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Abafogi, Abdo (2000) An Assessment of Alternative Strategies for the Basic Education of Women in Rural Bale and Borena. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Abdo, Hayatu Muze (2011) The Effect of Model Household Training on HIV/AIDS Risk Behaviors in Cheha Woreda-Guraghe Zone, SNNPR: A Community Based Comparative Study. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Abebe, Getachew (2015) Anxiety, Attitude towards Mathematics and Mathematics Achievement of Tenth Grade Students at Government and Private Schools in Kolfe Keranio Sub City of Addis Ababa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Abel, Tembo (2014) A Preliminary Investigation of the Prevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Its Symptoms in Selected Schools in Lusaka Urban. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Abiot, Simeon (2007) An Assesement of Knowledge and Perceived Barriers to Undergo Voluntary HIV Counseling and Testing: The Case of Young Adults in Hossana Town. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Abrham, Dejen (2017) Socio-Demographic Variables and Acculturation Experience as Correlates of Social Adjustment among Ethiopian Migrant Returnees from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: The Case of Returnees in Kobo Woreda, North East Ethiopia. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Adrienn, Dominique (1998) Educational Psychological Guidelines in the Handling of Street Children. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Aemero, Abebayehu (1995) Women's Participation in Educational Administration in Ethiopia. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Ahmed, Abdulkadir (2014) Ego Identity Construction among Youth in Arbaminch Town. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Alem, G/Selassie (2014) A Case Study of Orphaned Children Under the Care of Elderly Guardians in Gulelle Sub City of Addis Ababa: Psychosocial Problems and Aggravating Factors. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Alemayehu, Legese (2007) Assessment of Factors Affecting Willingness to HIV Counselling and Testing among Patients Presenting with the Conventional Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) in Addis Ababa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Alewi, Abdulaziz (2015) Age, Gender and Self-Esteem as Determining Factors for Pro-Social Behavior: The Case of the Ministry of Urban Development, Housing and Construction. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Alo, Adem (2003) A Study of Gender-Related Traditional Practices Harmful to Women and Girls (The Case of Dodola District in Bale Zone). Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Anudo, Cellyne N. A. (2012) Sexual Dysphemisms and Euphemisms in South Nyanza Dholuo: A Cognitive Linguistic Approach. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Araya, Hirut (2014) Impact of Family Planning Education and Contraceptives Behavioral Use of Rural Women:-The Case of Alaje Woreda. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Asefa, Adane (2017) Psychological Problems and Adherence Prevalence on Medication, Dietary, and Physical Activity Among Type Two Diabetes Patients: The Case of Ras Desta Damtew Memorial Hospital. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Aseto, Caroline Lucy Atieno (2003) The Role of the Manager in Prevention of Work Related Stress: A Case of Insurance Companies in Nairobi. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Asfaw, Abraha (2008) The Predictive Validity of the Ma Entrance Criteria Used by AAU: A Case Study at Selected Departments of Educational Sciences, College of Education. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Asfaw, Adugna (2007) Parental Perceptions of Family - Centered Care /Intervention for Children with Disabilities. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Assefa, Adamu (2002) Students' Attitude Towards Mother Tongue Instruction as a Correlate of Academic Achievement: The Case of Sidama. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Assefa, Ermias (2015) The Impact of School Feeding Programme on Students Academic Performance: The Case of Selected Elementary Schools in Debre Libanos Wereda, Oromia Region. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Ayenew, Eyob (2015) Conflict Resolution Styles in Couples’ Relationships: Examining Adult Attachment, Perceptions of Early Parent Attachment Experiences and Relationship Satisfactions in Addis Ababa. PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.


BALOYI, JOYCE (2000) Confirmatory Factor Analysis on the Measurement of Six Salutogenetic Constructs. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Babisso, Alemu Abera (2002) Attitude towards Females with Disabilities: The Case of Wolayitta Ethnic Group. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Bahufite, Eric (2015) Application of the Constructivist Methods of Teaching-Learning Through the Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTS) in Zambian Schools. A Case of Three Secondary Schools in Lusaka. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Baker, Sandra Therese (2015) An Examination of Wittgenstein's Approach to the Mind- Body Problem. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Baloyi, Lydia Tsakane (1998) An Evaluation of the "Life Skills Train the Trainer Programme. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Baloyi, Rhandi May (1992) An Investigation into the Pedagogically Accountable Implementation of Authority in Tsonga Secondary Schools. Masters thesis, University of South Afrrica.

Banda, Sarah (2011) Mental Health of Street Children in Selected Residential Care in Lusaka Province. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Barnard, Nelia (2001) Die Verw Antskap Tussen stres en Persoonlikheidsweerstandsbronne by Bestuurders Tydens Transformasie. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Bedell, Belinda Anne (1999) Expectations in Romantic Relationships: Associations with Cultural Background and Perceived Quality of Relationship. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Befekadu, Addisalem (2006) Gender Stereotypes against Females as a Factor for HIV/AIDS Vulnerability: The Case of Girls in Two Selected High Schools of Yeka Sub-City Administration. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Bekele, Dinka (2013) Personality Type and Learning Style as Correlates of Academic Achievement: The Case of High School and Preparatory School Students in Wayutuka Woreda. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Bekele, Kumera (2014) Assessment of Sexual Behavior and Knowledge of STI and HIV/AIDS among High School Adolescents in Jardega Jarte Woreda, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia, 2014. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Belay, Abraham (1993) Factors Which Influence Teaching Effectiveness: A Comparative Analysis of Male and Female Teachers in Elementary Schools. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Bennett, Justine Anne (1998) The Relationship between Burnout and Job Satisfaction amongst Fire Fighters in a Local Authority. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Berhanu, Damtew (2014) Measuring Environmental Attitude and Behavior of Rural Communities: In the Case of Dendi Woreda. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Berhie, Tesfay Woldu (2002) Social Opportunities and Challenges of the Deaf: A Case Study of the Adigrat School for the Deaf in Eastern Zone of Tigray, Ethiopia. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Bern, Denise Henrietta (1998) A Philosophical Assessment of the Role of Personal and Impersonal Paradigms in Explanations according to the views of Robin Horton. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Beshir, Ibrahim Nursien (2007) Assessment of Acceptability of Provider-Initiated HIV Counseling and Testing among Tuberculosis Patients in Addis Ababa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Bester, Garfield (1998) Die Bepaling van Realistiese Prestasievlakke as 'N Voorligtingstaak. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Bezabh, Hiwot (2015) Job Satisfaction and Its Determining Factors among Journalists Working in Addis Ababa and Federal Mass Media Agencies. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Bitengo, Teresa Mwoma (2009) Paternal Involvement in Children's Education: An Implication of Children's Performance at Preschool in Gucha District Kenya. PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.

Bitewulign, Tiruwork Aklie (2014) Measuring Adherence Level to Antiretroviral Treatment among Adult PLWHA in Zewditu Memorial Hospital Addis Abeba. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Bock, Simone Maylin (2015) The Inclusion of Special Educational Needs (Sen) Students in United Arab Emirates (Uae) Mainstream Schools: An Exploratory Study. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Borrageiro, Dannita (2014) A Pilot Exploration of the Relationship between Temperament and Psychopathology in 12-18 Year-Old Children Born at Extremely Low Birth Weight. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Brooks, C. F. (1985) Authentic Objectivity is the Fruit of Authentic Subjectivity: An Illustration through Abasement and Humility. Licentiate thesis, Pontifical Gregorian University.


COX, CHERYL PEARL (2002) Tolerance in Multicultural Education: Development of Intervention Strategies for Educators. Masters thesis, University of south Afrrica.

Chekole, Yohannes Asmare (2016) Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) among Teachers in Bahir Dar: Dimensions, Antecedents, Consequences and Implications. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Cheseto, Nancy (2012) Assessment of Effectiveness of “Incredible Years Program” Compared to the Traditional Program in Behaviour Modification among Juvenile Rehabilitees in Nairobi, Kenya. PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.

Chewe, Bwalya (2016) Perceptions of Teachers, Parents and Female Pupils towards the School Re-Entry Policy. A Case of Selected Secondary Schools of Kabwe District in Zambia. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Chioni, Siwo (2014) Case Series of Mania Secondary to HIV/AIDS in Patients at Chainama Hills College Hospital and University Teaching Hospital Lusaka, Zambia. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Chirwa, Edina (2012) The Effect of Quality of Education on Neuropsychological Test Performance among Zambian Adults. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Chishimba, Webby (2015) Application of Individualized Attention by Teachers to Grade 5 Learners in Classrooms in Selected Primary Schools in Mpongwe District, Zambia. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Chivuna, Edward Makumba (2013) The Status of Guidance and Counselling Provision in Selected Basic Schools in Mumbwa District. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.


Damte, Alemnesh (2014) Peer Pressure Among Adolescent Students in Selected Secondary and Preparatory Schools of Addis Ababa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Damte, Dawit (2015) The Relationship between Conformity and Risky Behavior among Adolescents in Conflict with the Law at the Remand Home and Rehabilitation Center, Addis Ababa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Debebe, Wintana (2016) Risky Driving Behaviors for Road Traffic Accident: The Case of Addis Ababa City Administration, Bole Sub-City. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Debele, Aderie Feye (2002) Employment Opportunities and Situations at Work: The Case of Visually Impaired Women in Addis Ababa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Debushie, Addugna (2005) The Relationship between Parenting Styles and Adolescent Aggression. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Dejene, Belete (2014) HIV/AIDS Related Risk Behavior and Condom Use Skill among Female Commercial Sex Workers at Hotspot Areas of the Arada Sub-city, Addis Ababa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Demelash, Habtamu (2011) Organizational Responses and Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of Street Children in Addis Ababa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Demissie, Alemayehu (2014) Assessment of Depression Level and Counseling Outcome among HIV Patients at Saint Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Demlie, Dawit (2015) Cognitive and Affective Approaches Fana Broadcasting Corporate S.C Uses to Persuade its Audience on Policy Issues. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Dennill, Ingrid (2000) Stress as a Source of Injury among a Group of Professional Ballet Dancers. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Dereje, Wubedel (2014) The Causes and Psychosocial Impacts of Divorce on Women: The Case of Ethiopian Women Lawyers’ Association (EWLA) Supported Women. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Dessie, Melaku Maru (2007) Assessment of VCT Utilization, and Willingness to Accept Provider-Initiated HIV Counseling and Testing among Tuberculosis Patients in Addis Ababa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Dhoro, Gilbert Kudakwashe (2012) A Study of the Theme of Persecution and the Relationships between Victims and Aggressors in Four Tragedies by Jean Racine: Andromaque, Britannicus Bajazet and Phedre. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Dias, Giuliana Zorrer (2001) An Investigation into Nurses' Anxiety when dealing with HIV/Aids Patients. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Diedericks, Johanna Catharina (1996) Die Verwantskap van sin Vir Koherensie met Werkstres. Algemene Gesondheid en Sielkundige Uitbranding by Bestuurders. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Dilrajh, Kamla Moonsamy (1996) Fasilitering van Leer in Kommunikatiewe T2-Afrikaanst Aalonderrig. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Du Plessis, Annelies (1995) Disputed Custody and the People Involved: An Ecosystemic Perspective. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Du Toit, Jacoba Johanna (2000) Rigl Yne Vir Die Psigoterapeutiese Hantering Van Die Vigsl Yer En Sy Gesin. Masters thesis, Universiteit Van Suid-Afrika.

Du Toit, Muriel (1998) Art in Therapy with Neuropsychologically Impaired Clients. Masters thesis, University of South Afrrica.


Effa, Kumsa (2014) Practice and Challenges of Cluster Supervisors in Supporting Implemantion of School Imporevemet Program in Primary Schools of West Shoa Zone. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Egata, Gudina (2005) Assessment of Level of Knowledge of Reproductive Health and Sexual Behavior among Adolescents in Nekemte Town. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Eksteen, Elmarié (1999) Towards An Ecosystemic Understanding of Suicidal Behaviour. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Ellison, Jennifer Anne (1997) The Relation between Career Anchors, Occupational Types and Job Satisfaction of Midcareer Employees. Masters thesis, University of south Africa.

Els, Roy Keith (1992) The Effective Transfer of Managerial Training to the Work Environment. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Engelbrecht, Gerhardina Cornelia (2015) Cognitive Dissonance in Trauma: The Conflict between Belief, Autobiographical Memory and Overt Behaviour. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Eshetu, Ager (2002) Factors Affecting Participation of Females in Secondary Schools in Gambella Region. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Eshetu, Mesfin (2001) Behavioral and Sero Prevalence Survey of HIV 1 Infection in Asosa, Benishangul –Gumuz National Regional State. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Etana, Adamu (2014) Role of School -Based Supervision in Secondary Schools of West Wollega Zone. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Exner, Rosemary Joyce (1995) The Viability of Expressive Techniques as Used by the Educational Psychologist. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Eybers, Cornelia (2000) Die Komplementariteit Tussen Intimiteit En Afstand in Die Terapeutiese Verhouding. Masters thesis, Universiteit Van Suid-Afrika.


Faasen, Zanné (2015) Management’s Perception of Customers’ Service Feedback in an ICT Company: An Explorative Study. Masters thesis, University of South Afrrica.

Falkenberg, Ryan James (2000) An Evaluation of an Instructor-Led and Self-Managed Computer Software Training Course. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Fazila, Dockrat (1999) The Identification of Peer-Counsellors in the Secondary School. Masters thesis, University of South Afrrica.

Fekadu, Abebe (2008) An Assessment on Pregnant Women's Utilization of and Attitude towards Voluntary HIV Counseling and Testing Service: The Case of GondarTown. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.


Gashaw, Ketema (2011) Assessment of Sexual Behaviors and Factors Influencing Risk Perception on HIV/AIDS among Preparatory Students in Adama Town, East Shoa Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Gashaw, Yalemwork (2015) Depression among Addis Ababa University Students Sidist Kilo Campus: Prevalence, Gender Difference and Other Associated Factors. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Gelaw, Tigist Admas (2015) Areas of Work Life and Burnout among Correctional Officers in Debre-Markos Correctional Center. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Gena, Dureti (2013) Knowledge and Perception Regarding Breast Cancer Prevention among University Students. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Gena, Dureti (2013) Knowledge and Perception Regarding Breast Cancer Prevention among University Students. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Geremew, Hana (2015) Health Locus of Control and Health Seeking Behaviors of Employees in Woredas of Gulele Sub City. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Getachew, Beza (2014) The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Group Counseling for Depression and Anxiety among the Elderly the Case of Talita Orphans, Girls and the Aged Support Organization Addis Ababa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Ghiley, Afework (2006) A Study on Major Sources of Marital Problems and Resoultion Mechanisms. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Gidey, Tilahun (2002) The Interrelationship of Parenting Style, Psychosocial Adjustment and Academic Achievement among Addis Ababa High School Students. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Gilo, Yousif (2017) The Psychosocial Experiences of Orphan Children in Gog Woreda in Gambella Regional State, Ethiopia. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Girma, Yodit (2014) Attitudes of Middle Adult Women towards Menopause in Addis Ababa, Bahir-Dar and Hawassa Towns; Cross-Cultural Comparative Study. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Girma, Yodit (2014) Attitudes of Middle Adult Women towards Menopause in Addis Ababa, Bahir-Dar and Hawassa Towns; Cross-Cultural Comparative Study. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Gizachew, Tigist (2014) Parental Concern towards the Effect of Inappropriate Television Content on Children and the Practice of Parental Television Mediation in Bole Sub City, Addis Ababa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Gobena, Abeham Melaku (2017) Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction among Health Professionals in Dire Dawa Administration. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Gudyanga, Sandra S (2013) The Relationship between Creativity, Innovation and Organisational Culture: Achieving External Adaptation by Leveraging an Innovative Enabling Culture. Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Gunyanyi, Ogada Janet (2016) Experiences of Menopause on Sexual Intimacy and Coping Strategies Used among Karen Married Women. Masters thesis, Tangaza University College, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Gwamanda, Nelson (2013) The Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of the Study Skills Questionnaire and the Moderating Role of Self Efficacy in Academic Performance. Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.


Habene, Daniel (2015) Parental Involvment in High School Students Career Choice in Lafto District, Addis Ababa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Hadush, Eyerusalem (2015) The Level of Depression and Self Esteem among Institutionalized and Non-Institutionalized Orphan Children. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Hailemelekot, Abiy (2016) Self-Concept of Children in the Institutional and Family Setting. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Hailu, Henok (2014) The Effectiveness of Integrated Religious and Counseling Principles on Increasing the Counseling Skills of Priests: The Case of Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Hailu, Michael (2016) Quality of Life and Mental Health Problems of Persons with Disabilities: The Case of Misrach Handicraft Training and Rehabilitation Center. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Hailu, Tsigereda (2017) Psychological Wellbeing of Individuals in the Divorcing Process Waiting for a Court Decision in Federal First Instance Court, Lideta Bench, Addis Ababa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Hasureik-Berg, Arlene Rosyn (1994) Metacoghitive Strategies for Learning Disabled Adolescents: In Specialised Educatioh. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Haymanot, Abebe (2014) Psychosocial Challenges and Coping Mechanisms of Domestic Workers Attending Evening Education at Atse Naode Primary and Secondary School. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Heripa, Abiye (2004) Learning Psychological Concepts Through Lecture Versus Reading Module: An Experimental Study. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Hordofa, Addisu (2015) Impact of Intervention Strategies on the Interpersonal Behavior of Children with Conduct Disorder: A Study of Three Cases in South West Shoa Zone, Woliso Town. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.


Iyasu, Abreham (2017) Hand Hygiene Knowledge, Perception and Practices among Women of ‘Kirkos’ Locality in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.


Javangwe, Gwatirera (2006) Stepparenting: A Comparative Study of Community Perceptions Towards Stepparenting, Stepparents’ Personal Experiences and Coping Strategies Used By Rural and Urban Stepparents: The Case of Gutu and Harare. Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Jemaneh, Agaredech (2013) Representation of Gender and Gender Relations in Newspapers` Narratives: the Case of Ethiopia. PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.


Kadenge, Florence (2013) The Relationship between Organizational Socialization and Turnover Intention and the Moderating Role of Personality Traits. Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Kago, Moses Kamau (2016) Influence of Institutionalized Care on Psychosocial Well-Being of the Elderly in Kenya: A Case of Nyumba Ya Wazee Nairobi County, Kenya. Masters thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Kagwe, Margaret Wambui (2013) The Relationship between Perceived Parental Acceptance Rejection and Self Esteem among Adolescents in Secondary Schools in Kikuyu District, Kiambu County, Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Kalimaposo, Kalisto Katongo (2010) The Impact of Curriculum Innovations on Pre-Service Primary Teacher Education in Zambia. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Kalyan, S.V. (1995) Comfort Behavior in Children: A Psychological Educational Perspective. Masters thesis, University of South Africa.

Kamanzi, Innocent (2020) Rethinking Healing and Reconciliation Process in the Postgenocide Rwanda: A Response from Ignatian Spirituality. Masters thesis, Santa Clara University.

Kanyata, Kanyata (2015) Predictors of Caregiver Stress among Family Members of School Going Children with Intellectual Disabilities in Lusaka Urban. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Kasote, Charity (2012) Challenges of HIV and Aids Counselling in Basic Schools: A Case of Mazabuka Basic Schools, Mazabuka District, Zambia. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Kedir, Ibrahim (2011) Assessment of Alcohol Use and Risky Sexual Behaviors among Local Drink Sellers in Addis Ketema Sub-City, Addis Ababa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Keneni, Tamene (2016) Adverse Childhood Experiences and Later Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration and Victimization: Towards an Integrated Intervention. PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Khasewa, Joab (2011) Barriers to Utilisation of Provider Initiated HIV Counseling and Testing Services among Tuberculosis Patients: A Case of Rhodes Chest Clinic Nairobi, Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Kimani, James Mwaura (2014) Relationship between Levels of Exposure to Mass Media and Students’ Deviant Behaviors in Selected Secondary Schools, Nakuru County Kenya. PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.

Kimosop, Francis (2005) A Case Study of Domestic Violence against Women in Kapsowar Division of Marakwet District: Implications for Counselling. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Kirubi, Josephine Audry Maina (2005) An Investigation into the Incidents of Child Abuse in Kawangware Slum Area: Counselling Implications. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Kokera, Richman (2013) Factors Affecting the Emergency Management and Treatment of Aggressive and Violent Behaviour in a Mental Health Institution, Zimbabwe. MPhil thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Kwangu, Mwenya C. (2015) A Comparative Study of Prevalence of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency in Essential Hypertensive and Normotensive Adults Aged between 35 And 65 Years at the University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka, Zambia. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.


Legesse, Amsalework (2014) The Relationship between Test Anxiety and Academic Performance at Addis Ababa University Institute of Technology. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Lishomwa, Kingsley Mubita (2013) A Comparative Study of Guardians’/Parents’ Involvement into Orphaned and Non-Orphaned Children’s Education in Mongu District. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.


Macharia, Ann M. (2013) Teachers’ Knowledge of Identify Suicidal Behavior Risk Factors of Adolescents in Public Secondary Schools in Nyandarua South District, Nyandarua County, Kenya. Masters thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Maingi, Lydiah Wanjiru (2007) Certainty in Career Choice among Kenyatta University Students: Implications for Career Counseling. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Maiyo, Chepchumba Rael (2004) The Role of Clothing in Developing Self-Worth among Pre-Adolescents: A Case of Primary Schools in Kasarani Division, Nairobi Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Makasa, Justine Wickinson (2013) Percieved Levels of Occupational Stress among Basic School Teachers: A Case Study of Selected Lusaka Urban Schools. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Makau, Joyce Mwongeli (2004) A Study of Adolescents' Views on the Nature of Parents – Adolescents and Adolescents - Peer Relationship in Nairobi Province. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Mandera, Momanyi Lilian (2013) Perceptions of Teachers and Students Towards Guidanceand Counselling Services in Public Secondary Schools in Ongata Rongai and Ngong Zones of Kajiado North District, Kajiado County-Kenya. Masters thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Matanzonga, Bienvenu (2017) Salvation as Renewed Creation: Psychological and Theological Reconciliation in (Eastern) Congo. Licentiate thesis, Santa Clara University Berkeley, California.

Matheka, Teresia Mumbua (2014) Speaking the Unspeakable! Interrogating the Rights and Legal Recognition of Intersex Persons in Kenya. Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Mayabi, Mulamba Janerose (2015) Influence of School-Based Life Skills Education Programme on Students’ Sexual Behaviour in Secondary Schools in Nairobi and Busia Counties, Kenya. PhD thesis, Kabarak University.

Mbewe, Esau G. (2015) An Investigation of Teachers’, Pupils’ and Parents’ Perceptions towards the Use of Chinyanja as a Medium of Instruction at Lower Primary Schools: A Case of Selected Primary Schools in Lusaka District, Zambia. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Mbuzi, Anselimo Boniface (2012) Legal Societal System Intervention Trauma to Child Sexual Abuse Victims Following Disclosure in Lusaka Urban District, Zambia. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Mekonen, Hawi (2014) The Effect of Divorce on Adolescents’ Self-esteem: The Case of Adolescents at Federal First Instance Court. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Mekonnen, Kefelegn (2014) Perception of Female Domestic Workers in Addis Ababa about Risks of Illegal Migration to Middle East Countries. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Mekonnen, Yigzaw (2017) Practices, Effects and Challenges of Providing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Mezgebo, G/Mariam (2014) The Psychosocial Problems of Orphan Children in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church Sebeta Child Center: Its Implication for Counseling. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Mhizha, Samson (2010) The Self-Image of Adolescent Street Children in Harare. Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Mihretu, Awoke (2014) Problematic Khat Use: Case Definition and Impact among Khat Users in Addis Ababa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Minaye, Abebaw (2003) A Special Form of Child Abuse: Using Children for Begging and its Psychosocial Effects on the Behavior of Children. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Mintesinot, Meklit (2014) The Relationship of Parenting Style and Socioeconomic Status with Depression among Adolescent Patients of Amanuel Mental Specialized Hospital. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Misganaw, Amare (2015) The Effect of Academic Self-Efficacy and Achievement Motivation on Students’ Academic Achievement: It’s Implication for Counseling. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Moges, Tadios (2017) The Prevalence of Psychological Distress and Its Association with Socio-demographic and Psychosocial Factors among Secondary School Teachers in Addis Ababa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Mohammed, Riyadh (2011) Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy for Abused Children with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: The Case of Kechene Children’s Home and OPRIFS. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Mohamud, Mohamed (2015) Assessment of Barriers of Behavioral Change to Stop FGM Practice among Women of Kebri Beyah District, Somali Regional State, Eastern Ethiopia. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Molla, Getachew (2017) Risky Sexual Behaviours among Night School Students in Arada Sub-City. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Monde, Collins Wamundila (2015) Attitudes of Parents, Teachers and Adolescents on the Cultural Practice of Physical Punishment for Behaviour Management in Solwezi District. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Mukundu, Alexious (2013) The Incremental Validity of Cash Incentive Satisfaction over Affective Commitment, Procedural Justice and Leadership Trust in Predicting Organisational Citizenship Behaviors. Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Mulikelela, Siambo (2013) Challenges Faced by Second Graders during the Transitiion from the Language of Initial Literacy (Nyanja) to English: A Case of Selected Schools of Chongwe District, Zambia. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Mulu, Sofia (2014) Mothers Perception on Maternal Employment and its Impact on Mother-Child Relationship and Child’s School Competence. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Murinye, Simon (2011) The Relationship between the Big Three Personality Factors and Graduate Trainees’ Job Performance. Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Mutasa, Fungayi L. (2013) An Investigation into the Psychosocial Implications of Oculocutaneous Albinism: A Case Study of Manicaland Albino Association. Masters thesis, University of Zimbabwe.

Muthoka, Paul M. (2013) Prevalence of Drug and Substance Abuse among Secondary School Students in Nzaui District Makueni County, Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Mutinda, Joyce Daudi Nzulwa (2003) Motivational Factors Affecting Employees Work Performance and Professionalism: A Case of Public High School Teachers in Nairobi. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Muzamil, Abdulfatta (2014) Invisible Learning Needs and Perception of Inclusive Education in Kembershomo and Gomoro Primary Schools; Misrak Azernet Berbere Woreda. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Mvungu, Eunice Njeri (2004) An Investigation into the Effectiveness of Rehabilitation Programmes in Selected Centres of Former Street Children and Adolescents in Nairobi, Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Mwakodi, Abijah Wakio (2011) The Practice of Organizational Psychology in Civil Society Organizations: A Case Study of International Committee of the Red Cross. Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.

Mwanamukubi, Linda (2013) Reading Difficulties in Grade Six Learners and Challenges Faced by Teachers in Teaching Reading: A Case of Chadiza and Chipata Districts, Zambia. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Mwangi, Rose Njoki (2014) Psychosocial Challenges and Adjustment of Widows of HIV and AIDS Partners: A Case Study of Mugunda Location, Nyeri County, Kenya. Masters thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Mwanza, Sylvia (2011) A Comparative Study on Reading Performance of Pupils with Preschool and Non-preschool in Relation to the New Break Through to Literacy: A case of selected schools in Lusaka. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Mwanza-Kabaghe, Sylvia (2015) Preschool, Executive Functions and Oral Language as Predictors of Literacy and Numeracy Skills in First Grade. PhD thesis, University of Zambia.


Namangala, Phanwell Himulambo (2002) Sources and Patterns of Stress among Teachers: The Case of Lusaka Secondary Schools. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Nanyangwe, Latria (2013) Familial Correlates of Delinquent Behaviour among School Going Adolescents in Chingola, Zambia. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Negasi, Reda Darge (2014) Family Characterstics as the Moderators of the Relationship between Late Adolescents’ Psychological Constructs and Interrogative Suggestibility in Bahir Dar City Administration. PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Ngenda, Ignatius (2011) Construct Validity of the Panga Munthu Test: A Cross-Sectional Study of Early Childhood Years in Zambia (4 - 6 Years). Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Ngulube, Naboth Marks John (2010) Birth Order and Psychological Functioning First Born Male Children in Matrilineal Society-Zambia the Nsenga Case. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Nkhata, Leonard (2010) Guidance Services in Boarding High Schools in Southern Province, Zambia. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Nshimbi, J. Chomba (2011) Children's Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties in the Context of Child Labour: The Case of Lusaka Urban District. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Nthangi, Agnes (2005) Attitudes towards Abortion among University Undergraduate Students in Two Selected Public Universities in Kenya: Implications for Counselling. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Nyamgero, Wilfred Albert (2007) An Investigation into the Factors Inhibiting Entrepreneurial Behaviour among the Subsistence Maize Farmers: A Case of Siaya District. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.


Obsie, Sisay (2015) Pastoral Counseling Services in Some Selected E.O.T.C of Addis Ababa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Oburenyi, Eldah Ochieng (2017) Utilization of Contraceptives among Undergraduate Students in Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST). Masters thesis, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology.

Odhiambo, Edwin Onyango (2024) A Christian Perspective on Happiness: Positive Psychology and Rahner’s Theology of Grace in The Quest for Meaning. Masters thesis, Santa Clara University.

Ogutu, Joel J. P. (2017) Influence of Self-Efficacy, Academic Self-Concept and Peer Pressure on Career Decision Making among Secondary School Students in Kenya. PhD thesis, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology.

Omer, Shemshedin (2009) Utilization of HIV Counseling and Testing Service and Predictors of Intention to Use It among Teachers of Harari Region. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Otieno, Cyprine Akeyo Awiti (2015) Student’s Views of Perceived Teacher Characteristics and their Influence on Moral Competence of Public Secondary School Students in Westland District, Nairobi County. PhD thesis, Tangaza University College, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Owakah, Francis E A (2007) A Critique of the Culture of Philosophy: Challenges and Opportunities for Philosophy in Africa. Masters thesis, University of Nairobi.


Sampa, Peter Chanda (2005) Sources and Effects of Anxiety on Academic Performance Among Grade Seven Pupils: A Case of Luanshya District. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Seid, Almaz (2014) Assessment of Nurses’ Perceptions and Barriers on Evidence Based Practice Implementation in Clinical Practice in Tikure Anbessa Specialized Hospital. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Shai, Friedland (2015) A Systemic Conceptualisation of Members’ Experiences of an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Support Group. Masters thesis, University Of South Africa.

Shanzi, Geoffrey (2016) The Nature and Implementation of the Expanded Core Curriculum in Selected Special Secondary Schools for the Visually Impaired in Lusaka and Chipata Districts of Zambia. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Shibeshi, Haftu Zinabie (2015) Sources of Conflict between Parents and Adolescents: In Dejach Belay Zeleke Secondary School. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Shiferaw, Yimer (2016) A Qualitative Research on Views, Types, Causes and Management Techniques of Conflict between High School Teachers and Administrators at Three Selected Schools in Addis Ababa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Sinengela, Meyamui (2016) Guidance and Counselling Activities for Preventing the Challenges Faced by Adolescents in Selected Secondary Schools in Choma District of Southern Zambia. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

Sitota, Galata (2014) The Relationship between Adolescents’ Family Structures and their Academic Achievement Motivation of Sebeta Senior Secondary School Students. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Solomon, Abel (2015) Adolescents’ Prosocial Behavior and its Relationships to Parenting Style and Peer Pressure Among Addis Ababa High School Students. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Solomon, Abel (2015) Adolescents’ Prosocial Behavior and its Relationships to Parenting Style and Peer Pressure among Addis Ababa High School Students. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.


Tafesse, Fikru (2007) General Practitioners’ Beliefs about the Provision of Behavioral HIV Risk Assessment and Prevention Counseling to Patients: Theory of Planed Behavior. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Tamiru, Girma (2014) Examining HIV/AIDS Related Risk Behavior Experiences of Men Having Sex with Men (MSM) in Addis Ababa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Teferi, Tinsae (2016) Psychosocial Challenges and Coping Strategies of Domestic Adoptive Parents. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Telila, Abiy (2014) Work Related Stress and Coping Strategies of Ministry of Defense Central Command Referral Hospital Military Health Workers. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Terefe, Natnael (2015) Perceived Stress, Coping, and Resilience of Ethiopian Women Labor Migrant Returnees from the Middle East Countries. PhD thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Terfassa, Gemechu (2014) Emotional Intelligence, Prosocial Behaviour and Acadamic Achievment of Undergraduate Students in Addis Ababa University. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Tesfatsion, Amare Gebru (2015) Accommodating the Needs of SWVI in Ethiopian National Examination. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Tesfaye, Abel (2009) The Counseling Relationship from the Perspective of Juvenile Offenders: A Descriptive Phenomenological Study. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Teshome, Aklilu (2016) Perception, Knowledge & Attitude towards Menopause among Middle Aged Women in Gulele Sub-city, Addis Ababa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Teshome, Martha (2015) The Prevalence of Gender Stereotypical Attitude among Adolescents. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Tiga, Gebre Kibru (2005) Hepatitis C Virus and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Coinfection among Attendants of Voluntary Counseling and Testing Center, and HIV Follow Up Clinics at Tikur Anbessa Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Tippens, Julie A. (2016) Psychosocial Health and Wellbeing in an Environment of Risk: A Mixed Methods Exploration of Urban Congolese Refugee Resilience in Kenya. PhD thesis, The University of Arizona.


Wafula, Elizabeth Nasambu (2017) Contribution of Psychosocial Support Group in Improving Quality of Life among Female Breast Cancer Patients in Faraja, Nairobi County-Kenya. Masters thesis, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology.

Waititu, Pauline (2013) Psychosocial Challenges Facing Integrated Learners with Physical Disabilities in Selected Mainstream Secondary Schools: A Case of Ol’kalou District in Nyandarua County, Kenya. Masters thesis, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Wambugu, Jennifer W. (2014) Effects of Drawing Approach and Class Setting on Symbolism of Children's Drawings on Conflict Experiences: A Study of Primary School Pupils in Nairobi County, Kenya. PhD thesis, Kenyatta University.

Wanjiru, Nelliahs W. (2014) Parental Involvement and Its Influence in Learning Process: A Case Study of Kambui Primary School for the Deaf, Kiambu County, Kenya. Masters thesis, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Wasike, Hedwick N. (2017) Parent-Adolescent Communication on Sexual and Reproductive Health among Secondary School Students in Sirisia Sub-County, Kenya. Masters thesis, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology.

Wassie, Workie Tiruneh (2016) The Influence of Work Environment on Job Satisfaction of Nurses at Black Lion Specialized Hospital. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Waweru, Veronica Njoki (2013) Relationship between Parent-Child Communication about Alcohol and Adolescent's Usage among High School Students in Nairobi County, Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University.

Woldeamanual, Seble (2014) Acculturation Experiences among Ethiopian Diaspora in USA: The Case of Las Vegas, Nevada. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Woldemichael, Abel (2015) Family Functioning and Coping Behaviors among Parents of Children with Autism: The case of Joy and Nehemiah Centers. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.


Yadessa, Tsige (2015) Motivational Factors among Volunteers: The Case of Rotaract Clubs in Addis Ababa. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Yilma, Sebsibe (2002) Some Major Determinants of Job Satisfaction among Employees of Oromia Head and Zonal Cooperative Promotion Offices. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Yimer, Eyob (2014) The Relationship between Conjugal Visitation and Family Bonding among Incarcerated People. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Yohannes, Abrehet Berhe (2014) Ocio-Demographic and Work Related Factors as Correlates of Stress and Burnout Among Nurses in Black Lion Hospital. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Yonoka, Muse (2014) Social Skills and Psychological Wellbeing of Adolescents in Monogamous and Polygamous Marriage Structures: The Case of Sidama Community. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Yusuf, Ahmed (2013) Assessment of Factors Affecting Counseling Services Provided in Non-Profit and For-Profit Organizations. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.


Zelelew, Abebe Kassaye (2017) The Role of Performance Management Practice on Employees Motivation: The Case of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Zena, Bersufekad (2015) Factors Contributing to Marital Satisfaction in Kolfe Keranio, Addis Ababa in the Case of Woreda 13 and Woreda 15. Masters thesis, Addis Ababa University.

Zimba, Wilson (2013) The Psychological Impact of Child Sexual Abuse on Primary Caregivers in Lusaka, Zambia. Masters thesis, University of Zambia.

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