Number of items at this level: 138.
Abdalla, Fatma Farid
An Investigation into the Compatibility of Islamic Banking with Conventional Banks: A Study of Two Commercial Banks in Nairobi City.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Abdulaal, Ahmed
Optimizing Industrial Consumer Demand
Response Trough DIsaggregation, Hour-Ahead
Pricing, and Momentary Autonomous Control.
PhD thesis, University of Miami.
Abril, Johanna E.
The State of Music Education in Basic General
Public Schools of Ecuador: Te Administrators'
PhD thesis, University of Miami.
Adorno, Sandra S.
Navigating Identities: The Musical Lives of Four Second-Generation Immigrant Children in Miami, Florida.
PhD thesis, University of Miami.
Afulo, Joseph Oduor
The Significance of “In Quo Omnia Constant ” in the Thought of Teilhard de Chardin.
Licentiate thesis, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.
Aguk, Joyce A.
Evaluate the Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Rhizobacteria Inoculation on Performance of Potato (Solanum Tuberosum).
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Anzuvuku, Madra Andrew
Metaphysics, Man and Freedom According to Prof. K. Satchidananda Murty: An Analytic Study.
Masters thesis, Jnana Deepa Vidyapeeth Institute of Philosophy and Religion.
Aquino, Corazon Eunice
The Role of Communication in Enhancing Fund Raising for Kenyan NGOs: A Comparative Analysis of Action Aid Kenya and Caucus for Women’s Leadership.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Athman, Hajara Amina
The Use of Figurative Language in the Hadiths of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) in the Book Paradise of the Pious By Imam An-Nawawi.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Bafuidinsoni, Haloko-Mana
L' Eveque Diocesain et son "Munus" de Gouvernement dans "Christus Dominus".
Licentiate thesis, Gregorian University.
Banda, Daniel
Comparative Study of Church and Non-Church Run Radio Stations in Zambia: A Case Study of Radio Explorers and Radio Maria in Eastern Province.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Baral, Karun
Conservation and Threat to Selected Monkey Species in Nepal Compared to Selected Species in Tanzania.
Masters thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
Bareeleng, Kelebonye
Comparative Effects of KRAAL Manure and Phosphorus Fertilizer on Soil Acidity and Phosphorus Availability to Maize (Zea mays L.).
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Bock, Simone Maylin
The Inclusion of Special Educational Needs (Sen) Students in United Arab Emirates (Uae) Mainstream Schools: An Exploratory Study.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Bonis, Christopher Richard
The (Un) Successful Pastor: An Investigation of Pastoral Leadership Selection within Churches in Ontario.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Borrageiro, Dannita
A Pilot Exploration of the Relationship between Temperament and Psychopathology in 12-18 Year-Old Children Born at Extremely Low Birth Weight.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Brooks, C. F.
Authentic Objectivity is the Fruit of Authentic Subjectivity: An Illustration through Abasement and Humility.
Licentiate thesis, Pontifical Gregorian University.
Bu, Juan
The Interplay of Innovation, Institutions, and
Internationalization in the Context of Emerging
PhD thesis, University of Miami.
Chamunorwa, Madiridze
An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Sanctions in the Age of Nonpolarity: The Case of Iran.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chanda, Alfred Winstone
Comparative Study of Emergency Powers in Commonwealth Africa with Special Reference to Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chande, Abdin Noor
Islam, Islamic Leadership and Community Development in Tanga, Tanzania.
PhD thesis, Institute of Islamic Studies McGill Universit, Montreal.
Charlton, Terrence P.
The Incarnation in the Thought of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S. J.
PhD thesis, Boston College.
Chifamba, Constance
A Comparative Study on the Influence of Formal and Non-Formal Career Guidance on Career Realisation by Secondary School Students.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Chileshe, Winifred Namwingalengalenga
A Comparative Study of the Scholastic Performance of E-Schoolers and Non-Preschoolers in Early Primary School.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Chongo, Rodrick
A Comparative Study of Vocational Aspirations of Retiring Teachers of Secondary and Basic Schools: A Case of Lusaka District.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Cohen, Grant M.
Origins of U.S. Public Opinion for Drone Strikes:
The Intersection of Elite Rhetoric, Media Coverage,
and American Public Opinion, 2000-2015.
PhD thesis, University of Miami.
Collins, Jacklyn
Educational Experiences and Academic
Adjustment of Transfer Students at the Four-Year
PhD thesis, University of Miami.
Couvaras, Jean
Criminological Evaluation of Gay Rights under the Zambian Criminal Justice System: A Comparative Human Rights View.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Dangwa, Charity Nyasha
A Comparative Analysis of Maize Technical Efficiency between A1 Resettlement Areas and Communal Areas in Goromonzi District, Mashonaland East Province.
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Dawit, Mahlet
Regulation of Irregular Migration: The Link between African Union and European Union Frameworks.
Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Doman, Francois
Die Verband Tussen Persoonlikheid En Toesighouersukses in Die Suiwelbedryf.
Masters thesis, Universiteit Van Suid-Afrika.
Dor, Marlene
An Analysis of Referrals Received by a Psychiatric Unit in a General Hospital.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Drescher, Oliver
Is the Time Ripe? The Influence of Eschatology on the Debate Concerning the Timeliness of a Mission to Muslims, 1895-1914.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Du Plessis, Annelies
Disputed Custody and the People Involved: An Ecosystemic Perspective.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Du Plessis, Daniel
Recycled Realities the Exploration of Source Material in Contemporary Pictorial Art.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Du Plessis, Jan Abraham
Artikel 2(3) Van Die Wet Op Testamente 7 Van 1953.
Masters thesis, Universiteit Van Suid-Afrika.
Du Plessis, Sandra Elizabeth
Exploding the Lie: 'Angelic Womanhood' in Selected Works by Harriet Martineau, Anne Bronte, Charlotte Bronte and George Eliot.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Du Plessis, Stephen James
Olivier Messiaen's Concept of Tonality.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Du Plooy, Renita Elizabeth Evelyn
Die Misdaad Onsedelike Aanranding.
Masters thesis, Universiteit Van Suid-Afrika.
Duffton, Cameron Ronald
Human Resources Practitioners’ Experiences of Engagement Interventions with a Financial Institution.
Masters thesis, University of South Afrrica.
Edelsburg, Zaha Va
The New Within the Given -Collage Principles and Processes in Contemporary Painting.
Masters thesis, Universiteit Van Suid-Afrika.
Ekeno, Augostine Edan
The International Criminal Court and African Conflicts: Transitional Justice in Kenya after the Post-Election Violence.
MPhil thesis, University of Dublin (Trinity College).
Ekwueme, Evaristus Okechukwu
Bernard Lonergan's Notion of Emergent Probability: Computer Aided Insights and a Possible Implementation on African History.
PhD thesis, Boston College.
Emeji, Ikenna Chibuzor
Production and Characterization of Biofuel from Waste Cooking Oil.
Masters thesis, University of south Africa.
Engelbrecht, Gerhard Nieuwoudt
A Dynamic Simulation Model to Optimize Soft Kill Tactics Employed By a Generic Fast Attack Craft against a Generic Surface-To-Surface, Fire-And-Forget Missile.
Masters thesis, University of south Afrrica.
Engelbrecht, Gert Hermias
Basiese Elemente Van 'N Effektiewe Jeugbediening.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Engelbrecht, Ockert Michiel
Die Finanslele Posisie Van Gades Na Egskeiding Met Spesifieke Verwysing Na Die "Clean Break''- Begins El.
Masters thesis, Universiteit Van Suid-Afrika.
Enyegue, Jean Luc
“The Light Shines in the Darkness, and the Darkness has not Overcome it” The Spirit Beyond the Christological Debate: Toward a Pneumatological Interpretation of John 1:5.
Licentiate thesis, Boston College School of Theology and Ministry.
Esterhuizen, Martha Louisa
Die Rol Van Die Akademiese Biblioteek Rakende Inligtinggeletterdheid Van Eerstejaarstudente Aan Die Noordwes-Universiteit Se Vaaldriehoekkampus.
Masters thesis, Universiteit Van Suid-Afrika.
Esterhuysen, Anna Elizabeth Carolina
Orem Se Teorie Toegepas in Die Gemeenskapgesondheidpraktyk.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Eybers, Cornelia
Die Komplementariteit Tussen Intimiteit En Afstand in Die Terapeutiese Verhouding.
Masters thesis, Universiteit Van Suid-Afrika.
Falkenberg, Ryan James
An Evaluation of an Instructor-Led and Self-Managed Computer Software Training Course.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Farago, Lydia
"Ein Jed Er Wird Nach Seinem Mass Gerichtet ... "Richter, Gerichtete Und Die Gerechtigkeit In Durrenmatts Kriminalromanen.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Fireman, Pumbwe
The Sovereign and Supremacy of Parliament: A Comparative Study of the British and Zambian Systems.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Foro, Emmanuel
Le perimetre irrigue de di dans la vallee du sourou: Une experience de gestion paysanne.
Masters thesis, Universite de Ouagadougou.
Gaba, Charles
Prostitution: "Dangerous Women or Women in Danger".
Undergraduate thesis, Tangaza College - Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Gayle, Kaplan Dolgoy
The Effect of Teaching Second Language Students a Combination of Metacognitive and Cognitive Strategies for Reading and Listening Comprehension.
Masters thesis, University of South Afrrica.
Gertrude, Bvindi
The Impact of Transformation in United States of America (USA) Foreign Policy Approach from the Bush to the Obama Administrations on Middle East Peace and Security: The Case of Iraq (2000-2013).
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Gilger, Patrick
Hermeneutics and Conversion.
Masters thesis, Loyola University Chicago.
Gondo, Misheck
Right of Minority People to Self-Determination Under International Law: The Case of Tibet (2003 -2013).
Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Grissom, Catherine Cheri
Courting the Divine: The Religion of Love in Amadís De Gaula, La Celestina, and El Siervo Libre De Amor.
Masters thesis, Texas Tech University.
Gumba, D.E.O.
Adaptation du manuel parlons français à l’enseignement du Français au Kenya.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Hamaimbo, Georgina
A Comparative Study of Status of Teachers in Selected Urban and Rural Secondary Schools in Southern Province, Zambia.
PhD thesis, University of Zambia.
Handili, Jimaima
The Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics of Conditional Clauses in Tonga and English: A Comparative Analysis.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Houdek, Francis Joseph
Contemplation in the Life and Works of Saint Cyril of Alexandria.
PhD thesis, University of California.
Hu, Rebecca C.W.
Prophecy, Dreams, and Fantasy: Writing
Englishwomen's Practical Knowledge, 1640-1680.
PhD thesis, University of Miami.
Hwa, Seo Seol
A Comparative Study of Inequality in Kenya and South Korea, 1960s - 2014.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Ikunza, Ignatius
La Liberté et la Créativité Humaines chez Karl Popper.
Undergraduate thesis, ST. Pierre Canisius, Kinshasa.
Irungu, Lucy Njeri
Le role et la place des textes littéraires dans l'apprentissage du francais langue entrangere dans les ecoles secondaires kenyannes.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Jhou, Nihel
Reviving the Transient Present in a Relativistic Universe: A Novel Approach.
PhD thesis, University of Miami.
Kamali, Mahsa
Towards Bio-Inspired Cementitious Materials: The Effect of Organic Polymeric Materials on the Nanostructure and Nanomechanical Properties of Calcium-Silicate-Hydrate.
PhD thesis, University of Miami.
Ke, Da
Tree Essays in Financial Economics.
PhD thesis, University of Miami.
Kifle, Wansamo
Situation, Contenu, et Importance de l'Éthique de la Discussion selon J. Habermas.
Undergraduate thesis, Institut de Philosophie S. Pierre Canisius Kinshasa.
Kiyimba, Kizito
Michael Polanyi's Theory of Tacit Knowledge: An Epistemology
of Skill in Science.
PhD thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science.
Kiyimba, Kizito
Verständnis, Kritik und Anwendung der Antwort Eberhard Jüngels auf
das Atheismusphänomen.
Licentiate thesis, Frankfurt am Main.
Klink, Peter J.
Church and Inculturation: A Missiology in Search of Practice.
Masters thesis, The Jesuit School of Theology - Berkeley.
Konde, Victor
Comparative Studies of the Purified Cysteine 1996 Proteases of Trypanosoma Bruce] and Trypanosoma Congolense.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Kpanie, Addy
Is Simmons Right? : A Critical Appraisal of the General Conclusion of A. John Simmons’s Moral Principles and Political Obligations.
Masters thesis, University of London, Heythrop College.
Kwangu, Mwenya C.
A Comparative Study of Prevalence of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency in Essential Hypertensive and Normotensive Adults Aged between 35 And 65 Years at the University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Kyara, Valensi Joachim Corbinian
Urban Poverty: Accessibility to Health and Education Services with Special Reference to the City of Chennai.
Masters thesis, Loyola College (Autonomous) Chennai.
Kyungu, Rigobert Musenge
"Ωρα et Δόξα" Dans le Quatrieme Evangile: Approche exégétique.
Licentiate thesis, Facultes Catholiques de Kinshasa.
Lishomwa, Kingsley Mubita
A Comparative Study of Guardians’/Parents’ Involvement into Orphaned and Non-Orphaned Children’s Education in Mongu District.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Liusha, Namakando
A Comparative Study of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Infection in Hospitalised Adult HIV Infected Patients
with Normal and Abnormal Renal Function at the University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Lobunda, Gustave
Social Justice and Solidarity in Amos Case Study of HIV in Kinshasa.
Licentiate thesis, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Mahinge, Paul Waithaka
Determinants of Performance of Teachers in Middle Level Colleges: A Comparative Study of Public and Private Colleges in Thika District.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Maina, Elizaphan Muuro
Intelligent Support in Group Work In Online Collaborative Learning Environment.
UNSPECIFIED thesis, University of Nairobi.
Makokha, John Wanjala
Utilization of Kwale Ilmenite Ore in Production of Refractory Firebricks.
Masters thesis, University Of Nairobi.
Malambo, Mulife M
A Comparative Analysis of the Press Coverage of the Arrest and Release of Dr. Kenneth David Kaunda in the Post, Zambia Daily Mail and the Times of Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Maliwatu, Jane
A Comparative Study of Classroom Practice of Graduate and Non Graduate Teachers of Mathematics in Selected High Schools of Copperbelt Province.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Masereka, Godfrey
An Investigation into the Role of School-Based Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Advanced Skills Teachers (ASTs) in Enhancing Teachers’ Confidence, Esteem and Leadership Potential.
Masters thesis, University of London.
Mathias, Liza Hayes
Te Embodied Experience of Pain: A Phenomenological Study of Pain in Adults Diagnosed with and Treated for Cancer.
PhD thesis, University of Miami.
Mbewe, Wilson
A Prospective Study to Compare Clinical Acumen and Modified Early Warning Score (Mews) in Post-Operative Surgical in-Patients at the University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka, Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Metena, M. M'nteba
Le dilemme du juste et de l'efficace dans l'etat moderne: essai d'articulation de l'ethique et de la politique dans la "philosophie politique" d'eric weil.
Undergraduate thesis, Université de Lubumbashi.
Mkwama, Anna Batrome
Implementation of Market Orientation in Not-For-Profit Organizations and it's Impact on Performance: Donor Perspective a Survey on U.K and Kenya.
Masters thesis, University of Central England Business School.
Monde, Imasiku
A Comparative Study of Performance of Grade 9 Pupils in the Junior Secondary School Leaving Examinations in Selected Rural and Urban Basic Schools in Senanga District.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Munson, Robert B.
The Landscape of German Colonialism: Mt. Kilimanjaro and Mt. Meru, Ca. 1890 – 1916.
PhD thesis, Boston University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.
Murhula, Toussaint Kafarhire
Understanding the Congolese Crisis in the Light of Globalization: An Ethical Challenge to Poverty and Underdevelopment.
Licentiate thesis, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.
Muthoni, Joseph Mathenge
E-Verification: A Case of Academic Testimonials.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Muzyamba, Basila Irene
Factors Influencing Male Interest in the Use of Family Planning: A Comparative Study of Rural and Urban Communities in Monze District of Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Mwanandiwa, Bernard
The Rights of a Prisoner and Prison Conditions in Zambia: A Comparative Study.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Mwangala, Muyendekwa M
The Acute Abdomen in the University Teaching Hospital: A Comparative Study of the Outcome of Surgery in HIV Seropositive and Seronegative Patients.
Other thesis, University of Zambia.
Mwanza, Sylvia
A Comparative Study on Reading Performance of Pupils with Preschool and Non-preschool in Relation to the New Break
Through to Literacy: A case of selected schools in Lusaka.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Mwiinga, Donald Muunze
A Theoretical Re-Assessment of the Use of the Distinction between Every Day and Academic Knowledge’s in Basil Bernstein’s Theory of Educational Transmissions.
Masters thesis, University of Cape Town.
Mwijage, Paschal
The Link Between Faith and Justice in Ignatian Spirituality: With Reference to the Fomula of the Institute.
Licentiate thesis, Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy.
Mzyece, Engiwe
Gender Issues in Early Marriage: A Comparative Study of Women's Socio-Economic Status in Ng'ombe and Roma/ Kalundu Townships.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
N'djomon, Abel Béranger
Apports de l’École Autrichienne d’Économie à l’analyse des problèmes de développement : Une analyse catallactique du développement.
PhD thesis, Aix-Marseille Université Université D'aix-Marseille III – Paul Cézanne.
Namwi, Mukena
Comparative Analysis of Lozi Royal Praise Poetry between the Male and Female Litunga of Western Province of Zambia in Form, Content, Function and Performance.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Ndomba, Mathieu
Catholic Provision for the Historicization of Human Rights.
Licentiate thesis, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.
Neuhaus, David Mark
Between Quiescence and Arousal: The Political Functions of Religion. A Case Study of the Arab Minority in Israel: 1948-1990.
PhD thesis, The Senate of the Hebrew University.
Ngaiza, Raymond Edward
A Theory of Justice can be Defended Against Sandel’s Critique of Rawls’ Conception of the Self.
Masters thesis, University of London.
Ngimbous, Jacques Michel
La rationalite communicationnelle comme voie feconde pour l'achevement du projet de la modernite chez J. Habermas.
Undergraduate thesis, Saint Pierre Canisius.
Ngolwe, Agnes R. Kasaro
Maize Variety Performance under Different Management and Environmental Conditions.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Njeri, George Macharia
Open, Distance and E-Learning in Kenyan Universities: The Case of the Institute of Open, Distance and E-Learning at Kenyatta University.
Masters thesis, University of London.
Njobvu, Benson
The Impact of Digital Divide on University Academic Staff and Students: A Comparative Study between the University of Zambia and the University of
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Nziramasanga, Caiphas Tizanaye
African Immigration to Rhodesia.
PhD thesis, Oklahoma State University.
Ogot, Keneth Otieno
Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Leaves of Canavalia Mollis and Lawsonia Inermis, Characterization and In Vitro Screening for Their Antibacterial Activity.
Masters thesis, St. Joseph’s college (Autonomous) -Tiruchirappalli Affiliated to Bharathidasan University.
Ojara, Pius
Towards Greater Freedom with Human Bodiliness: An Existential Hermeneutics.
PhD thesis, Marquette University.
Olege, Fanuel
On the Generators of Codes
of Ideals of the Polynomial
Ring for Error Control.
PhD thesis, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology.
Orji, Chukwuemeka
And Yahweh Delivered David Wherever he Went (2Sam 8,6B.14B) Composition and Redaction Criticism of 2Sam 1-8.
PhD thesis, Pontificiae Universitatis Gregoriana.
Otieno, Peter
Von Balthasar's "Dramatic Moment" as a Tool for Inculturation in Africa.
Licentiate thesis, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.
Quenum, Jean-Marie Hyacinthe
Christologie et Soteriologie d'Apres la Sixième Étape du Traité Fondamental de la Foi de Karl Rahner.
Masters thesis, Centre Sèvres.
Quenum, Jean-Marie Hyacinthe
La Conscience Historique dans l'Aventure Ambiguë de Cheikh Hamidou Kane.
Undergraduate thesis, Institut de Philosophie S. Pierre Canisius Kinshasa.
Rusembuka, Muhigirwa
Les Deux Voies du Developpement Human Selon Bernard J. F. Lonergan. Anticipation dans Insight.
PhD thesis, Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana.
Rusembuka, Muhigirwa
Les deux votes du développement humain selon Bernard Lonergan: Leur origine dans Insight.
Masters thesis, Toronto School of Theology Regis College.
Sakungo, Beatrice Kutemba
Health Staff's Knowledge Attitude and Practice of the Health Reforms “A Comparative Study".
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Shirima, Amedeus L.
Nyerere's "Ujamaa" Policy and the Ethics of the Human Person in Community: Comparisons with Thomas Aquinas.
PhD thesis, The Graduate School in Candidacy.
Shumdehan, Hailemichael
The Nature and Role of Karl Popper's Falsification Principle.
Masters thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Siluonde, Mwaka
A Comparative Analysis of Narrative Technique and Plot Structure in Two Zambian Novels: John Luangala’s The Chosen Bud and Malama Katulwende’s Bitterness.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Simwanza, Abraham
A Comparative Investigation of the Factors of the Academic Performance of Blind Students in History in Special Schools and In Integrated Schools in Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Sinaga, Theresia
An Evaluation of the Haitian Perceptions and Attitudes toward the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in Haiti A Study of Human Rights Violation by the United Nations Peacekeepers.
Masters thesis, Institute of Peace Studies and International Relations, Hekima College - A Constituent College of The Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Slot, Henny
African Customary and Christian Marriage.
Licentiate thesis, Institut , International de Catéchèse et de Pastorale Affilié À L'universite Catholique de Louvain.
Sumani, Wilfred
Benedicite Omnia Opera Domini Domino: The Canticle of the Three Servants in the Fiery Furnace (Dan 3, 52 – 88) as a Liturgical “Classic” in the Roman Tradition.
PhD thesis, Pontificium Athenaeum S. Anselmi de Urbe - Pontificum Institutum Liturgicum.
Tangonyire, Raymond Chegedua
Exploring Perceptions of “critical friendship” in Relation to the Environment for Learning in Two Senior High Schools in Ghana.
MPhil thesis, University of Cambridge.
Tembo, Adrian Korinto Chapasuka
A Comparative Study of the Curriculum for Secondarily Technical Aim Selected Multitrack Secondary Schools in Zambia.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Vu, Tanh
An Integrated Architecture for Distributed
Estimation, Navigation and Control of Aerospace
PhD thesis, University of Miami.
Wagner, Dominique N.
Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics:
Differential Variability of Gene Expression and
Fine-Scale Adaptive Divergence Among Microhabitats of Large Fundulus heteroclitus
PhD thesis, University of Miami.
Walters, Sabrina
African American Male College Students Navigate
to Achieve: Te Relationship Among College
Adjustment Experiences, Coping, and GPA for
Black Males at Two Predominantly White
Other thesis, University of Miami.
Wambugu, Jennifer W.
Effects of Drawing Approach and Class Setting on Symbolism of Children's Drawings on Conflict Experiences: A Study of Primary School Pupils in Nairobi County, Kenya.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 20:55:36 2025 EAT.