Factors Contributing to Domestic Violence against Women in Burundi: A Case Study of Bujumbura City

Munezero, Ella-Lucette (2019) Factors Contributing to Domestic Violence against Women in Burundi: A Case Study of Bujumbura City. Masters thesis, Hekima University College.

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This study purposed to establish factors behind domestic violence against women in Burundi, specifically in Bujumbura city from the perspective of nested ecological theory. The study adopted an explorative design and was comprised by seventy-three (73) research participants. Data was collected by the use of a questionnaire and interviews; and were analyzed by means of the mixed methods. The Burundian Government, NGOs, CSOs and CBOs will benefit from this research work as it will enhance efforts and strategies to fight against DVAW in Burundi. Findings showed that there exist new factors beyond culture and traditions. The patriarchal system and the misinterpretation of cultural practices within Burundian adages informally and indirectly steer men's violence towards women. Several factors like lack of education among men, lack of women empowerment, socio-economic inequality, unemployment among men, poverty and abuse of alcohol stood out in this study. The study also indicated that the lack of men's involvement and severe Laws to address the phenomenon in Burundi. Based on findings, the study concluded that DVAW in Burundi originates from exosystem (related to socio-economic) and microsystem factors (related to family setting) than macrosystem factors (related to culture). However, various remedies came out in order to end DVAW in Bujumbura city and in the whole country.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HN Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform
H Social Sciences > HQ The family. Marriage. Woman
Divisions: Africana
Depositing User: Geoffrey Obatsa
Date Deposited: 14 Dec 2020 13:41
Last Modified: 14 Dec 2020 13:41
URI: http://thesisbank.jhia.ac.ke/id/eprint/9623

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