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Number of items: 87.


Afulo, Joseph Oduor (2000) The Significance of “In Quo Omnia Constant ” in the Thought of Teilhard de Chardin. Licentiate thesis, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.

Agbo, Chikere A. (2011) Human Rights at a Crossroads in Africa Critical Appraisal of Rights Discourse for an Authentically African and Christian Ethics of Human Flourishing and Reconciliation. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.

Andrianaivosoa, Herizafiniaina (2016) Toward a Malagasy Christian Response to the Ecological Crisis in Midwest Madagascar. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.

Assenga, Sabbas (2006) Inculturating Christian Eschatology in Local Churches with Special Reference to the Chagga People of Moshi Diocese Tanzania. Licentiate thesis, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa.


Bafuidinsoni, Haloko-Mana (1994) L' Eveque Diocesain et son "Munus" de Gouvernement dans "Christus Dominus". Licentiate thesis, Gregorian University.

Bandiho, Solomon Anthony (2002) African Christian Theology on Death: Theological Reflections from the Perspective of the Understanding of Death among the Bahaya of Bukoba. Licentiate thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Binamungu, Faustine (2004) The Role of Community in Atonement: A Way of Addressing Human Suffering. Licentiate thesis, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.

Bindele, Pila (1999) La tradition congolaise au service de l'annonce du Salut: Une analyse du « Rite zaïrois de la messe» comme réponse inculturée. Licentiate thesis, Centre Sèvres.

Brooks, C. F. (1985) Authentic Objectivity is the Fruit of Authentic Subjectivity: An Illustration through Abasement and Humility. Licentiate thesis, Pontifical Gregorian University.

Byarugaba, George William (2009) The Response of the Roman Catholic Church in South Africa to the Problems of HIV/AIDS In Light of the Modern Catholic Social Teaching. Licentiate thesis, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.


Chisemphere, J. Mtima (1994) The Role of the Roman Catholic Church in Malawi: Past, Present and Future - Economic, Social, Cultural, Political and Religious. Licentiate thesis, Hekima College Jesuit School of Theology, Nairobi.

Chukwu, Chidube Joseph (2019) Equity and Justice in Health Care: A Critical Ethical Reflection on Healthcare Provision, Distribution, and Accessibility in Nigeria. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University.


Dallu, Damian (1989) Responsible Parenthood among the Hehe People Today in Relation to the Encyclical Humanae Vitae. Licentiate thesis, The Catholic Higher Institute of Eastern Africa.

Dola, Temesgen (2016) Analysis and Design of Pre-stressed Concrete (PSC) Girder Railway Bridge. Licentiate thesis, Addis Ababa University.


Ekeno, Augostine Edan (2017) The Church and Formation of Conscience Towards a Liberative Ecclesiology for Peace and Justice in Kenya. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.

Enyegue, Jean Luc (2013) “The Light Shines in the Darkness, and the Darkness has not Overcome it” The Spirit Beyond the Christological Debate: Toward a Pneumatological Interpretation of John 1:5. Licentiate thesis, Boston College School of Theology and Ministry.

Etamesor, Patrick Oshoriamhe (2016) Reconstructing a Nation Fractured Memories, Identities and the Nigerian Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.


Foro, Emmanuel (2005) The New being as Source and Price of Reconciliation Tillich's Christology and the Challenge of "Living Together" in Africa. Licentiate thesis, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.


Ganza, Jean Baptiste G. (2009) The Principle of Integral Reconciliation: Beyond Political Arrangements in Rwanda. Licentiate thesis, The Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.


Kalebwe, Felix M. (1974) Abortion and the 5th Commandment “You Shall Not Kill”: An Explanation to Zambians of the Declaration of the Zambia Episcopal Conference on Abortion. Licentiate thesis, Pontifical Gregorian University.

Kamau, David (1990) The Role of Leaders in Small Christian Communities: A Case Study of Ikinu Parish Nairobi Archdiocese. Licentiate thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Karongo, Buberwa (2004) The Eucharist and the Hunger of Africa. Licentiate thesis, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.

Kineni, Amalabuna Albert (2016) The Cry of the Earth as the Cry of the Poor in Congo: An Integral Response through the Lens of an Ignatian, “Creation-Centered” Spirituality. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.

Kituu, Michael Kyalo (2006) The Impact of Ethnicity in Post-Colonial Kenya. Licentiate thesis, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.

Kiyimba, Kizito (2003) Verständnis, Kritik und Anwendung der Antwort Eberhard Jüngels auf das Atheismusphänomen. Licentiate thesis, Frankfurt am Main.

Kiyombo, Desire Bakangana (2002) The Purification of Memory as a Prerequisite for Authentic Communication in the Diocese of Goma D. R. Congo. Licentiate thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Kyungu, Rigobert Musenge (2002) "Ωρα et Δόξα" Dans le Quatrieme Evangile: Approche exégétique. Licentiate thesis, Facultes Catholiques de Kinshasa.


Lobunda, Gustave (2012) Social Justice and Solidarity in Amos Case Study of HIV in Kinshasa. Licentiate thesis, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Lomulen, James Kayanda (2006) The Passion Narratives of HIV/AIDS Victims and the Morality of the Depths in Sub-Saharan Africa (With an Emphasis on Kenya). Licentiate thesis, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.

Lugoidobi, Boniface (1997) The Imagery of the Shepherd in the New Testament and its Challenge to the Pastors: With Reference to Kampala Archdiocese. Licentiate thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Lupupa, Lastone R. (2003) Chelston Parish, a Church-as-Family Subsisting in its Small Christian Communities. Licentiate thesis, Hekima College Jesuit School of Theology.

Luzolo Ndol, Jean-Pierre (2009) Constructive Changes and Dilemmas: A Reading of Psalms 6 and 38 in the Context Of HIV/AIDS in Africa. Licentiate thesis, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.


Mafikiri, Alex Severian (2006) Christ the Mangi (King of Unity) par Excellence in Reference to the Chagga People. Licentiate thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Mafikiri, Severian Alex (2006) Christ the Mangi (King of Unity) Par Excellence In Reference to the Chagga People of Moshi Diocese, Tanzania. Licentiate thesis, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Majawa, Alfred (1990) An African Christian Theology of Marriage Fidelity: With Special Reference to Marital Customs of the Yao of Southern Malawi. Licentiate thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Marandu, Melchior (2002) Ignatian Communal Discernment in an African Setting: Small Christian Communities. Licentiate thesis, Mill Town Institute of Theology and Philosophy.

Masawe, Fratern (1989) Ujamaa and the Christian Vision of Society: A Catholic Contribution to a More Just Tanzania. Licentiate thesis, Institut International de Catechese et de Pastorale Affilie À L'université Catholique de Louvain.

Matadi, Ghislain Tshikendwa (2003) From Human Suffering to Human Hope: Reading the Book of Job from the African Context of Suffering in Times of HIV/AIDS. Licentiate thesis, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.

Matambura, Kashosi Ismael (2017) Child Soldiers Recruitment and Use in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: An Ethical Perspective. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.

Matanzonga, Bienvenu (2017) Salvation as Renewed Creation: Psychological and Theological Reconciliation in (Eastern) Congo. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.

Mben, Joseph Loic (2010) Educational Corruption in Cameroon and its Impact on Students. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.

Mbugua, David K (2004) Moral Formation in African Urban Centers: With Particular Reference to Kenya. Licentiate thesis, Pontificia Universita Lateranense.

Minani, Bihuzo Bin Kakuru Rigobert (1997) Mission Politique le l'Eglise Demain en Afrique Cas du Congo - Kinshasa. Licentiate thesis, Istituto di Formazione Politica "Pedro Arrupe" Palermo.

Moro, James (2009) Towards a Northern Ugandan Church as "Field Hospital"; for a Pastorally Attuned Appropriation of Church Teaching. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University.

Moyo, Fatana (1996) L’Eglise Catholique au Zaire dansla Reconstruction du Pays Aujourd’hui. Licentiate thesis, Istitut Catholique de l’ Africa de L’Ouest.

Mubelo, Willy Moka (2010) Justice and Social Reconciliation in the Democratic Republic of Congo The Church’s Contribution to the Building of a New Society. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.

Mudendeli, Martin (1987) L'Utilisation de L'ancien Testament dans la Première Épître de Pierre: Unité Dynamique de Ecritures. Licentiate thesis, Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana.

Mukunzi, Jean Paul (2017) Suffering Under God’s Wings: Rethinking Genocide as a Social Sin in Rwanda. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.

Mukwatsungu, W. Mandiangunu (1996) QUÊTE DE DIEU ET KÉNOSE: Chez Michel de CERTEAU. Licentiate thesis, CENTRE SEVRES.

Mulemi, Patrick (2007) Caesar's Coin: The Role of Faith in Public Discourse (The Case of Zambia). Licentiate thesis, Jesuit School ofTheology at Berkeley.

Murhula, Toussaint Kafarhire (2005) Understanding the Congolese Crisis in the Light of Globalization: An Ethical Challenge to Poverty and Underdevelopment. Licentiate thesis, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.

Musondoli, Daniel Syauswa (2007) The Ecological Dimensions of Peace and the Church Mission: Ecology, Faith, and Culture from an African Perspective. Licentiate thesis, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.

Mutikwele, Jacques (2004) Comfort, Comfort my People: A Theology of Forgiveness and Reconciliation in the context of the Democratic Republic of Congo - A Case Study. Licentiate thesis, Weston Jesuit School of Theology.

Mwijage, Paschal (1999) The Link Between Faith and Justice in Ignatian Spirituality: With Reference to the Fomula of the Institute. Licentiate thesis, Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy.


Ndayisenga, Egide (2017) Religious and Cultural Foundation of Reconciliation The “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” in South Africa as a Suitable Model for Rwanda and Burundi. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.

Ndomba, Mathieu (2004) Catholic Provision for the Historicization of Human Rights. Licentiate thesis, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.

Ngolele, Christophère (2016) African Personhood and Christian Ethics Response to the Environmental Crisis Toward a Paradigm of Recognition and Sacred Care. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.

Nhamoinesu , Ncube (2007) Church as Family (Mhuri) with Special Reference to the Shona People of Masvingo Diocese - Zimbabwe. Licentiate thesis, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Nikubwayo, Jean Clement (2009) The Catholic Church and the Challenge of Reconciliation in Rwanda. Licentiate thesis, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.

Nnali, Paul W. (1991) The Maji Maji Resistance and the Catholic Church in South Eastern Tanzania 1905-1907. Licentiate thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Nsengimana, Emile (2019) The Church and the Awakening of Faith: Towards a Christian Reconciliation for Peace and Justice in Rwanda. Licentiate thesis, University of Zambia.

Nsielanga, Simon Tukumu (2009) The Challenges of the Presidential Elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Reconstruction of Congolese Faithful Citizenship. Licentiate thesis, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.

Nyirenda, Boyd Kapyunga (2008) Enjoying Human Flourishing Through Education: The Case of Zambia. Licentiate thesis, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.


Ochwo, Michael (2017) The Rightful Place of Dance/Bodily Movements in the African Liturgies An Invitation to Affirm and to Foster the Place of the Body in Worship. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.

Odomaro, Mubangizi (2005) The Role of the Church and NGOs in Global Governance as an Ethical Imperative. Licentiate thesis, Weston Jesuit School of Theology.

Okwormoi, Leonsyo Omina (1998) Have No Fear of Them (1 Pet 3:14): A Study of First Peter in Reference to the Crises Facing the Church in Sudan. Licentiate thesis, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Otieno, Peter (2005) Von Balthasar's "Dramatic Moment" as a Tool for Inculturation in Africa. Licentiate thesis, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.


Ranaivoarson, Pierre-Andre (1993) Inculturation, Paradigm of Christian Living and the Malagasy "Fihavanana" in Madagascar. Licentiate thesis, Weston School of Theology Cambridge.

Ranaivotratra, Maminirina Jacques Cyprien (2010) Contributions of the Retrieved Values of the Malagasy Culture, Globalization and Catholic Social Teaching for the Reconstruction of the Society in Madagascar. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.

Ratomboniaina , Henri (2009) The Church as Family of God: A Malagasy Ecclesiology from the perspective of Fihavanana (Kindred, Communion). Licentiate thesis, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Rugaragu, Innocent B. (2011) Reconciliation in Rwanda A Loaf of Bread to be Sliced, an Onion to be Peeled and a Cooking Pot that has to Rest on Three Cooking Stones. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.


Saturnin, Tsayem Dongmo (2010) Roman Catholic Social Teaching as an Appropriate Response to Corruption in Cameroon. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.

Sawadogo, Augustin (2017) The Concepts of Dār al-Islām and Dār al-Ḥarb and their Role in the Contemporary Global Ǧihād in the Understanding of Riḍwān al-Sayyid. Licentiate thesis, Pontificio Istituto di Studi Arabi E d’Islamistica PISAI.

Segeja, Nicholaus Raphael (1997) An Ecclesiology of "Church as Family" in the Context of the Basukuma: A Pastoral Theological Study in the Archdiocese of Mwanza, Tanzania. Licentiate thesis, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Segeja, Nicholaus Raphael (1993) Small Christian Communities in the Archdiocese of Mwanza: Analysis and Evaluation. Licentiate thesis, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Semur, Serge (1973) DES COMMUNAUTES CHRITIENNES AU ZAIRE: enquéte à kambangu mawanga et panzi paroisses du diocèse de popokabaka. Licentiate thesis, Université de Lyon.

Setibo, Batuzolele Victor (2017) Rape in the Congo Seeking Seeds of Hope and Salvation in a Wounded Society. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.

Silayo, Boniface Tanael (1988) Christian Conscience and Responsibility with Reference to the Wanga of Western Kenya. Licentiate thesis, Catholic Higher Institute of Eastern Africa.

Slot, Henny (1986) African Customary and Christian Marriage. Licentiate thesis, Institut , International de Catéchèse et de Pastorale Affilié À L'universite Catholique de Louvain.

Storni, Hugo (1978) Los Jesuitas del Tucuman y Paraguay a Fines del Siglo XVI. Licentiate thesis, Pontificia Universidad Gregoriana.

Swee-Chun, Joseph NG (2004) Aloysius Pieris' Two-edged Liberative Theology of Enreligionization: A Contribution to Asian Theology and a Mystico-Prophetic Theology Today. Licentiate thesis, St. Robert Bellarmine Fu Jen Catholic University.


Tambwe, Richard M. (2010) Towards an African Ecclesiology in Stones. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.


Udahemuka, Fidelis F. (2008) Poverty among Slum Dwellers The Case of Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya. Licentiate thesis, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, California.

Uwineza, Marcel (2015) Reimagining the Human; Suffering and Memory: Fostering Discipleship and Reconciliation for a “Church of the People” in PostGenocide Rwanda. Licentiate thesis, Boston College School of Theology and Ministry.


Vjecha, Michael J. (1994) Missiology for a Post-Modern World the Service of Justice and the Refugees of Ethiopia. Licentiate thesis, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.


Wasswa, M. Joseph (1989) Ganda sex-taboos as a basis for Theology of Sexuality. Licentiate thesis, Catholic Higher Institute of Eastern Africa.

Wotsuna, John Placidus Khamalwa (1990) Initiation Rites as a Vehicle for Religious Education with Particular Reference to Male Circumcision among the Bamasaba of Mount Elgon in Uganda. Licentiate thesis, The Catholic Higher Institute OF Eastern Africa.

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