approach to Determine Evapotranspiration in the Mbire District of Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Sankura, Elias Getahun
Challenges and Coping Strategies for Drought-Induced Food Shortage: The Case of Humbo Worda, SNNPR.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Setlhogile, Tshepo
Economic Valuation of Selected Direct and Indirect Use Values of the Makgadikgadi Wetland System,
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Shanungu, Griffin Kaize
Impacts of Shrub Encroachment on Soil Nutrient Properties, Plant Diversity and Herbivory in Lochinvar National Park, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Shawa, Patrice
Deforestation in Mwekera National Forest No. 6: An Ethical Evaluation.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Shela, Kufasi
The Influence of Rainfall Season Quality on Maize Yield under Conservation Agriculture on Some Selected Locations in Malawi.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Shiwenzu, Getamesay
Equity of River Water to Traditional Irrigation Users:
Case Study of Holetta River, Holetta Town, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Shoshore, Innocent
An Assessment of a Vlei Ecosystem Restoration Process: Monavale Vlei, Harare.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Taye, Addis
The Role of Indigenous Knowledge and Practice on Water and Soil Conservation Management in Albuko Woreda, South Wollo, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Tekalign, Anasimos
The Impact of Unplanned Urban Waterfront Development on Lake Hawassa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Tesfay, Amanuel
Preparation of Coordinate Based Cadastral Map in
Rural Ethiopia: Case Study Bite Ejersa Lafo KA,
Oromia Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Tesfaye, Ebisa
A Fuzzy Approach for Modeling Potential Wind Farm Areas: A Case of Hitosa Woreda, Oromia Region, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Teshome, Addis
Economic Valuation of Irrigation Water: The Case of Erere Woldia Irrigation Project in Harari Regional State, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Tlali, Mahlalele
Assessment of the Sustainability of Community Managed Rural Water Supply Systems in Lesotho: A Case Study of Makeneng Village, Mafeteng District.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Verde, Benvindo Serafim Manuel Mario
Effects of Manure, Lime and Phosphorus Fertilizer on Soil Properties and Soybean (Glycine Max L.) Yields in Embu County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Vushe, Andrea
Modelling Multiple Reservoir Operation System for Optimum Productive Water Use in the Safari-Igava Irrigated Area in Marondera District in Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Vushoma, Paidamoyo Mary
Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability in Norton Town, Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Waithaka, Ann
Socio-Economic Constraints to Community Participation in Rural Water Management in Ndarugu - Thiririka Sub-Catchment, Athi Basin, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Waithaka, Reuel Kamau
Assessment of Vulnerability of Water Resources to Climate Variability in Mara River Basin, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Wambongo, C.S. Recha
Seasonal Climate Forecast, Access and Use in Agricultural Production: A Case of Semi- Arid South - East Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Werka, Asfaw Keno
Resettlement Dynamics in Ethiopia: With Special Reference To Qeto Resettlement Area, West Wellega Zone, Oromia Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Worku, Aschalew Dagnew
Land Degradation Mapping and Erosion Estimate in Gado Sub watershed Using Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Yihdego, Gebremedhin
Community Participation and Sustainable Soil and Water Conservation Management: The Case of Zala-Daget Project, Dogu’a Tembien Woreda – Tigray Highlands.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Zengeya, Fadzai M.
The Distribution of Cattle and Their Interaction with the African Buffalo at the Wildlife-Livestock Interface Understood Using Real-Time Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Remotely Sensed Data.
PhD thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Zuze, Stearner
Measuring the Economic Value of Wetland Ecosystem Services in Malawi: A Case Study of Lake Chiuta Wetland.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Zvidzai, Mark
Remote Sensing of Waterhole Distribution and its Impact on
Wildlife and Livestock Interactions across a Gradient of Land Use in a Southern African Savanna.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
This list was generated on Sun Jan 19 03:21:52 2025 EAT.