Number of items at this level: 250.
Abass, Jabir S
A Survey of Implementation of Information Security Awareness Programs by Financial Institutions in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Abate, Alyu
The Regulation and Supervision of Interest-Free Banking in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abayneh, Abraham
Utilization of ICT in Microfinance Institutions in
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abdalla, Fatma Farid
An Investigation into the Compatibility of Islamic Banking with Conventional Banks: A Study of Two Commercial Banks in Nairobi City.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Abdul, Isaack Mohamed
The Relationship between Islamic Financial Practices and Performance of Cooperatives in Mandera County.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Abebe, Tiruneh
Impact of Microfinance on Poverty Reduction in Ethiopia: The Cases of Three Branches of Specialized Financial and Promotional Institution (SFPI).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Berhan
Socio-economic and Demographic Determinants of Unemployment in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abiy, Dejenee
Three-Person Cooperative Game and its Application in Decision Making Process of Hierarchical Organizations.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abubakar, Aminu Yakubu
Effects of 2008 Global Financial Crisis on the Performance of Banks Shares Traded in Stock Exchange Market in Nigeria.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Adika, Churchill Ochieng
The Effect of Intangible Assets Intensity on Volatility of Stock Prices for Firms Listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Agina, Clement Kwach
Regulation and Supervision of Micro-finance Institutions in Kenya: A Case of Mombasa Municipality.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Agola, Tonney
Credit Policy and Financial Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Ahmed, Arwa Abubakar
Effect of Corporate Governance on Financial Performance of
Print Media Houses in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Akong’a, Cynthia Jeniffer
The Effect of Financial Risk Management on the Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Alemu, Addisu
Cash Saving and Livelihood Diversification Practice among Better Off Rural Households in Case of Shashemene District of Oromiya Regional State, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Bamlaku Alamirew
Microfinance and Improvement in Living Standards: A Pathway out of Poverty (The Case of Enemay Woreda, Eastern Gojjam, Amhara Regional State).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ali, Aminah Wanjiru
The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Financial Performance of Socially Screened Out Companies Listed at Nairobi Securities Exchange.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Alusa, Doreen K.
The Effect of Chief Executive Officer Turnover on Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Amare, Wubishet
The Macroeconomic Determinants of Volatility in Precious
Metals Prices in Ethiopia Using GARCH and RiskMetrics
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amenya, Jared
The Relationship between Capital Structure and Financial Performance of Firms Listed at Nairobi Securities Exchange.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Amimo, C.M
Impact of Agricultural Finance in Kenya: Case of Agricultural Finance Corporation.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Amoll, Dan Otieno
Effect of Board of Directors Composition on Financial Performance of Companies Listed in Nairobi Securities Exchange.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Amunga, Prisca Ingrid
Factors Affecting Performance of Mutual Funds in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Anagaw, Addisu
The Effect of Bank Regulation on Profitability of Private Commercial Banks in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ananda, Omutokoh Kube
Quantile Autoregression and its Application to Financial Risk Management and Portfolio Optimization.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Anditi, Otieno Gregory
Determinants of the Adoption of Bank Assurance Business Models by Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Anteneh, Alemu Maru
Context Aware Mobile Marketing: The Case of Markets in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Anyota, Kwamboka Rebecca
The Relationship between Enterprise Resource Planning and Financial Performance of Commercial State Corporations in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Anyuki, Beatrice Kinanu
Measuring Levels of Financial Distress Using Altman's Z-Score.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Arends, Jillian
A Formative Evaluation of the Team Effectiveness Programme on Individual and Team Level within a Development Finance Institution.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Asaminew, Belay Abebe
The Effect of Non-Financial Rewards on Employee’s Performance: The Case of Selected Branches in Awash Insurance Company S.C.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Assefa, Dagnachew
Detecting Fraudulent Bank Cheque Customers Using Data Mining Technology; The Case of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Atala, Mary Mugeha
The Effect of Muslim Holidays on Stock Returns of Listed Companies at the Nairobi Securities Exchange.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Atemba, Isaac Nyasani
An Investigation of Training Methods and Effectiveness in Kenyan SACCOs: A Study of Wakenya Pamoja SACCO - Kisii Central District.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Atsedeweyn, Asrat
A Comparison of Alternative Estimators of Macroeconomic Model in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bagaja, Yussuf R.
Determinants of Clients' Exit from Microfinance Organizations in Kenya: A Survey of Kenya Women Finance Trust in Nakuru County.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Bayih, Alene
The Effect of Performance Appraisal on Employees Motivation in the Cause of CBE, East Addis Ababa District.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Behabtu, Amare
Assessment of Insider Threat in Ethiopian Banking Industry.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekale, Audrey Nguema
Institutionalization of Derivatives Trading and Economic
Growth: Evidence from South Africa.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Bekele, Henok Kinfe
Research Utilization Practice of Professionals at the Commercial Banks in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Belachew, Reganie
Application of Data Mining Techniques for Customers Segmentation and Prediction: The Case of Buusaa Gonofa Microfinance Institution.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bellepea, Gabriel W.
Inflation and Economic Growth: Evidence from Liberia.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Bett, Robert Kiprotich
The Effect of the Day of the Week on Volatility of Stock Returns of the Commercial Banks Listed in the Nairobi Securities Exchange.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Bhosha, Nesbert
An Assessment of Cultural Dimensions and their Impact on Organisational Performance in the Zimbabwean Banking Sector.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Birech, Daniel Kipkosgei
An Analysis of the Factors Affecting Loan Utilization among Administration Police Officers in Nakuru County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kabarak University.
Bitew, Sewale
Innovation and Conventional Lending Practice of Banks in Ethiopia: Perspectives from Patented Innovators.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bonyo, Kennedy Omondi
A Test of the Effectiveness of Downside Risk Framework over Mean-Variance Framework in Optimal Portfolio Selection: Evidence from the Nairobi Securites Exchange (NSE).
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Bosire, Linet K
Determinants of Success of Urban Infrastructure Projects Financed by Public Private Partnerships in Kenyan Counties.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Bowa, Clarine Monyangi
Effect of Bank Capitalization on Liquidity of Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Busungu, Amendi Victor
Influence of Human Resource Management Practices on Performance of Savings and Credit Cooperatives in Vihiga County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chakava, Glenn Avugwi
Factors Influencing Adoption of Paperless Banking: A Case of West Pokot County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chebet, Ridah
The Effect of Working Capital Management Practices on the Financial Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Nairobi County.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chebii, Caroline
Analysis of Internationalization of Banking in Emerging Markets: A Case of Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Cheme, Veronicah Mukiri
Effects of Working Capital Centralization on the Cash Flows of Listed Manufacturing Companies in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chemis, Philip Kiptoo
Effects of Working Capital Management on Profitability of Sugar Manufacturing Firms in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chepkwony, Michael Kibet
Influence of Access to Agent Banking Services on Rural Communities in Kenya: A Case of Ololung’a Division, Narok County.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chigaro, Minmore
An Assessment of the Effectiveness of E-Banking Security Strategies in Zimbabwe: The Case Study of Stanbic Bank Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chikodza, Eriyoti
Optimal Stochastic Control and Risk Minimisation in Insurance.
PhD thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chimombe, Shaw
Analysis of the Impact of Dollarisation on Zimbabwe’s International Trade Flows (2009-2013).
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chumba, Joan Chepkemoi
The Effect of Mobile Banking on the Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Chumo, Kogel Anthony
Factors Affecting the Implementation of Strategic Change in Defined Benefits Pension Scheme: The Case of Local Authorities Pension Trust.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Conteh, Babah Saah
Relative Effects of Monetary and Fiscal Policy on Output: The Case of Liberia.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Dawit, Yeshiwas
Forecasting the Co-Volatility of Coffee Arabica and Crude Oil
Prices: A Multivariate Garch Approach with High Frequency Data.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Debebe, Alema Yehu
The Role of NGOs in Promoting Equitable Access to Primary Education in SNNRP.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Degefa, Alemayehu
Integrating Remote Sensing and GIS for Land Degradation
Assessment and its Socio-Economic Impact: A Case Study in
Northeast of Alaba, SNNPR, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dianga, Eliakim O
The Effect of Agency Banking on the Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Dinkissa, Merga Ourgo
Identifying Factors Influencing Customers’ Behavioral Intention to the Adoption of Mobile Banking: The Case of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Endalew, Addis
Socioeconomic Analysis of ‘Katikala’ Production and Consumption in Arsi-Negele Woreda of Oromia Region, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Essay, Elshalom Endrias
Evaluating the Impact of Information Systems in
Ethiopian Commercial Banks.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Etyang, Linda Josephine
Factors Influencing Levels of Research Funding to Kenyan Public Universities by Non-Governmental Agencies.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Evusa, Zablon
Factors Influencing the Efficiency and Efficacy of Kenya's Constituency Development Fund: A Case Study of Sabatia Constituency.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Farah, Nima H.
Effect of Mergers and Acquisitions on the Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gachagua, Alice Wangari
Analysis of the Effectiveness of Venture Capital on Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kenya: A Case of Nanyuki Town, Laikipia County.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gakobo, Joyce Muthoni
Effects of Transformational Leadership and Prior Knowledge on Growth of Women-Owned Micro and Small Enterprises in Kasarani Division, Nairobi County, Kenya.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gakuo, Elizabeth Wanjiku
The Relationship between Government Investment in Energy Infrastructure and Economic Growth in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gakuya, Gacharia James
Strategic Leadership and Change Management Practices at Chase Bank Kenya Limited.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gashaw, Tesfaye
Dynamic Risk Modeling and Analysis in Addis Ababa Road Construction Projects.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gathecah, Simon Kamau
Strategies Adopted By SMEP Deposit Taking Microfinance Limited to Gain a Sustainable Competitive Advantage.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gathuthi, Elijah Kabiru
Financial Management Practices in Tertiary Training Institutions in Nyeri North and South Districts.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gebrehawariat, Daniel
Assessment of the Effectiveness of Card Banking
Security in the Ethiopian Financial Sector.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Geitangi, Damaris Mumbi
The Relationship between Credit Risk Management Practices and the Performance of Loan Portfolio of Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Geremew, Sisay
Developing Project Performance Evaluation Model to Minimize Project Delay Based on Some Ongoing Industrial Projects.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getachew, Abraham
Determinants of Wage Labor Participation among the Afar Pastoralists: The Case of Amibara District.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Geteria, Alvin Ndwiga
The Effect of Total Quality Management on Financial Performance Case of Kenya Utalii College.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gichuki, Ephantus Mundia
An Investigation of the Factors Affecting the Adoption of Agency Banking in Kenya (A Case of Selected Agents in Nyeri Central District).
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gichuru, Jane W
An Investigation into the Factors Influencing the Growth and Distribution of Forex Bureaus in Kenya: A Case of Nairobi.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Girma, Banchalem
Assessment on the Determining Factors of Letters of Credit Effectiveness: Perception Survey on Trade Services and International Banking Staffs of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Girma, Bezawit
IT Project Outsourcing Risk Management Process Model from the Client and Vendor Perspective: The Case of Ethiopian Banking
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gitagia, Francis K.
Fundamentals that Predict Mutual Fund Performance: A Case of Fund Managers in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gitaka, Joseph Githae
The Relationship between Financial Performance and Capital Structure of Companies Listed in the Nairobi Securities Exchange.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Githambo, Martin Gatheru
Constraints to the Growth of Commercial Paper as a Source of Short Term Finance for Listed Companies.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gitome, Samuel Kuria
Enhancing Financial Capacities of Rural Based Micro Enterprises: A Case of Nyandarua District.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Gobena, Adem
Assessment of Ecotourism Potentials for Sustainable Natural Resources
Management in and around Abijata-Shala Lakes National Park
in the Central Ethiopian Rift Valley.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gossaye, Abel
Logistics Management Practice in Awash Bank S.C.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gweyi, Moses Ochieng
An Investigation of Credit Risk Mitigation Strategies Adopted by Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Haile, Asmelash
The Impact of Microfinance in Ethiopia:
The Case of DECSI in Ganta-Afeshum Woreda of Eastern
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Halefom, Awet
Challenges of Enforcing Value Added Tax Law in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Harun, Abdurazak
Corporate Governance and its Effect on Financial Performance of the Ethiopian Private Commercial Banks.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hussien, Mubarek Sani
Sustainability of Ethiopian Microfinance Institutions: The Case of Omo Micro Finance Institution, (OMFI) Sidama Microfinance Institution, (SMFI) and Addis Credit and Saving Institution (AdCSI).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Indekhwa, Anangwe Joy
Internationalization of Business Operations by Equity Bank Kenya Limited.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Kabthyemer, Chernet Tilahun
Community Based Eco-Tourism Development: The Case of Adwa and its Environs.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Kaburi, Simeon Nyandemo
Working Capital Management Practices: A Case of Secondary Schools in Sameta Division Gucha District.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Kaburu, Winnie K.
Strategy Implementation Challenges Facing Insurance Industry: A Case Study of Insurance Companies in Meru County.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Kadisa, Kago
Willingness to Pay for Improved Water Supply Services in Phaleng Ward, Shoshong, Botswana: Application of Contingent Valuation Method (CVM).
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Kagendo, Atoiti Faith
Industry Strategies Adopted By National Bank of Kenya in the Turbulent Banking Industry and their Effect on Organizational Performance.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Kamande, Eric Gicharu
The Effect of Bank Specific Factors on Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, South Eastern Kenya University.
Kamau, David Maina
An Assessment of Subsidy Dependence Index for Self Sustainability of Micro-Finance Institutions in Kenya: A Case Study of Kabete Constituency.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Kamwi, Mulele
Exchange Rate and Trade Balance in Zambia: An Empirical Investigation of the J-Curve Effect.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Kariithi, Peterson Thuo
Factors Determining Availability of Microfinance to Small-Scale Entrepreneurs in Mathira Division, Nyeri District.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Karinga, Esther Njeri
The Announcement Effect of Capital Gains Tax on Stock Performance at Nairobi Securities Exchange.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Kassa, Christian
The Impact of ICT Investment on Commercial Banks’ Performance in the Ethiopian Banking Industry.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ke, Da
Tree Essays in Financial Economics.
PhD thesis, University of Miami.
Kerubo, Carolyne Gesimba
Determinants of Acquisition of Mortgage Financing in Housing Projects among the Middle Income Home Owners in Nandi South District.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Kiaritha, Hannah Waithera
Determinants of the Financial Performance of Savings and Credit Co-Operatives in The Banking Sector in Kenya.
PhD thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology.
Kibe, Ann Muthoni
Risk Management of Financial Information Systems Using Bayesian Networks.
PhD thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology.
Kimanthi, Ruth Wayua
Organizational Factors Influencing Strategic Plan Development among SMEs in Machakos Town.
Masters thesis, South Eastern Kenya University.
Kimanzi, Yvonne Kanini
Influence of Micro Finance Services on Growth of Women Owned Enterprises in Kitui Central Sub-county.
Masters thesis, South Eastern Kenya University.
Kimathi, Mark Murithi
Effects of Union Wages on Management Staff Wages in the Banking Industry in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Kimengich, Benard Kipkoech
An Investigation of the Factors Influencing Compensation Practices in Organisations within the Banking Industry in Kenya: A Case Study of Kenya Commercial Bank.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Kinuthia, Beatrice Wambui
An Analysis of Financial Innovations in the Kenyan Banking Sector.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Kinuthia, Michael Njuguna
The Influence of Credit Cards on The Growth of the Retail Banking Business in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Kioko, Peter Mwanzia
An Analysis of Credit Risk Assessment through Credit Scoring
Models among Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Kipkenei, Raymond Kiprop
Analysis of Policy Effectiveness as a Strategic Management Tool on Microfinance Institutions in Kenya: A Case of MFI’s in Nakuru Municipality.
Masters thesis, Kabarak University.
Kiplimo, Chelang’a Hillary
The Determinants of Interest Rates Spreads among Commercial Banks Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Kitili, Eunice Kanundu
Factors Influencing Access to Credit Facilities among Small and Medium Entrepreneurs in Island Division, Mombasa County.
Undergraduate thesis, Kenyatta University.
Kiunga, George
Factors that Determine Investment Returns of M-Pesa Retail Outlets in Nairobi County.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Kivindu, Gladys
Effect of Mergers and Acquisitions on Profitability of Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Kombo, Amina Abubakar
Factors Considered by Commercial Banks to Assess Credit-Worthiness of SMEs: A Survey of Commercial Banks in Mombasa County.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Korir, Julius Kipkemoi
Money Supply Determination in Kenya: A Macro-econometric Analysis.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Kosimbei, George Kipng’etich
Budget Deficits and Macroeconomic Performance in Kenya: An Empirical Analysis.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Kuria, Anne Muthoni
Impact of School Fees Default on Secondary Schools Financial Capacity: A Case of Public Secondary Schools in Kiambu District.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Kuteli, Janet Namwenya
Effect of Information Technology on Banks Customer Satisfaction in Cooperative Bank of Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Langat, Paul Kipkemoi
The Influence of Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies on the Growth of Enterprises: A Study of Ndege Chai SACCO.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Lemma, Tekalign
The Role of Project Planning on Project Performance in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Lumumba, Patrick
An Assessment of the Effectiveness of Non-Monetary Incentives in Motivating Sacco Society Staff: A Case Study of Front Office Savings Accounts Workers in Nairobi County.
Masters thesis, Kabarak University.
Maanzo, Philip Maluki
The Effect of the Adoption of Corporate Governance Practices on the Financial Performance of SACCOS in the Public Sector in Nairobi North District.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Macharia, Lilian Wanjiru
Formal Credit Financing for Small Scale Enterprises in Kenya: A Case Study of NGOs and Small Scale Women Entrepreneurs in the Garment Manufacturing Sector of the Textile Industry in Nairobi and Nyeri from 1985 to 1996.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Madondo, Francis
Role of Venture Capital as a Source of Finance for Small and Medium Enterprises in Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Mageto, Joel Nyachae
Public Debt and Economic Growth in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Maina, Agnes M.
An Analysis of Corporate Governance Reporting in Companies Listed at the Nairobi Stock Exchange in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Maina, Mercy W.
Factors Affecting Revenue Collection in Local Authorities in Kenya: A Case of Municipal Council of Nyeri.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Makau, Stephen James
Influence of Commercial Bank Characteristics on Lending Approaches to Small and Medium Enterprises in Kenya.
Masters thesis, South Eastern Kenya University.
Mamo, Daniel
Application of Data Mining Technology to Support Fraud Protection: The Case of Ethiopian Revenue and Custom Authority.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Maneno, Catherine Aleyo
The Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate Fluctuation on the Financial Risk Profile of the Government of Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Maposah, Tawanda Clive
Leveraging Customer-centricity to attain Sustainable Competitive Advantage: The Case of Stanbic Bank Zimbabwe Limited.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Marete, Lilian Gakii
The Role of Audit Committees on Public Financial Management in Kenya Government Ministries.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Masheka, Goodson
Optimization of Non-Revenue Water Management for Livingstone Town-Zambia: A Case Study of Lizuma Ward.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Masinga, Oliver Mwisa
An Evaluation of Life Assurance Funds as a Source of Investment Financing in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Matu, Joseph M
Factors Influencing Achievement of Competitive Advantage by the Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies in Kenya: A Case of 2NK Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Mbugua, Doris
Market Orientation, Firm Characteristics, Dynamic Capabilities and Performance of Deposit Taking Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies in Kenya.
PhD thesis, University of Nairobi.
Megira, Alemneh Admassu
The Effect of Performance Appraisal System on Employees Motivation: A Case Study of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Mengistu, Alemayehu
Assessment of Source of Funds, Power System Efficiency, Electricity Tariff and Financial Performance: Case of Ethiopian Electric Power and Ethiopian Electric Utility.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Mergia, Tesfaye
Tax Assignment to Subnational Governments in a Decentralized Fiscal System of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Misigah, George
Effects of Mergers and Acquisition on Growth: A Study of Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Mochona, Samuel
Impact of Microfinance in Addis Ababa: The Case of Gasha Microfinance Institution.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Mohammed, Nur Abdi
The Role of Microfinance in Strengthening
Pastoral Household Food Security
A Comparative Study between Beneficiaries and Non-Beneficiaries of
Microfinance Services in Dollo Ado and Filtu Districts of Somali Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Muchoki, Esther Wanjiru
An Assessment of the Extent of ICT Diffusion in Microfinance Institutions: A Case of Nairobi.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Mugambi, Mwiti Jim
A Survey of Factors Influencing Loan Defaults of Small Micro Micro-Enterprises Financed by CO-OP Bank.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Mullatu, Alemayehu
Contribution of Forest Products Extraction to Livelihood Support and
Forest Conservation in Masha and Andracha Woredas in SouthWestern
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Mulu, Alemayehu Abere
A Cloud Computing Framework for Ethiopian Banking Industry.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Mulugeta, Bisrat
Warehouse Receipt System in Ethiopia: Its Legal and
Practical Significance with Emphasis on its Role in Securing
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Mungai, John Njangiru
Loan Repayment and Sustainability of Government Revolving Funds in Murang’a County, Kenya.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Munyendo, Brenda Shikanda
Effect of Human Resource Development Programme on Employee Performance in Kenya Commercial Bank Contact Centre.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Mureithi, Salome K.
The Sufficiency of Deposit Protection Fund's Investment Options to Generate Insurance Funds for Depositors in Financial Institutions in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Muriithi, Stephen G.
A Survey of Factors that Influence Growth and Performance of Small-Scale Curio and Handicraft Businesses in Nairobi, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Musa, Farah M.
The Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate Volatility on the Financial Performance of Oil Marketing Companies in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Musa, Grace Akinyi
An Investigation into the Factors Leading to the Decline in Distribution of Cash Dividends in Quoted Manufacturing Firms in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Musau, Daniel Mutisya
An Investigation into the Factors Causing Financial Literacy (A Survey of Municipal Council of Nyeri Employees).
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Musau, Sarah Mutinda
Factors Influencing Performance of Micro Financial Institutions in Makueni County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Musavi, Musonye Fredrick
Effects of Capital Investment Appraisal Techniques on Financial Performance of Banks Listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Mushure, Peter Nyasha
An Assessment of the Administrative Capacity of the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority to Deliver the Envisaged Benefits of the New Income Tax Bill.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Musyoki, Rodah Minoo
The Effect of Commercial Bank Loans on Savings and Credit Societies' Loans: A Case Study of Nairobi Central Business District.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Mutava, Desmond
An Investigation of the Credit Scoring Methods Used by Zimbabwean Financial Institutions.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Muthoga, Samuel Karagu
Effects of Regional Financial Integration on Economic Growth and Intra-Regional Trade of East African Community Member Countries.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Mutisya, Eunice
Factors Affecting Personal Loans Growth Strategies in Commercial Banks in Nairobi : A Case of Equity Bank Limited in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Mutisya, Stephen Ndolo
An Assessment of Financial Saving Patterns towards Capital Accumulation by Micro and Small Enterprises in Nunguni Market, Makueni District In Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Mwai, Frida W
Effect of the Proliferation of Electronic Banking on the Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Mwakodi, Michael Mwasho
A Survey of the Impact of Value Added Tax on Buying Behaviour of Consumers in Kenya: A Case of Employees in Large Companies in Nairobi.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Mwala, Florah Vihenda
Effect of Project Monitoring on Implementation of Economic Stimulus Projects in Education Sector within Nairobi County, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Mwangi, Kimani Samuel
Determinants of Current Account Balance in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Mwangi, Peter Gachanja
Factors Influencing the Growth of the Internal Audit Profession in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Mwangi, Peter Kihara
Factors Influencing Customer Demand for Automated Teller Machine Services in Nairobi: The Case of Standard Chartered and Barclays Banks of Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Mwega, Richard Onami
An Investigation into the Factors Affecting Management of Accounts Receivable: A Case of Selected Agromanufacturing Companies in Nairobi.
Masters thesis, Kenya University.
Mwenda, Rose Gacheri
An Investigation of Challenges Facing Agent Banking Implementation in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Mwithiga, Rosaline Wambui
Financial Sector: A Case of Nairobi Based SACCOS with Front Office Service Activity.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Mwohe, Karanga
Effects of Financing Constraints on Operation, Profitability and Growth of Small and Micro Enterprises: A Survey of Mau–Narok Division.
Masters thesis, Kabarak University.
Ndede, Fredrick W. S.
Determinants of Acquisition of Financial Services by Micro and Small Enterprises in Langata Sub-County of Nairobi County, Kenya.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Negera, Getachew
Analysis of Medium Term Expenditure Planning and Budget Allocation in Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ng'ang'a, Benson. M. N.
Impact of Co-Operative Societies Front Office Banking Services (FOSA), on the Co-Operative Societies A Case of Mwalimu SACCO - Nairobi.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Ng'ang'a, P. Ndungu
Effects of Unsecured Commercial Bank Loans on Services Offered by Mombasa Teachers' Savings and Credit Cooperative Society.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Ng'ang'a, Terry Gathoni
Determinants of Adoption of Hedging Practices by Small and Medium-Size Banks in Kenya, Nairobi County.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Ngamate, David Murimi
An Investigation into Factors Affecting Foreign Portfolio Investment Inflows to Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Ngugi, Lucy Wangui
Risk and Benefit Analysis of Investments in Conservation Technologies under Varying Climate in Eastern Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Njagi, Gilbert Nyaga
An Investigation of Capital Budgeting Procedures and Practices of the Public Secondary Schools in Kenya: A Case Study of Meru North District.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Njagi, Silas Nyaga
Effects of Corporate Governance Practices on Financial Performance of Sugar Firms in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Njokwe, Getrude
Examining the Impact of External Debt on Economic Growth in Zimbabwe (1980-2012).
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Njuguna, Humphrey Kimani
Factors Affecting Effective Participation of Micro and Small Enterprises in Public Procurement in Kenya.
PhD thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology.
Ntabo, Amoro Dominic
The Effect of Macroeconomic Factors and Political Events on the Performance of Nairobi Securities Exchange in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Nthimba, Anderson Namu
The Financial Risk Management Strategies Used by Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies Operating FOSA Services in Nairobi County.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Nyakondo, Richard Mobutu
Factors Influencing Financial Management in State Corporations: The Case of Muhoroni Sugar Company.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Nyambura, Leah W.
Application of Capital Asset Pricing Model in Asset Pricing on the Nairobi Stock Exchange, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Nyamosi, James Ondiek
Emerging Strategic Issues Influencing Performance of Organizations within the Banking Industry in Kenya: A Case of Commercial Banks Operating In Nairobi Central Business District.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Nyangweso, Evans Nyagucha
To Examine Factors Influencing Diversification of Income Generating Activities in Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Nyingi, Daniel Karanja
An Investigation of the Effects of the Alternative Business Channel Diversification Strategies on the Performance of Equity Bank Branches in Nyeri County.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Obillo, Amollo Martha
The Relationship between Lending Interest Rate and Profitability of Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Ochieng, Laurence S.
Factors Leading to Lack of Business Diversification of Women Fish Traders in Homa-Bay Town, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Ogachi, Felix Mogoi
Investigation of the Effects of Business Risks on the Performance of Commercial Banks in Nairobi, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Ogango, Ambrose Ramson Mwamba
The Determinants of Rural Household Savings in Kisumu District: A Case Study of South Nyakach Location.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Ogola, Christine Tina Adhiambo
Factors Influencing Pricing Decisions in Selected Banks in the Banking Industry in Nairobi, Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Okang’a, Ariso
The Effect of Mortgage Interest Rates on the Growth of Mortgage Financing amongst Financial Institutions in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Okeyo, Richard Kobi
An Evaluation of Effectiveness of Financial Accounting Information Systems: The Case of Kenyatta University.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Okumu, Agatha Nabwire
Impact of Microstructure Changes on Market Efficiency at the
Nairobi Securities Exchange.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Oloo, Darius Otieno
Effects of Change Management Practices on Financial Performance of the Postal Corporation of Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Omare, Elijah Nyagaka
Investigation into the Implications of Financial Resources in Delivery of Services by Agency Firms in the Tea Sector in Kenya: A Case Study of Kenya Tea Development Authority.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Omeri, Kerine Lindah
Factors Influencing Financial Sustainability of Nongovernmental Organizations: A Survey of NGOs in Nakuru County.
Masters thesis, Kabarak University.
Omondi, Vincent Ochieng
Effects of Tax Reforms on Bouyancy and Elasticity of the Tax System in Kenya: 1963 - 2010.
Masters thesis, Kenya University.
Onyango, Jared Abongo
Borrowed Capital and Performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises. A Case of Kisumu Municipality.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Opiyo, Nazareen Amondi
Effects of Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) on Cash Management in Kenya: Case of Kisumu County Government.
Masters thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Opuodho, Gordon Ochere
An Investigation of the Determinants of Capital Structure of Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenya University.
Owino, Eden Raphael Patrick
Effect of Agency Banking Services on Customer Satisfaction: A Case of Kenya Commercial Bank Agent System in Ongata Rongai, Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Ronoh, Ezra Kipchirchir
Constraints to the Success of Women Small Scale Entrepreneurs in Kenya: A Case of Micro Finance Institution Borrowers in Rongai Division of Nakuru District.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Rorio, Elkana Cheruiyot
Factors Influencing Customer Loyalty in the Banking Sector: A Case of Commercial Banks in Mombasa Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Rugendo, Henry Mwenda
An Investigation of the Factors Influencing Total Quality Management Practices in the Banking Industry in Kenya: Case of Banks Within Nairobi County.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Rweria, Lawrence K. I.
The Need for Regulation of Micro Finance Institutions in Kenya: A Case Study of Micro Finance Institutions in Nairobi.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Sheikh, Ahmed
Realization of Sustainable Competitive Advantage through Product Differentiation in Commercial Banks in Kenya: A Case Study of First Community Bank.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Siaw, Frimpong
Effect of Demand-Side Factors on Access to External Finance by Micro, Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises in Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Tadesse, Abreham
The Effect of Employee Promotion Practice on Job Satisfaction: The Case of Dashen Bank S.C.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Tadesse, Solomon
Simulation as A Tool for Business Process Reengineering(Case Study on Loan Process Reengineering of Development Bank of Ethiopia).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Teka, Samuel Shimelis
Commercial Solid Waste Generation and Composition Analysis: Arada Subcity, Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Terefe, Amare
Application of Garch Models in Forecasting the Volatility of Export Prices.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Tesema, Asfaw Demeke
Assessment of Biodiversity Conservation of Entoto Natural Park for Ecotourism Development.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Thuku, Pauline Wanjiru
Relationship between Retirement Preparation in the Psychosocial, Financial and Health Domains and the Quality of Life of Retirees in Nyeri County, Kenya.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Tiriongo, Kiplang'at Samuel
Determinants of Aggregate Domestic Private Savings in Kenya, 1980-2003.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Vhumbunu, Reginald Tendai
An Analysis of the Feasibility of a Cashless Zimbabwean Society.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Wachira, Margaret M.
Effects of Micro Credit on the Performance of Women-Owned Income Generating Projects: A Survey of Microfinance Funded Projects in Eldama Ravine Town.
Masters thesis, Kabarak University.
Wachira, Samuel Kariuki
The Effect of Mortgage Financing on Profitability of Microfinance Institutions in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Wafula, Mukhongo
Determinants of Rural Household Savings in Bungoma County - Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Wanyoike, Serah Wangui
Effect of Compliance to SASRA Regulations on Financial Performance of Savings and Credit Co-Operatives in Kenya: A Survey of Deposit Taking Saccos in Nairobi County.
Masters thesis, Kabarak University.
Wanyoro, Annah
Effectiveness of Marketing Communication Methods among the Registered Deposit Taking Savings and Credit Cooperatives in Nairobi.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Waruingi, Ndungu Simon
Determinants of Long Term Interest Rates in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Wekesa, Carol Teresa
Effects of Infrastructure on Foreign Direct Investment in Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Worku, Ahmed Ebrahim
An Assessment on Viability of the Modalities for Provision of Primary Education to the Children of Pastoralists in Afar Region of Ethiopia.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Worku, Benyam Girma
Debt Collection Optimization: Commercial Bank of Ethiopia’s Case.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Worku, Solomon
Role of Electronic Banking on Financial
Performance of Commercial Banks in
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Yano, Renee Peninah
Pension Fund Management Strategies in Kenya and their Impact on the Average Return of the Fund.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Yego, Irene C.
The Role of Technological Innovations on Performance of Organizations within the Banking Industry in Kenya: A Case of Equity Bank Limited.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Yilma, Alemayehu Azmera
The Current Practices and Chalenges of Financial Management in some Selected Government General Secondary School’s of Kolfe-Keranio Sub-City.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Zelelew, Abebe Kassaye
The Role of Performance Management Practice on Employees Motivation: The Case of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Zuze, Michael
The Relationship between Fiscal Deficit, Money Growth and Inflation: The Case of Zimbabwe.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Zvobgo, Chengetai
An Investigation into the Readiness of the Zimbabwe Financial Institutions to the Establishment of Reverse Mortgages as a Financial Vehicle for the Aged.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 21:41:56 2025 EAT.