Number of items: 45.
Alemayehu, Afework
Assessment of the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Universal Precaution among Emergency Medicine Professionals in Emergency Room Tikure Anbessa Specialized Hospital, AAU, Ethiopia, 2013 G.C.
Undergraduate thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Baloyi, Katekiso
An Analysis of Bank Supervision and Regulations as a Result of Technological Changes in Zimbabwe Payment Systems Post Dollarisation (2009-2014).
Undergraduate thesis, Midlands State University.
Banda, Ngawo
Farmer to Consumer Direct Marketing: Consumer Preferences and Characteristics.
Undergraduate thesis, University of Zambia.
Bekele, Shemlash Zewdie
Conflict Management Practices in Government Secondary
and Preparatory Schools in Yeka Sub-City Addis Ababa.
Undergraduate thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Chitty, Warne
A Study of Sapphires and Rubies from Tanzania’s Tunduru District.
Undergraduate thesis, Kingston University, London.
Enqvist, Johan
Involving Forest-Dependent Communities in Climate Change Mitigation: Obstacles and Opportunities for Successful Implementation of a REDD Mechanism in Babati District, Tanzania.
Undergraduate thesis, School of Life Sciences, Södertörn University College.
Gaba, Charles
Prostitution: "Dangerous Women or Women in Danger".
Undergraduate thesis, Tangaza College - Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Garcia, Miguel Angel Posadas
The Sick and their Experience of God, Based in the Slum of Kibera.
Undergraduate thesis, Tangaza College.
Han, Courtney
Dynamic and Lasting Impacts: Socioeconomic Effects of Protracted Refugee Camps on Host Communities in Tanzania.
Undergraduate thesis, Duke University.
Ikunza, Ignatius
An Alternative Teture Model for Informal Settlements: A Study of Slums in Nairobi.
Undergraduate thesis, University of Dar es Salaam.
Ikunza, Ignatius
La Liberté et la Créativité Humaines chez Karl Popper.
Undergraduate thesis, ST. Pierre Canisius, Kinshasa.
Kamau, Stephen Njihia
Matumizi ya Kiswahili katika Tarakilishi.
Undergraduate thesis, Kenyatta University.
Kamboyi, Harvey Kakoma
Risk Mapping and Eco –Anthropological Assessment of Anthrax in the Upper Zambezi Basin.
Undergraduate thesis, University of Zambia.
Kifle, Wansamo
Situation, Contenu, et Importance de l'Éthique de la Discussion selon J. Habermas.
Undergraduate thesis, Institut de Philosophie S. Pierre Canisius Kinshasa.
Kitili, Eunice Kanundu
Factors Influencing Access to Credit Facilities among Small and Medium Entrepreneurs in Island Division, Mombasa County.
Undergraduate thesis, Kenyatta University.
Kwembe, Matthew Stephen
The Role of the Guardian, Daily News and Msanii Afrika Newspapers in Disseminating Information on Poverty to the Youth in Urban Areas in Tanzania: A Case Study on Mwanza City.
Undergraduate thesis, St. Augustine University of Tanzania.
Lozano, Jorge Ramirez
The Youth in Kangemi Catholic Parish.
Undergraduate thesis, Hekima College.
M'manga, Theresa
The Need for In-Depth Catechesis of the Youth in Guadalupe Parish in the Nairobi Archdiocese.
Undergraduate thesis, Institute of Catechists and Pastoral Ministry, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
M'nteba, Metena
De l'Insense au Raisonnable ou: L'essence de la Politique chez E. Weil.
Undergraduate thesis, Institut de Philosophie, S. Pierre Canisius, Kinshasa.
Macharia, Mary Njeri
Community Involvement in Wildlife Conservation and Management: A Case Study of Namunyak Wildlife Conservation Trust.
Undergraduate thesis, University of Nairobi.
Manessa, Polo Ndongo Nessango
Propagande, Verite et Mass Media dans la Pensee Politique d'Eric Weil.
Undergraduate thesis, Institut De Philosophie Saint - Pierre Canisius Kinshasa.
Mapunda, Christopher Amon
Julius K. Nyerere Overlooked some Rights of the Individual as he Learns Advocating the Common Good. A Critique of the Philosophy of Ujamaa.
Undergraduate thesis, Arrupe College - University of Zimbabwe.
Merid, Mulualem and Abera, Negatu and Belachew, Tedla
The Role of Construction Management Professional in Minimizing Wastage of Material in Building Construction The Case of Addis Ababa.
Undergraduate thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Metena, M. M'nteba
Le dilemme du juste et de l'efficace dans l'etat moderne: essai d'articulation de l'ethique et de la politique dans la "philosophie politique" d'eric weil.
Undergraduate thesis, Université de Lubumbashi.
Monima, Sachombe Daniel
Small Christian Communities as Agents of New Evangelization in Kenya.
Undergraduate thesis, Tangaza College - The Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Mvunga, Khandikile P
Aids in Zambia: Challenges to Human Rights.
Undergraduate thesis, University of Zambia.
Mwaba, Clifford Evans
The Electoral Commission of Zambia: The Challenge of being Autonomous and Independent.
Undergraduate thesis, University of Zambia.
Mwale, Lameck
A Critical Analysis of Provisions Relating to Compulsory Third Party Insurance under Part Vii of the Road Traffic Act No. 11 of 2002.
Undergraduate thesis, University of Zambia.
Ngabirano, Emmanuel
"The Kiga Concept of God and Spirits".
Undergraduate thesis, Katigondo Seminary.
Ngimbous, Jacques Michel
La rationalite communicationnelle comme voie feconde pour l'achevement du projet de la modernite chez J. Habermas.
Undergraduate thesis, Saint Pierre Canisius.
Ngona, Ndjaza O. Carm
Les Dimensions de l'Agir Moral chez V. Jankelevitch.
Undergraduate thesis, Institut de Philosophie Saint Pierre Canisius Kinshasa.
Njeru, Athanas
Ethnic Identity and Conflict in Africa: The Case of Burundi.
Undergraduate thesis, University of Zibabwe.
Njoroge, Jane Gakenia
Factors Influencing Corporate Social Responsibility Programmes among the Commercial Banks in Kenya.
Undergraduate thesis, Kenyatta University.
Odufa, Egbeadumah Maryanne
Structure, Conduct and Performance of Marketing Tomato in Abeokuta South Local Government Area, Ogun State.
Undergraduate thesis, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.
Ofosu-Amaah, Naabia Gyasiwa
Conservation for Sustainable Development? Ecotourism in Tanzania.
Undergraduate thesis, Harvard College Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Okello, Lawrence
The Role of Lay Catechists in the Transformation of Society: A Kenyan Situation.
Undergraduate thesis, Tangaza College, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.
Pontes, Angelo Clemente Picardo
Contemporary African Art Represents an Authentic African Aesthetics.
Undergraduate thesis, Arrupe College, Jesuit School of Philosophy and Humanities.
Quenum, Jean-Marie Hyacinthe
La Conscience Historique dans l'Aventure Ambiguë de Cheikh Hamidou Kane.
Undergraduate thesis, Institut de Philosophie S. Pierre Canisius Kinshasa.
Rushwaya, Albert
An Analysis of the Customer Retention Strategies in Funeral Assurance Companies after Dollarization in Zimbabwe: A Case Study of Foundation Funeral Assurance.
Undergraduate thesis, Midlands State University.
Sabure, Cleophas Chacha
Kurya Concept of Marriage in the Light of African Philosophy and Religion.
Undergraduate thesis, Pontifical University Urbaniana Salvatorian Institute of Philosophy & Theology.
Seblu, Tihtina and Tesfaye, Kibrom and Kahsay, Yordanos
Project Follow Up System in Addis Ababa Building Project.
Undergraduate thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Tadesse, Abeba G/Hiwot
Survey on the Assessment of Mother’s Experiences and Satisfactions with Health Extension Program Related to Antenatal Care in Kirkos Sub-City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Undergraduate thesis, Addis Ababa University.
Udahemuka, Fidelis F.
From Integration to Genocide The Case of Rwanda.
Undergraduate thesis, Arrupe College, Jesuit School of Philosopy and Humanities.
Udahemuka, Fidelis F.
Small-Scale Business Enterprises in Zimbabwe Challenges in the New Millennium.
Undergraduate thesis, The Zimbabwe Institute of Management (ZIM).
Zewdu, Adinew
Healthcare Associated Infection at Adama Hospital Medical College, Adama,Oromia, Ethiopia.
Undergraduate thesis, Addis Ababa University.
This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 13:23:48 2025 EAT.