Number of items at this level: 81.
Admassie, Shimelis Zewdie
Principal Leadership Practices, Teacher Motivation, and Student Achievement in Secondary Schools of Addis Ababa City Government.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Ahmed, Abdulkadir
Ego Identity Construction among Youth in Arbaminch Town.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Antipa, Rose Sirali
Biodiversity Status and Indigenous Knowledge Systems in Conserving Boni Forest, Garissa County, North Eastern Kenya.
PhD thesis, University of Nairobi.
Anudo, Cellyne N. A.
Sexual Dysphemisms and Euphemisms in South Nyanza Dholuo: A Cognitive Linguistic Approach.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Anyanzu, Francis
Livelihood and Informality: The Case of Urban Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in Kampala.
MPhil thesis, University of Sussex.
Assen, Mohammed Dejen
Contested Secularism in Ethiopia: The Contention between Muslims and the Government.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Baxter, Patricia May
Interracial Communication and Local Church Participation: A Liberational Worldview.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Belayneh, Amera Seifu
Student Teachers’ Reflective Learning Practices within Secondary School Teacher Education Curriculum Implementation Processes at Bahir Dar University.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Bern, Denise Henrietta
A Philosophical Assessment of the Role of Personal and Impersonal Paradigms in Explanations according to the views of Robin Horton.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Charlesworth, Matthew
Is Pleasure a Genuine Element of the Human Good? A New Natural Law Perspective Comparing the Authors John Finnis and Timothy Chappell.
MPhil thesis, Heythrop College.
Chewe, Bwalya
Perceptions of Teachers, Parents and Female Pupils towards the School Re-Entry Policy. A Case of Selected Secondary Schools of Kabwe District in Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chileshe, Stephen
A Study of Ownership, Philosophy, and Editorial Policy of the Zambia Daily Mail.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chimuka, Andrea T.
The Exclusion of the African Contribution to the Conceptual Development of Reality, Appearance and Knowledge in the History of Philosophy.
PhD thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chukwu, Chidube Joseph
Equity and Justice in Health Care: A Critical Ethical Reflection on Healthcare Provision, Distribution, and Accessibility in Nigeria.
Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University.
Cooke, Amy Elizabeth
Subdividing the Savanna: The Ecology of Change in Northern Tanzania.
PhD thesis, University of North Carolina.
Drescher, Oliver
Is the Time Ripe? The Influence of Eschatology on the Debate Concerning the Timeliness of a Mission to Muslims, 1895-1914.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Du Preez, Johannes Lodewickes Christoffel
Die Begrafnisritueel in Eersterust Se Geloofsgemeenskap.
Masters thesis, Universiteit Van Suid-Afrika.
Du Toit, Calvyn Clarence
Biblical Spiritualities of the “City to Come”: Narratives of Meaning, Complexity, and Resistance.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Duncan, Graham Alexander
Scottish Presbyterian Church Mission Policy in South Africa 1898 - 1923.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Durrant, Marie Bradshaw
Communities, Place, and Conservation on Mount Kilimanjaro.
PhD thesis, Brigham Young University.
Engidawork, Befrdu Meseret
The Perception of Premarital Education and Divorce Rate: Among Followers of the Ethiopian Evangelical Churches in Addis Ababa City Administration.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Gor, Seth Omondi
Regional Welfare and Income Distribution in Kenya: A New Approach to the Measurement of Wellbeing.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Gowo, Gladys Claris
Towards An Educational Charter for Little Children of Our Blessed Lady Religious Congregation (LCBL).
MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Hadgu, Endale
Molecular Characterization and Assessment of Viral Tumorigenesis in Breast Cancer among Women in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hailesilassie, Hailemariam
Functional Limitations among Outpatients with Severe Mental Disorders: The Case of Major Depression, Schizophrenia, and Bipolar Disorder.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Hamaimbo, Georgina
A Comparative Study of Status of Teachers in Selected Urban and Rural Secondary Schools in Southern Province, Zambia.
PhD thesis, University of Zambia.
Ikunza, Ignatius
La Liberté et la Créativité Humaines chez Karl Popper.
Undergraduate thesis, ST. Pierre Canisius, Kinshasa.
Irudayaraj, Dominic S.
Idol-taunt in Isaiah 44:9-20 Prophetic Construction or Construction of Prophecy? A Dalit/new Historicist Reading.
Masters thesis, Jesuit School of Theology at Santa Clara University.
Jemaneh, Agaredech
Representation of Gender and Gender Relations in Newspapers` Narratives: the Case of Ethiopia.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Jhou, Nihel
Reviving the Transient Present in a Relativistic Universe: A Novel Approach.
PhD thesis, University of Miami.
Kalenzi, Paul
Non-Sensory Perception in Christian Mystical Experience.
MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe (Arrupe College).
Kamau, Patrick Mburu
Christian-Muslim Dialogue with Particular Reference to Pentecostals and Muslims in Nairobi North District, Nairobi County, Kenya.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Kamwendo, Lawrence
The Catholic Church’s Response to Post Death Rituals in Musami, 1980 – 2008: A Critical Analysis.
PhD thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Kamwendo, Lawrence
The Catholic Church’s Response to Post Death Rituals in Musami, 1980 – 2008: A Critical Analysis.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Katsande, Rosalie Kumbirai
Interrogating Marriage as an Organizing Framework in Land Based Businesses: A Case Study of Women Horticulture Farmers in Ward 25, Nyadire District,
Mutoko, Zimbabwe.
PhD thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Kawuondi, Gabriel Linus
An Analysis of Niccollo Machiavelli’s Concept of Political Power.
Other thesis, Uganda Martyrs University – Nkozi.
Kebede, Simiminet
Psychological Problems and Perceptions Associated with Delayed Marriage: The Case of Women in Addis Ketema Sub-city Woreda 2.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Kennedy, Kabwe
Male Circumcision as a Means of HIV/AIDs Prevention in Lusaka Urban: An Ethical Evaluation.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Kikoba, Athanasius
“The Female Face” of HIV/AIDS as an Ethical Challenge to the Catholic Church in Uganda: Lessons of Catholic Social Teaching.
PhD thesis, Santa Clara University.
Kizungu, Mushamalirwa Dieu-Donné
The Domestic Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity in Selected SADC Countries (D.R Congo, Mauritius, Namibia, and South Africa) with Specific Reference to the In-Situ Conservation Regime.
Doctoral thesis, University of KwaZulu – Natal.
Kulundu, Hassan
A Philosophical Analysis of Legal Positivism with Regard to the Place of Morality in the Kenyan Judicial System.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Kwangwari, Christine
Formal Politics at the District and Sub District Levels: The Case of Goromonzi.
MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Lott, Anastasia
Spirituality of Struggling Women
in Bura-Tana Kenya.
Masters thesis, Maryknoll Institute of African Studies.
Madende, Lyinah Tendayi
An Assessment of the Regulatory Philosophy of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Zimbabwe (2009-2014).
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Magoti, Evaristi Cornelli
A Critical Analysis of Nyerere’s Ujamaa: An Investigation of its Foundations and Values.
PhD thesis, University of Birmingham.
Maibvise, Charles
Investigation into the Pharmacodynamics of Ethanol as a Nerve Blocking Agent.
MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Mapunda, Christopher Amon
Julius K. Nyerere Overlooked some Rights of the Individual as he Learns Advocating the Common Good. A Critique of the Philosophy of Ujamaa.
Undergraduate thesis, Arrupe College - University of Zimbabwe.
Mapuranga, Tapiwa Praise
A Phenomenological Investigation into the Effects of Traditional Beliefs and Practices on Women and HIV & Aids, With Special Reference to Chipinge District, Zimbabwe.
PhD thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Mardai, Gilbert
Transforming Conflict through Integral Self-appropriation.
PhD thesis, St Augustine College of South Africa.
Matikiti, Robert
Christian Theological Perspectives on Political Violence in Zimbabwe: The Case of the United Church of Christ in Zimbabwe.
PhD thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Matsikidze, Rodgers
The Civil Procedure in the Magistrates Court of Zimbabwe: A Denial of Justice to Self Actors?
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Mbereko, Alexio
Understanding Socio-Economic Outcomes of Technological Innovations over Access, Use and Management of Natural Resources in Zimbabwe: A Case Study of Zungwi Vlei (Zvishavane District).
MPhil thesis, Univerisity of Zimbabwe.
Moro, James
Towards a Northern Ugandan Church as "Field Hospital"; for a Pastorally Attuned Appropriation of Church Teaching.
Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University.
Mpesha, Nyambura Grace Alice
Children's Literature in Tanzania: A Literary Appreciation of Its Growth and Development.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Mudyiwa, Misheck
An Investigation into the Impact of Super Roma’s Healing Ministry on the Roman Catholic Church in Zimbabwe: A Case Study of Gweru and Masvingo Dioceses.
MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Mugambi, Mbogo Kyama
Leadership Development in Progressive Pentecostal Churches: Three Case Studies From Nairobi, Kenya.
Doctoral thesis, Africa International University.
Murimba, Idzai
HIV and AIDS: An Analysis of Community
Coping Strategies with Special Reference to Mutambi Ward Community of Zvishavane, Zimbabwe.
MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Mwamba, Phillip
Problems of Environmental Noise Pollution in Lusaka Schools: An Ethical Case Study of M'tendere School Areas.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Mwangi, Cyrus Gichuhi
Towards A Philosophy of African Liberation: With Special Reference to Frantz Fanon and Nelson Mandela.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Nhamo, Ancila
Characterizing Hunter-Gatherer Rock Art: An Analysis of Spatial Variation of Motifs in the Prehistoric Rock Art of Zimbabwe.
PhD thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Niringiye, David Zac
The Church in the World:
A Historical-Ecclesiological Study of the Church of Uganda
With Particular Reference to Post-Independence Uganda,
Doctoral thesis, University of Edinburgh.
Niringiye, David Zac
The Church in the World: A Historical-Ecclesiological Study of the Church of Uganda with Particular Reference to Post-Independence Uganda, 1962-1992.
Doctoral thesis, University of Edinburgh.
Njobe, Makhunga Wintshi
Effects of the Agricultural Science Curriculum, the School Environment and the Student’s Home Socio-Economic Status on Attitudes toward Careers in Agricultural Production.
PhD thesis, University of Zambia.
Nsengimana, Emile
The Church and the Awakening of Faith: Towards a Christian Reconciliation for Peace and Justice in Rwanda.
Licentiate thesis, University of Zambia.
Oburu, Joseph Thomas Mboya
The Concept of Power‐Sharing in the Emergence of Coalition Governments in Africa: A Critical Analysis of the Kenya Case.
Masters thesis, Arrupe College.
Ogalo, Pacho Titus
Critico-Creative Education (Cce): An Effective Empowerment Tool for Responsible Citizenry and Social Transformation in Africa.
Masters thesis, Arupe College an Associate College of the University of Zimbabwe.
Quenum, Jean-Marie Hyacinthe
La Conscience Historique dans l'Aventure Ambiguë de Cheikh Hamidou Kane.
Undergraduate thesis, Institut de Philosophie S. Pierre Canisius Kinshasa.
Rabeson, Jocelyn
Jesus and Mission in Paul Knitter's Liberation Theology of Religions: A Malagasy Reflection.
Masters thesis, Weston Jesuit School of Theology.
Rabeson, Solofonirina Jocelyn
Le totalitarisme.
Masters thesis, institut superieur de theologie et de philophie Ambatoroka.
Seyoum, Seyoum Mesfin
Federalism at the Margins of the Ethiopian State: The Lived Experience of the Majang People.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Shumdehan, Hailemichael
The Nature and Role of Karl Popper's Falsification Principle.
Masters thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Smith, Thomas Aneurin
At the crux of Development? Local Knowledge, Participation, Empowerment and Environmental Education in Tanzania.
PhD thesis, School of Geographical and Earth Sciences The University of Glasgow.
Tambulukani, Geoffrey Kazembe
First Language Teaching of Initial Reading: Blessing or Curse for the Zambian Children Under Primary Reading Programme?
PhD thesis, University of Zambia.
Tambwe, Richard M.
Towards an African Ecclesiology in Stones.
Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.
Tuji, Wendmagegnehu
The Relevance of Primary Education to the Developmental
Needs of Pastoral Communities in Ethiopia: The Case of
Hammer Pastoralists Area.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Usman, Napoleon Daniel
An Assessment of the Potential of Life Cycle Management System on Project Performance in the Building Industry in Abuja, Nigeria.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Wainaina, Lawrence Warwimbo
Determinants of Organizational Commitment among Academic Staff in Kenya’s Public and Private Universities.
PhD thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology.
Wanzala, Pius Nambiza
Whose Development Counts? Political Ecology of Displacement of Bulyanhulu Mining Community in Tanzania.
MPhil thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway.
Worku, Abebaw Gebeyehu
Determinants of Skilled Maternal Care Utilization: A Multilevel Analysis using Mixed Method Investigation in North Gondar Zone, North West Ethiopia.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Worku, Ahmed Ebrahim
An Assessment on Viability of the Modalities for Provision of Primary Education to the Children of Pastoralists in Afar Region of Ethiopia.
PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Zinyemba, Alice Zvisinei
Participation of Women in Management in the Hospitality and Financial Services Sectors in Zimbabwe: Strategies for Meeting Leadership and Gender
PhD thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 22:04:17 2025 EAT.