Number of items at this level: 73.
Abdulshikur, Mohammed
Environmental Analysis of a Hydrologic System: The Case of Tinishu Akaki River, Western Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abera, Daniel
Geospatial Modeling for Assessing Ground Water Quality in
Southern Nation, Nationality and People’s Region (SNNPR),
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abiy, Getachew Mamo
Integration of Remote Sensing and Gis for Groundwater Resources Assessment in Moyale-Teltele Sub Basin,
South Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Abiyu, Kebede
Groundwater Flow System and Hydrochemistry of Ziway-Koka Corridor in the Main Ethiopian Rift.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Addisu, Haile Tedla
Integrated Geophysical Investigations for Mapping Possible Inflow of Water from Merti-Fentale Irrigation Canal into Lake Beseka, Metahara Area, Eastern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Adebo, Mulatu Bufebo
Urban Water Supply Performance Assessement - The Case of Hossana Town in Hadiya Zone, SNNP Regional State of Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Admasie, Adimew
Assessing Integration Indigenous Practices with Modern Technologies for Sustainable Land Management; the Case of Soil Conservation and Fertility Improvement in Debremitimak Kebele, East Gojjam.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Aduna, Taye
Impact of Land Use/Land Cover Change on Catchment Hydrology and Water Quality of Legedadi-Dire Catchments, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemayehu, Zewdie
Modeling of Flood Hazard Management for Forecasting and Emergency Response of ‘Koka’ Area within Awash River Basin Using Remote Sensing and GIS Method.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alemu, Eyasu Leta
Application of Integrated Geophysical Techniques to Map Deep Groundwater Potential Zones and Geological Structures at South-West Akaki, South-East of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Alkasim, Muhammed
Assessment and Evaluation of Surface Water Potential and Demands in Baro-Akobo River Basin, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amdihun, Ahmed
GIS and Remote Sensing Integrated Environmental Impact Assessment of Irrigation Project in Finchaa Valley Area.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Amsalu, Ondwosen Dejenne
Flood Modelling Using 2d Hydrodynamic Model in the Fogera Flood Plain.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Anyona, George Oduol
An Investigation into Some Water Quality Problems of Lake Kanyaboli in Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Araya, Daniel Hagos
Groundwater Evaluation of the Wukro-Genfel Sub-Basin Tigray, Northern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asefa, Taye Habte
The Dynamics of Land use Land cover change on the Stream Flow in Fincha Amerti -Neshe Sub-basin: Abay basin, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Asmerom, Tilahun Araya
Assessing Surface Water Potential and Water Demand in Genale Dawa River Basin.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Banda, Luke John
Effect of Siting Boreholes and Septic Tanks on Groundwater Quality in Township.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Behailu, Shimelis
Stream Flow Simulation for The Upper Awash Basin.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bekele, Gadisa
Aquifer Characterization of Assosa Area, Benishangul-Gumuz
Regional State, Western Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Beyene, Misganaw Nega
Urbanization and Its Effect on Surface Runoff (A Case Study on Great Akaki River, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bonsa, Muleta
Feasibility Study for Replacement of Diesel Water Pumping System with PV Water Pumping System (A case of Borana Zone Water Supply, Ethiopia).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Chikwanu, Fred
Evaluation of the Implementation of the School Wash Programme in Choma District of Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Dabassa, Gemechu Bekele
The Challenges and Opportunities of Wetlands Management in
Ethiopia: The Case of Abijiata Lake Wetlands.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Daniel, Yohannes
Remote Sensing Based Assessment of Water Resource Potential for Lake Tana Basin.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Debebe, Aychluhim
Integrated Water Resources Potential Investigation of the Weybo River Catchment Welayita-Hadiya Zones, Southern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dejene, Tsegazeab
Tandem Reservoir Operation of Cascade Hydropower Plants Case of Genale - Dawa River Basin.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa.
Demisse, Nebiyu Solomon
Error in High–Resolution Satellite Rainfall Products in Streamflow Prediction in Birr Watershed, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Desalegn, Afework
Groundwater Potential Evaluation and Flow Dynamics of Hormat-Golina River Catchment, Kobo Valley, Northern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Dinku, Lemma
Smallholders’ Irrigation Practices and Issues of Community
Management: The Case of Two Irrigation Systems in Eastern Oromia, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eshetu, Andualem
Evaluation of Ground Water Resources Potential of the Teji River Cathment South West Shoa Zone, Oromia Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Eshetu, Eyob
Internship Report on Bole Bulbula Sewerage Line Construction Project.
Other thesis, Arba Minch University.
Feven, Solomon
Spatial and Temporal Water Quality Trend Analysis
Using Sediment Cores and Water Samples from Aba
Samuel Lake, South West of Addis Ababa, Central
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Fufa, Tadesse
Development of Water Allocation and Utilization System for Koka Reservoir under Climate Change and Irrigation Development Scenarios (Case Study Downstream of Koka Dam to Metahara).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gebeyehu, Assaminew
GIS-Based Groundwater Vulnerability Mapping of Holeta River Catchment, Oromia Regional State, West Shewa Zone.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Genetu, Agerie
Engineering Geological Appraisal of Dam Foundation for Gumara Dam, Amhara Region, North Western Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getahun, Sintayehu
Assessment on Causes of Failure of Irrigation Canals and Its Remedial Measures: Case of Fentale Irrigation Project.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getnet, Tensay
Sedimentation Modeling for Ribb Dam.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getnet, Yalemzerf
Design and Simulation of Fuzzy Logy Based Frequency Controller for Standalone Micro Hydro Power Plant.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Getu, Setogn Abate
Assessment of Surface Water Potential and Demands in Tekeze River Basin, Northern Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Habte, Shambel
The Effect of Topography on Rainy season Rainfall Variability
over Blue Nile River Basin.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hunde, Sintayehu
Investigation of Influence of Compaction on the Stability of Earthfill Dams of Tropical Soils.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ismail, Nuru
Prediction of Soil Water Characteristic Curve Based On GSD and Pi for Red Clay and Expansive Soils Found in Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Jemal, Mubarek
Potential Micro-Hydropower Assessment in Upper Wabi Shebele River basin (The case of Adaba sub catchment).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Kabeto, Shimeles
Water Supply Coverage and Water Loss in Distribution System with Modeling: The Case Study of Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Kassa, Yifred
Performance Assessment of Road Drainage Structures and Proposed Mitigation Measures: The Case of Daleti-Odagodere Gravel Road in Benishangul-Gumuz Region.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Kassahun, Nebiyou
Groundwater Potential Assessment and Characterization of Genale-Dawa River Basin.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Kefale, Tesfa
Dam Breach Modeling and Inundation Mapping, A Case Study on Gidabo Dam.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Kore, Sileshi
Modeling and Simulation of Solar Evaporative Crystallization of Lake Brine (The Case of Lake Abijata/Shalla).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Kurkura, Mussa
Water Balance of Upper Awash Basin Based on Satellite-Derived Data (Remote Sensing).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Lambe, Biruk Tagesse and Kundapura, Subrahmanya
Analysis of Meteorological Variability and Tendency Over Bilate Basin
of Rift Valley Lakes Basins in Ethiopia.
Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 14 (2692).
pp. 1-22.
ISSN 1866-7538
Lammesa, Bane Banti
Groundwater Potential and Recharge Zone Mapping by Using GIS
and Remote Sensing Techniques in the Case of Middle Awash River
Basins, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Legesse, Million Teshome
Dam Breach Analysis and Remedial Measure for Gilgel Gibe Dam.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Legesse, Selam
Groundwater–Surface Water Interaction in The Case of Lake Ziway Catchment.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Megersa, Tesfaye Daba
Sediment Problem of Gefersa Reservoirs and the Appropriate Mitigation.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Mehamed, Sied Znabu
River Sediment Transport Monitoring to Improve the Life Span of Dams.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Melkamu, Abraham Hailemelekot
Determination of Spatio -Temporal Differences of Water Hyacinth and its Effects in Lake Aba Samuel, South West of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Mulugeta, Selamawit
Assessment of Drinking Water Quality in Mercato, Addis Ababa.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Mussie, Mulugeta
Runoff Estimation by Giuh Based Clark and Nash Models for Shaya River.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Mwandira, Wilson
Spatial Variations of Groundwater Quality in the Machile River Basin, Western Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Nugusu, Shaka
Assessment of Surface Water Quality in Upper Awash River Basin.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Sahle, Gedion Tsegaye
Surface Water – Groundwater Interactions and
Effects of Irrigation on Water and Soil Resources
in the Awash Valley.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Semayat, Tsegaye W
Pedestrian Cable Bridges for Ethiopian Rivers.
Masters thesis, Addis Abeba.
Shemeles, Paulos
Establishing Water Release Rules for Koka Reservoir for Wet Seasons.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Shiferaw, Muluken
2d Hydrodynamic Modeling of Rib River Flooding.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Subagadis, Yohannes Hagos
Stochastic Simulation of Streamflow and Hydrologic Drought Analysis (Case Study: Upper Blue Nile Basin).
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Tadele, Misikir
Effective Groundwater Resource Management for Addis Ababa City.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Tamene, Adugna
Optimization of Small Hydropower in the Abbay Basin.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Tamiru, Mossie
Flood Generated from Tana Lake Basin.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Taye, Addis
The Role of Indigenous Knowledge and Practice on Water and Soil Conservation Management in Albuko Woreda, South Wollo, Ethiopia.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Tembo, Alice
Characterisation of Saline Groundwater Based on Ground Based Time-Domain Electromagnetic Soundings in the Machile River Basin, South-Western Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Tesfaye, Zelalem
Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Reservoir Operation Simulation using HEC-ResSim and its Impact on Downstream Hydropower Generation.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Wamalwa, Wambu Enos
Fluoride Levels in Water Sources of Gilgil Area in Kenya: Deflouridation Using Locally Available Geomaterials.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 03:15:05 2025 EAT.