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Abagojam, Mohammed (1999) An Assessment of the Current Decentralized Regional and Local Development Experience in Oromia Region (1992-1996/97): Challenges and Prospects. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Abdi, Reshid (2004) The Role of Women in Agro-Pastoral Household Food Security: The Case of Erer Woreda, Shinile Zone, Somali National Regional States. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Abdu, Mohammed (2006) The Causes and Consequences of Migration in Tigray Region: The Case of Hintalo-Wejerat Wereda. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Aberra, Aderie (2002) The Impact of the 1996 Amhara Region Land Redistribution on Productivity and Household Food Security, a Comparison between the Losers and the Beneficiary Households: The Case of Enebsie Sar- Midir Woreda, East Gojjam Zone. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Achira, Nelly Nyang’anyi (2015) The Portrayal of Women in the Kenyan Magazines Advertisements. Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.

Adan, Hussein Osman (2010) The Participatory Principle in Development: A Case Study of the Constituency Development Fund Wajir District. Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.

Addisu, Abiot (2010) A Comparative Study on the Performance of Rural Water Supply Schemes: The Case of Debatie Woreda, Benishangul Gumuz. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Aderie, Aberra (2002) The Impact of the 1996 Amhara Region Land Redistribution on Productivity and Household Food Security, a Comparison between the Losers and the Beneficiary Households: The Case of Enebsie Sar- Midir Woreda, East Gojjam Zone. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Agbo, Chikere A. (2011) Human Rights at a Crossroads in Africa Critical Appraisal of Rights Discourse for an Authentically African and Christian Ethics of Human Flourishing and Reconciliation. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.

Agitew, Genanew (2011) Livelihood of Rural Households in Resettlement Areas: The Case Study from Quara Woreda of North Gondar Zone, Amhara Region. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Agolli, Elsona (2015) Effect of Women Economic Empowerment on Gender Based Violence in Somalia. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Agonga, Aquinata Nanyonjo (2012) The Role of Culture in the Implementation of Government Policy on HIV and AIDS Education in Kenya Case Study of Iteso Busia County. Masters thesis, Hekima College Institute of Peace Studies and International Relations.

Agufana, Alfayo Alfonze (2015) Influence of Youth Empowerment Programs on National Development: A Case of Uwezo Youthfund in Vihiga County, Kenya. Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.

Airo, Agnes Atieno (2015) Influence of Social Protection Systems on Promotion of Orphaned and Vulnerable Children Wellbeing in Dagoretti District, Nairobi County, Kenya. Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.

Alemu, Addisu (2011) Cash Saving and Livelihood Diversification Practice among Better Off Rural Households in Case of Shashemene District of Oromiya Regional State, Ethiopia. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Alemu, Bamlaku Alamirew (2004) Microfinance and Improvement in Living Standards: A Pathway Out of Poverty: The Case of Enemay Woreda, Eastern Gojjam, Amhara Regional State. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Alemu, Bamlaku Alamirew (2004) Microfinance and Improvement in Living Standards: A Pathway out of Poverty (The Case of Enemay Woreda, Eastern Gojjam, Amhara Regional State). Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Alexopoulou, Kleoniki (2001) Informal Economy and Development the Case of the dairy sector in Mwanza, Tanzania: Present status and possible Pro-poor Interventions. Masters thesis, Utrecht University.

Ali, Seid Yassin (2002) Small-Scale Irrigation and Household Food Security: A Case Study of Three Irrigation Schemes in Gubalafto Woreda of North Wollo Zone, Amhara Region. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Alogo, Wilfred (2015) Strategies Adopted by Private Security Firms to Deal with Crime in Nairobi, Kenya. Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.

Amenu, Abdi Gurmessa (2014) Criminal Jurisdiction of State Courts under the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Amuke, Joseph Ikoboi (2010) An Investigation of the Corporate Social Responsibility of the Paint Manufacturing Sector towards HIV/AIDS Pandemic: A Case of Crown Berger Kenya Limited. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Andrianaivosoa, Herizafiniaina (2016) Toward a Malagasy Christian Response to the Ecological Crisis in Midwest Madagascar. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.

Anikwata, Theresa Nneka (2013) Managing Adult Education Program in a Semi Arid Environment in Turkana County, Kenya. Masters thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Anyanzu, Francis (2016) Livelihood and Informality: The Case of Urban Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in Kampala. MPhil thesis, University of Sussex.

Arap Chepkwony, Wesley Lelei (2015) Influence of Public Participation on Public Primary Schools Development Projects in Sigowet Soin Constituency Kericho County – Kenya. Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.

Araya, Alem (2005) Determinants of Food Security in the Vulnerable Areas of Ethiopia: The Case of Ahferom Wereda in Region Tigray. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Araya, Moges Alene (2008) Determinants of Food Security under Subsistence Agriculture in Ethiopia: The Case of Hintalo Wajirat Wereda, Tigray Region. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Aregawi, Tesfay (2003) The Impact of Microfinance on Poor Women: A Case Study of Dedebit Credit and Saving Institution (DECSI) in the Eastern Zone of Tigray. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Assfaw, Assefa Mulugeta (2016) Development and Competency of Forensic Examination in the Protection of the Rights of the Accused in the Criminal Justice of Ethiopia: Prospects and Challenges: The Case of Homicide in Addis Ababa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Atara, Adane (2010) Assessment of the Role of Microfinance in Rural Household’s Food Security: The Case of OMO Microfinance in Dale Woreda. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Atkilt, Daniel (2003) Farmer Herder Conflict Over Natural Resources in Northeast Ethiopia: The Case of Quowet Wereda in North Shewa Zone of the Amhara National State. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Ayalew, Bereket Sisay (2016) Creating an Area Safe from Crimes and Antisocial Behaviors: A Case Study on the Effectiveness of Community Policing at Kirkos Sub-City of Addis Ababa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Ayalew, Fassikawit (2002) The Role of NGOs in the Prevention and Control of the Spread of HIV/AIDS: The Case of Selected Organizations in the Addis Ababa City Administration. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Ayanu, Abraham Firew (2002) NGO’s Experience with the Practice of Participatory Development the Case of CARE - Ethiopia Borana Pastoral Water Development Initiatives. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Ayele, Anteneh Melesse (2008) Reproductive Health Risk and Sexual Behavior among School Adolescents in Mojo Preparatory and High School, in Mojo Town, East Shewa, Oromia Region. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.


Bahiru, Tekle Robi (2005) The Contribution of Community Development Interventions Towards Food Security: The Case of Adami Tulu-Jido District of East Shewa Zone, Oromia Region. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Barasa, Sarah Fedha (2012) Effects of Gender-Based Violence on Learners in Primary Schools in Kasarani District, Nairobi County. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Bassazenew, Anteneh (2008) Gender and Agricultural Production in Ethiopia: The Case of Gozamen Woreda, Amhara Region. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Baye, Nebiyu (2000) The Impact of Development – Induced Urban Resettlement Schemes on Relocated Households: The Case of Sheraton Addis Hotel Project, Addis Ababa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Bayeh, Addisalem (2014) Self-Identification of Minorities and Quest for Right to Identity Recognition and Self-Administration: The Case of Kemant People in Ethiopia. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Bekalu, Mehari (2017) Factors Associated with Child Labour in Ethiopia: A Multilevel Model Approach. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Bekele, Helen (2004) Development’s Impact on Gender Relations: A Case Study of an Integrated Livestock Development Project. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Belay, Ayalew (2005) Internet-GIS: An Application to Real Estate and Housing Management in the City Government of Addis Ababa (CGAA). Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Belda, Reta Hailu (2010) Livelihood Strategies among the Agricultural Land Scarce Peasants in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia- Implications on Natural Resource Base: A Case Study from Tole Woreda, Southwest Shewa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Beyene, Musie Nega (2011) An Assessment of the Contribution of Mai-Nigus Dam Irrigation for Household Food Security and Poverty Reduction in Dura Kebelle, La-Elay Mai Chew Woreda, Tigray Region. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Biko, Ahmed Somo (2011) The Role of Informal Peace Agreements in Conflict Management: Modogashe Declaration and its Implementation in North Eastern, Kenya. Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.

Birhan, Aemro Tenaw (2016) Regulating Proliferation and Misuse of Small Arms in Eastern Gojjam Zone of Amhara Regional State. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Bosongo, , Bola (2011) Coping with Droughts and Floods in the Middle Zambezi Valley: A Case Study of Kanyemba, Mbire District. Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.


Chamwada, Vincent Keyonzo (2015) The Effect of Financial Literacy on Financial Performance of Small and Micro Enterprises in Kibera Slums, Nairobi County. Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.

Charlesworth, Matthew (2018) Imago Dei, Imago Trinitatis, the Person in Community – a Divine Reality and Human Inspiration. Masters thesis, Regis College.

Cheserem, Rosebella (2007) An Analysis of the Problems Affecting Women's Performance in Management in Relation to the Characteristics they possess: A Case of Women in Management in Selected Public Universities in Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Cheseto, Nancy (2012) Assessment of Effectiveness of “Incredible Years Program” Compared to the Traditional Program in Behaviour Modification among Juvenile Rehabilitees in Nairobi, Kenya. PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.

Chibbantula, Casmir (2010) An Evaluation of Street Kids Rehabilitation Programme: The Case of Mthunzi Centre, Lusaka, Zambia. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.


Delivré, Alain (1967) Interprétation d'une tradition Orale: L'Histoire des rois d'imerina (Madagascar). PhD thesis, Universite de Paris.

Deressa, Frehiwot Mulugeta (2014) Predictive Model for ECX Coffee Contracts. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Desalegn, Mesfin (2010) Challenges and Prospects of Land Rehabilitation Practices: A Case of Angacha Woreda, Kambata Tambaro Zone, SNNPR. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Desta, Mulualem Bessie (2001) Institutional and Administrative Capacity for Development: The Case of the Benishangul-Gumuz National Regional State: Efforts, Problems and Prospects. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Dinku, Lemma (2004) Smallholders’ Irrigation Practices and Issues of Community Management: The Case of Two Irrigation Systems in Eastern Oromia, Ethiopia. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.


Eboreime-Oikeh, Imesidayo Omua (2014) Determinants of Health Inequalities among Adults in Korogocho Informal Settlement, Nairobi, Kenya. PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.

Eliyas, Abiyot (2010) Potential of Cooperatives in Empowering the Rural Women: The Case of Chellala Rural Saving and Credit Cooperative Union, Sidama Zone, SNNPR. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Endeshaw, Belay (2008) Factors Contributing to Sexual Violence against Female High School Students in Addis Ababa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Etamesor, Patrick Oshoriamhe (2016) Reconstructing a Nation Fractured Memories, Identities and the Nigerian Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.


Gaba, Charles (1998) Prostitution: "Dangerous Women or Women in Danger". Undergraduate thesis, Tangaza College - Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Gebrehanna, Nebiyu Admassu (2011) Socio-Economic and Demographic Determinants of Urban Poverty in Harar: A Household Level Analysis. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Gebrehiwet, Haileselassie (2011) An Assessment on the Essence of Dropout Students in Model Primary Schools of Central Zone of Tigray. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Gebrehiwot, Misgina (2006) An Assessment of Challenges of Sustainable Rural Water Supply: The Case of Ofla Woreda in Tigray Region. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Gelaw, Bantamlak (2014) Assessment of Magnitude and Factors Affecting Intention of Women who are on Antiretroviral Therapy to Use Long Acting and Permanent Family Planning Methods in Addis Ababa City Government Public Hospitals, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Getahun, Tigist (2007) Women’s Response to the Environmental Problems with Particular Emphasis to Forest Resource: The Case of Limmuwereda in Jimma Zone, Oromia Region. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Ghettuba, Beatrice N. (2004) The Role of Rural Women in Water Resource Management in Semi-Arid Lands: The Case of Kajiado District, of Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Gichobi, Dennis Miano (2011) The Perception of Certified Fraud Examiners towards Behaviour and Lifestyle Change as Fraud Indicators. Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.

Gitome, Josephine W. (2003) Integration of African Indigenous Guidance Practices to Adolescents' Pastoral Care and Counselling Programmes in Selected Churches of Nairobi. PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.

Gwanza, Tersoo (2022) Rites of Transition: Death and Burial as a Basis for Inculturation in Tiv Culture, Benue, Nigeria. Masters thesis, Hekima University College.


Habte, Neri (2014) Practices and Problems of Teachers Development Program Implementation in Selected Secondary Schools of Gurage Zone in SNNPR. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Hailu, Tesfalem (2010) Causes and Socio-Economic Impacts of Road Traffic Accidents in Addis Ababa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Harriet, Sebit Jacqueline (2008) The Understanding of “The Sudan Comprehensive Peace Agreement” by the Local Population of Southern Sudan. Masters thesis, Hekima University College a Constituent College of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Haymanot, Abebe (2014) Psychosocial Challenges and Coping Mechanisms of Domestic Workers Attending Evening Education at Atse Naode Primary and Secondary School. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Henok, Andualem (2012) Sexual Violence and Substance Use among Female Students of MIZAN-TEPI University. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Hussien, Abdulhakim (2008) Factors Promoting Risky Sexual Behavior of High School Adolescents in Dessie Town, Amhara Regional State. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.


Ibrahim, Abadir Mohamed (2009) International Mechanisms Dealing with Gross Violations of Human Rights: Opportunities and Challenges for the International Criminal Court. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.


Jemal, Fozia (2014) Assessment of Intimate Partner Violence against Women by Their Husbands in Kolfe Keraniyo Sub City, Addis Ababa Ethiopia, 2014. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.


Kadenge, Florence (2013) The Relationship between Organizational Socialization and Turnover Intention and the Moderating Role of Personality Traits. Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Kahuria, Jeremiah Njuguna (2011) An Investigation on the Effects of Organization Reforms on Employee Job Satisfaction: The Case of Prison Warders in Kamiti Maximum Prison. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Karanu, Jane Nyambura (2012) Factors Influencing Teacher Turnover in Public Secondary Schools: A Case of Makadara District, Nairobi County. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Kariithi, Peterson Thuo (2005) Factors Determining Availability of Microfinance to Small-Scale Entrepreneurs in Mathira Division, Nyeri District. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Karimi, Julia W. (2010) Adoption Status of Multi-Storey Gardens and Opportunities for Vegetables Production in Pumwani Division, Nairobi. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Kariuki, Jefferson N. (2005) The Effects of HIV/AIDS Epidemic on Staff Performance in Manufacturing Firms: A Case Study of Thika District. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Kassyou, Hayelom (2008) Factors Affecting Antenatal Care Attendance in Maichew Town, Southern Tigray. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Kebede, Mesay (2008) Gender, Household Food Security and Coping Strategy: The Case of Meskan Woreda of the Gurage Zone. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Kemunto, Caren (2016) Land Tenure System and Peaceful Coexistence among the Residents of Kibra Constituency, Nairobi County, Kenya. Masters thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Khasewa, Joab (2011) Barriers to Utilisation of Provider Initiated HIV Counseling and Testing Services among Tuberculosis Patients: A Case of Rhodes Chest Clinic Nairobi, Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Kiarie, Jackline Njeri (2009) Impact of HIV Comprehensive Care for Guardians on their Capacity to Meet the Needs of Affected Children, Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Kibuchi, Simon Kahuthu (2005) An Analysis of Training on the Development of Jua Kali Sector: A Case of Karatina Town. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Kiburu, Lydiah (2008) A Critical Analysis of the Involvement of Scouts in Post Conflict Peace Building: A Case of the Scout Movement in Kenya. Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.

Kimani, James Mwaura (2014) Relationship between Levels of Exposure to Mass Media and Students’ Deviant Behaviors in Selected Secondary Schools, Nakuru County Kenya. PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.

Kimau, Elizabeth Kanini (2014) Transforming Protracted Inter Ethnic Conflicts among Pastoralist Communities;Case of Rendile and Borana Communities in Marsabit Sub County. Masters thesis, Hekima College Institute of Peace Studies and International Relations.

Kithira, Florence (2004) Household Food Security of Members and Non-Members of Women Self-Help Groups in Mirigamieru West Division in Meru-Central District- Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Kitili, Eunice Kanundu (2012) Factors Influencing Access to Credit Facilities among Small and Medium Entrepreneurs in Island Division, Mombasa County. Undergraduate thesis, Kenyatta University.

Koech, Mary (2014) Transforming Youth from Criminality To Peace-Builders in Korogocho: A Case Study of the Legend Group. Masters thesis, Hekima College Institute of Peace Studies and International Relations.

Komu, Ambrose Muthiani (2012) Effectiveness of Social Entrepreneurship in Addressing Social Problems among the Rural Communities in Kenya: A Case Study of Kathiani District, Machakos County. Masters thesis, St. Elizabeth University.

Kwembe, Matthew Stephen (2003) The Role of the Guardian, Daily News and Msanii Afrika Newspapers in Disseminating Information on Poverty to the Youth in Urban Areas in Tanzania: A Case Study on Mwanza City. Undergraduate thesis, St. Augustine University of Tanzania.

Kyamana, Sammy (2015) Factors Contributing to Crime among Male Urban Youth: A Case of Pumwani-Majengo Ward, Nairobi Kenya. Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.

Kyulu, Teresia Mwikali (2005) Factors Influencing the User-Choice of Integrated and Stand-Alone Voluntary Counselling and Testing Sites in Nairobi Province, Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.


Lamenya, Beverley M. (2014) Human Insecurity as a Challenge to National Security : The Case of Mombasa Republican Council. Masters thesis, Hekima College Institute of Peace Studies and International Relations.

Leta, Yohannes (2009) Determinants of Fertility Desire among Men and Women Living with HIV/AIDS in Adama Town. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Lolokuru, Samuella (2014) The Role of Religion in Peace building: A case of the Catholic Church, Laisamis Constituency, Marsabit County. Masters thesis, Hekima College Institute of Peace Studies and International Relations.

Luanga, Salome Atieno (2005) Factors Responsible for Disparity in the Ratio of Men to Women in the Kenyan Judiciary: A Study of Nairobi Province. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Lusuva, Elina Adrian (2009) An Assessment of Gender Mainstreaming in Water Resources Management: A Case Study of Mkoji Sub Catchment in Usangu Plains, Tanzania. Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.


Machacha, George (2012) Loss to Follow-up in HIV Exposed Infants in the PMTCT Programme in Hurungwe District, Zimbabwe. Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Machiwana, Vimbayi R. (2010) The Impact of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Programmes in Chivi District, Zimbabwe. Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Madara, Martin W.O. (2005) The Implications of Microfinance on the Provision of Sustainable Support to Orphans: A Case Study of East and South East Alego in Siaya District. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Magara, Ibrahim Sakawa (2014) Transitional Justice and Reconciliation in Kenya a Study of Citizens’ Perceptions on Truth-Telling in Mt. Elgon. Masters thesis, Hekima College Institute of Peace Studies and International Relations.

Magezi, James Wilson (2015) Absentee Landlords and Land Utilization in Uganda: The Case of Kibaale District, 1894 – 1995. PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.

Maiyo, Chepchumba Rael (2004) The Role of Clothing in Developing Self-Worth among Pre-Adolescents: A Case of Primary Schools in Kasarani Division, Nairobi Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Malisase, Royd (2015) An Examination of the Institutional Framework, Problems and Extent of Protection of Children against Economic Exploitation in Urban Areas: The Case of Children in Lusaka City. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Malusha, James Mwashembe (2007) Factors Influencing Mosquito Net Acquisition Treatment and Utilization among Caregivers of Under Fives in Makueni District, Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Matadi, Ghislain Tshikendwa (2014) Famille congolaise, nouvelles dynamiques et modernité insécurisée Cas des enseignants du primaire de Kinshasa (RD Congo). PhD thesis, Pontificia Università Gregoriana.

Matambura, Kashosi Ismael (2017) Child Soldiers Recruitment and Use in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: An Ethical Perspective. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.

Mbae, Robin M. (2012) Factors Influencing Implementation of ALLPRO Beekeeping Project in Kajiado and Mwingi Districts. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Mbeyu, Caroline Joseph (2015) Factors that Lead to Dropout Rate for Girls in Public Primary Schools in Kaloleni Sub County, Kilifi County Kenya. Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.

Mdala, Edson Fedes (2009) From Short Term to Long Term Support: Community Responses to Improve Future Livelihoods Options of (AIDS) Orphans in Rural Areas: A Case of Nata and Lusu Wards in Nzega District, Tabora - Tanzania. Masters thesis, Van Hall Larenstein University.

Mekuria, Melisew (2008) Premarital Sexual Practice and Perception of High Risk of HIV/AIDS among School Adolescents in Injibara Town, Awi Zone. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Mengesha, Mekonnen (2011) Street Children in Addis Ababa: Exploring Policy Framework for Interventions. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Minaye, Abebaw (2003) A Special Form of Child Abuse: Using Children for Begging and its Psychosocial Effects on the Behavior of Children. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Miruka, Simon Okumba (2010) The Role of Men in Combating Violence against Women: The Case of Men for Gender Equality now in Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Mochona, Samuel (2006) Impact of Microfinance in Addis Ababa: The Case of Gasha Microfinance Institution. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Mohamed, Hussein Rahoy (2013) Clannism and Conflict among the Ajuuraan, Degodia and Ogaden Pastoral Somali Clans of Wajir County, Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Mohamed, Moulid Shurie (2011) Factors Affecting Service Delivery among Water Companies in Kenya: A Case Study of Garissa Water and Sewerage Company. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Molla, Mesfin Ayele (2004) Household Livelihood Strategies and their Relative Importance in Drought-Prone Areas: The Case of Bati Woreda, in Amhara National Regional State. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Mose, Jacob Duba (1992) The Conversion Function of the Political Process in Lebowa until 1990 According to the Structural Functional Analysis of Gabriel A. Almond and G. Bingham Powell, Jr. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Mosomi, Evans Nyamweya (1999) Utilization of Energy Saving Cookstove Technology: The Case of Improved Institutional Cookstoves in Kisii and Nyamira Districts of Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Muiruri, Mary Goret Wangui (2009) Effects of HIV/AIDS on Household Food Security: A Study Conducted in Mukuyu Division, Murang’a South District, Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Mukunzi, Jean Paul (2017) Suffering Under God’s Wings: Rethinking Genocide as a Social Sin in Rwanda. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.

Munezero, Ella-Lucette (2019) Factors Contributing to Domestic Violence against Women in Burundi: A Case Study of Bujumbura City. Masters thesis, Hekima University College.

Munuve, Dorcas Ngina (2012) Challenges to Women's Participation in Trade Unions: The Case of Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Kangundo Branch. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Muriithi-Kabaria, Joan Nduta (2006) Factors that Contribute to the Prevalence and Practice of Cohabitation among Kenyatta University Students, Nairobi, Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Muriuki, Nancy Mukami (2005) The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Companies and their Responses to the Epidemic: A Case of Del Monte Kenya Limited. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Musembi, Jackson (2014) Determinants of Adherence to Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy among HIV Infected Persons on Treatment in Machakos District Hospital, Machakos County, Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Musewa, Rose Mbathe (2013) Factors Affecting Implementation of Free Day Secondary Education in Kitui-West and Matinyani Districts, Kitui County, Kenya. Masters thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Musyoka, Marietta Mutindi (2016) Effects of Alcohol Abuse on the Wellbeing of Urban Households in Kenya: A Case of Mlolongo Township in Athi-River Division in Machakos County, Kenya. Masters thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Mutazu, Tirivangani (2012) An Investigation into the Role of Parliament in Making Development Aid More Effective: The Case of Ugandan Parliament. Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Muthui, Margaret (2015) Factors Influencing Implementation of Integrated Peace Education Curriculum after Post Election Violence in Primary Schools in Naivasha Sub-County, Kenya. Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.

Mutua, Consolata Kambua (2017) Effectiveness of Mukuru Slum Development Project (MSDP) Halfway House Rehabilitation Program on the Rehabilitation of Street Children in Nairobi City County, Kenya. Masters thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Mutua, Fridah Joy Karambu (2015) Capital Mobility and Investment in the East African Community for the Period 1999 - 2012. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Mutunga, Nancy Ndanu (2015) Influence of Microfinance Services on the Growth of Small and Micro Business Enterprises in South Gucha Sub County, Kisii County. Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.

Mutura, James Kurii (2006) Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Guarantorship in Loan Recovery: The Case of Mwalimu Sacco Society Ltd. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Mvungu, Eunice Njeri (2004) An Investigation into the Effectiveness of Rehabilitation Programmes in Selected Centres of Former Street Children and Adolescents in Nairobi, Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Mwaita, Wandogho F. (2000) Impact of the Poor Economic Conditions on the Rural People in Kenya: A Case of Mwatate Division in Taita-Taveta District. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Mwangi, Samuel Wainaina (2008) Factors Affecting Management of Stress in the Banking Industry in Murang'a District. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Mwangi, Stanley Ndegwa (2009) The Role of Smallholder Farmer Group in Delivery of Agricultural Services for Improved Livelihoods in Murang'a District, Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Mwereru, Jane Igoki (2011) Effects of Gender Based Violence on Girls and Women in Kibera Informal Settlement, Nairobi County. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Mwewa, Alice (2011) An Evaluation of HIV and AIDS Mainstreaming in Line Ministries. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.


Nchimunya, Elias Bboloka Bubala (2010) Work as the Key to the Social Question in Zambia. Masters thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.

Ndayala, Phoebe Didi (2004) Factors Associated with Adolescent Sexual Behaviour of High School Girls in Vihiga District. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Ndieka, Robert Nyamweya (2003) Socio-Cultural and Economic Factors in Procurement and Rational Utilization of Insecticide-Treated Bednets in Busia District, Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Ndimbwa, Marcelin Raphael (2014) Natural Gas Conflict in Tanzania and the Impacts to the Population in Mtwara Municipality. Masters thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB).

Ndubi, Margaret Bochaberi (2013) Women’s Participation in Political Processes in Kenya: The Case of Nyamira County 1963-2013. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Ndungu, Moses Kirika (2009) Costs of Micro Finance Institutions in Response to HIV/AIDS Crisis in Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Ndwigah, Roseline Kaari (2003) A Study of Accidents Victims’ and Drivers' Knowledge and Practices on Road Traffic Accidents in Thika and Machakos Hospitals. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Ngare, Rose (2014) Role of Parents Teachers Association in Enhancing Discipline in Public Secondary Schools in Ongata Rongai Zone, Kajiado County, Kenya. Masters thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Nharo, Tendai (2016) Modeling Floods in the Middle Zambezi Basin using Remote Sensing and Hydrological Modeling Techniques. Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Njeru, Athanas (2001) Ethnic Identity and Conflict in Africa: The Case of Burundi. Undergraduate thesis, University of Zibabwe.

Njoka, Charles Gitari (2017) Constraints to Successful Implementation of Gender Mainstreaming Policies at the National Police Service, Case Study of Administration Police Training College, Nairobi County, Kenya. Masters thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Njuguna, Maryanne Wairimu (2016) Factors Affecting Effectiveness of Socio-Economic Empowerment Programmes for GBV Survivors in Huruma Ward in Kenya. Masters thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Nyachae, Jared Mugambi (2008) Factors Contributing towards Job Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction among Warders at Kisii Prison. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Nyambongi, Pacifica Moraa (2013) Causes of Stress among Teachers in Public Secondary Schools: A Case of Public Secondary Schools in Starehe District. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Nyamu, Irene K. (2003) The Role of NGOs in Alleviating Food Insecurity in Makindu and Kibwezi Divisions, Makueni District - Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Nyamwanza, Owen Tonderayi (2010) Contest for Space: Struggles in Zimbabwe’s Bottom-Up Industrialisation: Insights from the Informal Entrepreneurs at Makoni Shopping Centre, Chitungwiza. Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Nziramasanga, Caiphas Tizanaye (1978) African Immigration to Rhodesia. PhD thesis, Oklahoma State University.


Oburenyi, Eldah Ochieng (2017) Utilization of Contraceptives among Undergraduate Students in Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST). Masters thesis, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology.

Odhiambo, Aggrey Aluso (2015) Engendered Socialization, Sexuality and the Feminization of HIV amongst the Luo of Ngunya Sub-Location of Ugunja Constituency. Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.

Odhon'g, Jacob Omolo (1999) Wage Determination in the Unionized Private Sector in Kenya, 1980-1997. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Odondo, Maurice Otieno (2005) The Role of Small-Scale Enterprises on Poverty Reduction: A Case Study of Small-Scale Retailers in Rongo Division. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Ojowi, Lize Apondi (2008) Barriers to Safe Obstetric Practices in Prevention of Mother to Child HIV Transmission in Kibera Slums, Nairobi, Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Ojunga, Peter Ouma (2014) An Analysis of Citizen Participation and Monitoring Functions in Nairobi County: The Case of the Nairobi Informal Settlers’ Forum. Masters thesis, Hekima College Institute of Peace Studies and International Relations.

Oketch, Samuel Apondi (2015) The Relationship between Required Trade Documentation and the Choice of Cross-Border Trade Patterns a Case of Registered Maize Traders at Busia Border Post. Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.

Okeyo, Janet Orawo (2006) An Investigation of Factors Affecting Upward Mobility of Women Workers in Agro - Chemical and Food Manufacturing Industries in Kenya: A Case of ACFC - Muhoroni Ltd. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Omolo, Elizabeth Auma (2012) HIV and AIDS: Factors Sustaining Risky Sexual Behaviour among Female Fish Dealers in Fish Landing Beaches in Kisumu County, Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Onyango, Ochieng Duncan (2010) The Impact of HIV and AIDS on Service Delivery in the Kenya Police. Masters thesis, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology.

Otieno, Beatrice Akinyi (2008) Effects of Anti-Retroviral Therapy on Sexual Behaviour among People Living with HIV/AIDS in Kibera Slums in Nairobi, Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenya University.

Otieno, Cameline Akoth (2016) Effectiveness of Community Based Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations' Service Delivery in the Informal Settlements of Obunga in Kisumu County, Kenya. Masters thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Oyugi, Nick Aguluu (2011) Cost and Cost-Effectiveness of Home-Based Care for HIV/AIDS in the Urban Setting: A Case of Nairobi, Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.


Quadros, Lucia (2014) Community Theatre and Peace building in Kibera (Kenya) The Case of Foundation of Hope. Masters thesis, Hekima College Institute of Peace Studies and International Relations.


Rakotoarison, Hilarion R. (2016) Ending Poverty in Madagascar: A Contribution of Catholic Social Teaching to Poverty reduction and Development in the Age of Globalization. PhD thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.

Ramkat, Rael (2017) Restoration Strategies and Community Attitudes towards Mine Pit Hazards in Kakamega County, Kenya. Masters thesis, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology.

Ramos, Pedro E. Ramírez (2014) Assessment of Effectiveness of Theatre in Social Transformation The Case Study in Eldoret District in Kenya. Masters thesis, Hekima College Institute of Peace Studies and International Relations.

Ranaivotratra, Maminirina Jacques Cyprien (2010) Contributions of the Retrieved Values of the Malagasy Culture, Globalization and Catholic Social Teaching for the Reconstruction of the Society in Madagascar. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.

Ratemo, Lenah Boyani (2007) Utilization and Sustainability of Water and Sanitation Services in Kibera Slums of Nairobi, Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Ratsimbazafy, Fulgence (2011) Impact of Globalization on Madagascar: A Critical Analysis and a Christian Response Based on the Perspective of the Theology of Reconstruction. PhD thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.

Rugaragu, Innocent B. (2011) Reconciliation in Rwanda A Loaf of Bread to be Sliced, an Onion to be Peeled and a Cooking Pot that has to Rest on Three Cooking Stones. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.


Saisi, Mickey (2005) Causes of Industrial Unrests in Kenya: A Case Study of Ruaraka Export Processing Zone. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Saturnin, Tsayem Dongmo (2010) Roman Catholic Social Teaching as an Appropriate Response to Corruption in Cameroon. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.

Semegne, Melesse Tamiru (2004) The Cost of HIV/AIDS on Health Institutions: The Case of Three Public Hospitals in Addis Ababa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Setibo, Batuzolele Victor (2017) Rape in the Congo Seeking Seeds of Hope and Salvation in a Wounded Society. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.

Shimelis, Solomon (2006) Child Labour in the Informal Sector: A Case Study of Child Shoe Polishers in Gulele Keflea Ketma. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Shumiye, Alem (2007) Determinants of Food Insecurity in Rural Households in Tehuludere Woreda, South Wello Zone of the Amhara Region. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Sibanda, Mandy Yolanda (2010) Factors Influencing Women Living with HIV/AIDS’ Intention to Fall Pregnant among those Attending the OI/ART Clinic in Murambinda, Buhera District, Manicaland Province, Zimbabwe, 2010. Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Ssemmuli, John Bosco (2010) Religious Conflicts in Uganda: Their Roots and Possible Solution in Interreligious Dialogue. Masters thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.

Sungwacha, Stephen M. (2011) Factors Influencing Repayment of Loans among Group Borrowers: A Case Study of Group Businesses in Bungoma District. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.


Tadesse, Adane (2008) Corralates of Household Food Insecurity in Daro-Labu Woreda West Hararge Zone of Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Taffesse, Nigussie (2002) The Role of Irrigation Development in Enhancing Household Food Security: A Case of Three Small-Scale Irrigation Schemes in Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples' Region. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Tarekegn, Misrak (2006) Challenges and Opportunities of Access and Mobility in Addis Ababa: The Case of People with Motor and Visual Impairments. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Tawodzera, Godfrey (2005) The Socio-Economic Impact of HIV/AIDS on Communal Agriculture in Kandeya and Chundu Wards of Mt. Darwin and Hurungwe Districts. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Tesfahun, Metalign Ayehu (2015) Rural Poverty Situation and Determinants: The Case of Kersa Kondaltity Woreda, South West Shewa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Tesfaye, Girma (2008) Sexual Behavior and Risk Perception of HIV Infection among Young Adults in Dessie Town. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Tesfaye, Mihretu (2005) Housing Strategies in Inner City Areas: The Case of Low-Income Housing in Inner City Addis Ababa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Teshome, Ermias Tesfaye (2007) Response to Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: The Case of Children Aid Ethiopia and Forum on Street Children Ethiopia in Addis Ketema Sub-City. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Thumbi, Elizabeth Wangeci (2012) Determinants of Performance of Digital Villages Project in Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Tipape, Evelyn Nonkepa (2008) A Study of Determinants of Growth of Rotating Savings and Credit Associations: The Case of Kiserian Location in Ng'ong Division, Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Tiruneh, Esubalew Alehegn (2006) Determinants of Urban Poverty in Debre Markos, Ethiopia: A Household Level Analysis. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Tseguereda, Abraham (2002) The Dynamism and Potential Contribution of Micro and Small Enterprises to Development: The Case of the Footwear Sector in Addis Ababa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Tsehay, Abrham Seyoum (2006) Evaluating the Effects of Irrigation on Poverty and Inequality in Banja Woreda-Amhara Region. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Tsikira, T. (2015) Co-Morbidity of Diabetes Mellitus and HIV in Patients Attending the ART Clinic Parirenyatwa Hospital 2015. Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Twea, Stella (2004) Women as Offenders – The Social and Legal Circumstances of Women who commit Crimes: A Case Study of Selected Prisons in Malawi. Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.


Wachira, Mary Njoki (2005) Utilization of Voluntary Counseling and Testing Services among University Students: A Case Study of Nairobi, Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Waiyego, Susan Mwangi (2004) Engendering Political Space: Women's Political Participation in Kangema, Murang'a District, 1963 - 2002. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Wamanga, Frida Caroline (2014) Teachers as Peacebuilders A Study of Four Public Boarding Secondary Schools in Nairobi County. Masters thesis, Hekima College Institute of Peace Studies and International Relations.

Wamathai, Ann Njoki (2015) The Relationship between Pornography Viewing and Sexually Aggressive Behaviour among Male Students in Selected Universities in Kenya. PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.

Wambari, Margaret N. (2013) Workplace Diversity Management Effects on Implementation of Human Resource Management Practices in the Ministry of Health, Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Wambugu, Julius M. (2007) The Effects of HIV/AIDS Epidemic on Performance Management of Civil Servants: A Case of Ministry of Education Science & Technology - Nyeri District. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Wandera, Faith Hamala Odongo (2005) Effect of the Use of "Maendeleo Stove" on the Livelihood of Households in Kamelil Sub-Location, Nandi South District, Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Wangeci, Kabugi Dinah (2011) Causes of Occupational Stress among Secondary School in Kenya: A Case of Public Secondary School in Mukurwe-ini District, Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Wanjala, Esther N. (2014) (Re) Viewing the Government’s Role in Supporting the Growth of Marginalised Women’s Businesses: Case Study Business Women at the Nakuru Rubbish Dump in Kenya. Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Wanjiru, Nelliahs W. (2014) Parental Involvement and its Influence in Learning Process: A Case Study of Kambui Primary School for the Deaf, Kiambu County, Kenya. Masters thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Waqas, Ahmed Sheikh (2014) Impact of Brief Relapse Prevention Intervention in Patients with Alcohol Dependence. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Waudo, Stacey Nawanjaya (2013) Impacts of Fuel Wood Scarcity and Coping Strategies among Rural Households in Lurambi District, Kakamega County, Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Waweru, Eva (2013) Role Reversal in the Gender Supremacy Conflict A Comparative Study between the Rural Women of Kiambu, Muranga and Nyeri. Masters thesis, Hekima College Institute of Peace Studies and International Relations.

Wubie, Nega (2000) The Relevance of Community-Based Development to Poverty Reduction in Ethiopia: A Case Study on the Experience of ESRDF in the Amhara Region. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.


Yabbi, Opiyo P. Judith. (2013) Influence of Socio - Economic and Cultural Factors on Academic Performance of Hearing Impaired Pupils at St. Martin Primary School, Kakamega County, Kenya. Masters thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Yadeta, Lomi (2002) Child Labor in the Informal Sector in Northern Addis Ababa: The Case of Weavers around ‘Shero Meda’ Area. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.


Zergaw, Alem (2015) Language Policy and its Impact on Rights of Individuals Belonging to Minorities to Job Opportunity under the Current Federal System: A Case Study of Abomsa Town in Merti Woreda of Oromia Region. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Zinabu, Abreha Mesele (2014) Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court on Child Soldiers: Promoting Impunity? Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

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