Number of items at this level: 87.
Agbo, Chikere A.
Human Rights at a Crossroads in Africa Critical Appraisal of Rights Discourse for an Authentically African and Christian Ethics of Human Flourishing and Reconciliation.
Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.
Andrianaivosoa, Herizafiniaina
Toward a Malagasy Christian Response to the Ecological Crisis in Midwest Madagascar.
Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.
Andrianjanahary, Mahafaly Fulgence
Virtual Grace: Online Mass, Real Presence and the Christian Community.
Masters thesis, Hekima University College.
Arudo, Tobias Opiyo Okeyo
The Influence of Christianity on Fertility Regulation in Migori Division of Migori District.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Bandiho, Solomon Anthony
African Christian Theology on Death: Theological Reflections from the Perspective of the Understanding of Death among the Bahaya of Bukoba.
Licentiate thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Bologo, Christopher Terhemen
The Nigerian Tiv Concept of Ya Na Angbian: As a Corrective to the Misinterpretation of Subdue and Have Dominion in Genesis 1:26.
Other thesis, Santa Clara University.
Buckland, Stephen G.
African Religious Symbols and Christian Theology.
Masters thesis, Heythrop College - University of London.
Carney, Joseph P.
The History of the Functional Structure of the Maryknoll Mission in Musoma and Shinyanga, Tanzania.
PhD thesis, St. John's University-New York.
Chisemphere, J. Mtima
The Role of the Roman Catholic Church in Malawi: Past, Present and Future - Economic, Social, Cultural, Political and Religious.
Licentiate thesis, Hekima College Jesuit School of Theology, Nairobi.
Dallu, Damian
Responsible Parenthood among the Hehe People Today in Relation to the Encyclical Humanae Vitae.
Licentiate thesis, The Catholic Higher Institute of Eastern Africa.
Ebalé, Wairimu Churu
An Evaluation of Small Christian Communities' Viability and Effectiveness in St. Joseph's Kangemi Catholic Parish - Nairobi.
Masters thesis, Maryknoll Institute of African Studies of Saint Mary's University.
Egan, Anthony
The National Catholic Federation of Students: A Study of Political Ideas and Activities within a Christian Student Movement, 1960-1987.
Masters thesis, University of Cape Town.
Ekeno, Augostine Edan
The Church and Formation of Conscience Towards a Liberative Ecclesiology for Peace and Justice in Kenya.
Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.
Enyegue, Jean Luc
“The Light Shines in the Darkness, and the Darkness has not Overcome it” The Spirit Beyond the Christological Debate: Toward a Pneumatological Interpretation of John 1:5.
Licentiate thesis, Boston College School of Theology and Ministry.
Famave, Tony Terwase
Fostering Dialogue and Engagement: The role of the Catholic Church in Nigeria.
Masters thesis, Santa Clara University.
Garcia, Miguel Angel Posadas
The Sick and their Experience of God, Based in the Slum of Kibera.
Undergraduate thesis, Tangaza College.
Ghansah, John Kobina
"Drink with Pleasure when it is Aged'' A Model of Friendship for Contextual Christian Ethical and Liturgical Life.
Masters thesis, Weston Jesuit School of Theology.
Goussikindey, Eugene Didier A.
The Christic Model of Eboussi Boulaga: A Critical Exposition and Evaluation of an African
Recapture of Christianity.
PhD thesis, University of St. Michael's College.
Green, Bryan David
Forging an Ascetic Planet: Jesuit Lives and Virtues on the Mission Frontier of Eighteenth-Century New Spain.
PhD thesis, University of California, Los Angeles.
Hinga, Teresia M.
An African Understanding of Salvation: A Case Study of A Group of Christians Popularly Known Among the Agikuyu as the Ahonoki (Saved Ones), and an Evaluation of Their Understanding of Salvation, Visa-Visa New Testament Interpretation.
Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.
Iriabe, Solomon Osarodion
The Church as a Family in the Era of Social Media.
Masters thesis, Hekima University College.
Kamau, David
The Role of Leaders in Small Christian Communities: A Case Study of Ikinu Parish Nairobi Archdiocese.
Licentiate thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Kamau, Patrick Mburu
Christian-Muslim Dialogue with Particular Reference to Pentecostals and Muslims in Nairobi North District, Nairobi County, Kenya.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Kathryn, Rountree
Catholic Missionaries in Africa: The White Fathers and the Belgian Congo 1950-1955.
Masters thesis, Louisiana State University.
Kawuondi, Gabriel Linus
An Analysis of Niccollo Machiavelli’s Concept of Political Power.
Other thesis, Uganda Martyrs University – Nkozi.
Kiambi, Julius Kithinji
Addressing Impunity in Kenya through a Postcolonial Reading of ‘Authority’ in Mark 1:21-28.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Kimolo, Benjamin Kaviku
An Investigation on Performance Appraisal Practices and Implementation in Faith Based Organizations: A Case Study of Church Army Africa, Nairobi 2008 - 2013.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Kineni, Amalabuna Albert
The Cry of the Earth as the Cry of the Poor in Congo: An Integral Response through the Lens of an Ignatian, “Creation-Centered” Spirituality.
Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.
Kinzamba, Héritier Ofabwe
Life and the Renewal of the Christian Community: Infant Baptism and Inculturation in the Context of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Other thesis, Santa Clara University.
La Vaissière, Camille de
Histoire de Madagascar ses habitants et ses missionnaires.
Tome Premier
Victor LeCoffre, Paris.
La Vaissière, Camille de
Histoire de Madagascar, ses habitants et ses missionnaires.
Tome Second
V. Lecoffre, Paris.
Likhanga, Belinda Muhembele
A Study of Financial Management Practices and their Effect on the Quality of Accountability in Churches: A Case of Friends Churches In Nairobi.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Lobunda, Gustave
Social Justice and Solidarity in Amos Case Study of HIV in Kinshasa.
Licentiate thesis, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Lombardo, Michael F.
Founding Father: John J. Wynne, S.J., and the Inculturation of American Catholicism in the Progressive Era.
PhD thesis, University of Dayton.
Lott, Anastasia
Spirituality of Struggling Women
in Bura-Tana Kenya.
Masters thesis, Maryknoll Institute of African Studies.
Lupupa, Lastone R.
Chelston Parish, a Church-as-Family Subsisting in its Small Christian Communities.
Licentiate thesis, Hekima College Jesuit School of Theology.
Mafikiri, Severian Alex
Christ the Mangi (King of Unity) Par Excellence In Reference to the Chagga People of Moshi Diocese, Tanzania.
Licentiate thesis, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Maloko-Mana, Bafuidinsoni
PhD thesis, Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana.
Marandu, Melchior
Ignatian Communal Discernment in an African Setting: Small Christian Communities.
Licentiate thesis, Mill Town Institute of Theology and Philosophy.
Mashoko, Fannuel
The Need for Contextualization in Inter-Cultural Communication of the Gospel.
Masters thesis, University of South Africa.
Matikiti, Robert
Christian Theological Perspectives on Political Violence in Zimbabwe: The Case of the United Church of Christ in Zimbabwe.
PhD thesis, Univerisity of Zimbabwe.
Minani, Bihuzo Bin Kakuru Rigobert
Mission Politique le l'Eglise Demain en Afrique Cas du Congo - Kinshasa.
Licentiate thesis, Istituto di Formazione Politica "Pedro Arrupe" Palermo.
Moro, James
Towards a Northern Ugandan Church as "Field Hospital"; for a Pastorally Attuned Appropriation of Church Teaching.
Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University.
Mubelo, Willy Moka
Justice and Social Reconciliation in the Democratic Republic of Congo The Church’s Contribution to the Building of a New Society.
Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.
Mudendeli, Martin
L'Utilisation de L'ancien Testament dans la Première Épître de Pierre: Unité Dynamique de Ecritures.
Licentiate thesis, Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana.
Mudyiwa, Misheck
An Investigation into the Impact of Super Roma’s Healing Ministry on the Roman Catholic Church in Zimbabwe: A Case Study of Gweru and Masvingo Dioceses.
MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.
Mugambi, Mbogo Kyama
Leadership Development in Progressive Pentecostal Churches: Three Case Studies From Nairobi, Kenya.
Doctoral thesis, Africa International University.
Mukanzi, Ignatius
Jesus Christ as Luhya Ancestor and Healer: Towards a Luhya Inculturated Christology.
Masters thesis, Hekima University College.
Mukunzi, Jean Paul
Suffering Under God’s Wings: Rethinking Genocide as a Social Sin in Rwanda.
Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.
Muller, Heribert
Rooted in God – Open to the World: The Faith and Justice Vision of Fr. Pedro Arrupe S. J.
Other thesis, Gregorian University.
Muyoba, Peter
An Ethical Assessment of the Relationship between the Church and the State: A Case of Blood Transfusion among the Jehovah’s Witnesses of Mpika and Lusaka Districts.
Masters thesis, University of Zambia.
Mwanga, Jacques Nzumbu
Leadership et Vision Ignacienne du Monde: l’Experience des Premiers Jesuites au Congo-Belge.
Masters thesis, Universidad Pontificia Comillas.
Nchimunya, Elias Bboloka Bubala
The Rights of a Girl-Child: The Significance of the Zambian Humanism and the Catholic Social Teaching for a Girl-Child Education in Zambia.
PhD thesis, Santa Clara University, Berkeley, California.
Ng'ang'a, Patrick M
Biblical and African Proverbs as a Framework for Studying Spirituality: Exploring the Role of Roverbs among the Gῖkữyữ People of Kenya.
Other thesis, Santa Clara University.
Ngeiywo, Tom Keiyo
Effect of Traditional Pokot Worldview on Spread of Christianity among the Pokot.
PhD thesis, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology.
Ngolele, Christophère
African Personhood and Christian Ethics Response to the Environmental Crisis Toward a Paradigm of Recognition and Sacred Care.
Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.
Ngwenya, Mark
The Son of Man Film as a Cry for Justice: A Cross-Cultural Convergence of Film and the African Theological Struggle for Liberation.
Other thesis, Santa Clara University.
Nigru, Tekletsadik Belachew
Representations of the Self: Theological Reflections on Haile Gerima’s Cinematic Storytelling.
Masters thesis, Trinity International University.
Nji, Tegha Afuhwi
Re-Imagining an African Family Ecclesiology in Dialogue with Ratzinger’s Christo-Pneuma Communion Ecclesiology.
Masters thesis, Santa Clara University.
Njine, Nicole L.
The Compatibility of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal with Vatican II Teachings in Lumen Gentium and Apostolicam Actuositatem.
Masters thesis, Hekima University College.
Njoroge, Peter Kiarie
"The Evangelization, Catechumenate and On-going Formation System
of Members of the Catholic Church in Nairobi Archdiocese".
Masters thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Nnali, Paul W.
The Maji Maji Resistance and the Catholic Church in South Eastern Tanzania 1905-1907.
Licentiate thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Nyamayaro, Nelson Virimayi
The Catholic Church and the Zimbabwean Crisis: A Critical Reflection on the Catholic Church’s Response to the Plight of the Oppressed.
Masters thesis, Santa Clara University.
Ochwo, Michael
The Rightful Place of Dance/Bodily Movements in the African Liturgies An Invitation to Affirm and to Foster the Place of the Body in Worship.
Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.
Okwormoi, Leonsyo Omina
Have No Fear of Them (1 Pet 3:14): A Study of First Peter in Reference to the Crises Facing the Church in Sudan.
Licentiate thesis, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Ol'leka, Shitandi Wilson
An Analysis of Musical and Theological Meaning in the Hymnody of Legio Maria of African Mission Church in Kenya.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Ondara, Kiyondi Reuben
Ufaafu wa Maana katika Tafsiri ya Nyimbo Dini.
Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.
Rabenirina, Joseph
«Se egli Non Fosse Caduto, noi non saremmo Risorti» La Nozione Cristiana di Redenzione Vicaria Alla Luce della Religione Tradizionale Malgascia.
PhD thesis, Della Pontificia Università Gregoriana.
Ranaivoarisoa, Emile and McIsaac, Peter
Aids Ministry in Kampala, Uganda Pastoral Placement and Reflection.
Masters thesis, Hekima College, Nairobi Kenya.
Ranaivoarson, Pierre-Andre
Inculturation, Paradigm of Christian Living and the Malagasy "Fihavanana" in Madagascar.
Licentiate thesis, Weston School of Theology Cambridge.
Randriamanalina, François de Paule
Essai sur l'Inculturation de l'Evangile à Madagascar du Famadihana à la Christologie Pascale.
PhD thesis, I'Universite Saint-Paul et I'Universite d'Ottawa.
Ratomboniaina , Henri
The Church as Family of God: A Malagasy Ecclesiology from the perspective of Fihavanana (Kindred, Communion).
Licentiate thesis, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Ratsimbazafy, Fulgence
Impact of Globalization on Madagascar: A Critical Analysis and a Christian Response Based on the Perspective of the Theology of Reconstruction.
PhD thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.
Rom, Paul Peter Abim
An Investigation into the Role of Spiritual Guidance and Counselling in the Healing of HIVAIDS Patients on ARV in Kitgum Vicariate.
Masters thesis, St. Mary's National Seminary Ggaba Affiliated to Makerere University.
Rountree, Kathryn
Catholic Missionaries in Africa: The White Fathers and the Belgian Congo 1950-1955.
Masters thesis, Louisiana State University.
Saldarriaga, Rodrigo Mejia
PhD thesis, Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana.
Segeja, Nicholaus Raphael
An Ecclesiology of "Church as Family" in the Context of the Basukuma: A Pastoral Theological Study in the Archdiocese of Mwanza, Tanzania.
Licentiate thesis, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Setibo, Batuzolele Victor
Rape in the Congo Seeking Seeds of Hope and Salvation in a Wounded Society.
Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.
Silayo, Boniface Tanael
Christian Conscience and Responsibility with Reference to the Wanga of Western Kenya.
Licentiate thesis, Catholic Higher Institute of Eastern Africa.
Sivalon, John C.
Roman Catholicism and the Defining of Tanzanian Socialism 1953 – 1985: An Analysis of the Social Ministry of the Roma n Catholic Church in Tanzania.
PhD thesis, The Unive rsity of St. Michael's College.
Storni, Hugo
Los Jesuitas del Tucuman y Paraguay a Fines del Siglo XVI.
Licentiate thesis, Pontificia Universidad Gregoriana.
Swee-Chun, Joseph NG
Aloysius Pieris' Two-edged Liberative Theology of Enreligionization: A Contribution to Asian Theology and a Mystico-Prophetic Theology Today.
Licentiate thesis, St. Robert Bellarmine Fu Jen Catholic University.
Tiendrebeogo, A. Anatole
Authority in the Church as God’s Family toward a Relevant and Credible Church in Africa.
PhD thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.
Tungay, Grant
The Balance between Christology and Pneuma Tology in Ecclesiology: Some Perspectives for the Practice of Synodality.
Masters thesis, Hekima University College.
Wanjohi, Florence Njoki
The Ministry of the Church in Supporting Bereaved Families: The Case of Anglican Church of Kenya, Diocese of Kirinyaga, Kirinyaga County.
PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.
Williams, Kathryn
Living with Cancer in the Flow of the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola.
Masters thesis, Christian Spirituality Centre of the Melbourne College of Divinity.
Wubbels, Johann Theodor
Celibacy: An Ecumenical Study of Selected African Church Ministers.
PhD thesis, University of Nairobi.
This list was generated on Sun Sep 8 10:12:36 2024 EAT.