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Agyapong, Nana Kofi (2023) African Spirituality for Ecological Conversion: The Case of Mining in the Western Region of Ghana. Other thesis, Santa Clara University.


Bacchioni, Philip Louis (1998) The Jesus Mystery a Biblical, Historical and Christological Study of Jesus. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Banda, Daniel (2010) Comparative Study of Church and Non-Church Run Radio Stations in Zambia: A Case Study of Radio Explorers and Radio Maria in Eastern Province. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Baxter, Patricia May (1992) Interracial Communication and Local Church Participation: A Liberational Worldview. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Biggs, Johanna Wilhelmina Margareta (2000) Die Rol van 'N Pastorale Berader in 'N Gemeentediensjaarspan. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Bindele, Pila (1999) La tradition congolaise au service de l'annonce du Salut: Une analyse du « Rite zaïrois de la messe» comme réponse inculturée. Licentiate thesis, Centre Sèvres.

Bologo, Christopher Terhemen (2023) The Nigerian Tiv Concept of Ya Na Angbian: As a Corrective to the Misinterpretation of Subdue and Have Dominion in Genesis 1:26. Other thesis, Santa Clara University.

Bonis, Christopher Richard (2015) The (Un) Successful Pastor: An Investigation of Pastoral Leadership Selection within Churches in Ontario. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Brassel, Marianne (2014) Bedeutung der Herrlichkeit des Herrn für Ekklesiologie nnd Gemeindebau: eine Biblisch-Theologische Untersuchung Anhand Exemplarischer Ekklesiologien des 20. Jh. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Buckland, Stephen G. (1985) African Religious Symbols and Christian Theology. Masters thesis, Heythrop College - University of London.


Carney, Joseph P. (1973) The History of the Functional Structure of the Maryknoll Mission in Musoma and Shinyanga, Tanzania. PhD thesis, St. John's University-New York.

Chimuka, Andrea T. (2012) The Exclusion of the African Contribution to the Conceptual Development of Reality, Appearance and Knowledge in the History of Philosophy. PhD thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Chiyuka, Albert (2011) Effectiveness of the Teaching of Religious Education as Part of Social and Development Studies in the Integrated Primary School Curriculum in Zambia: The Case of Solwezi Urban Basic Schools. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Cornelius, Lynne (2015) The Development of Accounting in Palestine during the First Millennium: 1000-332 Bc. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.


Dibb, Andrew Malcolm Thomas (1997) An Historical Study of the Diocese of St John of the Church of the Province of South Africa, with Special Reference to Bishop Calla ways Vision of a Black Clergy. Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.

Du Toit, Calvyn Clarence (2015) Biblical Spiritualities of the “City to Come”: Narratives of Meaning, Complexity, and Resistance. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Duncan, Graham Alexander (1997) Scottish Presbyterian Church Mission Policy in South Africa 1898 - 1923. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.


Esther, Eunice Musyoka (2012) Uhakiki wa Kimtindo wa Nyimbo za Mazishi Miongoni Mwa Wakamba. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.


Famave, Tony Terwase (2019) Fostering Dialogue and Engagement: The role of the Catholic Church in Nigeria. Masters thesis, Santa Clara University.


Garcia, Miguel Angel Posadas (2002) The Sick and their Experience of God, Based in the Slum of Kibera. Undergraduate thesis, Tangaza College.


Hailu, Henok (2014) The Effectiveness of Integrated Religious and Counseling Principles on Increasing the Counseling Skills of Priests: The Case of Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Hinga, Teresia M. (1980) An African Understanding of Salvation: A Case Study of A Group of Christians Popularly Known Among the Agikuyu as the Ahonoki (Saved Ones), and an Evaluation of Their Understanding of Salvation, Visa-Visa New Testament Interpretation. Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.


Irudayaraj, Dominic S. (2012) Idol-taunt in Isaiah 44:9-20 Prophetic Construction or Construction of Prophecy? A Dalit/new Historicist Reading. Masters thesis, Jesuit School of Theology at Santa Clara University.


Jofter, Njobvu Maligelita (2015) Testing Ronald Goldman’s Theory of Children’s Religious Thinking and Learning at Three Primary Schools in Lusaka District. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.


Kamau, Patrick Mburu (2013) Christian-Muslim Dialogue with Particular Reference to Pentecostals and Muslims in Nairobi North District, Nairobi County, Kenya. PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.

Kamwendo, Lawrence (2016) The Catholic Church’s Response to Post Death Rituals in Musami, 1980 – 2008: A Critical Analysis. PhD thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Kamwendo, Lawrence (2016) The Catholic Church’s Response to Post Death Rituals in Musami, 1980 – 2008: A Critical Analysis. Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Kathryn, Rountree (2009) Catholic Missionaries in Africa: The White Fathers and the Belgian Congo 1950-1955. Masters thesis, Louisiana State University.

Kawuondi, Gabriel Linus (2015) An Analysis of Niccollo Machiavelli’s Concept of Political Power. Other thesis, Uganda Martyrs University – Nkozi.

Koffi, N’Guessan Kouacou Augustin (2023) Towards a Holistic Reconciliation in Africa. Other thesis, Santa Clara University.


Lebulu, L. Josaphat (1978) Religion and Ideology among the Pare of Tanzania the Change in the Modes of Production. PhD thesis, Catholic University of Louvain.


Magesa, Laurenti (1985) Ujamaa Socialism in Tanzania: A Theological Assessment. PhD thesis, Saint Paul University.

Mangena, Fainos (2007) Natural Law Ethics, Hunhuism and the Concept of Retributive Justice among the Korekore – Nyombwe People of Northern Zimbabwe: An Ethical Investigation. PhD thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Mapuranga, Tapiwa Praise (2010) A Phenomenological Investigation into the Effects of Traditional Beliefs and Practices on Women and HIV & Aids, With Special Reference to Chipinge District, Zimbabwe. PhD thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Matanzonga, Bienvenu (2017) Salvation as Renewed Creation: Psychological and Theological Reconciliation in (Eastern) Congo. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.

Melaku, Yohannes (2014) Factors Affecting Employee Turnover and Its Impact on Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Monika, Barbara Elisabeth Nel (1994) Criteria for Sound Christian Education with Reference to Christian Education South Africa (Cesa)1984-1993. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Mouzou, Mondohong (2024) Mission as Life Awakening in Africa and Beyond: Revisiting the Theology of Life of Engelbert Mveng (1930-1995). Masters thesis, Santa Clara University.

Mudyiwa, Misheck (2016) An Investigation into the Impact of Super Roma’s Healing Ministry on the Roman Catholic Church in Zimbabwe: A Case Study of Gweru and Masvingo Dioceses. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Mukwato, Hector (2011) Evangelisation in sub-Sahara Africa: A Response to the Exodus of Catholics from their Church to Pentecostal Churches. Masters thesis, University of London, Heythrop College.

Mukwatsungu, W. Mandiangunu (1996) QUÊTE DE DIEU ET KÉNOSE: Chez Michel de CERTEAU. Licentiate thesis, CENTRE SEVRES.

Mulemi, Patrick (2007) Caesar's Coin: The Role of Faith in Public Discourse (The Case of Zambia). Licentiate thesis, Jesuit School ofTheology at Berkeley.

Mundia, Yvonne Mulako (2015) Exploration of Sikenge Initiation Rite in the Promotion of Lozi Cultural Heritage: A Case of Mongu District. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Muraya, Hezekiah Murage (2013) The Intervention of Úgo Beliefs and Practices among Gikúyú Presbyterian Christians of Nyeri Presbytery (1908-2008). PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.

Musondoli, Daniel Syauswa (2007) The Ecological Dimensions of Peace and the Church Mission: Ecology, Faith, and Culture from an African Perspective. Licentiate thesis, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.

Muthoni, Prisca (1992) Adult Catechesis in the African Context: A Proposal for the Contextualised Transmission of the Faith in Central Kenya. PhD thesis, Catholic Higher Institute of East Africa.

Mwijage, Paschal (1999) The Link Between Faith and Justice in Ignatian Spirituality: With Reference to the Fomula of the Institute. Licentiate thesis, Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy.


Ndayisenga, Egide (2017) Religious and Cultural Foundation of Reconciliation The “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” in South Africa as a Suitable Model for Rwanda and Burundi. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.

Ndombi, Jean- Roger Pascal (1995) La galilee dans l'evangile de jean etude exegetique et theologique de l'emploi de ce terme. PhD thesis, Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana.

Neuhaus, David Mark (1991) Between Quiescence and Arousal: The Political Functions of Religion. A Case Study of the Arab Minority in Israel: 1948-1990. PhD thesis, The Senate of the Hebrew University.

Ngabirano, Emmanuel (1993) "The Kiga Concept of God and Spirits". Undergraduate thesis, Katigondo Seminary.

Ngeiywo, Tom Keiyo (2018) Effect of Traditional Pokot Worldview on Spread of Christianity among the Pokot. PhD thesis, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology.

Nhamoinesu , Ncube (2007) Church as Family (Mhuri) with Special Reference to the Shona People of Masvingo Diocese - Zimbabwe. Licentiate thesis, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Niringiye, David Zac (1997) The Church in the World: A Historical-Ecclesiological Study of the Church of Uganda With Particular Reference to Post-Independence Uganda, 1962-1992. Doctoral thesis, University of Edinburgh.

Niringiye, David Zac (1997) The Church in the World: A Historical-Ecclesiological Study of the Church of Uganda with Particular Reference to Post-Independence Uganda, 1962-1992. Doctoral thesis, University of Edinburgh.

Nji, Tegha Afuhwi (2020) Re-Imagining an African Family Ecclesiology in Dialogue with Ratzinger’s Christo-Pneuma Communion Ecclesiology. Masters thesis, Santa Clara University.

Nsengimana, Emile (2019) The Church and the Awakening of Faith: Towards a Christian Reconciliation for Peace and Justice in Rwanda. Licentiate thesis, University of Zambia.


Ol'leka, Shitandi Wilson (2010) An Analysis of Musical and Theological Meaning in the Hymnody of Legio Maria of African Mission Church in Kenya. PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.

Onana, Honore Olah (2020) The Relevance of the Official Communications of Pope Francis for African Theology. Masters thesis, Hekima University College.

Opongo, SJ, Elias and Egan, SJ, Anthony and Awiti, Hezbon and Munyao, Erastus and Kawuondi, Linus (2024) Role of Religious Institutions in Political Change and Democracy: Case Studies of Kenya, Ethiopia, South Sudan, And Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). CRTP Research Series. (Unpublished)

Orji, Chukwuemeka (1998) And Yahweh Delivered David Wherever he Went (2Sam 8,6B.14B) Composition and Redaction Criticism of 2Sam 1-8. PhD thesis, Pontificiae Universitatis Gregoriana.

Orobator, Agbonkhianmeghe E. (2004) Ecclesiology in Crisis: A Contextualised Theological Study of the Church in Africa in the Situation of HIV/AIDS, Refugees and Poverty. PhD thesis, The University of Leeds School of Theology and Religious Studies.

Otieno, Peter (2005) Von Balthasar's "Dramatic Moment" as a Tool for Inculturation in Africa. Licentiate thesis, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.


Rabeson, Jocelyn (2002) Jesus and Mission in Paul Knitter's Liberation Theology of Religions: A Malagasy Reflection. Masters thesis, Weston Jesuit School of Theology.

Rabo, Adem (2002) The Role of NGOs in School Development: The Case of Meki Catholic Secretariat in Dugda Bora Woreda - Eastern Shewa, Oromia Region. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.


Sabure, Cleophas Chacha (2009) Kurya Concept of Marriage in the Light of African Philosophy and Religion. Undergraduate thesis, Pontifical University Urbaniana Salvatorian Institute of Philosophy & Theology.

Slot, Henny (1986) African Customary and Christian Marriage. Licentiate thesis, Institut , International de Catéchèse et de Pastorale Affilié À L'universite Catholique de Louvain.

Ssekyanzi , Robert (2011) Fidelity in Religious Life: A Marcelian Approach. Masters thesis, Arupe College an Associate College of the University of Zimbabwe.

Ssemmuli, John Bosco (2010) Religious Conflicts in Uganda: Their Roots and Possible Solution in Interreligious Dialogue. Masters thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.


Temu, Aloys Highlife (2003) Spirituality and Sickness: A Tanzanian Christian Experience. PhD thesis, Catholic Theological Union at Chicago.

Tsegaye, Mezmur (2011) Traditional Education of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and Its Potential for Tourism Development (1975-present). Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.


Vjecha, Michael J. (1994) Missiology for a Post-Modern World the Service of Justice and the Refugees of Ethiopia. Licentiate thesis, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.


Wakanyi-Kahindi, Lydia (1988) The Agikuyu Concept of Thahu and its Bearing on the Biblical Concept of Sin. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Wambua, Francis Abednego (2022) Liturgical Music as an Invitation to Transformation. Masters thesis, Hekima University College.

Wanjohi, Florence Njoki (2013) The Ministry of the Church in Supporting Bereaved Families: The Case of Anglican Church of Kenya, Diocese of Kirinyaga, Kirinyaga County. PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.

Wasswa, M. Joseph (1989) Ganda sex-taboos as a basis for Theology of Sexuality. Licentiate thesis, Catholic Higher Institute of Eastern Africa.

Whelan, Gerard K. (1996) The Development of Lonergan's Notion of the Dialectic of History: A Study of Lonergan's Writings 1938-53. PhD thesis, Regis College Toronto School of Theology.

Wotsuna, John Placidus Khamalwa (1990) Initiation Rites as a Vehicle for Religious Education with Particular Reference to Male Circumcision among the Bamasaba of Mount Elgon in Uganda. Licentiate thesis, The Catholic Higher Institute OF Eastern Africa.


Zikarge, Berhane (2009) The Scope of Religious Freedom and its Limits under the FDRE Constitution: A Survey of Contemporary Problems and Challenges. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

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